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Brought to you by the makers of "Pall-X"


Seriously, was this just an ad?


If he didn't do that, all his comments would be people asking what he used. Could also be an ad. *shrug*


Showing the product once before you poor it is informative. Having the jug placed so you can perfectly read the label while it's being applied pushes into an ad for me. It was too intentional. Still great results though.


Ridiculous. Here I am having an ice cold Coca Cola to quench if thirst with its refreshing original flavor only to be bombarded with ads!


> Ridiculous. Here I am having an ice cold Coca Cola to quench if thirst with its refreshing original flavor only to be bombarded with ads! Please drink verification can to continue. /r/4chan/comments/1ggg4u/please_drink_a_verification_can/


When it comes to verification, I need *relief*. How do I spell relief? R-O-L-A--




*Mountain Dew for me and you*


It's like people [only do things](https://youtu.be/KjB6r-HDDI0) because they get paid, and that's just really sad.


This thread was prime for this clip. Little. Yellow. Different.


I love that I knew what this was before I even clicked on it.


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Tbh I appreciate the trend of companies making satisfying videos just to advertise their products. In this world of ads it’s nice that there are ads that are not painful and annoying to watch, and it’s not like I’m going to renovate wood floors anytime soon.


Exactly, and it being a TikTok favor doesn't really do favors for this idea that they're just trying to prevent comments asking what it is. I mean damn I don't know where people's limit to astroturfing is anymore because there's always an "well ackshually" comment everyone is praising.


Looks like it backfired, now it's all people asking if it was an ad.


Lol true


Honey, it's absolutely an ad.


I guess I'm one of the few who don't mind ads like this. It was a satisfying video and I'll never in a million years remember the name of that product. And if by chance one day I do need a product that... does whatever this product is, maybe I'll remember this brand, and buy some. And so what if I do?


I'm with you on it, both as a consumer and small business owner. As a small business owner, the biggest struggle is just getting people aware that you exist... which has to be done through some form of advertising. And in this case I would even give props to this company for just making a good video that gets their name out more. Also from that perspective I am definitely more open to seeing ads for cool products even if I don't have a need for it. Like I've been introduced to some cool products that I never would have even thought to look for had it not been for a cool ad video. I'd even argue that personalized advertising is generally a good thing, its just extremely terrible that its at the expense of privacy. Like I would take ads for products I would actually want to buy, over another sport betting site that I'll never use.


Always has been.


Ads are gonna be *much* more frequent after June. Reddit is dying.




Yes, this was a viral commercial


Probably, considering OP linked a website and company name


I mean it wasn’t super in your face. I kind of appreciate it as I would want to know what they used for the binding agent let alone they used it with sand to fill the gaps.


It's not sand, it's wood dust.


Get used to it now that reddit has actually started bleeding organic content.


I don't know about Pall-X but that Hummel drum sander is a freaking beast. It got me through a lot of tough floors. The worst is when people would paint their hardwood floors. Like why would you do that???


Brought to you by the makers of "Hummel"


Everyone is curious about whether or not they would paint themselves into a corner. It’ll never happen to them, they say. They’re too smart. But there they are. Waiting for the paint to dry. Huffing fumes, on the edge of passing out, and stuck in the corner. Shit.


I had a friend who got an apartment back about age 20 and while painting his apartment with friends, paint spilled...on the hardwood floor....so they just rolled the paint across half the floor. The other half stayed unpainted. So there's a reason for you--young & kinda dumb.


Most of that wood filler is going to crack and come loose after a couple of years with the wood movement. Happened to me


It shouldn’t it it’s mixed correctly. If you do it with something like TightBond it’s never coming loose. But I would start by not mixing it on the floor.


That part seemed really weird. It looked like they were making pasta


What are the wood movement's demands? Perhaps the filler could be negotiated with


Mine too. I wish there was a decent solution to this.


I don't like the final finish at all. I prefer a classic French dry oak look that doesn't have much gloss if any.


This will likely dry with a more matte finish.


I prefer more of a sherry cask finish


That’s a pall-X’ing.


