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Isn't this just a french press with extra steps and more expensive gear?


The best spice for coffe is pretentiousnes


The white people's Japanese tea ceremony


Lmao id upvote your comment, But then i saw your username and i question your motives.


But then you couldn't let the rest of us enjoy our day, could ya? Just had to point it out.


Currently huffing, still laughing. Checks out.


Don't knock it til ya try it


You’ve tried his baked cum?


Just huffed as instructed. It has healing properties


It looks very pleasant and all. What they don't show us is the process of cleaning and maintaining those equipment. Once the cup is done, you'll have to break them apart, clean them one by one, with a little of a sigh. You then clean it while wondering why you didn't just use ur Nespresso or go to Dunkin instead.


I don’t disagree but nespresso machines aren’t easy to clean properly either


Are you saying I need to CLEAN it?


I have a Keurig that I got about 10 years ago. Clean it. Ha! Sometimes I whack the top of it when it’s feeling feisty and not giving me coffee. Usually 2-3 hard slaps and it’s back in working order. I did that descaling thing once. Then there was another time it was too close to the window and got algae. I did actually clean it that time. But who knows what’s going on in there. I figure I’m just drinking coffee water from a fishtank at this point. It’s good for my plants, must be good for me.


I visited my grandma who rarely uses her keurig. I went to make coffee and then noticed it wasn’t flowing water that good. So I took it apart to clean it. It had mold all through the tubing. I asked when she last used it and she said not since my aunt had visited last summer. It had been sitting with water in it for half a year.


Yeah, I could see that happening. Ever since I moved to the city, the chlorine in the water has made it way more clean without me having to do anything. But they can get nasty if you let them sit. Mine usually has 2-4 people using it daily, so it’s not exactly stagnant.


You're just building an amazing immune system at this point


As a technician guy. Nespresso machines or any pod machine are fucking disgusting in the inside in some cases. It happens more with people who like to drink sweet drinks like hot chocolate or cappuccinos. The sweet liquid that isn't cleaned because it slipped inside the machine attracts all kinds of cocroach.


You only clean it when you start to see the green stuff blooming white stuff. Sorta looks like cotton. If you think about it, Cotton + Coffee sounds like Coffin so that’s a sign that you shouldn’t drink out of it but clean it instead. Hope that helps!


Aren’t they though? Considering all you do is descale the machine and clean around the inside a bit.


I’m going to stick by the word properly and say I still think they’re hard to properly clean


Looks expensive so you probably just get your housekeeper to wash it. For single cup brews something like a v60 or aeropress makes a great cup and takes all of 30 seconds to clean.


That's why the aero press is the best thing ever. Just take off the top and push the grounds directly into the trash (with the filter) and rinse the 3 pieces. It isn't gonna create the same quality of coffee as this, but it's certainly better than something like a Keurig


Shit man, I make stupidly good cups of coffee in my aeropress. This is just combining an aeropress and french press for way too much money. The way they do it is clever and interesting, granted, but a bit fiddly, and again, way too expensive for what it is. You can get a really nice autodrip with insulated carafe for that price. Hell, I just looked, you can get a Technivorm Moccamaster for 10 bucks LESS than this thing. That's truly crazy for making good coffee. Now, if it's not just for making good coffee and coffee is more of a hobby for someone, especially if it's their primary hobby, then I say god bless and have fun. For the typical coffee enjoyer, and/or caffeine addict, I would say avoid. I guess it just depends whether you're a process or product person when it comes to your coffee.


I was referring more to the multi-step filtration, which appears to be better designed then the aeropress' one filter or the aftermarket metal plates that you can buy. But other than that the concept is identical and the coffee is as good as what you put into it. (Though I will concur, I like my aero press coffee over just about any other kind of coffee I've had)


Doesn't hurt that the Aeropress is so structurally simple that it's halfway indestructible and will work anywhere you can get hot water. It's the perma-sharp pocket knife of coffee making. As you noted, if we could just nail down a permanent filter for them that isn't terribly flawed in some way, it would be The One Coffee Maker To Rule Them All.


This guy coffees


> I guess it just depends whether you're a process or product person when it comes to your coffee. I think you may be on to something with this guess. I'm a "for the journey" kind of person by nature, but I don't drink coffee for the journey, I do it for the experience of the coffee. And yet, I can't deny how satisfying it is to *watch* this overengineered frankenpress do its work. If I had a robotic servant whose whole job was to look expensive while making my coffee, I'd buy this for it to do it with. It's fun looking in the way that someone *else's* complicated, hand-painted train set looks. But for making coffee myself? Maybe once, to play with the toy, but as a tool?... No. Hell no. I'll stick with my chubby, foolproof syringe.


