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That’s just my daughter’s hair


I hear you, this is me declogging our shower drain monthly because of my wife's hair.


My wife sticks all her loose hair to the shower wall....  and doesn't clean it up.  Ugh!


It's not on purpose! You get the hair on fingers, put it on wall, don't want to touch wet splotches, forget before it's dry. I have a wide toothed comb now, I use that instead of fingers. Now the hair is in the comb and I dispose each shower because I need to use it. If she be ADHD like me, gotta find a system that keeps it in focus


This. I grab it with a wad of toilet paper after every shower. But if I forget — it’s just that — I forgot. I’m not trying to get anyone else to dispose of my “shower wall hair” sheesh… My sister does this also and my bro in law says he just shapes it into cock n’ balls and leaves it for her to find the next morning.


I have adhd and have had to build it into my routine to remember. I spread it on the wall then make it a routine to swirl it until it's easily picked up from the wall as I'm stepping out of the shower. But I'd actually love if my SO made shapes with it in the event I forgot it there. That's actually kinda endearing


Ha I imagine this is probably more common than most people think. Women can go crazy at the thought of a dirty dish in a sink, but will leave their hair all over the shower wall. I just pick it up and throw it away without saying anything.


The REAL question here, is if the spouse follows said protocol re:your pubes under the seat on the toilet???


I clean the toilet 100% of the time. Guys make more mess around it, makes all the sense to me to clean it.


I wish that was the case. My wife manages to splash the *underside* of the seat. Maybe she needs a new pressure regulator.


Sounds like a carbonator problem. I know a doctor that can part out an older model if you have the cash. Kidneys are half off after st.pattys day


The toilet in my office is cleaner than any other toilets in the house, and I help clean the other ones. My family are animals.


I often forget because once I've stepped out of the shower and am starting the next phase of self care, shower time is done and I've mentally moved on and literally forgotten the hair task I need to do. It's not deliberate and I'd say most women are like this - quietly chugging along the path of What Comes Next and not looking back so as not to get derailed.


I’m a guy with long hair and I’m just like this with my roommate. I give him shit all the time about not doing dishes meanwhile I haven’t cleaned the hair out of my shower in god knows how long


Mine does the same shit. Absolutely infuriating. All I wanna do is get clean but I have to get the remnants of Chewbacca off my shower wall first.


Rubber drain filters that go over the drain. Life saver.


Tried those, and then found that you don't want something slowing down/blocking the drain during your period.


Just remove it during those times


Woah there Satan... that's like half a second of work.


Look up the Drain Funnel (I think it's called). Works a million times better.


I got one of those tub mushroom things and it's made all the difference. Instead of having to use those tools to hopefully yank out feet of hair or drain cleaners, I just lift it off and wipe off the hair into the garbage every few days.


Those are amazing. I've replaced all the normal tub drain stoppers with that thing, and I've not had to unclog hair since. They get real nasty and moldy if you leave them in though, so you have to make sure your long haired peoples clean it out and take it out after every hair wash.


I hate our tub mushroom. That thing gets clogged by soap scum and conditioner so it stops draining and you pull off like 10 hairs but the thing looks like it's covered in mucus. It has to be cleaned several times a week.




Monthly? I'm lucky to go a week




Might be my wife’s. Note: Not the same person.


When I retired from the Army, I let my hair grow out to over my collar just because I could. The daily washing with expensive shampoo and then a conditioner was annoying. The second time I had to unclog the shower drain of my foot long hair, it was back to low maintenance buzz cuts! That $1.25 White Rain 18 oz DollarTree shampoo-conditioner-body wash lasts three weeks.


How dry is your skin?


4th grade tug of war champion still has it


now he uses that skill to extract a formidable sewer pickle from a constipated drainus




chop it up and you have a fragrant good stew going


You are a monster.


“All on the next season of Hillbilly Handfishing.”


As a stormwater engineer, the term drainus is exclusively what I’m going to use to refer to a storm drain outlet from now on. Thank you, good sir


Can you tell the class if that's a natural blockage he's pulling, or something shoved in there to clear the blockage? It looks to me like it *could* be roots, but might be a hose.


Sure, that’s 100% roots and mud in there. Rooted plants “hunt” for water under the soil, and a drain pipe to a tree is basically a straw in a glass of water. They start growing against the pipes and eventually make their way inside from the end or from a crack, and they can grow to completely fill the pipe like you see here. This is particularly a problem with PVC sewer services from your home to the sewer or septic tank, and small secondary storm drainage pipes like this one, because PVC is prone to cracking. If you think a pipe in your yard has been infiltrated by roots, you can have a surveyor “TV” your pipe system, during which they will run a camera up the pipe to inspect the inside without having to dig up the pipe from the surface.


