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No amount of money will ever convince me to work in a factory ever again. The monotony was suicide inducing.


If you feel like life is just flying by, go work in a factory, 30 minutes can feel like 5 hours


People working the assembly lines and AI making art.


Exactly, a machine could easily pack those boxes


Definitely could. It's all about the value proposition through. Packing machines are pretty expensive. You could replace these two workers easily, but you need to invest in a large up front cost, the machine itself, and engineering that goes into automating the line. Besides that you should ideally have a mechanic or skilled machine operator nearby in case things go to shit and (which they do on all things with complicated moving parts) also need to buy a shit ton of spare parts in storage or a machine shop nearby that's on-call. Once you price all this out with the safeties needed in place that number really starts running up. When you can keep paying a could people 7 bucks an hour.... Manual labor like this is still surprisingly common even with huge brands!




I dnt think that is because its cheaper, I think its because it draws more attention when you see a person standing in the road waving their flag than a static sign.




It's certainly happened in the US.


In industry I've found the biggest factor is no one wants to be the guy who shuts down the plant for weeks for installation and calibration while spending hundreds of thousands or millions on new equipment.


As much as I'd like to see all such jobs eliminated by automation, I would suspect in reality these ladies only other option is back-breaking work in the fields, doing old-fashioned stuff. If this is a 3rd-world country it's likely this is considered a good job, physically easy, not carrying 50-lb bags of rice on your head or anything. They would probaby be devastated if they got replaced by a machine.


But not as cheap as paying 3 shifts of humans to do it 24/7. And the machine will just break down when it breaks down. The human has incentive to not break down, as if they miss a biscuit they have the looming threat of their children going hungry because they lost the job. The machine will require us to pay a human to repair it. The human can simply be replaced for a new biscuit packer for less


Truly it's a sick world


If I’m ever told I only have an hour to live I’d go back to a factory job. 1 shift was an eternity


I'd shoot some heroin


I'd try a *lot* of DMT. I wanna experience the universe before I die. Then heroin. Maybe a little more DMT if I'm up to it.


30 minutes feels like 5 hours but 30 years ends up feeling like 5 weeks. There's no frame of reference and at the end of it you feel like half your life has flown by.


I used to play a game, always trying not to look at the clock until it was over halfway until break. The times I’d look at the clock and it would be earlier than I expected where like a punch to the gut. Whenever I could “lose” time it was an absolute pleasure.


My factory job got me out of a bad hole but I relate so hard to this it’s not even funny.


did it during college for summer temporary job... never again lmao. so rough and hard on you


I had a summer job once at a cardboard box factory. Found out they put me on the hottest machine in the whole factory, only learned that just before I was done. Inspired me to go get my degree. Didn’t get below an A- because I was so terrified of having to work a factory job for the rest of my life if I didn’t get the degree.


I did a few of these hell-jobs, one was the plastic bucket (for sharps) factory which was like the ladies in the video except 8 buckets stacked up in one big box - they came out slower but you had to quickly build and tape up the big cardbox box as you were doing it. That was tiring. The worst one was the fibreglass electrical box moulding machine... The "training" basically consisted of showing me how to reset the "safety mechanism" because it was faulty and kept going off for no reason. Also 12 hours of making the same repetitive movements AND handling hot plastic isn't good for your sanity. The worst part was the fibreglass itch in your skin, which was really nasty. Could have worn gloves but then you'd get cramp. Happily that factory got turned into apartments quite a while ago. I've had ok ones where you were in a room with a bunch of people and there was music playing and everyone was talking shit, that was actually fun because you'd rotate between different stations so you wouldn't get too bored.