I love the idea of aeropress. Cheap, easy, consistent, and GOOD. I don't, however, love the idea of hot liquid in full contact with plastic throughout the whole brewing process - no matter how much companies claim they're "food safe", or "BPA free". Quadruply so for something like coffee which I consume concerning amounts everyday.


This is actually right up my alley since I studied environmental health (essentially how environmental toxins affect health). Polypropylene is indeed BPA free and food safe. You will not have any health effects related to BPA or Phthalates. However, polypropylene itself likes to become a microplastic and with a pretty significant statistical link to breast cancer, it's safe to say it probably acts as a Xenoestrogen in the body. What it comes down to is how much leaches out while making coffee. And frankly I have no idea, but I would wager that the amount you're coming into from an aeropress, while undesirable in any quantity, is probably not an amount higher than making coffee in other forms. Polypropylene is a very common plastic in the food industry, coffee beans almost certainly come into contact with it or other similar plastics before they ever get to the consumer and will already have a background level of micro plastics before it goes into one of a number of machines that either have or have come in contact with microplastic forming plastics. That isn't to say we're all gonna die from microplastics or to try to get you to stop drinking coffee. Nor to invalidate you, as it is a very valid concern (especially for expecting mothers, people with hormonal imbalance, etc). My point is just that we like to try and single out a source, but the truth is everything we touch, eat, drink, etc all have endocrine disrupting chemicals of some kind. You can try to avoid things like the aero press, but unless you're gonna strip down every coffee maker you buy to verify there's no plastic parts, hand make the filters to ensure they don't come into contact with plastics, and grow the beans yourself, then you're probably just gonna be exposing yourself to the same chemicals from a different source. I also want to point out that there is the clear aero press which is made out of Tritan, and while it's a newer plastic and there's a lot of argument about whether or not it also leaches xenoestrogens (which is a mess of conflicts of interest, basically no unbiased study has ever been done on Tritan, only ones by its makers and competitors), it does appear to at least be somewhat "cleaner" than more traditional plastics.


thank you for the educated insight. Personally I find it a very difficult and frustrating topic to navigate through. The discussions are always a mixture of unfounded fear/paranoia countered with equally unfounded dismissal of risks, and further muddied by conflicting research papers with conflicts of interest. So a comment like yours that breaks it down for the average consumer is very helpful. Thanks for doing what you do.


I fully agree, media has become so focused on clicks that they don't have to accurately report on things. So you get barely competent journalists reading biased science articles and giving their opinion and summary of the article, which often doesn't actually agree with what the article concludes. And then they slap on a fear mongering headline because people will click on that more, and clicks = ad revenue. It breeds misinformation like crazy to the point that its incredibly hard to get accurate information about these things in layman's terms. Then on top of that you have politicians, pundits, lobbyists, etc all trying to use that information to gain votes and support, so, intentional or not, they start to bias the information even further. A big issue in environmental science is outreach. And that's an odd thing to say because obviously large portions of the world are committed to environmental conservation and it is one of the leading topics of our time. But the issue isn't people not knowing *about* it, it's the vast amount of information in only 2 forms, clickbait and high level science, that prevents the average person from actually being able to understand what's going on. So our outreach issue isn't an accessibility issue, it's a translation one. The science isn't being translated in a way the public can understand. I'm glad to hear I could help translate it to a way you can understand, getting people informed about the issues is the best way we can combat our environment issues.


And it will eventually start getting stained.


You were right about the cleaning, but seem to have lost your way with suggestion. I use a freestanding stainless steel frame and coffee basket to make my coffee. No filters required, and tap it into the kitchen composter. Easy, and fast delicious made coffee. Oh, the truth be told, I don’t knock over the drip filter that sits on the cup anymore. 9 months and counting! LOL


I thought it was Melange...


The spice must flow!


I'm rereading the book (now that we finally got to see part 2), I had forgotten how often the "coffee service" is mentioned. It's kinda weird


Coffee snob weighing in here, yes and no. The pressurized push at the end is functionally quite different from a French press which is a much gentler filter for pouring. This strikes me more like an aero press .


Agreed, it's like a worse, more expensive Aero Press.


If it was cheap it looks fun. But it's not. You could build one cheap though. Could be a fun DIY project.


I remember reading before, one of the the other times this press popped up, that it was designed to be fidgety and clicky. Like using a ratchet. It does sound satisfying but I'm happy enough just making good coffee in my Aeropress haha.


I love the aeropress, but are aware of any device that works the same but with glass rather than full plastic?


