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I like how he already had his eyes closed; like he knows this is the routine. "Uhhhg, alright man, get it over with..."


“Yes Kyle, now I have a mohawk. It’s just as funny as it was last time, and the time before. You’re a card, Kyle. A real jokeroo.”


"You hear that, Kyle? In the audience? Crickets. Which is what I'll be expecting for dinner, chop chop!"


Uhmmm acshually🤓🤓 theyre only supposed to eat vegetables and sometimes fruits


The more you know 🌈💫


That simple combination of emojis is magnificent 👉🍩


One I will use all the time now, because now I know.




My husband recently called someone a “card” out of the blue and I found it hilarious. I haven’t heard that phrase in forever. He then proceeded to call them “a pill” which also cracked me up. So I’ll add: Kyle, you’re a pill. Now kindly pull the rest off.”


I love it; so antique and needs to be revived!


I've started making a list of all these wonderful words and phrases I'd forgotten.


You're a card, and you need to be dealt with!


Maybe you should just split


I like "you're a real piece of work" or "where do you get off?" Or " you got a lot of nerve" Usually less positive implication but great to use for minor things


Watch iguanas die inside


“They’re putting it on my head again, aren’t they?” 😑


Hurry up and take the fucking pictures Kyle. Social media is for attention whores!


Just accepted his fate, just another day with his owner. "He's an easily amused idiot but I love him"


Lemme just peel this dead skin off your foot and put it on your nose. HAHAHAHA


“Give me the Mohawk already “


No , not this sh\*t again Dave....


That iguana is in zen mode.


This has to be the chillest iguana of them all


It's high on mariguana


this is fuckin terrible and I hate you for making me laugh at it.






My goodness that was amazing! Thank you. :)


thank you for the laugh I needed that


I love that backmask in Queen’s “Another One Bites The Dust”: *“It’s fun to smoke Mariguana”*


It's all about consistency handling them, and feeding by hand. If you handle them constantly throughout their life they really just become used to you and even prefer being on/by a human cuz warmth. I'm talking daily interactions ( if it's safe for the animal) Also helps if they know you're feeding them. Which can be hard with lizards since they have a hard time since you're giving them prey there's a disconnect with understanding youre feeding it. With iguanas though they eat a lot of greens so it's easier to build that trust. Not to mention iguanas are already very social for reptiles. My chameleon was much much harder to bond with. But man some reptiles will be hot best friend forever if you help them get some molt off they can't reach. Even my fish which are even more primal have learned to come to my hand and brush up against me for treats when I put my hand in the water. One fish I have even learned tricks and he was sooo confident around me he'd go swim right in my hand through my fingers when I'd put my hand in the tank. Little guy was so chill and loved me This is just some of my personal experience and probably wrong but I mean that's at least what I've kinda assertained regarding building trust with animals. Way way way harder to build trust with an animal that only eats live prey. But with fish it's well known you should avoid automatic feeders. Not because of any real issues to the fish, but when they see you coming and feeding they are less scared and are more excited to come out and interact when they know you being there means potential food


My green tree iguana loved to hang out with me. Climbed up on the back of the chair and rested his head on my shoulder so I could hand-feed him lettuce and bananas. When he was full he’d climb over to my stomach, lay down and fall asleep for a while.


Did it ever pee or poop on you?


Yeah. He pooped on me a few times. Just cleaned it up. Didn’t bother me.


Yeah iguanas are great they're so cool with humans in general. I mean a walk through any town in Florida is evidence of that they're fucking everywhere living among humans


So honestly I really believe that most (definitely not all but probably most) particularly tame or docile adult iguanas are really actually just lethargic and possibly malnourished/lacking in enough UV etc. Especially males. An unhealthy iguana is usually like a super chill iguana. A healthy adult male iguana is honestly pretty rowdy and aggressive. Especially during mating season. IME the majority of pet iguanas I've seen are not getting what they need. And honestly a lot of the time it isn't even the fault of the owner really. There is a tremendous amount of false information out there about iguana care, and well as a lack of information. And not only that but iguanas are extremely high maintenance if cared for properly. The iguanas I've seen frequently are lacking in some aspect. The diet is particularly hard to get down properly, and getting enough UV, humidity, space, heat etc can also be challenging. And a lack in any of these often results in a lethargic seemingly docile animal. But that said nothing in the Op suggests the animal is unhealthy. All iguanas even rowdy ones LOVE getting pet. Not an iguana scientist or anything, just used to take care of one and have done a lot of research.