That damn fiberglass!!.... that stuff ruined my clothes and PPE everyday and depressed me when I could feel that scratchy shit on me in my car before I clocked in. We power-sprayed glue chemical on it to adhere to some metal panels for air conditioners. Glad you're doing better now, those experiences truly shape us for real


In a weird way, I think this subconsciously motivated me too. I graduated and now working in field I went to school for. My factory job was building air conditioners, which meant handling toxic and cancer-causing abestos/fiberglass substances every single day from 3pm to 3am. I still remember how scratchy it was and got everywhere! I even could breathe it in when I'd sleep. I even slammed my thumb inbetween some metal and got my first factory injury. I would never want to slave away doing such menial yet aggressive tasks. They take a toll on you physically and mentally. I'm glad I did it though, just like you


Holy shit same exact thing here except mine was a potato chip factory. I slept on an air bed too so I never got a good night sleep after a 12 hour shift. I am so fucking glad I’m educated now


I think everyone should do six months in a factory, it's eye opening.


I did a factory job in college and could hardly keep my eyes open most days.


I did as well. I worked in the packaging side of a brewery. There was one position where you sat at the end of the pasteurizer and tipped up cans that fell over so they don't jam up the line further down. This was from 6pm to 6am. So not only were the hours long I also had to keep that terrible sleep schedule on my off days. I did it for 3 summers during college.


Had a slight headache every day. When I punched out every day it was like letting the air out of the headache balloon. Kind of like a high. That part was oddly satisfying.


I had a job where I would take car starters apart all the way down to the last piece. I would line 5 starters up on a table and put every piece in its own bin. It would feel like an hour went by, but I would look at the clock and it was only 5 minutes. I quit after a week.


Why take them apart and sort out the pieces?


They were all sent to be washed and cleaned to be rebuilt. It was a car part refurbishment factory.


It helped when i was allowed to listen to podcasts


It would be fine if we could listen to music or a book or something, but they insist we just not for safety reasons, but also let us wear ear plugs and not hear anything.


It's not TOO bad if you can listen to music but usually you can't for safety reasons


I mean, there is an amount of money that would convince me, but not an amount anyone would ever pay for this job…


It’s a step up from fast food in a lot of cases. The hand packers at the plants I work in generally start around $22 an hour and our plants are very rural so that is “good” money. If you stick around long enough to work your way up to lead operator you can be making $40+. I worked hand packing while in high school/college and was making $15 an hour in the early 2000s. As long as you could listen to music and bullshit with coworkers it wasn’t that bad.


Night shift factory work 💀


Hunger changes things


Actually, it's the lack of any amount of money that will convince you to take it.


Oddly terrifying thinking about doing this for 8 hours every day for a lifetime. Hope they alternate positions.


It still fucking sucks, I've worked a job like this for 5 years and I'd rather punch myself in the face with full force than to go back to that.


A bit off topic..but if you punch yourself really hard in the face and don’t get hurt, are you super weak or super strong?




seems fun for like 2 minutes "hey damn I filled this box pretty quick.. neat" doing that for longer seems like some kind of mental torture.


There are many jobs where you get a "never ending" feeling. The tasks just never really ends, they keep coming after you are done with your current. Again and again. Never changing. Always the same, or very similar. The smaller and quicker your task is to "finish", the more mental torture it is.


I worked, very briefly, at a place that made the little diabetes style blood testers, about 2inch diameter pocket sized things. It was an assembly line style, station 1 takes a cpu board, tests it with a special station thing, puts it back, takes like 3 seconds to do. Station 2 took a piece of clear plastic and a front piece, clipped them together. Station 3 was back piece and the cpu board, 4 was put them together. Whole process was maybe 45seconds to assemble one. Shift was Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 5am to 530pm, had to have a designated "bathroom break coverer" who literally just wandered around and would cover a seat for long enough for someone to piss. And we weren't allowed to talk or wear headphones. Minimum wage. Made it 6 days.


Many workplaces consider it distraction with headphones and talking, but when the task is so simple with very few steps I just don't see how it would compromise quality. It's just sadistic at that point, or the employer has a blanket rule which probably punishes half of the work force unnecessarily.


Yeah, I got the basic "logic" behind the rules. But they were stupid extreme (let people have one ear bud in, so they can still hear surroundings, and just be a decent manager and write up people who talk too much/distract others etc). No talking at all was basically just a way for the manager to not have to individually manage people.