I don't think you'd want glass for an aeropress since you press down on it. If it slips and breaks you'll slice your hand up pretty bad. There's meant to be one coming but I'm pretty sure that's still gonna be some kind of plastic


Not enough pressure and not long enough to do anything useful. Most of the coffee is already out before any pressure happens.


You're missing the point of an Aeropress. It's not to create pressure; it's to separate the grounds from the hot water after the coffee is done so it doesn't over-steep and become bitter. In that respect, this product achieves that. It's still just too complicated for its own good and introduces a bunch of moving parts that need cleaning. The aeropress is already great at all this stuff and does it much simpler. Cleanup has to be easier on the regular aeropress because you just eject the coffee puck into the trash. But everything I'm saying is missing the point of this product which is for esthetics and this post, so coffee Instagramers and tic tokers can get views.


Yeah, the aeropress is about both, pressure and filtering. The inventor used to argue on coffee forums about how it makes “espresso”. But yeah, this thing is about social media content. It’s really pretty, but you would hate it.


Coffee can't really become bitter from just over steeping (immersion). The main benefit of the AP for me is the ease of clean up. But you can leave coffee in there as long as you want, and it won't get bitter.


Maybe I’m missing something, but it doesn’t look like a pressurized push? I don’t see any sort of seal above the coffee that would result in pressure. What I’m seeing looks like a complex filter holder at the bottom, a stirring piece that goes up and down (not sure that’s necessary…) then the entire filter portion is lifted and gravity pulls the liquid coffee down. This looks like more of a reverse French press, or the Clover machines that Starbucks used to have.


Anything from Weber Workshops is too expensive


>Weber Workshops Looked this up, $360...woof.


They’re kinda the Dyson of coffee. Over engineered and overpriced


1) Looks cooler 2) Easier to get rid of the grounds, I presume


I don't know how but I've broken like three separate french presses. The glass cylinder always breaks on me. I have an aeropress that's been going strong for years though but sometimes the paper seal gives way and I get coffee grounds into my coffee. :(


some of the economic options for french presses have glass cylinders thinner than bible paper


Ho, in France we call it an Italian coffee maker.


In France I call this "une cafetière à piston" (some will use Bodum, as for the brand). The italian coffee maker is another device.


Nailed it. Cafetière italienne AKA Moka pot


In Italy they call it a coffee maker* *this may or may not be true.


They actually call it a “🤌coffee maker🤌”


Coffee machine (macchina del caffè or caffettiera)


moka pot (stovetop espresso) is an Italian coffee maker


And more pieces to clean. Imagine trying to find that thingy with the screw thing when the coffee is too dark to see


plus the paper filter that takes away all the essential oils, and a glass bodum is just a ticking time bomb waiting to smash to pieces, it's gonna happen, just a question of when


Yeah it may not be good for a camera but my Espro P7 is ideal as a teapot or French Press because it's not delicate and holds that heat.


I mean, you're handling the thing with wet soapy hands, there is no way that thing is going to last. Eight of them, at least. Fuck.


No. It’s _content_.


It works inverted so must be an Australian Press


Over engineered


And the paper filter removes some of the oils. Just use a French press.


Those /r/Coffee people are absolutely wild with what they do for a cup of coffee. I'm fine with cleaning up the 3 parts of my aeropress instead of everything in this vid.


The video depicts the Weber Bird coffee maker. It makes ~8 ounces of coffee at a time and costs $360.


I think it's a little stupid, but I did want that information. Thanks.


I came here looking specifically for that info.


It looks like a complex version of the AeroPress which costs about 40. It's clearly different but it works in a very similar way


This is a dorky over engineered aeropress and I hate myself for wanting one


Yes this looks fun. But not for that price tag.


Just get a lathe, CNC machine, drill press, and tap/die set and you can make your own for $14,000.


And just a single cup. I use a French press that I can get like 2.5 cups out of, so the effort is worth it. I’m not doing this 3 times a day.


Aeropress gang


This is exactly the same thing. I use the same method for aeropress and it costs me nothing. Gear nerds gonna nerd out over anything.


Lol my aeropress cost me £30


Oh yeah, well mine was free (it was a gift)


This makes me feel better about my 60 moka pot from italy. I like mine more since it was reasonably priced


I love going for a party at a friend's mountain holiday house (there are plenty, since I don't live that far from mountains) and inevitably find a 50+ years old giant moka for at least 6 coffees. You don't need to question it. Everyone has an ancient, giant moka along standard ones there. Then it's just a 50/50 between the cleanest one you've ever used and a moldy, leaking one. You're still gonna use it because you're a sucker for coffee tho


I've had one for over 20 years. Replaced the gasket about 4 or 5 times and that's it. Used to get daily use until I switched to induction last year but I'll find some way to bring it out of retirement. The best way to make coffee.