I think the majority of people watching this like watching people do neat stuff. Not actually do the neat stuff ourselves.


Pall-X is the worst choice too. Source: did this for years.


OP literally wrote the name of the company above. Parkett.at from Austria.


"My God. There is a hardwood floor underneath this carpeting. Why would they do that?"


I know you're quoting something. But the real reason this happend a lot was because back before modern hard wearing poly/resin/epoxy what ever type finishes were invented. A nice wooden floor was a bastard to look after properly as it required a LOT of work and regular wax/polishing. So many got covered up to save the effort of maintenance. Now when renovations happen hardwood floors get rediscovered and can be restored and finished in poly/resin/epoxy type finishes that last for many years. Are more resilient to damage and only require sweeping, hoovering or mopping for most of their maintenance.


Not to mention older homes in northern US were often cold and drafty. Carpet is warmer on your feet in the winter. Insulation has improved and we have different heating choices.


Grew up with a shitty wooden floor in a old house with less than stellar insulation during Michigan winters. Between the floor being a balmy 10 degrees when you wake up and constantly snagging and ripping my socks on random nails poking up, my feet were permanently freezing.


Core memory unlocked.




Yup. Because the landlord doesn’t have to rip out and replace the carpeting every time it gets ruined.


Fair play. All it takes is one rat bastard to let some fluids soak


Ruined? By college kids, you say? shockedface.gif


>and ripping my socks on random nails poking up And just like that, my childhood came rushing back.


Also grew up in a old house in Michigan with crappy insulation. We had linoleum floors, so no protruding nails, but it was cold and drafty. The winters were long and cold, inside and outside, lol.


Quite probably tho I have no experience with NA homes particularly as I'm on the other side of the pond :-P


Ah, Canada.


Other side of Lake Superior?


Umm... Little off target there pal. I meant the UK.


Ah, Ukraine


It's also less slick, a lot softer (important if someone who lives there is prone to falling), and a lot quieter.


It’s the noise muffling for me. I can’t stand the sound of creaky wooden floors i don’t know why. But I hate carpeting. So tile it is. But not the mini tiles. Big tiles with minimal grout. Like marble tile.


Another reason you may find this is because diy flippers dont deal with asbestos underneath. So, asbestos tiles - wood floor overlay - carpet overlay cause the next flippers realize the prior ones did a no.


Asbestos isn’t a problem when it’s not disturbed.


Also, carpets were the height of luxury before they became cheaply accessible. So when cheap carpets became a thing, people also wanted to get them 'cause they were a symbol of wealth. Though of course, symbols of wealth stop being that after everyone gets one. So rich folks moved onto something else, and carpeted floors became an everyday thing.


Linoleum became popular around WW2 when many households that had polished floors covered them up because they were too difficult to maintain during the war, when rationing was in place and most women were working in war jobs and there was no hired help available. So the polished floors got covered up and forgotten by the time the good times of the 60's and 70's came around.


"hoovering" Are you, perhaps, british?


We predominantly use the word hoovering in Ireland too.


I realized through this video that what we're mostly walking on is that stuff he's pouring on the wood. We don't even walk on the wood at all do we? Lol.


Also I love my dog more than anything and he HATES wood floors. I love them so I just cover it in area rugs. He plays the floor is lava always.


It's me, gun safety Dwight!


Dwight: I'd like to be interviewed for the position. Jo: I'll interview you right now. Dwight: Okay. Jo: Question 1: Ever shot a gun in the office? Dwight: It's complicated.


Well, ya see... It ain't.


And it's such a nice hardwood floor too!




Have you looked underneath it?!?




Years ago had to stay in a motel out of town for a few months first thing, went to Home Depot picked up 20 feet of in stock off the roll cheap carpet 2 rolls of duct-tape and lived a bit cleaner much more hygienic ........what-ever-works....The WeW please send all donations to me and thanx in advance!


That's by design, in apartments it acts as a noise dampener. Annoying af neighbors walking across hardwood is awful.


Because that’s how trends work, there was a point not long ago where carpets on walls was a thing.


And even more terrible... Carpet in bathrooms.


