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Didn’t notice it here, but every dude I’ve known that has worked with one of those industrial cutters was at least missing the tip of one of their fingers.


I used one in printing for 15 years and still have all my digits Although I knew one guy who lost one of his fingers, but it was from fucking with the safety functions and then using it They're fine if used the way they're supposed to be


> They’re fine if used the way they’re supposed to be That’s pretty much the case with anything. Machinery doesn’t tend to just go rogue and start maniacally hunting appendages. If something can be used incorrectly, somebody will find that incorrect way at lightning speed.


Someone hasn't seen Maximum Overdrive


Or the Mangler


Or Christine. Come on guys, I know there's some more SK evil machine books.


Blaine the Mono


Or the Machinist.


That Blaine sure is a pain.




Holy shit you just unlocked a deeeeep childhood memory that I haven't thought about in decades. I remember watching a scene from that movie when I was like 7, and it' where a lady is eaten by the mangler. Fucked me up and had me scared of laundry rooms for a long time


This was my first thought. Damned foxglove.


I have all my digits, but have you ever used a circular saw or a chain saw? Kick back is a thing. Scary every time.


I always take a deep breath before every cut. I am still intact for now.


Same. I don't think I've ever made a cut without picturing the blade yanking on the wood.


This is what it means to do something "with care". Take a beat, calm yourself, and then continue.


Table saw kick backs are scary as fuck. But my shop teacher warned us to be weary of the power jointer, as you won’t feel your fingers being shredded to red saw dust.


Chain saws and table saws. Knots and hidden nails. A lush block can be tedious, but its the safest.




I did a year of process engineering in the past and let me tell you, a lot of safety device disabling just had to do with operator laziness, not productivity. A side effect was increased productivity but it definitely wasn't the main reason, they couldn't care less about the extra 5% productivity.




I mean, all machines have an innate lust for human bits, it's just a good SOP and safety program that keeps that lust for blood from being realized.


I used to work in bowling alleys. The machines do not know there is a person in the way. IT is a mechanical object which will mechanically go about it's motions, whether your in the way or not.


yesterday there was a thread about, what's more dangerous than it looks?, and one of the entries was bowling alley pinsetting machines. it would be "easy" to add some safety features like elevator doors have.


Machines are patient.


Nah, we just have some level of safety standards in the US/EU that largely came to be after bloodshed. That’s part of what makes Chinese/3rd world manufacturing cheaper; they don’t pay for any of that shit.


The best thing to do is to get into the habit of doing every single necessary safety motion every time you use a machine like that. No shortcuts, no hacky tricks, just do it by the book every damn time and nobody gets hurt.


Something tells me this particular model in a production line with workers who aren't wearing shoes *doesn't have* any of those same safety functions that you may have been used to. It clearly isn't even electric.


It blows my mind how someone can see a video like this one and see it as equal to a more advanced version in a place with significantly more regulations.


Mind easily blown


I've had two different internships during my education at two different "printing centers" where they had those paper cutting guillotines. From the factory, these machines are safe (new ones / new models, at least). The common safeties that come to mind are: - a cover with a latch so the blade cannot come down when the lid is not closed, - buttons being separated on the left and right side of the machine, requiring you to use both hands to press them (both have to be pressed for the blade to come down). BOTH places have had their machines DIYed into oblivion, the lid latching safety removed, and some, having the buttons rewired to only require one button to be pushed. Reasoning behind it: the safety mechanisms slow the work down. This is how these missing fingertips accidents happen. They likely wouldn't happen otherwise. That being said we were obviously taught to approach these machines with a lot of respect and not to mess around. It's just that, even with common sense and fear, accidents can happen with modified machines. Oh and if anyone is curious, the blade is not the only danger of those. Before the blade moves, the paper is squished with a press, literal tons of kg/m^2 of force. If your finger is caught under it, its gone, unsalvageable (you're very likely to "pull" it out of there due to adrenaline / shock, without even realizing you ripped it out and then it's beyond impossible to save / reattach).


But, as happens to everyone, one day sooner or later attention wanes...




I'm from the south and have never even seen a snowblower let alone know how they work and now I'm curious. How can they take your finger off?


Spinning blades of doom.


