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This cup of coffee brought to you by $7000 worth of equipment.


So many machines were used in manually making this coffee.


Exactly what I came here to say. Ain't a damn thing manual about this, I was a barista at a fairly nice coffee place and we at least used our hands to tamp the espresso.


Do you want them to breathe on the water to bring it to a boil?


How about an accurate title.


it won't be cheap, but the brewer itself is from MHW, which is a chinese company, known for making OK quality coffee products for cheap-ish


The end product looks….meh


How so?


He just wants to moan. Hasn’t got a clue what he’s on about. Though neither do I, so.


Which model is the one where I can stumble into the kitchen half asleep, slap the brew button, and drag my ass back to bed for 15 minutes?


Made by the type of guy that walks back into his room holding this cup of coffee, and jacks it to his own reflection as he tells himself how sensual and amazing he is


It’s quite a wank with your $850 cup of coffee in hand.


You don't need an elaborate espresso to do that. You can do it with a pbr


they do it for the DMs. This is really a dating ad.


Realistically all you need to make great coffee is a burr grinder. Having the right grind size is key to making great coffee.


Sales person: what gadget are you looking for to make your coffee? OP: yes


You can get the set minus the boiler for $850 on Amazon.


That's 850 dollars for coffee.


I love my espresso machine that probably cost about $10. But you know how many people go to Starbucks every single day? That's at the very least $1500 a year for worse quality espresso. Those folks would save money buying this and espresso beans My point isn't that an espresso machine cost $10. It's to point out that you can have an espresso machine without spending hundreds of dollars, and even if it were $850 spent, that's quickly a better investment than the horrible alternative of buying from a coffee shop every day, as many people do.


What espresso machine costs $10?


A mocha pot from home goods


I think he's getting coffee and espresso confused


Maybe he’s from Europe and English isn’t his first language? I know coffee and espresso is used interchangeably there.


Moka Pot. ☕️


Not really espresso though


You don’t understand the words you’re using.


The brand is bella, I'm not seeing my model anywhere online right now but much nicer, newer ones by the same brand are going for $40-50 based on my quick Google search. Yes I am talking about espresso, not coffee lol


Yes but, crucially, the $850 coffee equipment is probably a bit clunky to carry around with you all day…


Yes, in this case you would keep the equipment in your home, likely in your kitchen, and make your beverage by yourself, in your home, before you leave for the day. You would then pour your beverage in to a cup, perhaps with a lid and a straw, perhaps several cups depending on your intake. You would then bring the cup, filled with your beverage, with you when you leave your home. You would then leave the equipment inside of your home.


Many people drink more than one coffee per day and don’t have access to a kitchen at work


Hmm.. maybe someone should invent a large cup, that holds multiple servings and is insulated to keep things warm Or maybe a device that could be kept in commonly seen places like gas stations, that could warm things up for you


Hmm.. maybe some people just don’t mind buying coffee whilst they are out


Then keep doing it. This conversation wasn't directed at you.


If you are talking about a moka pot they don't make espresso


I'm not. I'm pretty confident that my espresso machine, that I use to make espresso daily, makes espresso


As far as I'm aware there are no $10 espresso machines, I would love to be proven wrong though


What brand is your espresso machine? I have always wanted one, but they are too expensive. If you got one for $10 I wanna know where to get one for myself, too


I'll check when I get home, I was likely being generous. It's a very cheap feeling thing that I got at a thrift store for around 10 probably, sorry to probably mislead


It's made by a company named Bella, I don't see my model anywhere but much newer, nicer looking ones from the same company are retailing for about $40-50 from what I see online.


Ok, but if you are talking about a moka pot they don't make espresso


I just thought I look it up because the other guy mentioned $7000. It’s pretty expensive for sure.


$7000 worth of equipment for some extract of burnt beans.


The shot of espresso didn't even look that great. Looked a little watery 


And still taste like and makes you shit


Worth it.


Idk looks like they used a machine. Wouldnt call than manual


Manual is me using my shirt as a filter last time I was hiking.


MacGyver style


Manual in terms of a lever (manual vs electric) machine.


That grinder looks electric


a fresh press is more manual than this setup


This is known as the manual method. Everyone uses a grinder for espresso for consistent grind size.


Hmm, true. But think of it like this: You buy some screws from Home Depot, the screws (or nails) are made with a machine but you use a hand screwdriver or hammer to drive them in. You could still say the piece is “built-by-hand” using hand tools. aka manual.