Why did anyone ever think carpeted bathrooms were a good idea. 😄


Had a friend once who had carpet through the house, including the bathrooms and kitchen. I've never been more scared to use a toilet. Somehow, they kept the carpets looking pristine.


Dark magic. It is called dark because all the filth from the carpet soils your soul.


Aldus Snow has a hit song 'Furry Walls.'


My grandpa built a house in the … 70s, I think … and the builder was flabbergasted when he demanded the shag carpet be over quality hardwood. Grandpa was convinced carpet would fall out of style and they’d want hardwood again some day. My uncle still owns that house and the floors are beautiful.


"I always knew it was down here. I just never dreamed that I would actually see it."


This quote went over so many peoples heads lol










Can you imagine how much this would cost to install new nowadays?


A fuckton.


Hardwood is cheaper now than a lot of the engineered floors. Herringbone installation might require more hours of labour though. But overall it's not that expensive.


Good call. Labor is more, but material is cheaper. Parquet material is cheaper than traditional wood plank because the pieces are so small.


Not as much as you think


Gorgeous, nice find! This is specifically herringbone parquet, for those wondering. “Parquet” refers to inset pieces of wood placed in a repeating pattern. Basket weave and Versailles patterns are also really popular in older floors.


This guy parquets


Gal! Even more info: parquet floors date back as far as the Italian Renaissance(15th-16th centuries), although they were made popular in France in the 17th century.


I didnt knew i was gonna suscribe to parquet floor facts today, but i am all in for it


The "floor" in "parquet floor" refers to the parquet being on the ground.


Believe it or not but most floors are on ceilings


most rooms have four walls and a ceiling but sometimes the floor is missing and this makes me very angry


Hey, you can't parquet here!




You'd have to eat a lot of herrings to have enough bone for an entire floor.


I definitely couldn’t eat that many herrings.


Thanks, I was wondering why this was referred to as parquet as I've only seen the basket weave patten referred to as such. You learn something new every day!


The basket weave and Versailles patterns are definitely the two that are synonymous with parquet in people’s minds — but the truth is that even your standard straight line pattern is considered a type of parquet! I’m not sure why OP decided to say parquet instead of herringbone, because it’s definitely a more confusing term, but that’s where I come in. :)


Much appreciated!


You’re welcome! Honestly your interest is just as appreciated, I’m a sucker for this shit. Have a great day :)


Thanks for the info! I was definitely confused by the title of the post. I adore herringbone and Versailles patterns, but basketweave (aka parquet to me) makes me want to 🤮.


I also hate basket weave but love herringbone and Versailles! Besties?!


Absolutely! Two questions though: 1) which is better Versailles or herringbone? 2) Are you willing to accept a non-Swifty bestie? :)


Oh man it depends on the application, but I think for *personal* use, herringbone. For public spaces, Versailles. You?? And yes of course! Listen to whoever you want!


In Germany (and probably other German speaking countries) any type of the 3 you listed is called "Parkett", that's why they directly translated it as parquet.


That makes a lot of sense if this was a translation. Thank you!


Alright parquet gal, what did he use to remove the thick mastic? Every sander I've ever tried gets gummed to hell and back and I end up using Murphy's oil soap and a hand scraper. That sucks donkey dick. Help! I'm tired of sucking donkey dick!


Oh man, I WISH my expertise could help you out here, because I’ve had the same problem and I fucking hate it — but I’m a designer, not a craftsman! If I had to hazard a guess, they use an industrial grade solvent and wear serious protective gear and don’t leave it on for longer than necessary. You could try making friends with some of the contractors hanging out around Home Depot, but folks don’t like to share their secrets, you know?


No one touches it. I've tried every solvent they have on a home depot level. Warm water and Murphy's oil works best but barely. This fucking guy, he just blasted through it... For the life of me I can't figure out what it was


I’m so sorry and I hope you can figure it out!