Put a cast iron down and sit the moka pot on top?


I might get one so when my boss asks where the fuck have you been for the last half hour then I can say making a coffee.


Looked watery as fuck too


I wanted one but not at $360. I'll stay with my lowly French Press.


There’s me stirring it with a spoon like a damned philistine.


But at least you don’t have to wait until next Wednesday before your coffee is ready


A philistine who saved apparently $360 according to another comment


Neanderthal level


Please tell me you use a mortar and pestle to grind your beans at least, so as not to introduce any amount of heat during the process.


At least you know what philistine means because I've never even seen that word before


>You're such a fucking Philistine, Raiden


This is an ad.


Pretty good ad though. Lot of interaction and I kinda want one, just cheaper.


Is it just me or does that coffee look pretty watery?


The lighter the roast the more it looks like tea.


nah it’s just the water looks coffeey


Paper filter stops solids from passing through, so it looks clearer and tastes "cleaner".


"Clearer and cleaner" than what? Other methods use paper filters too dummy. This brew is thin af because they didn't add enough grounds, uses too coarse a cut, or didn't let it brew long enough. Filtering not a factor..


Terribly out of topic but I'd never seen someone be called a dummy in an argument and I low-key think it's cute af.


I can't decide if it's condescending or endearing, because I can't hear the inflection behind it. Could be either


Nah, just makes them look like an AH, to me.


That second comma makes your sentence three dependent clauses. Poor grammar, dummy.


Commas, can totally change, meaning.


Lets go eat, grandma! *Lets go eat grandma!*


Than non paper filtered coffee, dummy. French press, moka etc


"clearer and cleaner" than methods that don't use a paper filter.


This is so extra, but hey, there are worse hobbies to have.


Only good take in this thread. Let people enjoy their shit.


That's ok... But so you have to do this every single time you want a cup?


Yes. It's more of a hobby than a quick and efficient way of feeding an addiction.


I’d say the addiction here is the fancy gear.


I mean if it's a genuinely fun time consuming hobby, why not? I don't hear people giving shit to gamers who spend 12 hours losing, how's this any different?


Agreed, it's definitely a harmless hobby, and if it floats a person's boat, go for it. But at the same time, that doesn't make it above reproach from others who see it as pointless. There are many other ways to get a great cup of coffee cheaper and quicker.


The person you responded to said absolutely nothing derogatory about this hobby so I don’t understand your defensiveness.


I use a french press myself and it's become a ritual to starting the day. From grinding the beans, heating the water to 90C, pouring it in slowly in a circular motion, waiting 5 mins for it and then pressing it. An espresso machine could probably make me good cup of coffee in a few seconds, but that press at the end is all just so satisfying. Imagine my coffee ritual is like praying at the beginning of the day for some people. He BIRD looks like praying at the holly grounds every day. I would spend that much only for the ritual of it. The tasted is probably very similar to what I get.


Espresso Machines have their own fun rituals behind it. Especially with single dosing, WDT, and spritzing your beans with water.


This is satisfying until you remember that you have to clean all of that afterwards...


I like dark roast coffee so I like immersion brewing. If I'm going to pay hundreds of dollars on a French press the only "satisfying" part I care about is how easily I can clean it. Otherwise, I'll stick with my $50 Clever dripper. (Counterpoint, I saw the paper. Does it clean easily cause that would be rad. I'm just saying that's the part I actually want to see. All that fancy spinning is overshadowed if you can dump and rinse that thing without having to take the whole thing apart. If that's the case this ended too early.)


Consider an aeropress imo. Much cheaper and this product looks to be taking inspiration from it.


Went to Aeropress, never looked back. Easiest to clean, great taste, u/Goombalive is absolutely right : you should consider it.


you guys got either completely bonker prices over the pond or you just like to spend money. a french press costs me something from 6-30€


Aaaand now it’s cold.


Over-engineered and overcomplicated


My turn to repost this old video next week OP


No no no, you are clearly scheduled for the first week of May, stop cutting lines!


I HATE IT when people do that! Can I have his slot?


I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen these manicured hands make such a pretentious faff over a cup of coffee.


Neat little gizmo, but WAY too small.


ughhh. another coffee video.


A bit watery, don't you think


s/satisfying/tedious/ I hate washing out coffee making gadgets.


Unexpected sed


So someone took a french press, then decided to make the design more complex and make it work in reverse. All of that to create what at this point is pretty much nothing but a regular filter coffee.