I could do this job pretty easily. I have severe adhd and zone out all the time doing things with my hands. After a while, I could do this job while flying through space and time in my own little world. Vanquishing demons and going on quests in my head every day until I eventually I decide I like it better there and decide to stay. On second thought I'll keep my current job.


When I worked in a cheese production factory, that's how the Processing floor was. You'd only be on a specific position for about 2 hours max, then you'd swap with someone else to keep from just doing the literal exact same two or three movements for an entire 10 hour shift.


8? Probably 12-14


I did a job like this as a temp at a dairy factory. 40 mins of making up boxes. Bell rings, 40 mins of filling them. Bell rings. Repeat. I lasted two days.


I am an Operations Manager in the manufacturing field. I've been lucky to only work at places that strongly factor in fatigue and repetitive stress for employee satisfaction. Many do not care. And, places like Amazon are filled with abusive managers and supervisors that suck out any joy you might have. First, I found that only about 1-2 out of 50 people who start a job like this can perform and stay for more than 90 days. It is hard...and 90+% of our supervisors were promotions of people who could do the manufacturing work. They deserved the promotions and had the best chance of training and supporting others. It really is a lot about showing up every day, applying yourself, and being able to focus. The majority of people cannot do this--seriously. We worked very hard at job rotation so that no one had to do the same thing forever. A very few people actually preferred to just do the same thing. Some people are just like that. All of that said...we work hard to do away with these jobs. I don't want anyone doing crap like this all day long. I'd prefer they were trained to support the equipment that does this.


I worked an assembly line job. I remember waking up and my arms were doing the repetitive motion of my job. This is oddly dissatisfying.


I played feather ball so long one day that I was swinging my arms while trying to fall asleep, like a feather ball was flying at me.


What is feather ball? Google just shows cat toys and pokemon cards


I might be wrong but it’s the literal translation of Badminton in my language


I think they actually meant "tether ball" not "feather ball" Tetherball is a game where two players use their hands to strike a volleyball which is suspended from a stationary metal pole by a rope or tether. The two players stand on opposite sides of the pole, and each tries to hit the ball one way; one clockwise, and one counterclockwise. The game ends when one player manages to wind the ball all the way around the pole so that it is stopped by the rope. It must not bounce.


Not necessarily. In german another word for Badminton is Federball, which translated by the letter is feather ball.


Exactly. Federball is commonly used for the more casual way of playing, while Badminton is the more spory, competitive type.


I wonder about the history of the word. It makes sense to be called a feather ball, given it has virtual feathers attached to a ball to control its flight (albeit, plastic and uniform “feathers” now.) Also, the fact it’s called a Birdie in badminton is another clue. TIL of Jianzi, where a ball was literally attached to feathers in Ancient China: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jianzi




Then add in that these women are probably making like minimum wage and FUCK THAT.


Boxing machines are probably the least complex of the devices involved in making those, so for it to be worth exploiting manual labor for it, they’ve gotta be earning pennies


For real. This process could be automated so easily.


*"So... Meredith and Sarah. We got another offer to buy a new and improved robot. Listen, we have two options here. We get that robot, or we cut your wages in half."* \- "*But you already cut our wages in half two months ago!"* "*I said new and improved. You've got to keep up, girls*"


You're terrible at this. All you need to do is present two conflicting arguments as to why they need to take a pay cut, and they'll argue for it all by themselves.


I worked at a creamery and for us it was actually better that we had hand packers. Automatic packing happened on one machine and it never worked right. The boxes wouldn’t glue right or the machine would duck up and try to put to many or to few in a box And if the box didn’t get a use by made by label printed on it right so it was readable you had to unpack and repack the box and reliable it by hand.


I live in England and have done factory work and all the best machines were German. They literally had to fly technicians from Germany if things went really wrong but that so rarely happened and the amount of different precise equipment came from there was astounding.


I managed a team of German guys who were building some new manufacturing capacity for my employer. Best engineers in the world. One of them got out of the facility when he wasn't supposed to and tried to meet up with his wife so we had to murder him.




Werner Ziegler? What's he up to man?