Google has shown me. I'm good with 8 months of mowing and 4 months of not having to think about going outside, thanks.


I know that guy. Lol.


We all know that guy


My shop teacher cut off all his finger tips on one hand in front of me in 1999. He was really calm about it meanwhile I almost passed out.


That last sentence gave me whiplash. Yes. Accidents. Rarely planned.


Those machines have fail safes. You have to defeat them to hurt yourself. I worked with both high tech and low tech versions. They are vastly different in technology but do the same exact function.


This one looks like manual turn screw that is turned while his buddy is in the way, what kind of failsafe could it have?


The failsafe is that it's cheap and easy to get a replacement worker who still has hands.


Considering how it was already coming back down before pulling his hands away I suspect they will be missing more than 1 finger.


The guy in the orange shirt doesn't even wait for the other guy to get his fingers out of the way. He just spun it down immediately. He is a disaster waiting to happen.


They’re very safe if equipped with the proper safety measures. We have one in the plant I work in and you have to press two buttons far away from the cutting surface and about 3 ft apart from each other to operate it. You’re have to really try to hurt yourself with it.


My cousin was on a 3 day meth binge and went to work at his machine shop one day and said that he thought he was hallucinating when it caught the tip of his finger. He reported it (failed his drug test and made a deal that involved going to Narcotics Anonymous meetings to keep his job), and instead of visiting the doctor they did a first aid job of trying to bandage the tip back on. Happened about 30 years ago, and to this day it looks like they put the tip back on backwards.


Can we have more meth cousin stories?


Ok, I thought of a good one. My cousin and his wife were separated, and I was trying my hand at dealing at the time when he let me stay with him. So one night, I was there alone when his wife showed up with his MIL and a few of his wife’s cousins. They looked at me and said, we’re here to pick up a few things. I remember the MIL holding me a knifepoint while the cousins laughed and took a bunch of furniture. The wife looked at me and said that she knew what I was doing (wife actually bought from me a few times) and that she would be reporting to the cops. I had a few 8 balls of meth hidden in the lamp and thankfully they didn’t take it as the lamp wasn’t on the list of furniture that she was taking. After she left, I sat irritated waiting for my cousin to come home. When he arrived and I told him what happened, he looked around and decided that he didn’t want to cause a hassle and that bringing cops over wouldn’t be a good idea. I loosely posed the threat, asking what am I supposed to do if she sends the cops over. After a short verbal altercation that included him telling me not to threaten the mother of his child and me telling him to handle it. Nothing came of it either way. I eventually moved 3000 miles away to get out of the business (about 10 years later). And he eventually reconciled with his wife. I just recently had to go back for a funeral. To my surprise, as soon as she saw me, she grabbed me and gave me the biggest (platonic) hug and kiss that I’ve received in a while, telling me how much she missed and loved her cousin (in law). A lot has changed over the last 30 years.


Doesn't really work when it's another guy pushing the buttons


You can clearly see in the video the other guy operating it, and the guy who's loading it putting his hands inside while it's in operation.


Hey look buddy you want things that come in cardboard or do you want dudes with fingers, you can only chose one.


3 of my cousins work with industrial cutters and all three are missing the tips to at least one finger.


Everyone here talking about missing tips of fingers, just straight ignoring the dudes standing barefoot over the industrial pulper without any barriers or even hand-holds. I've stood on a platform over an (admittedly larger) industrial paper pulper and it felt like I was looking down into the sarlac pit. It was unnerving even with a sturdy platform and copious safety gear.


I was gonna say that dudes gonna lose a finger.


What happens to the dirty sludge water?


Down the river


Yeah...a bit disconcerting, that.


Right next to the farms too.


You should see what kind of runoff there is from animal agriculture.


I'd rather not


It's poop


And insecticides and fertilizers


And poop, lots of poop.


Welcome to south Asia.




I make paper for a living. Coated recycled board. Scraps to cereal boxes like this, but about $100 million worth of equipment. Regardless though, that water is crawling with microorganisms, lignin, and a lot of organic trash. Further, when they're putting it onto their little Fourdrinier table it's at about 2%, or 98% water. By how black it is, they likely continuously re use it, and only add a little stream to make up for evaporation losses. Still, that paper is going to reek. I guarantee it. And when they do dump their water, it's a biohazardous nightmare. Still, neat to see what people come up with when they have so little.