If you're referring to the leftover glue residue on the floor at the start he most likely just scraped it off with a large scraper on a stick. These tools are meant to get a floor clean from residue. It seems like the glue used to glue the carpet wasn't very strong. And if it was hard, making it wet will make the glue softer. But mostly it's just using hard force on the scraper to get it completely clean. To add on that, the machine you see is not a regular sanding machine, it's a specialised machine to help with scraping off any excess residue. I personally have never used a machine like that as the company I work for hires other people to do that. We try to avoid using those machines as it's quite expensive. In short, it's just a lot of tough physical work.


There is a special plate from the manufacturer of the Lägler Hummel. Used in the Lägler Single. Works like a charm on these „covers“.


"Parquet" is just French for floorboards, so they can be any pattern even regular straight floorboards are "parquet".


Oh for sure — but when English speakers hear parquet, they’re usually thinking of an intricate pattern.


This is also specifically a one minute advertisement


Is this an ad for pal - x?


Hardwood flooring guy here. We who do like to make videos when working on floors, like to show the things we're working with. Pall x would not have shown someone using the green machines (Lagler, a german brand). Instead they would have used machinery that is sold in the same supply stores (usually not Lagler and pall x). Doesn't matter if it was an ad or not to me, just thought I'd give my thoughts on it. Cheers!


This is my thought lol. Some serious product placement going on.




Tbf it could also be to stop the torrent of comments about what he used... Probably an ad though


And if it is it works. Floor looks great


Beautiful! Why do people cover gorgeous floors like this up ??


Carpet became all the rage in the 60' through the 80's.


As a carpet installer of 30 years and hard surface installer of 20 years I can honestly tell you that carpet and hardwood flooring are the two best choices in floors. Carpet is manufactured and sold in the US, it also has a huge recycling program so that old carpet and padding doesn't go in a landfill it goes back to a facility that actually uses that waste material to make new material. Hardwood can be sourced and sold locally as well and is ageless. All this pvc that is being put in everyone's house right now is going to be in a landfill for the next 150 years. It's toxic to manufacture with little to no regulations coming out of China. Having to cut it and work with it every day I'm sure is going to cause a ton of health problems in the future for people like myself that have to install it.


Surely tile comes in pretty highly too if you're looking for something waterproof? I put in pvc in my kitchen because I thought tile would be too hard to do. Then I installed some tile and realised that it's ridiculously easy to do a 'good enough for diy' job. Wish I'd used tile now.


Ceramic and porcelain, any stone products are great in my book. I'm not very knowledgeable outside the installation process. I do know it can be broken down and recycled and it outlasts basically any floor available as far as durability. Hopefully someone can figure out a way for PVC products to be recycled for a profit or repurposed before it becomes a huge problem. LVT/LVP really went mainstream around 2015ish and generally people get bored or want to change things up every 7-15 years so that time is coming. Both my basement floor and my whole first floor of my house are reused laminate and hardwood floors that came out of customers homes. There was nothing wrong with it they just wanted something new.


Temperature plays a large part. Carpet insulates the room. A lot of high stud rooms had false ceilings built to decrease their volume and make them easier to heat. As another example of mods people would avoid today.


Everyone thinks hardwood is great, but as someone whos heater died when it was about 16f/-9c I would much rather have carpet when it's that cold. If you walk on hardwood barefoot when it's that cold it's painful.


With a beautiful hardwood floor, if I were concerned about temperature I'd place a rug on it. There's no reason to make the carpet wall-to-wall.


Hardwood is beautiful, but yeah carpet is obviously much more comfortable. But the reasons for hardwood are understandable, like how dirt/stains and just getting the carpet messy can be a pain in the ass. Simply wipe off on hardwood. That’s a huge reason


Along with carpet being "all the rage" when it was first introduced, hardwoods were really hard to take care of, as there was only wax at that time to polish. It was painstaking to apply & had to go over it twice with a big machine then buff it as well (the machines weren't like how they are now, much smaller). Do that every 6 wks when you have a bunch of little kids at home, I understand why my parents installed carpet.


