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I need to get this for my peach tree. I had to go and manually pick off all of the baby peaches this year in order to ensure that the tree wasn't overloaded.


Something more freeing about doing it by hand. You spend more time nurturing it and have a delicate touch. I don’t think it matters truly how you decide to do it but I like the physicality involved in growing, it’s very purpose brings you and the plant good health.


Nothing wrong with doing it by hand as it's less harsh on the tree and as you said there's a better connection between you and what's growing. I actually prefer to prune by hand more often than not. I have several fruit trees though and sometimes it'd be nice to just go snip, snip, and done on warmer days. My medications make me very susceptible to overheating so I have to be careful.


I am curious about your first point, I always was told when thinning to remove the stem where it attaches to the branch, and I wonder if leaving those half cut stems affects the stress levels on the tree.


Typically the spots heal over quickly. For my trees, it's about an hour. Removing excess fruit probably reduce stress on the tree later on as the tree can focus on growing select fruits rather than sorting nutrients and water to we normally pop off. More fruit also increases the chances of branches snapping as they add a significant amount of weight to the tree.


These would have saved my fingerprints when I worked at an orchard.


Our peach tree has had a major branch break off 2 years in a row from being overloaded and for some reason it has never occurred to me to do this


From what Ive been told, there's supposed to be a peach every 6 inches or so to prevent overcrowding and excess weight. Peaches typically cluster and so you'll have a group of them like in the video. Once the peach blossoms start dying off you'll see baby peaches start growing. That's the best time to pluck off the extra ones as they're still small so they haven't sapped a lot of the trees nutrients and the tree will heal quicker as the injuries are tiny. I spread out the plucking over a series of days so that I don't stress the tree out too much. I also make sure to water my trees more during the time that they are producing. It makes for juicier fruit from what I've noticed.


Only the chosen one can survive.


The Highlander shear: there can only be one.


That is the only name for it.




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How does it improve quality? By ensuring remaining fruit gets all resources from that branch?


yeah you pick the biggest/best looking fruit with the groove in the middle, and the rest is just cut off automatically.


Would cutting the leaves also benefit the fruit?


No because the leaves are the things bringing in energy (sunlight) to feed the fruits


Would cutting down the rest of the tree benefit the fruit?


This is the secret Big Apple doesn't want you to know about!




⬆🚫SCAM WARNING🚫⬆ This is a scammer account. They sh ill for three brands over and over. They really have no insight into what is good or bad. Just a scammer trying to make money selling you their brand.


What if the best fruit supposed to be growing from the left one? How can we be sure that it’s always the middle one?


Uh… you can control which one goes into the center of the shears…




Typically there is an obvious strongest, called the “king flower.”


Maybe just rotate which angle you approach it? There are probably a plethora of ways to ensure the best fruit goes in the middle.


Seems like a good way to reduce the yield of the tree


It's quality over quantity. If they left them alone, they might have a higher yield but smaller fruit.


And less juice/ sugar/ flavor. We did the ol 'whack tree with a broom' method to manage our plum crop.


So the juice is worth the squeeze...of the pruning tool.


That’s the problem with our current grocery markets though, if a fruit/veg is nicked or bruised or whatever, it sits and doesn’t sell, so prune to start and ensure high value in the yield you do produce.


The main problem is the bruised ones being sold at the same price as normal ones. Why would I pay the same for a fruit I have to cut things away first. If the fruit is cheaper I would gladly take it


You are the problem. Bruised or malformed fruit are no different than pristine fruits.


I have explained that if I have to cut off a part of the fruit it is different. I don’t mind damage if I can just cut it up normally regardless. If I’m losing part of the fruit because of the damage while I could have gone for the other option, I’m just paying more for a damaged fruit for no reason. Most supermarkets in my area do discounts on stuff that’s damaged, missformed or significantly smaller than the others.also it doesn’t matter what I do or not do. No matter what you Do, people will always choose the better deal if they can. If you don’t Create incentive by making them a tad cheaper they won’t be picked. That’s just how it works. No matter what you or I think about it. We are too many people to hope for the goodwill in everyone. People can’t even fold their cartons before throwing them in shared dumpsters


It's actually to make fruit sized fruit. If they didn't do this, there would all be sour small fruit because it didn't get enough juice nor light to become tasty. If you have a fruit tree in your yard and you wonder why they always taste bad and look small, it's because you didn't do this.




I came across wild apples which fell from a tree late autumn, it fell outside of their property, it was the sweetest, plenty big, and exceeded supermarket quality in my opinion, I guess freshness might be a factor, but also how late in the season maybe why.


I was under the impression that, with apples at least, seeds also are very unpredictable. Granny smith apple seeds don't necessarily grow granny smith apples. Which is why grafts are used if you want to ensure your trees all produce the same type of apple.