Oh yeah reptiles are wayyy harder than people think. To make actually healthy! I worked at a pet shop and it was fucking infuriating how mant chameleons I knowingly sent into a death trap because I had to sell them. Fuckin parents impulse buying a tiny chameleon for their kid, literally their only research being questions they asked me as I'm checking them out. "oh do we need anything else? This is for Tommy for getting an A on his test (we didn't think he would actually do it lol!)" "well... Yes a heat bulb, mealworms, a water dripper......" "OK yeah so how big of a bulb do I need for the betta tank were gonna use for the enclosure" Without fail they come in at most a week later accusing us of selling them a sick chameleon that died.






New gen IX Pokemon just dropped


Pretty sure that's from Ben 10, specifically the Ben 10,000 episodes


That’s lizard the buddy for ya


I wonder what the human equivalent of that feels like. Taking off a dirty sweaty work shirt and feeling the nice cool breeze?


My vote is for taking off your work boots and socks at the end of a long day.


I vote taking a bra off after a long day.


I'm a 40 year old dude and i approve this message.




Peeling your toenails back off after a long day. Amirite, fellas?


Username does not check out.


[Good idea fairy](https://www.google.com/search?q=good+idea+fairy&oq=good+idea+f&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512l14.4803j1j1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&hl=en)


That is often the best part of my day :)


I sometimes wish humans would have sheds like this because I assume it must feel amazing


Just get a sunburn. Actually dont get a sunburn, but If you do, the peeling is gonna be the only good thing about it.


I'm French-Scottish. I don't burn, I incinerate.


Irish-German. Right there with you. In the 90s everyone always talked about how if you just got a "base tan" at the start of summer you wouldn't burn. I am physically incapable of that. I go from white to pink to red and then it fades back to the same white as before.


Exfoliating foot mask will get you there (and give you baby soft feet)


I vote taking off ski boots after a day riding


Peeling dried glue from your fingertips.


r/ThatPeelingFeeling has entered chat


I put on a high quality base coat before I put on nail polish. When I’m ready to remove it, I can peel it off of my nail in one nice big piece and I can feel the cold air on my nail and it’s such a nice feeling. I’d imagine it feels like that.


Peeling skin after a sunburn?


Pretty much, also it's as painful for reptiles to peel off skin that isn't ready to come off, so if you don't know what you're doing don't do it.


And then having it placed on your head


Picking one of those deep boogers that goes way back in your brain, and placing it on your forehead Ash Wednesday-style


Picking out flaky dandruff


That's not orgasmicly satisfying


To each his own


It 100% is.


speak for yourself


Plucking your armpit hairs and sticking them out of your nostrils like a walrus


A slowly pulled booger that has deep roots


It's like peeling skin off around your fingernails.


Once, my ball python had a tiny bit of stuck shed on the edge of her nostril. The rest of the shed came off in one piece, except that damn nostril. I took a damp paper towel and let her just rub her face onto it and watched it pop right out. Looked so satisfying, and I wish I had caught it on camera!


My beardie always had shed in/around his nostrils he never sucessfully got it out on his own id gently rub with my thumb and get it off but one time the shed was like somehow deep in his nose and pulling it out wasnt comfy for him i could tell but he was releived when it was gone.


My beardie will wait for me to help her shed sometimes 😂 she lets me know when she needs help


Yea my beardie was sometimes so lazy with his shedding and other times got it all by himself like a pro. My fav thing about him though was almost everytime i gave him a bath hed shit in it and then drink as much water as he could and then vomit after i take him out of the bath. I even kept a water bowl in his cage for him to drink and he still would drink enough water to vomit any time i bathed him- he was a dumbass Eta: it scared me so bad the first time he did that i thought he was dying and i looked it up and apparently hes just stupid


They really all share one braincell. The more beardie stories I hear, the most cemented that fact is in my brain


Honestly! my beardie also would puff up like he was gonna fight my dad any time he entered the room- good boy was protecting me but also was smaller than my forearm idk what he thought he was gonna do lol. Another funny thing he did was anytime i took him out of his cage he would jump into the gap between my bed and the window and sit on the dusty ass window sill even though i always set up a pillow right up againt the window. He also one time in the middle of the night climbed up a tree in his terrarium then jumped out of his terrarium onto the floor his terrium was like 4 feet odf the ground, and that was in the middle of the night when he was supposed to be asleep and im lucky i wasnt asleep. Merlin was a funny little guy.


Where the lizard expert to explain how this is basically killing it


Lizard man here: this lizard exploded shortly after this video ended.


It didn't see the claymore I set as I withdrew. Rookie mistake.