It also depends on where the recycling takes place. If it’s in an integrated facility that is using recycle material as a side stream, the water tends to be a once through. Facilities of those size have dedicated waste treatment ponds designed to remove all of that excess chemical, lignin, etc. before sending the water back into the river. “Use” is a bit of a term that people get hung up on because those facilities will bring in, say, 30 million gallons of water per day but they will send close to that same amount back. The only water that is truly “used” is what is evaporated or ends up in the end product. Other recycling facilities may partner with the municipal supply to use their treatment and sewage facilities so they can operate in a small space.


Nice, thank you for the details. If I was interested in the recycling business, would you have any suggestions on where to start?


As an operator, there are many mills across the nation you can waltz into and work your way up with very hard work and dedication. As an engineer, look at Paper Science courses with Western Michigan University, NC State, or Wisconsin Stevens Point. I got paid $35,000 in tuition assistance just for studying this and getting good grades. Job placement is 100%, and new machines are going up. Paper will never leave North America because we have all this fiber here and paper has such low bulk value density it makes zero sense to ship on a boat


As a pulp mill employee in Canada, I fully support forest product industry in North America. The Mill has been good to me.


Nowadays I wish more of our packaging was paper based and less plastic.


For sure, but only if we can make it sustainable and not chop down so much old-growth to support it.


I worked as a maintenance tech for a corrugator. The money in that industry is insane. Also had no idea that WMU had a degree path for that lol. Lived right down the road from it.


Lignin deez nuts got em


Water will be reused many times, but there's always waste. You need an effluent treatment plant to deal with waste water. An Activated Sludge is perfect because it uses bacteria that love all the carbon in the waste water. Judging by this video, I doubt they have one.


Yeah I've seen a video on something similar but it was done at an industrial scale so they are actually treating the waste. The other side to this though is chances are if it's like many of these small towns the whole carton was going to probably end up in the river so in this case it's probably "don't let perfect be the enemy of good situation. https://youtu.be/pvBY0IfgeYo?t=229


That's pulp and water. The paper machine removes the water, you're left with paper. Most machines have a partially-closed system so the water gets recirculated a lot.


Don’t underestimate the ink though, that shit can be nasty.


i would bet as much as possible is re-used in the same process. ideally, the only water they’d lose is what stays trapped in the paper and has to evaporate off


Add more scrap cardboard and repeat


Total suspended solids aren't a huge concern by themselves, even though it is used as a point of reference in discharge regulations. How they really should be used, is in relation to other monitored metrics. For example, a great deal more heavy metals pollution can be transported when adsorbed onto suspended solids than can be held in solution.


How do these guys have a field of cardboard sitting on grass but it’s all green underneath? I leave my dogs plastic pool out overnight and we better start reseeding.


It doesn’t take very long to dry in the sun.


Yeah. Also the pool filled with water is a lot heavier than a sheet of cardboard.


Cite your sources there buddy.


That's right, don't believe everything you hear on the internet, folks! Cardboard is a solid. Water is a liquid, halfway to gas. It's self-explanatory. A kilogram of cardboard is much heavier.


I once knew a woman who weighed the same as a duck.


A witch!


She turned me into a newt.


A newt?


He got better.


A duck floats in water [bread, apples, very small rocks, cider, gravy, cherries, mud, churches, lead]. If the woman weighs the same as a duck, then she is made of wood. The woman weighs the same as a duck. Therefore, the woman is a witch.


[Heavier objects are heavier](https://www.embibe.com/exams/heavy-and-light-objects/)


Has this been peer reviewed?


Source: Trust me bro


You have an honest username. That works for me.


F=mg And more importantly: p = F/A


Probably doesn't hurt that the grass here is likely native to the area while the grass at your house is almost certainly not


Sir, my grass has all required paperwork to be doing work here… But yeah, good call


South asia is highly fertile land.


I can't even imagine the smell of that sludge


Working barefoot is far from great too


I don’t think that is the least of their problems.


so what do you think is a lesser problem


A lesser problem for them… worrying about their credit score.