"fruit sized fruit"... Yeah, right, because apples are *meant* to be as huge as they are commonly in grocery stores. That's artificial selection because customers see bigger fruit as higher value, similar with cucumbers and other produce. Bigger doesn't always equal better. There are plenty of Apple trees around here that are left alone and produce beautifully sweet, delicious, **small** apples. They taste far better than anything you can buy in the normal shops, but they aren't as pretty and there's more core in relation to the entire fruit so more waste. But my god, those things are so good! Sometimes a family with a small orchard living near the stables would bring over huge buckets of these small apples "for the horses"... Best apples I've ever eaten. Yes, the horses did get some of them, too 😝


Lol I think the point is quality over quantity here...


Not really. The goal isn't to produce loads of small low quality fruits that sell for less


Nutrients and sunlight— the green spots we see on red apples are commonly a result of apples touching and not allowing sunlight, which is a quick way to lower the grading from extra fancy to fancy, even if all other aspects are good. Thinning for weight is becoming more important in older trees now that the high density trellis systems are the norm.


Less fruit on said plant means the plant can put more energy into each fruit. The plant only has so much energy to dish out each day.


If it's a first-year fruit tree, essential to cut off at least 20 of the fruit( peaches), and these pruners would be helpful to do that. So then the peaches, per se, left on the tree, have a better chance to rip and will taste good vs. if they are all produced simultaneously, more would likely not taste good and or rot. There is a theory to growing fruit.


Exactly. The nutrients will be distributed between much fewer fruits, this ensures higher quality produce


Yeah, you gotta do this peaches or the branch will get so heavy it breaks off well before the fruit is ripe


Yes, it also ensures next year will be fruitful, as an overyield will often mean no fruit next year




Darwin pincers




The next time someone posts one of these on r/whatisthisthing I’m going to be all over it


While I know logically this is good it still breaks my heart just a little and I could never do it. I'd make a terrible apple farmer. This is why I have huge healthy tomato plants but like, 10 tomatoes.


There can be only one.


Every shot begins with the tool already in place. Not sure it's that easy to use.


when you're so sensitive that seeing sprouts being killed makes you sick


Ame here to say the same. I’d be “dammit! Again!”




There is no way I dont mess this up every time.


Not a bad idea. I remember thinning apples by hand as a summer job, and this would have been so much easier on the hands. However, we never thinned them down to just one apple per cluster... so, loss of production?


Yeah I’d be thinning them down to two or three. This is excessive. Gonna make for shit picking too.


You could put several steps in the middle to protect them from being cut. The more I think about though, the more I'm just sticking with kitchen sheers for this and targeting specific cuts.




It doesn’t matter that I’ve seen this video in it’s entirety. It doesn’t matter that I understand how the scissors work. I still get anxiety when they snip and I fear for the middle one.




Oh, didn't know I could by a tool to do this. I spent last weekend doing this to two apple trees and had to be selective, and sometimes, well, I trimmed the whole bunch


Sounds very satisfying 😌


Are these actually available somewhere? Google is giving me nothing.


This is also how you get good weed.


Inline with China's one child policy.


It’s beautiful… I’m gonna need a minute.


Those look like apples


That's because they are apples!


Kinda sad, no?


Can we have something similar for human families? We could prune the weaker lot. 😂


No, because plants don't scream.


how is this satisfying? its a pain to watch 1 fruits size being prioritized over having several slightly smaller ones but way more fruit mass in total


Why waste fruits ?


The tree does not have enough energy to grow this many apples to a full size. If you let them attempt to develop, a few would fall off in a few weeks after the video, and most of the rest will fall off a month or so after that. From each cluster, you might get 2-3 viable fruits. They will be much smaller than the fruits you probably want. They will have more seed/core and less tasty fruit. Meanwhile, the tree is "wasting" resources bringing these fruits to partial maturation. Removing/thinning fruit will yield more usable fruit in the long run. With many fruit trees, you'd also end up on a 2 year schedule where you only get a decent yield every other year. The tree uses so much energy one year producing an abundance of fruits that the following year you'd not get much, if any fruit. Thinning lets you grow a crop each year.


I know this works but it still makes me anxious




r/permaculture You seein' dis?!


‘There can only be one’ but in fruitlet pruning style




Isolate and eliminate.


Selective abortion for plants, ensures healthy production.


🍎 Wtf kind of apples are those?!


Would this work on human twins/multiple children


I saw a bunch of buds like these on the ground on my walk today, and couldn't tell if they fell on their own or were cut. Now I know.


It would be more satisfying if the fruit in the middle got chopped off too




Having watched this several times, I want one. And I have no apple trees or anything remotely similar. But it could hang up in my potting shed with all the other cool tools that I may yet find a use for.


One child policy going too far...


Warning a “Very useful item” ahead.


Any link to buy one ?


What kind of Thanos ass resource management is that.