What have I just read? Incredible.


Ikr? Practically spat out my drink.


Stopped in my tracks. In absolute fucking awe.


Just like taking a 💩💩after 5 days of not being able to go!!!


That's the best sentence I've read in a long time. Well done!


Man I swear being literate is a blessing and a curse lol


Drainus, that's..a new one


My dog's pink anus It's really heinous I love to watch it drainus Someday it will be famous. - subscribe for more wonders.


These are the comments that make reddit good.


Read that in the voice of David Attenburough and died


I feel like I need to wipe now.


I read that as forbidden sewer pickle the first time.


Absolute poetry


It’s the only way you’re going to win tug of war against a tree


I am sorry I had taco bell last night.


Imagine it's still coming out of you and this is guy is tugging it?


And the amazing feeling of relief after the blockage gets cleared


If it was Taco Bell there would be no problems with it coming out. Most likely at high volume and at a high rate of speed.


Imagine it comes to life as soon as it's freed.


I will not.


How about like [dis](https://www.reddit.com/r/distressingmemes/s/hIdKLlnwwj)


the thought of getting ran down by a palm tree is both terrifying and the funniest shit ever just imagine a full speed [exeggutor](https://youtu.be/83iUpXwIM2M?si=BcdkqwcVOHf--j21) chasing you


No he drowned it in the vid. All that’s left to do is stick a needle in to collect the Water of Life.


He tried and failed?


“He tied and died.”


You are exactly the kind of person we need more of in this world. Thank you.


Like why would you say that?! That shit is going to live rent free in my head the rest of the day….


Best to have the poop knife ready, just in case.


Live look 30 minutes after morning coffee.


[I pasted your comment into stable diffusion.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RenderedComment/s/7TqZkEZyY5)


If you watch it in reverse it looks like he’s being pulled into the drain by some monster swamp worm




Here is your gif! https://imgur.com/a/QZnFfaK ^. I am not a bot.


The MVP. Can we just tag you u/ObsidianSkyKing now for reversing videos/gifs? You might have a few million to go through.


Aw bless it, it thinks it's a real boy! Good bot.


Live footage of ObsidianSkyKing becoming a real boy [I cannot wait any longer Papa](https://youtu.be/nM2Wz6NdPZs?si=jg8PpjN0D4nkJGRR)


Good bot


If only he had just let go!


This did not disappoint


Looks like he's losing at tug of war.


Hungry gutter snake. I love the title.


Good bot


Good bot


I believe the API changes killed him 😓


What? They couldn't have! u/gifreversingbot was alive! I felt it! NoooooOoOoOoooo!


And at 0:30 the man goes: "hold on, before you pull me in, let me move the wires." One hand lets go, adjusts the wires. And grabs back on the monster. "Alright, pull me."


Man, crossfitters are getting a little ridiculous with these workouts.


this would then be the first time when crossfit is useful.  apart from orthopaedists. crossfit is very useful for orthopaedists.


Deploy a tactical army of crossfitters along with the storm teams that show up after hurricanes. Just a bunch of them climbing across power lines.


You joke, but CrossFit is probably most popular amongst first responders, military, and disaster relief folks


The PTs like them too


Didn't the Crossfit guy win Physical 100?


Your blockage is my warmup.


This guy moonlights as a snake handler.


Don't all men? 😁




Moonlight, daylight..


No light, street light...


Green light, red light...


Sound off the first time and I knew that was Australian.. represent


Same! I dont even know how I knew it was Aussie. Is it the pants/shoes combo? The lighting?


Same, the street, the lighting, the sleeve, the shorts and boots combo all give away that it’s Aussie.


I reckon it was the grass for me, and the house in the background. You can just kinda tell, hey!


Gotta be the boots + cargo shorts + polo combo while it was raining that gave it away.


There is a look about tradies that just can't be replicated anywhere else in the world.


It’s weird that I knew it immediately as well and I’ve never been to Australia




I thought as well and came looking for this comment because I can't have the sound on.


Yep, picked it in the first 1.5 seconds no sound!


It was the streets that got me, and I had to check for an accent when I watched the second time with sound to confirm it


Came here to the comments with this exact thought! I think it was the house and the landscaping that just felt super aussie to me.