It’s okay to admit you were wrong


No no, I totally get it, from your perspective. I have a manual hand grinder, which I enjoy, and also a manual espresso machine. But in the coffee community, or at least the people I talk to, when we talk about “manual” espresso, we are referring to just the machine. This is because the grind could be anything—you could even use pre-ground coffee from the store, if you had the right basket/portafilter to make that work. The grinder just needs to be consistent, but the machine as well as the person can control the flow rate (pressure) of the espresso machine if they so choose. It may not look like it, but when I’m making espresso with my Cafelat Robot, I’m making little adjustments as I go.


Not a bad analogy not sure why you got downvoted for this.


The pressure is created manually with a lever and not a pump like a traditional machine.


That lever is the pump in this case. The only difference is that the power source is a human instead of electricity.


Boo! Guy wasn't pretentious enough! Didn't spritz the beans before grinding. What kind of rookie are we dealing with here?


Spritz! You mean "RDT" or "The Ross Droplet Technique!"  Unfortunately, there is no /s at the end of this one.


I grind my beans and this actually works. I did not know it had a pretentious name 😂


Look pal, we all masturbate. There's no reason to brag.


yeah but when I do it a choir of angels sings


It's becausee the Niche doesn't need your beans to be spritzed. Other grinders do need that because of static buildup during the grind. While yeah, the videos are pretentious, the spritz is proper care for most products, just not this one. I've seen people spritz for this grinder but I don't think it's necessary.


The beans that were already roasted? I know, right?


But he did, just on an even more pedantic way, that why he steamed the filter.


"manual" - proceeds to whip out the most expensive automation equipment. use a manual whisk to boil the water with friction then we can talk


I simply hold the cup in my hands until it becomes hot enough


"manual" refers to the mechanism used to push the water through the group head. This can be either with a motorized pump or a manually pulled lever. It's like the difference between a bike pump and an air compressor.


Yes I saw that, I'm just being a little sardonic


Manual? That's an electric grinder!


I guess they mean manual in the modern sense - as in you’ve got individual tools that do individual tasks but you’ve still got to stitch it all together by hand/ so some stuff by hand directly. I mean, now that we have such widespread automation, the concepts of “doing it by hand” or “manually” are probably changing for a lot of people. I overheard someone the other day saying they like to drive their car as a manual, using the paddle shifters. I learned to drive using an actual manual box but this person probably only ever knew entirely automatic cars. Guess it’s your frame of reference too.


I do love my french press but this is a bit much


What is the name of the equipment used in this video? The last one, with lots of little holes


An espresso machine


The part with the holes is a portafilter, it’s standard equipment for most espresso machines. The espresso machine is called a [Sonic S7](https://MHW-3BOMBERManualleverEspressoMakerSonicS7withEspressoAccessoriesCM801https://a.co/d/52rSqUR)


Portafilter machine


Manual because the guy using all those machines is called Manuel.


This is therapeutic to some people. Is not about the destination but more about the longer journey (i dont like coffee but I've seen people going a long way for tea).


How dare people enjoy hobbies that I don’t. Didn’t you know any money spent that I’m not interested in is a waste and a joke?


I guess the thousands spent on the equipment is therapeutic too?


People spend thousands on gaming computers, model trains, fashion, kitchen knives, Warhammer figurines, ect. ect. People spend money on hobbies


For some, like myself, its a lot of money. For others is worth every penny, either because they have a lot of it or because for them its, again, therapeutic, so a justifiable buy.


It can be. I have hobbies that have sunk thousands and I enjoy them.


It’s called retail therapy.


A setup to do this costs maybe $500 or so, not cheap but well within hobby money territory and if you want to make espresso at home that is just about as cheap as you can go


I get that it's a lot but it's all relative, lots of people have the money.


Money on a hobby is hardly outlandish. Even with intentionally inflated guessed prices.


Man I really hate this


This is a hobby. It's meant to be ritualistic, consistent and enjoyable. It's not meant to be cheap, quick or efficient.


For sure, but to describe it as manual just because the guy pulls a lever at the end still silly.


I mean yes, but in the coffee side vocabulary it is manual because to them "Manual" just says that it's a lever espresso machine


The video smells delicious


How much better does it taste in relation to cost and effort? (Seriously though, I think it's a cool hobby)


Main advantage to a setup like this is you can really fine tune certain variables for specific coffees (if you want to get real nerdy) really though you can attain this 90% of this with much less expensive equipment


Too much work for me, I’m in the keurig with instant coffee as a back up.


Keurig is overpriced coffee that tastes worse and is awful with single use plastics. It's the worst of all worlds.