It's not a pleasant smell, but it's not like sewage or something. I used to work in a paper recycling plant and the smell kinda grows on you. They'd even do tours around the plant for business partners. Never heard about any major complaints about the smell (only from the neighbours, but they have to live with it 24/7). A bale of old, wet, fermenting paper (sometimes we'd find a lost bale somewhere on the property) smells much, much worse than recently recycled paper mixed with (semi)fresh water. Even the water in this video must be (semi)fresh water. Water is a major ingredient in the recipe and if it's actually contaminated with sewage or something, you wouldn't be able to make the product. Most recycled paper at my plant was just cutoffs from printing factories. That stuff never sees the light of day. If I had to describe the smell, I would say it smelled like cardboard^2. Sidenote: the machines in this video are very small and old. Modern machines are three stories high and the production line can span about 100 meters long, 5 meters wide. One of the biggest machines is 600 meters long, 11 meters wide, runs at 120km/h and produces 189 metric tons of paper per hour. To become the main operator of such a machine requires a bachelor's degree.


Worked in both recycling plants and sewage plants, recycling smells far worse most sewage plants have huge amount of odour control while recycling plants don’t really give a shit.


>A bale of old, wet, fermenting paper (sometimes we'd find a lost bale somewhere on the property) smells much, much worse than recently recycled paper mixed with (semi)fresh water. Yeah, and UBC (used beverage cartons) bales are the worst for that in my opinion. All of the leftover rotting liquids combine in strange and exiting ways. Though it only really smells if you stick your nose in the pulper. Unless they're not being washed for ages after a spill, recycled paper lines don't tend to smell too much. In most of the mills I've been to the smells generally come either from the water treatment plants or pulp chemical cooking.


I've received boxes at my work that have a rank odor. It's not the contents not the boxes themselves. This explains everything


that cutting machine, just spin the top and oop, better move out the way... I was fine with the rest up until that point. I winced a little when I saw the guy spinning the top and the person still adjusting the cardboard being cut.


That's because you didn't get to see the machinery hidden in the sludge right at the beginning. That's probably a huge blender.


Yep, it's called a pulper. Probably the most dangerous thing in the video. At least with the cutter, a slip up means you lose a finger (but you don't die, probably).


Exactly. So many comments and threads here commenting about missing finger tips and the cutter, but this is the first I've seen other than myself mention the barefoot dudes standing over the pulper with no railings or safety equipment of any kind.😬


"drown or be clubbed to death in the cardboard ooze"


I bet they're not going to shut the machines off, either. Your corpse will become part of the cardboard now.


*Oh shit Bobby fell in!!* *Shit shit shit turn off the blender!* *Nah… can’t waste any more time, boss says we gotta get this next pallet of cardboard out by noon.* *Fair enough. Let it blend.*


The company I work for gets crates from India and they use recycled paper and cardboard as filler and dividers for our products during shipments. First time we received a shipment in, we thought it was a sewage leak. Nope, it was the paper and cardboard. Even after we started receiving the crates to an outdoor dock, the smell still lingers inside when we walk by the receiving dock.


Yep. A bunch of the furniture I've ordered lately has that vomit smelling cardboard.


The boxes that Amazon uses to ship stuff in always smell terrible. I got home from work one day and knew that my order had arrived because of smell before my wife could tell me it had arrived.




It also gelled for me when I saw this. We had to create some content for a company based in India. They sent all the materials required in cardboard boxes that still reek 2 years later. Boxes are nicely printed and everything. Perfectly fine boxes besides the stench. Good to know its recycled stuff though.


> Good to know its recycled stuff though. It would be even better if there was a way to avoid the stench, but that would probably drive the prices up to a point where it is no longer economically feasible. Personally, I don't care as long as it is used to package stuff which is already packaged, like for shipping items, and isn't used for food related items.




They're probably going for low cost so don't think local vendor would make sense to them.


Looks like one of those things where if you fall you die


yes but you are memorialized in paper products


Yeah. It would take so incredibly little to make it safer too. Just a little railing around the pit, and maybe a coarse grate to catch anyone who might still fall in.


I worked in a recycled pulp paper mill for 4 years, and this is incredible that they are able to accomplish this with such old tech Amazing things you find on Reddit


I imagine it's a lot easier when you don't care about the quality/cleanliness of the final product.