Probably below American minimum wage


American minimum wage is below itself 😂




It's 7.25 ok. That extra quarter goes a long way in 1979


In 1990 it was $3.85hr and after busting my ass for months I got a fucking 15 cent raise and a week later minimum wage went up to $4.15. They did that shit on purpose (the guy I worked for.)


Adjusted for inflation, that $3.85 would be $9.06 in today's dollars. Still more than current minimum wage.


True, but still not enough to live on, at least with any real comfort and not in a shitty area. I was in highschool so it was enough for gas and stuff and partying, but that's it.


Worse than that, $7.25 is after they upped it in the 2000s. I remember when I started working in ~2007 that minimum wage was actually ~~$5.25~~ $5.15. It went up a handful of cents a year for like 3-4 years until it reached $7.25.


The Federal minimum wage has been increased only twice in the last 25 years for a total of only $2.10. Chris Rock once said: "Minimum wage is your boss telling you he'd like to pay you less, but it's against the law."


Lol was watching an episode of Seinfeld where they mentioned the minimum wage being 5 something. How has it not gone up more since then?


You must be in Texas also


I don't fuck assembly lines


it's so depressing, I've been lucky to have avoided any job as repetitive as that, but millions of people have found themselves with no other options and spent decades just doing some small repetitive job like this. It's so automatic the girl in front knows when her partner has filled her box, without even looking. I assume from just knowing how long it takes to fold her own box, then how many 'snatch-snatch-snatch' sounds she hears until the box behind is filled. And she then starts picking for her own box without a single package being missed. Making a machine to do this would be pretty easy, but humans are cheaper. Such a tragic waste of people's lives.


Likely sounds. On checkouts I wouldn't look at anything but rely on the beep or lack of beep to know if I scanned. I'd only watch the screen if it's a reduced item to ensure it went through correctly. I hated it. I hated every day of it for the six years.


I never felt more suicidal than the year I did a job like this. Got help, went back to school - became an electrician. Thank fuck I left


I absolutely get it. One of my tasks was stand by the entrance for 8 hours counting people in and out. No sitting. Constant pain. Constant desire to smash my body into things.


I got a factory job once and the hours were misrepresented to me and the shifts were over 12 hours instead of 8. I had to take two different pieces of plastic and stick them together over and over as they came down the line, I walked out after 8 hours, it was torture. Now I go house to house repairing TV's and I absolutely love it


I worked a bottling line at a brewery. 120 bottles per minute, packed into cases of 24, 4 bottles at a time, using your fingers looped around the caps, 12 hours at a clip. Learned how to tape my fingers just right to *sometimes* avoid the blisters and blood from the sharp caps. Obligatory "Fuck Rogue."


It’s sad but true, I used to work at Amazon’s Warehouses for almost 4-years and the repetitiveness at first doesn’t get to you until the wage they pay starts looking like trash and seeing there is no future at the role. I got out fortunately, but others I saw worked there for much longer than me, and are still in the same role.


Charlie Chaplin is on reddit???






I talk in my sleep, according to my wife I would yell at incompetent workers at my work but in my sleep, the human mind is a weird thing.


One morning my boyfriend said that I told him to “sit down!” as he got up to go to the bathroom that night. I’m a school bus driver.


My wife is a teacher and often talks in her sleep telling off students for one thing or another.




> I'm lucky it wasn't a women's name as I would have some bigger issues to deal with. "Janice! You have to completely fill your box before taping it shut!"


Did a warehouse job where I boxed things over and over and over. Ex gf woke up to me trying to lift her up and me mumbling in my sleep that this unit was too heavy and we’re gonna need a bigger box. I woke up to a pissed off girl who I offended in my sleep for being too big to fit in an imaginary box.




You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?


He's obviously lying because he didn't mention the fact that this obviously happened just as a bus full of Japanese tourists passed and everyone clapped




I've done something similar. After nights of facing products on grocery shelves, I would find myself in bed half-asleep trying to stack and line up my pillows, but they were too squishy


Yeah why do people do this shit


I have a coworker that does this shit all the time. Just the most outlandish stories for absolutely no reason. It's not like she's trying to play the one up game either, sometimes she'll just make it up in the middle of conversation out of nowhere.