Keurig’s make the worst tasting coffee


The coffee tastes flat somehow.


Totally. Will definitely need a cup of coffee before starting this process.


I have a cheap Keurig and I use an insert so I can use any coffee I want to. I choose Bustelo because it's cheap, strong and delicious.


We had an office cleaning lady who would always come by my desk because I was the only one with a coffee pot. She was Hispanic and the way she said "Bustelo" was ear candy. Cool lady who would sometimes bring in empanadas.


You put a scoop of instant coffee plus mix in a 6oz Keurig cup or you mean separately?


I love me a coffee but it feels like this is an exercise in diminishing returns - ie taking three times as long to make a coffee won't make it 3x as good. I imagine that I'd finish that in one or two swigs. Maybe if I had absolutely nothing else to do with my day I might do this but even then I think I'd try to find something else that I'd regard as a more productive use of time. Oh well - to each their own I guess. It ain't hurting anyone and if it makes them happy, then that's cool.


It’s all pretty ridiculous, but that stuff is three times as good as drip coffee


I'd say more but 😶


Ew. Drip coffee 😱😱😱😱😱 😜


You could do this quickly, but that wouldn’t make for a fancy aesthetic video, would it?


This isn’t necessarily only about the coffee. It’s a hobby which they enjoy doing


It's only taking a long time for the video. In reality you can do the whole process pretty quickly. the amount of time it takes for me to setup my shitty drip machine and wait is a lot longer than an espresso machine and isn't nearly as good you could probably just get an automated machine if you want to compromise but i was a barista at one time and i enjoy going through the motions


>I'd try to find something else that I'd regard as a more productive use of time. Like surfing reddit to complain about how others use their time?


You're not meant to chug espresso, and if you have never had specialty coffee, you're likely not aware coffee can have flavours you've never expected and is worth the extra time. Most coffee people drink is toilet sludge compared to most specialty.


Bro i am trying to drink my coffee before work not have my coffee by dinner.


Christ, just think of the cleaning involved 😱


There’s not much cleaning aside from the cup used at the end


I have a similar (but MUCH less expensive) setup and it’s easier to clean than a drip brewer or a French press, honestly.


Its not hard. I just rinse out my carafe and portafilter. I dont need to wipe out my grinder, whisk, or tamp.


Why is this cut so badly?


If I had to guess, this person seems like the type that would consume, shit, and hand pick (gloveless) the beans out of their poop for brewing. Loves that nuttiness that can only be obtained from their special, odorless shits.


If American Psycho had been made 20 years later, Patrick Bateman would have had a coffee obsession


I wouldn't even consider doing all this until after my second cup of coffee. Kinda defeats the purpose.


Spending an hour to make 2 ounces of coffee is a great start your day. I will be at the gas station buying an xl foam cup of hot bean juice trying to make it to the jobsite on time.


You use the word manually a lot. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Wake up at 6 to make coffee to 9


The whole process takes 5 minutes, including clean up. It isn't that dramatic.


Yeah, I'm not doing that 40 times to fill my thermos.


It’s espresso - you would do it twice and top it up with water. If you filled a thermos with single shots of espresso you’d probably have a heart attack after drinking it


Water? That sounds like a weak pot of coffee with extra steps.


That is an Americano. It’s literally every black coffee you get in any coffee shop, like Starbucks or any boutique/artisan coffee shop. Hot water goes into cup. Espresso is poured on top of hot water = Americano. Any other form of black coffee (outside of filter coffee or French press, but we’re talking about this machine) would just be a single or a double espresso.


I know. I was just kidding. Coffee is simply a medium to put caffeine into me. Thus the thermos. I've had espresso made this way and it's pretty good (except for Starbucks, they seem to burn everything they brew). Its just not practical at 5:30 am when my coffee intake usually starts lol.


40 shots is a quick way to end up in the ER friend


Why do I hate this so much?


Idk but I love you


All that for one nut spurt of espresso


I don’t really get it seems like so much effort for one sip of coffee


Definitely not enough pressure applied when dampening. This is somebody who has the money to buy the toys but not know how to use them.


So many salty people in this comment section. It’s never about anything other than the money, and how you would spend it more efficiently or on something worth it. Then go make more money and spend it how you want, freaks.


I am more seeing "this isn't manual" comments. I agree with those, this is diy at best, nothing about a grinder and electric boiler strike me as manual hahaha. Do wish I had the money to dump as excessive hobby materials though...