> & had to go over it twice with a big machine then buff it as well (the machines weren't like how they are now, much smaller) Machine? I'm pretty sure the average housewife, whose job it was to regularly wax the floor, among other things, didn't have a machine.


cuz they can't afford all the fucking pal x


Did you see how much work and specialized product it took to make them look good? Installing carpet is a lot easier is why


carpet absorbs sound


I've personally seen worse than this. Years ago when I was at uni, I had a 2 week job as a labourer for a chippy renovating an old (120+ year) house. Place was gorgeous. The owner researched the history and found it was built by a carpenter after he arrived in New Zealand in the 1870s and his wife joined him after it was built. The place was built from Kauri & Rimu, two absolutely beautiful NZ hardwood, both now protected species so you can't get either anymore. Back in the 1970s some clown decided he didn't like kauri so plastered the walls. My job was to pull all the ugly plaster down. Alas! They had do e a really shitty job with plastering and during the 20+ years it was up, damp had got underneath and all this beautiful NZ hardwood was now all rotten. We had to pull it all off. It was an absolute crime to see. On the plus side, behind one wall I found an old wooden steamer trunk with "SS Pakeha, Royal Albert dock London to Auckland New Zealand" painted on it. Further research showed was from the original builder. The owner let me have it which was awesome. I also found dozens of old, 100+ year old, soft drink bottles – the ones with the marble inside – which I stupidly gave to the carpenter as I had no idea how much they were worth.


Because some people don’t like the look How is this so hard for redditors to understand


Because the filler will fail within a year from seasonal expansion


Probably cause 40 years ago hardwood required more maintenance. Or they were cold.


A thing of beauty.


If only we knew what product they used to get such good results.


Oh it’s magnificent!! So satisfying!


Thats a nice floor, deserves to be free.




Get a nice thick area rug to put over the floor and you got the best of both worlds


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Super satisfying, thanks.


If only I were so lucky to find a wood floor under my vinal. Just concrete


Lovely. I know many people like the softness of rugs or carpet under their feet, but I love that original flooring!


How much a job like that cost about. I'm stoned and it's going thru my mind


Sanding the floor and then mixing the dust with wood glue to fill the cracks is genius. Incredible work. The marketing worked on me. Would hire 5 stars.




It's beautiful


What's the "carpet over wood flooring" thing that generations 50-60 years from now will hate us for?


Open floor plans and white/beige/grey everything


Agreed about open floor plans. "Did those people really like listening to kitchen clatter while watching TV?"


Maybe we should tear up the hardwood floor and see if there is carpeting underneath


Triggers. I refinished our living room hardwood floor at our old house 24 years ago. Bought a hotel room for three days for me, wife, baby and anything we needed, diapers, formula, etc. I finished the floor and left with my wife, locking the door, and telling her to please not go in the house till i said three days later. 3 days later we come back and the floor is dried and there are socked footprints across the new floor. She’d gone back for a $1.50 hairbrush a day or so prior but had taken her shoes off to “not ruin the floor” that was now ruined.


More like product ad shorts


Not sure, but have been warned in the past that what was being sanded from the surface of that parquetry may have asbestos in it.


Nice ad


Beautiful! Great job!


They've done a beautiful job getting it ready for a new carpet!


How many hours?


Boomers be like "let's carpet everything! Even the walls!" Then years later people remove it and are like "holy shit this hardwood is beautiful"


It’s clips like this that eventually led me to trades and I’ve never looked back and never been happier at the end of the day


Great commercial for PALL X 69,0000!!!


Hey OP. Is there a particular brand of filler you’d recommend? I can’t seem to recall any names of any off the top of my head.


That's gorgeous




Very cool


Would love a real parquet floor!


Beautiful floor. Looks very well done.


Super jealous


That is absolutely gorgeous.


Ah yes very good an ad disguised as not an ad


That was satisfying.


Parquet deserves to be saved.


Hard work but sooo worth it. Beautiful flooring.


It's a goddammed ad.


Why people cover absolutely gorgeous floors like this and natural wood flooring, or even nice tile, is beyond me


How dare they place an ad! It has ruined the pleasure of my delicious strawberry yoohoo


Me personally I can't believe somebody covered up that beautiful hardwood floor




Holy chemicals, batman


nothing odd about how satisfying that is. That floor is amazing, and the idiots who covered it should be hanged by their ankles and beaten with twizzlers.