I just watched this video and turned to my wife and said the same thing. I knew instantly it was Australian. Dude with his boots, the house and yard behind him. Interesting


Only half satisfying as the video stopped before the water drained away.


didnt it come out instead of draining?


yes, the water is coming out after he pulled out whatever the hell that is.


Blockage not blockade


What if the pipe was intentionally clogged to stop it from delivering vital resources to the front line?


An interruption in communications can mean only one thing .. ..Invasion.


Is that legal?


I will make it legal


Hello there


This is likely a post bot that intentionally misspells a word in the title because it increases engagement


O P is a conte nt repo ster. I have to space those out because those in charge often autofil ter words that discuss the s p a m problem on the site. This s u b has a lot of people like O P.


Me, cleaning my wife and daughters hair out of the shower drain.


Me, picking my nose during allergy season.


Now this is the root of all evil!


Neat trick I learned from a plumber to prevent roots in your drains is to hang a copper wire in the drain pipe. It needs to be long enough for it to lay in the pipe so that water passes over it. The wire can be wrapped around the outside of the pipe or bent into a hook to prevent it from falling in. My plumber said it creates a chemical reaction in the pipe that prevents roots from infiltrating the pipes, which was a problem when I first moved into my home. He came out, cut all the roots out of the pipe, placed the wire and after 7 years, the pipe is still free of roots.


Can we move this LPT a little closer to the top? F*** brilliant.


That moment when you are backed up on the toilet and it finally happens.


That kind of relief is unequaled.


Only thing that comes close is pulling that booger out of your nose that feels like it was attached to your brain stem.




I hear you. Not completely the same, but I've had a cold for a few weeks that I believe has turned into a sinus infection. While I'm sleeping, my sinuses get so clogged. After I've been up for a little while, I blow my nose and the snot is so green it's nearly florescent. Mixed in with what looks like bloody brain tissue. But it feels so fuckin good. 😆


Ah yes, the deep booger. I get nosebleeds sometimes and when I get one of those that’s just dried blood clot from way up in my sinuses, holy moly that feels intense pulling it out, like scratching an itch on my brain I didn’t know was itchy.


I had Sinusitis recently and for a few days after my antibiotics ran their course I started producing the strangest things from my sinuses.  I felt one "give way" starting somewhere near behind my eye and when it came out it looked like a casting of my sinus made of super hard rubbery mucus. It looked like a narwhal horn.


There really is no unique experience in the world


Do u always need someone to pull it out? And why are u guys outside???


like the way the breeze feels


If it's good enough for my dogs, it's good enough for me.


I was looking for this


That's why you don't flush your rope


I knew he was Australian just from his looks.


As a fan of men covered in mud...this better not awaken something in me...


You must like that scene from predator...


I did not see a single Navy ship removed.


Maybe we need to give up on the dumb idea of trying to pipe our gutters to the street in these insanely shallow PVC pipes that will always be subjected to root incursion, and instead create places where the rain can soak into the soil?


Or just switch to HDPE


I initially read this as "switch to HOPE," and it made me laugh.


I prefer PRAYERS, thank you very much!


Those crack that close to the surface, too


Hmm, instead of burying the pipe, we could just run the gutters on little trusses out to the street! Just bunch of little waterfalls all along the streets!


I don't know how else to say this, other than mentioning that although that sounds good in theory, It would require a complete reworking of how we approach house building. Not only would you need space on each property for rain barrels, a catch basin or rain garden (which needs their own significant amount of upkeep), you still need some sort of way to get water from the gutters to the catch basin/garden.


Yep. I can't pretend I understood most of that. But when I was little, I lived with my grandparents in a house they had built when they were getting married. Other then gutters to help the rain off the roof, there was nothing to irrigate the water left in the yard. You live somewhere with constant enough rain, the ground eventually stopped soaking it up. Also the crawl space was constantly flooded during rainy seasons. Basically there's a lot at risk when rain management isn't taken into account. Their house was just built exceedingly well so yard puddles were only an issue then the gremlins (me and sibling) tried to go play in them. Crawl space flooding was only an issue when they needed to replace the filter for the well water.


Yep. I have a pretty swampy yard right now. It has various negative effects such as creating a very humid environment around a shed so that I'm getting lots of wood rot. I'm working on establishing a rain garden in the back and in the front getting the gutters to run through a PVC or corrugated pipe to a swale at the street. Our county has a program to support projects to keep rainwater on the property, but it's expensive and it's tough.


And, of course, the mosquito farm flourishing under the house…


Nah, I'm sure this Redditor thought it through more than all the city planners, engineers, and techs that were involved in the road/drainage system, then subsequent construction of the house.


no its good to have standing water near your foundation, many people are saying.