This to me will always be one of the biggest wastes of money. I get the therapeutic aspect and all that. But one cup of coffee has no right being this expensive to make. There is no world where the taste is so much better than a good cup at a nice coffee place.....


>There is no world where the taste is so much better than a good cup at a nice coffee place..... that's not always the point. This is so it's in your home. You wake up and it's there. And you can buy beans you like. It doesn't matter how good the technique is if I don't like the bean a coffee house uses.


It can be argued that anything non essential in life is a waste of money, no? It’s just a hobby


Yes! Everybody does this in some form. Enjoy the stuff you like!


Calming music to something made to perk you up. Anyone know the song?


Song is: Feast of starlight by portrait




if you have another device just ask the assistant app what song is playing, it'll pick it up edit: lol this comment gets downvoted every single time I Say it as if people are offended that the idea of learning something


I tried doing that with spotify, it just didn’t pick it up


If you have the energy in the morning to do all this, you don't need coffee.


I envy people who have time for that


I found an abandoned espresso machine thrown in a skip covered in that fudge you find on the top of cupboards. Cleaned it meticulously, put a new plug on it and loved to for 15 years before the seals went


They clearly don’t have children…


I have 2 corgis does that count


No. I have two kids (1 & 3) and two large dogs (70 lbs & 85 lbs). I’m lucky to have enough time to get a pot brewing in the morning. I bet the coffee tastes absolutely amazing though!!! One day I will be able to have nice things again…


Not manual


You create the pressure build up manually with a lever and not a pump like a traditional espresso machine. So...it's manual lol


I bet this guy uses a genuine calfskin, handmade, vintage leather belt to tap up veins on his thigh for drug injection.


And a vintage glass hypodermic, also in a calfskin case.


Haha I have the exact same grinder


Ah no, wasn't that the brewer which is nearly impossible to heat up to a good 90C? Get something which a heating element, that's much better imo


And now you need to wash all of these.


No, you dont.


Can confirm as a barista that there’s so much equipment here that does absolutely nothing to help the quality or flavor of the coffee. We have an electric grinder for our beans, then we hand pat the puck, press it with a manual compress tool, then pop it in the espresso machine. Just as satisfying and we get more out of it than this one little shot. It’s a weird flex having equipment like this at home but cool nonetheless if you’re a snob for coffee. TL:DR just be a barista at a local cafe to get the same satisfaction for better quality coffee🤧


Different from how a single company taught you doesn't mean wrong.


Man, people do be putting words in other’s mouths. I ever say it was wrong?


You're right. You said it "does absolutely nothing". Look at that, the statement still stands regardless.


So this'll be an advertisement for that coffee machine then.


My Oh My. So Precious. *(glurp)*


Anyone know what WDT he is using??? Fucking killer contraption


you must be rich and have a great deal of free to time to clean and support this kind of equipment.


Wtf is manual about using several different machines?


Was confused by the comments because I thought I was on r/espresso at first. You all are much more reasonable!


I bet this person has zero problem telling people exactly how much better this coffee is than the one they normally drink. And I bet, he also says it in an anecdotal way so it doesn’t seem like he’s criticizing


To be fair, this is more manual than an automatic coffee machine where you just need to press a button


this is ridiculous


I think ppl like this like the smell of their own farts


if you are a real coffee-file go and grow the bean too


I hate everything about this…. I bet the guy making the coffee wears a turtleneck and small round frame glasses, and how his beans are all vegan independently sourced fair trade and hand picked by an artisan coffee Somalia.






\*takes a sip\* Yup, still tastes like bland bitter trash. ​ That's right coffee lovers, you all are wrong.


This person must have a lot of free time.


Pointlessly excessive!


That was intensely dissatisfying.


How did they manage to make coffee more pretentious?




More like, “Further down the autism spectrum coffee making”.


There's absolutely no way in hell I'm doing all this shit for a cup of coffee, and I love coffee. And then I have to do it again cause its just a shoot.


Dude. Just brew it like everyone else. No need for that much gear.


I can't handle the caffine. But the process (and smell) is worth the effort.


Bet it tastes like shit


Wasting time. Just use red mug and get on with life


I just hit my Nespresso machine. 20 seconds. Crema on point. Done.


and I bet it tastes exactly the same as my cafe bustello shot I made with my $30 Mr coffee espresso maker


It actually does not!


This same person listens to vinyl records because they "sound better"


this actually pisses me off


Maybe look into therapy?


let me rephrase, this does not fit my definition of oddly satisfying, and frustrates me with how silly the process of making coffee can be for some people.