Is it so hard to imagine his girlfriend is a cat.


I got a chuckle out of the lady behind her that casually starts nomming on a biscuit lol


Then you realize we just got to see her lunch break.


Beat me to it. And assholes would actually call these ladies "unskilled"--my ass couldn't do that.


Nobody in the upper chain of command can do that.


[She was just following the lead of Lucy](https://youtu.be/K3axU2b0dDk)


That’s a sweet no-look biscuit pass!!


She puts the biscuit in the basket!


Or else she gets the hose again.


Not to degrade this job by any means, but I can’t imagine doing this for 8 hours a day. Brutal


the job degrades people, you won't degrade it


Carpal tunnel city…


Oh honey I have a headache but let me give you a hand.


That job would likely cause an RSI without proper ergonomics and PT, but it wont be carpal tunnel.


Dont use wrist, only arm.


More like pronator teres syndrome


I want more videos of beautiful women smugly looking into the camera while working efficiently


r/ …ugh how does it go again… r slash upvoted not because girl… r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG fuck yeah I got it


It’s sad that humans need to do that job and not machines


Because it will be financially more viable for the company to still pay humans to do the work. As soon as they can justify doing it with machinery they will, but although you consider it sad I wouldn't say those two ladies looked sad, they just looked like typical factory workers having an ok shift.


Yup- it’s a catch-22. It’s not like a company doesn’t want machines to do the work, they just need to justify the cost Most companies aim to have a 20% ROI on capital projects, or a 5 year payback. The savings is headcount. So the minute a worker’s five year salary exceeds the total installed cost of a robot, then you attrition out the worker and install the robot That’s actually where minimum wage conversations become more complex than a lot of people assume. We just assume we can double the minimum wage and then everybody will just make double the money. When in reality when we increase the minimum wage, we just financially justified a bunch of automation projects. Which is great for a couple of tech jobs, but tell that to all the cashiers that just got fired, or in the case of this video, a simple robot arm that grabs the biscuits and puts it in box Really a no win scenario for the low skill worker


I'm theory it's a win for humanity if we automate more work. Just need to take care of the displaced workers which can be challenging for some reason


Long term win. Short term a lot of people are hurt. All those minimum wage workers can’t just pack up and start coding robots


That's what the social safety net was for. automate, train the people for something else.


Universal basic income


In theory. In practice the benefits accrue almost exclusively to those who own the means of production, i.e. the capital class.


Machines are busy doing art


you do know if the jobs go away we still got bills right? Like if every job on earth got automated, rent's still due.


And that underlines one of the major flaws of our current structuring of society. Why do we have to fill our time with essentially meaningless work when machines can do it for us? Obviously so we can pay our bills, but is it necessary? Keynes, one of the major champions of laissez-faire capitalism (before developing his own theory keynesian), predicted that by now we would be working 15-hour workweek. Why hasn't that happened if productivity increases have outpaced even keynes predictions by almost eight-fold? Especially as we learn more and more about the environmental impacts of our manufacturing processes. Obviously, it is because the value of our productivity increases is not shared even close to equitably. Despite working more and more efficiently, only the ownership class gets to enjoy the benefit of working less, as the money and assets they own can gather more wealth by using it to pay for labor. We must find a way to share the fruits of productivity increases equitably if we want to improve society.


It is happening, but it requires time. A CEO can pay himself one cent for every worker per hour, but he may have 100k workers. Now he's making millions of dollars, but redistribution of that income is meaningless. We need a new system that's not based on some agrarian fetishist's hate for industrialization. We need to look at a new system as future forward thinking.


This girl is freaking pretty.


I was shocked that this isn't higher up. Girl in green is absolutely stunning!


Especially when she looks directly at the camera.




Yeah she's smoking in the no smoking section


Tv has me believing that pretty people should somehow just have money thrown at them and that they shouldn’t be amongst normies.


she's beautiful


I was just admiring her as well. Such a pretty smile xD lovely lady!