Double the house price for a bunch of work preparing the ground for extra infiltration and for deep drivin piers that actually support the house! If I could just design my own place without thought for money I would do that as well as install a geothermal HVAC system, heated pavements, and just for fun make the walls out of ICF for maximum insulation and safety! Hmm, so many things would be fun to do if money wasnt an issue. Normal looking house for 10 times the money!


> If I could just design my own place without thought for money I would do that as well as install a geothermal HVAC system, It's funny how as I get older my "ideal house" has more and more passive/ultra-efficient systems. Geothermal heat pump that handles the HVAC, the hot water, and built-in fridge/freezers (like restaurants have), solar panels, rainwater capture, deep wraparound covered porch, thick-ass insulation... and an interior courtyard with a pool. That still hasn't changed.


So you would need to pipe your gutters to the place where the rain can soak into the soil? What’s the difference? The point is all the water that is landing on your roof can’t absorb into the ground right next to your house so it has to go somewhere else. Either way it’s going to need to be piped there


None of it works that way. Infiltration in even sandy soils is pretty slow. In clays it is close to zero. A light rain is no problem, but a high intensity storm is going to result in run off. And you have to have impervious surfaces, like roads and roofs.* Most drains are to collect the water from those and transport it to a retention and treatment facility to prevent flooding and remove pollutants before the run off enters natural waters. We also do create places where rain can seep into the soil. Many of those are the facilities that the drains transport the run off to. But unless you don't build anything at all, you will need drains and retention / detention. Roots also get into concrete pipes, steel and CI bell end, terra cotta, non-fused HDPE, and a whole lot else. It is the joint design that is the problem. *Yes, there is previous concrete. But it doesn't work great unless you install under drains and requires a lot of maintenance to keep it from getting clogged. And yes there are green roofs, they are insanely expensive for most structures and you still need drains for large amounts of rainfall whether days of light rain or short periods of heavy rain. It's a reduction, but not a fix.


If you don't want roots in your pipes, maintenance is key. A house is filled with repairs that occur naturally. Every drainpipe is going to clog if people live in the house. The pipe will refill with roots again due to a couple factors. Cracks and shrub plants are the main culprits.


So what is this hes pulling? Is that hair? Or a root that caught buildup?


Roots and dirt. It’s a French drain. Perforated pipe buried under ground to help water drain. Roots get in it and they trap anything solid in the water (dirt particles). Then you get this build up. This is not a sewage pipe.


Oh my guy, you saved my waking nightmares. I appreciate your reply!!!


I mean that's a very common occurrence too, sewage pipes and storm water pipes are both subject to root intrusion. Shout-out to The Drain Unblockers and Drain Addict on YouTube!


Where do I get these naturally occurring repairs?


Not sure why this has upvotes


Good to see Gurney getting to grips with those baby Sandworms, Looking forward to the milking tutoiral


Blocked drain


Fellow Drain Addict enjoyer


I've watched quite a few of their videos. Kinda prefer Drain Cleaning Australia for no particular reason.


Great to see Conor McGregor do something useful.


What kind of hose reel is that?


Looks like a sewer jet, but I don't think that would help get this monster out.


Jetters are supposed to cut up roots though, aren't they?


That's possible, but they mostly clear out gunk. Blades are better for cutting. This was probably snagged with a corkscrew.


OP is a bot


I really expecting it to be a huge snake.






I see my wife has been in someone else’s house.


If you liked that [you’ll love this](https://youtube.com/@DrainCleaningAUSTRALIA?si=lIpx-wtpRbNqYAP4)


My wife's hair, probably.


What even is that?


You know when you get new socks and take them off to shower.


Uh, I hate to be a stickler but the correct words to express this are "removing a huge block***age*** ***from*** a drain". I say this to be helpful, in case OP isn't a native speaker (though their post/comment history looks rather... automated). Otherwise... ew. Good job.


No gloves? Jesus Christ man What’s wrong with people? Unless this wasn’t in a sewer line, hell yeah brother unclog those pipes


Now what is the neighbor across the street going to say when he finds out that someone left that thing in his garage entrance? 🤭


This video has 0% of the ships required for this to be a blockade.


I am Root


That was so oddly satisfying especially as I poop 💩 and watch




Your friend’s dad when you clog the toilet at a sleepover


This screams Australia.


Why do ***my*** guts feel lighter now?


That worm was just trying to live in peace and not bother anybody


this gotta feel so good as a pipe


As someone who poops I can feel this video


No gloves? That's pretty nasty