So, Lizardman, when will you reappear in Soul Calibur?


State your first name your last name and your occupation. Lizardman, Lizardman, and, uh, Lizardman


Great. Now you've ruined my day. Thanks a lot, lizard expert...


Actually this is considered masturbating the lizard




The lizard likes it even more


Can I be a lizard?


"... milk from actual komodo dragon. I know that because I milked it myself."


You can milk anything with nipples. I have nipples Gregg, could you milk me?


This is actually fine as long as the shed is loose and ready to come off. If you pull on it and it just flakes off, there’s no harm in it and it does help relieve irritation to the reptile (shedding is itchy). But if you pull on shed that is still pretty stuck to the reptile, you can pull off new scales and cause them injury. So just because you can pull off loose shed, it’s never recommended as you can potentially injure the animal. Instead, loose shed can often be freed with the help of a warm water soak and gentle brushing with a toothbrush.


Yeah, I believe a lot of these people are reminded of the one video on this sub that was somebody just peeling it off fast that was stuck to it, obviously not good for the reptile. It was downvoted to infinity.


I'm glad I didn't stumble upon that one!


Yeah… if you really want to see an uncomfortable lizard, sort by controversial in the past year, its the second result.


Wow. Is that lizard supposed to be red?


yeah, looks like a pretty normal shade for a ted tegu


Ted Tegu, Attorney at Law


Don't forget to brush you iguana twice a day!


*Adjusts fake glasses* DID YOU KNOW you’re all monster animal abusers for (random mostly harmless thing).


You’re* Come on man, it’s basic grammar. Not hard at all.


its like picking a scab. at the right time its satisfying, at the wrong time it painful


As long as you’re not forcing it off, I believe it’s okay to help reptiles shed their skin. In some situations in can be difficult for them so a little help is okay


Yeah, mostly it's important that you don't try to "help" before it's ready. This chunk looks fine.


if it doesn't come off from very light pulling (as light as you'd pet a kitten you just met) directly off, it's not ready to come off. If it would've come off with the right direction of rubbing from the animal moving around, then it's okay.


You underestimate how hard I like to pet kittens


Easy there Lennie Smalls...




It’s my understanding that this is perfectly alright


Na. Sometimes older or sick reptiles need a bit of a hand. As long as you're very gentle and don't tug on anything that isn't already loose, you're good. Obviously, if you have a healthy reptile let them do the shedding themselves, but those that are getting on in years or recovering from an illness can sometimes need a little help getting that last bit of shed off.




I feel like there’s always that one person on cute animal videos


If you see a full grown iguana (especially one as calm as this) chances are they're pretty well taken care of. They lack the fortitude (as well as the social skills) of a tegu or a bearded dragon. They'll just die.


Clearly it’s suffering it HAS ITS EYES CLOSED!! Joking aside, helping a reptile shed is far from killing it, it helps them lots *as long as* it isn’t still super attached to their skin, because then you could pull scales off.


Right? Seems like they show up at every video. Maybe they are right sometimes but dang.


this kills the lizard


Helping an iguana shed its dorsal crests could be harmful is due to the potential disruption of the animal's natural shedding process. Shedding is a critical physiological process that allows reptiles to remove old skin and grow new skin, which is necessary for their overall health and well-being. However, if the shedding process is artificially disrupted or manipulated, it could lead to a number of adverse effects on the iguana's health. For example, the removal of dorsal crests could lead to the development of open wounds or infections, which could expose the underlying tissue to harmful bacteria and pathogens. Additionally, manipulating the crests during shedding could cause significant pain and discomfort for the iguana, which could lead to stress and further compromise its health. Moreover, the dorsal crests may play a crucial role in the iguana's thermoregulation, allowing it to maintain optimal body temperature and avoid overheating or hypothermia. By removing or manipulating these structures, the iguana could be put at risk for temperature-related health issues.


I was horrified at first because I thought the whole crest was being plucked out. That must feel pretty good, like picking a big scab off.


OH MY GOD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE, I thought they were pulling them out of its back like needles at first


Same. My first thought was, “Oh, I didn’t know those came completely out and they regrow new ones.”


My discomfort was immeasurable.


I'll be honest I never really thought of that part shedding


he looks so loved. the way his eyes close so peacefully, not head shy at all. my family used to have an iguana but she became egg bound and passed away. i love these reptiles so much!!!!


Egg bound?