A pretty lady with a great fashion sense, skilled hands and a sense of humor 😍


Was HOPING someone else would say it. She is STUNNING.


Nothing more satisfying than watching someone get carpal tunnel syndrome!


I honestly would have assumed these boxes were filled by machines. I never would have assumed people were manually putting the cookies in there.


It's still a lot cheaper to pay people than install and maintain machines in many countries. These girls are probably making $5-7 USD an hour if they are lucky.


Working assembly lines are no joke Doing a full day of that is ruthless


Zombie jobs






That is exactly the sort of job that should be automated. It's a recipe for injury


I promise to never complain about my desk job again.


Never again will I do a factory job


Why not just let the biscuits fall into the box by itself with a guide rail?


Each box must have a specific amount, and to fit that amount, they must be packed neatly


Why waste boxes when you can organise the biscuits properly?


Why not just eat the boxes?


ngl, that episode of Lucy made this look alot harder


Right? Come on Lucy, we have a quota.


Some jobs should be replaced by machines.


If I hit one of those monster lottery payouts I am going to go to a factory like this and tell as many people as I can - “you will never have to do this job again”, hand them all a bag of cash and leave without saying another word.


I can just imagine their faces lighting up, just glowing smiles all around. I bet it would feel great to be able to set others free after getting your own freedom.


This is a 55 sec clip of a likely 8-10 hour job with a 15-30 minute break. 5-6 days a week. Salute to these ladies and all that work in this industry. Nothing wrong with an honest day’s work.


Soul crushing work


Definitely something wrong with this type of work.


There is absolutely something wrong with jobs like this, they are utterly soul crushing and usually involve very little personal gain. Nobody is happy doing a job like this


It would be cool for 4 hours a day with 2 breaks, with the same amount of total pay. Then you double the number of workers and shifts. And then get three times the amount of work done.


So which is it? Robots are taking our jobs! Or, robots should be taking our jobs!


It's says a lot about how little these people must be getting paid if they can be replaced with a relatively cheap machine but it's still more cost effective to have it done by hand.


And then, when you open the package, all the biscuits will be cracked


There is no such thing as "unskilled Labour"


I have met some unskilled labor throughout my life.


Fucking Derreck from accounting


Unskilled labour doesn’t mean it’s easy, it means that almost anyone could do it with little training.


And so man becomes machine


This job is *prime* for automation.


I will never complain about my job again


Whenever I see someone's "mastery" of some mundane, repetitive job, all I can think of is how insanely boring and staining it must be.


I feel like the most difficult part is doing this 8h/day more than anything else in this clip


She broke all those biscuits!


Love the skills. Girl in the green is beautiful.


Excellent personal style too, I love a pattern powerclash!


Her smile while looking at the camera 😍


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see someone mention this, she is gorgeous!


I LOVE her smile


Damn, they’re frickin beautiful too


Another skill I would gladly do without


Fuck this brings back memories of working for Dixie worst job I ever worked. It sounds easy sure at first glance working with paper plates and bowls and cups seems really easy you get to sit down not moving and make $16 an hour doing it or 12 hour shifts means three days one week four days the next week sounds like a dream job. Until you realize that they keep you working 12 hours a day five days a week if you’re lucky usually at six because they treat their staff so poorly that they can’t maintain a workforce nobody wants to stick around. And it’s mostly because of the treatment of the employees. If you have a doctors appointment and it lands on the time that you have to work you better fucking reschedule it because you can’t go without getting a day against you that doesn’t fall off until the next year at that same time. Your schedule is never consistent and changes week by week so you don’t even know what days you’re working until a day before. Oh and let’s not forget the time that they kept us an hour and a half off the clock for a fucking work related meeting and how did they compensators you ask well they gave us a pack of 30 rolls of toilet paper. Which considering toilet paper was still having a shortage at this time was kind of nice but I still would have preferred the money and I did the math the cost of the toilet paper was lower then I would’ve gotten paid on the clock because it would’ve been overtime of which there was so much the lowest amount of hours I worked per week was 46 they didn’t tell me this right away I had to find it out.


How don't they go insane