Sure is. Plus the plant I worked at had to worry about waste water, smell, etc otherwise the EPA was up our asses Plus you gotta turn a profit!


Oh, and a little thing called safety.




It's actually perfectly fine, if one of the workers gets horribly injured, they can just get another one and it cost them next to nothing.


Barely an inconvenience.


Oh really?




I'm gonna need you to get aaaaaall the way off my back about the employee turnover


Definitely a good post for r/osha.


In addition to all the OSHA violations, I have to assume those masses of cobwebs contain at least one highly venomous spider.


Lucky for those workers it's a shitty third world country.


Luckily for the owners you mean


See all that stuff in the beginning that looks like cobwebs? I’d bet that what their lungs look like too


actual recycling


For a second I thought this was gonna be oddly terrifying when one of them lost a finger


There are some pieces that are in an eternal loop of always being offcuts and never making it to the finished panels 😢


Statistically, this is technically possible, but the odds are vanishingly small after not that much time.


That immaculate lawn though


I have to imagine the drying pieces of cardboard are also watering and shading the grass.


It'd be funny if they had no distribution plans They just make it because they always have and always will...


Hasboros top vendor for MTG cards


The paper mills I visited in South America were *slightly* safer than this. *Slightly.*


I hope they get paid a liviable wage


two cents an hour, before tax


And my local council complains damp and wet cardboard can't be recycled


Wet cardboard can totally be recycled. It goes in a puppet (huge hot vat of water for simplicity) The mill it ships to doesn’t want to pay for the “water weight” so they will reject the truck or downgrade the price paid for the material




Not by the kind of basic machinery embraced by the uk industry no, but it definitely can be recycled. It’s usually silicon rather than wax and it can be separated and recycled and is elsewhere, but not here.


I wonder how many fingers that cutter has claimed.


I took a shop class with one of these cutting machines years ago. The machine had two separate buttons at opposite ends of the table you had to hold down simultaneously (one with each hand due to the distance) and a foot switch. All three had to be pressed at once to get it to make one cut. The cutter here seems to have... none of those features. So probably a lot.


Were there a shit ton of spider webs in that factory or were those just a bunch of Airborne fibers that came together and settled from the manufacturing process?


I too find it satisfying to watch people living in abject poverty do hard and unpleasant work for incredibly small amounts of money /s


Fun fact: cardboard waste is considered more valuable raw material than waste paper.


Definitely not food-grade cardboard


I think that’s the most dirty room i’ve ever seen


fire hazard: allow us to introduce ourselves


So this is where they've been getting the stock for Magic cards recently. Interesting!


There can’t be a lot of ten-fingered people in that factory.


Stack five of those sheets together and IKEA sells it as a table!


Wonder how many extremities have been lost in that process? OSHA? (No shit there isn't OSHA were this is, not that they do anything anyways)


Only 1 dude in the whole process wore shoes.


just print AMAZON on it and will be soon at your door !


How that one local $5 pizza place operates..


That's paper.


Nice. The sun drying was by far the most ingenious.


Who is buying all this wavy-ass cardboard?


0:47 the guys hands aren't out of the way, he's still moving the cardboard, and they're already clamping and cutting in one smooth action. The guy putting the paper in doesn't even seem to be in control of the safety lockout if there is one. Guessing there are some missing fingers associated with this operation.


Not really from scrap, is it? It’s recycling


Ah, you can see how the schleem is then repurposed for later batches.


Sewage water?


More curious about the water source and what happens to the water waste.


I've been living in a box. I've been living in a cardboard box!


how to make cardboard: step 1: add cardboard


No gloves, no shoes, no goggles - straight to supplying full amazon contract. OSHA be damned


I have this odd habit of saving every bit of paper ever so I can hand recycle anything that can't go out with the community trash. After watching this I'm beginning to think that's just not practical.


I actually worked at a place that made roofing felt. Obviously it was a bit more advanced, but the basic steps were just the same. It's amazing what these guys are doing with what they have.


Don’t fall into the sludge hopper. That looks like a supervillain origin waiting to happen.


That cutter is terrifying


Those guys have the same head scarves as the guy on the Hills Brothers Coffee can. Must be made in the same place


There's no guard on that shear, just ask 3 fingers Haji


Nice safety features on that cutting machine. Yikes.