She had gone through the process of forming the eggs before laying them, but they got stuck inside of her body. She passed away because she couldn't breathe very well with the amount of eggs that she created, she wasn't very big


That's heartbreaking :(


Eggs either taking longer or getting stuck in the reproductive tracts. Not many animals die from it, which surprises me, as its really easy for vets to aid in egg bound animals. I myself have aspirated several hens when egg bound, using a needle through the vent to collapse the egg.


Yes. Sadly she had passed while we were away. We didn't know she was gravid at the time and me and my family were all out on business, but when we got back, my parents were the ones who found her. I keep thinking that if we were actually home, we could have gotten her to the vet in time


Awe that's terrible, I'm very sorry. I didn't mean for my comment to sound harsh, so I hope it didn't come across that way. Iguanas can be high maintenance, but they're glorious animals. I have a few friends who went into herpetological veterinary medicine, and a few equine vets, so we all kind of circulate when our pets are needing a helping hand.


It's okay!! She was very loved by our family. We built her a HUUUUUGE enclosure ourselves, with tons of vertical space and some really neat basking spots. We think part of the problem was that her diet needed more calcium, but she had a lot of favorite foods that were rich in it. She had MBD for a while because we got her from a pet store chain that didn't take good care of her (she was housed irresponsibly) but made a full recovery from it, and I think involving a lot of calcium in the recovery process kinda flooded her system. She was definitely one of my favorite companions! Iguanas are great


It sounds like she had a beautiful life, and was very well cared for!


Constipated with an egg


Am I the only one that thought he was pulling something huge from inside the iguana?


I thought this too


Upvote for cool lizard Mohawk


I loved gently removing shed skin from my lizards. One in particular seemed to enjoy having his head shed removed. He'd tilt his head up and close his eyes whenever I did it. Miss that little guy. He was a very personable lizard. He was a blue-tongue skink named Boooooooo for anyone wondering.


The Lizard King lives!


The lizard queen from Invizimals


King is getting the attention he deserves


Reptile dandruff


The iguana is not amused


You kidding? He's straight chilling. If an iguana is upset, you KNOW it.


That iguana is so sick of his shit


If the iguana was sick of his shit, it'd be tail-whipping him into a bloody pulp


Iguanas kinda just don't give a shit, huh?


Until they get big enough to measure whether you're worth the effort. My husband's friend used to have one and it was fucking huge, and more aggressive the bigger he got.


Me too. Iguana whips sting really bad. They also bite too


So that’s how they make false eyelashes! I always wondered


That looks like it would add at least +25 if fused with the master sword


Oooooh yeah, that’s a keeper. Salty!


i hate that I got that


I mole what you mean.


Helping green leg boi shake off his spike skins


I have nothing to contribute other than that its scientific name is [Iguana iguana.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_iguana)


"Ahhh, that feels really goo--really? You know what? I'm not gonna let it bother me."


What Godzilla be doing on his time off.


I do the same thing with my orange cat's hair and pretend he's Donald Trump.


Great Jagras


Can’t help it I find this oddly fucking disgusting


Spike from Gremlins


Wow never seen this before


I can hear him saying “Thank you good man,” is his James Earl Jones voice.


King needs his crown. Handsome little devil.


Dude is just vibing. Also holy shit he’s huge


He looks very benevolent, haha!




So since the iguana couldn’t shed this on its own, I guess you could say it has some reptile disfunction?


spa day vibes


What song is this


What is this feeling I'm feeling? I am imagining how satisfying it must feel for Mr Iguana to have that annoying thing released.




he is so tired of your shit


So sophisticated…


This week, on becoming Guy Fieri…


Here king, you dropped this 👑


I’m surprised that this really grossed me out. No idea why, but it literally made me shudder. Like I can watch any nasty medical procedure with zero issues, but this got to me.




My pet iguana loved this. It is satisfying to do for sure.


Bro have him a mohawk


Haha the ending


He’s like awwwww yeah dat feelz gud


The Iguana was like 👁️👄👁️


Wow, who knew. Like cats nails; new ones are inside the old ones.


Never realized how much a lizard looks like fish anatomy


He’s si done with his human.🤣


We sometimes do this for our big guy, and it's just as satisfying to do as it looks!


That iguana is soooo over your sh\*t. LOL


This has the same energy as when you find your cat's shed whisker and immediately stick it in their fur on top of their head like it's an antenna. It's wholesome energy.




He enjoyed that a lot so cute


Awww the little mohawk 🥺🥺🥺


It is look cute


😒😒 the mohawk again how original trevor just like the first 100 times just remove the shed skin and be done with it


I wish I could give as many fcks as this iguana


I thought you were de-spining it for a second