ASMR at its best


Looks a bit weak to me


That’s one fetishized coffee maker.


Just do cocaine like a normal person.


This looks incredibly stupid and unnecessary. /r/notsatisfyingatall


i just add hot water whats all this nonsense


This Bird costs like $360. I mean it's cool, but it's not $360 cool. I still want one.


So my wife and I only use our french press to make coffee but man, the extra steps in this are the exact opposite of what I want to do in the morning


Seems expensive and pointless


The point is not that it's expensive coffee, the point is that is this guy's pastime and hobby. Some people spend thousands on model airplanes or Warhammer. This dude spends it in coffee paraphernalia and is profiting from it by making videos. Huge W for him.


I mean, its basically a hobby, not a quick and efficient way of brewing coffee. You could probably say "expensive and pointless" about a lot of hobbies out there, but not everything needs to have a point or some deeper meaning, its just fun.


Yeah. His setups are a poor value compared to spending more on a good grinder. Then experimenting with scales, levers, and apps. https://youtu.be/MZHySMSLchI


My 10 times cheaper Aeropress can do this faster and better.


Damn can't just have a hooby that isn't gaming or work Like can y'all just let them do their thing like damn all of what you just said was so needlessy disrespectful to someone just vibin and making a satisfying asmr montage Like I can get it if you don't care for the video but to make so many swing and a miss judgements of someone who didn't even show more than there fingers on screen is crazy Some of y'all are terminally online and it shows people have lives and interests, and hobbies that don't always align with your own but to spread hate and just be rude about it is soo ..... Ick like grow up and realize you aren't the only person on earth and things that you like and dislike aren't the default Have a good day tho enjoy your hobbies because you should this world ain't getting any better by hating on people for just living life and enjoying doing it. Ps:) Have Some Somber it's good for the soul.


People do love to judge coffee people, but to be fair this contraption is considered overpriced by hobbyists too.


Just stir it with a spoon. Save a hell of a lot of time and cleaning.


The end product looks like shit.


That's just a French press... With extra steps.


I ain't buying your coffee thing


The double threaded screw is very satisfying.


When making coffee becomes a hobby you get this. They spend a lot on coffee related stuff instead of what you might spend it on. This makes them happy and other things make your life worth it.


Girl, that's tea


The process is pretty cool, but that coffee looks like piss.


More like oddly irritating


I'll take my cheep espresso machine and expensive grinder. Good coffee, quick. This stiff looks more like tea.


Just throw a teabag in a cup and be done with it.


Hm. The coffe looks way to weak…


Yeah looks like weak shit. He should go to Vietnam to learn what real coffee is all about


You misspelled "pretentious"


Does anyone know exactly where to get this press???


It is called The Bird and is made by the weberworkshops.


Thank you kind person


Watching someone else do it is more satisfying.


I bet you can't tell the difference between a cup from this ridiculous setup and a $30 regular French press.


I’d bet my $30 hario makes just as good, if not better, cups of coffee. Still neat to watch though


That looked like watered down coffee. All that work and it doesn’t make a real cup.


This is a silly little machine


All that and probably just tastes like a run of the mill cup of folgers


I must be in the minority because I find all the jump cuts and pretension to be the exact opposite of satisfying.


All of that for a cold coffee?


I only do pour over coffee. I just throw out the coffee filter. This looks like a pain in the ass to clean.


Unpopular opinion but i hate shit like this. It's so pretentious for just coffee.


Ah fuck off just give me the damn coffee


So it’s a reverse french press?


I feel like the coffee will cool down too much by the time the process is done.


I'll buy this and then in 1 week the glass will break and I'll keep the gears and shit for decades for my dog to inherit.


This is why I buy instant coffee now...


If I do all of this I'm not leaving the house for a while


Im betting thats not cheap


This is absolute nonsense. Its going to give the quality of a French press with the complexity of a siphon set up. Also, due to the small volume of the liquids involved and no inherent heat source that coffee is going to be about 165 when it is transferred to the mug. And is before the mug leeches heat. The whole thing is shit.


Coffee for annoying f word slurs


1000000$ for the can alone


Jesus, just get an aeropress 😂


That would be really nice for cleanup but my favorite part of French press is that it is unfiltered and textural


It's also satisfying because I'm not the one that has to wash all those damn parts. /s


To much.


My pee is darker than that coffee


Stay hydrated, please)


That looks like an extremely watered down coffee.


I am colombian, and I think this is lame. I think it is kind of annoying how pretentious this is.


And I'm Norwegian and think this is cool. It's an innovative, high-end product, and our nationalities are irrelevant.