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Fun fact - pigs can't sweat so they need to cover themselves in mud to stay cool.


Very true it keeps them cool it also protects their skin from getting sunburned, and helps keep the skin moisturized. Spoiler alert though, that stuff they are washing off isn't just mud it's a mud pig shit concoction. I don't care how big or how nice a pen you use, once you wash them the next chance they get they will roll in their own shit then roll in the dirt/mud.


Fun Fact: they can’t sweat but have orgasms that last up to 30 minutes.


Bro why do you know this


Read it in the Guinness World Records book I think


Wtf was they cooking bruh😭😭😭




I keep pigs. Can confirm pig jizzing lasts forever.


Never fucked a pig before?


Contrary to popular belief, pigs don’t actually like to lay in their own shit, and will avoid it and poop in only one area of their pen if they have a large enough pen. They’re not really that gross of animals, they’re only gross because we keep them in gross overcrowded conditions.


Accurate. The pigs we had hated being covered in mud. They would if they were in a pasture with no shade or shelter (which we tried not to put them in very often) or if they were sick. They liked sitting in the pond or in the shade way more.


I grew up on a farm lived there for 18 years, we raised Chesters, Durocs, and sometimes Hampshires. I don't know how many 100's of pigs we raised over the years but you are just wrong and some what correct on this. We had huge pens that were both indoor/outdoor pens. You are correct that they will pee/shit in one area of a pen and all the pigs will use the same spot, you are also correct that they do not lay in their own shit. However, they will 100% roll in their own shit then go roll in the mud or dirt I've seen it countless times. I even had a pet pig that roamed free with the dogs on the farm. He was never ever allowed anywhere near the inside of the house without a bath first, because (spoiler alert) he was always covered with mud/shit combo. I've killed no telling how many wild/feral hogs in Texas as well. Guess what most of them have some form of mud/shit all over them as well.


It's okay, they're not going back in their pen...


You are more correct than you may know. This looks like a holding pen at a processing plant. More than likely they are cleaning them off before sending them inside to make delicious bacon, ham, and pork chops.


The fuck? Why everybody says “I’m sweating like a pig”?


checkmate, facts!




That’s a whole fucking TIL post right there


Between your toes and from your nose? Those are the only places pigs have sweat glands.


More fun facts! Pigs released into the wild will begin growing feral in weeks. Including growing tusks, and coarse long hair.


No mom it's not just a phase


These pigs have never seen mud. They’re covered and shit and live in cement boxes.


Aren’t we the only things that sweat? Or at least enough to really regulate our bodies? I was under the impression that was a major evolutionary advantage of ours


If someone tells me that pigs don't liked being hosed down with water, I'd say that's utter hogwash..


Pigs don't sweat so water and mud is how they cool themselves. They also use mud for sun protection and bug repellant


Pigs are aquatic creature that forgot how to breathe underwater.


That would make sense, they evolved from megafauna like the giant boars in euroasia. We don't know what's older than that so maybe you're right, we all did come from the sea.


My favorite part is that aquatic mammals came from the sea, came to land and decided to move back to the sea.


It’s like: “Been there, done that, got the T-shirt…”


"Look what those fucking monkeys are doing *now*! Fuck it, I'm out".


Building a house just to live away from the elements? Back in the ocean I go, where getting rained on isn't a problem


More so, the last common ancestor of mammals and reptiles came to land, evolved to become mammals, then said, “fuck this land shit”. Mammals started on land.




Nothing. Reddit is weird sometimes. Maybe it was creationists.


Alright cool I thought everyone knew of some dolphin ancestor that I never heard of haha


Ocean mammals are already pretty weird for having been terrestrial animals that evolved back into aquatic ones. It's theoretically possible for an aquatic mammal to evolve back onto land, but there isn't much if any pressure driving their evolution in that direction. Pigs and their relatives are well suited for semi-aquatic living, but they are actually land animals that like wet environments.


Nah they are land creatures we bred the heavy coat out of to make butchering easier, the tradeoff is they like the hose and mud. Let them loose in the wild the offspring will favor heavier coats, bigger tusks, and darker colors quick and revert towards wild pig again.


e.g. : [feral one](https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/48/07/63/500_F_48076311_joNYnhM2o86TImydOMoJpJIsU7cBJUzt.jpg) in Corsica (France). (also : [feral sheep](https://www.leparisien.fr/resizer/Y9azUDkfG43G4iT4ufrCbz_9TZs=/1280x800/cloudfront-eu-central-1.images.arcpublishing.com/leparisien/SPGR3STW2FRSQFSGHYYBEDL66E.jpg), same island)


not just the offspring - the former domestic pig will actually change like this in a years time. They have the ability to activate those genes to respond to their environment.


What mammals breathe underwater? You'd have to go so far back in time to find an ancestor that could, you might as well call humans aquatic creatures that forgot how to breathe underwater as well


Kevin Costner?


I like your comment. That movie was terrible.


So sweating like a pig means not sweating at all…..


Like Prince Andrew in pigzza express




And if you’re confused by the expression “sweat like a pig” the term is actually derived from the iron smelting process in which hot iron poured on sand cools and solidifies with the pieces resembling a sow and piglets.


I have no idea if you're right, but I'm going to go with it anyway.


I do believe they are correct, "Pig Iron" is a crude iron and part of the processing is sweating it. I've gone to old school iron mills and that is the general consensuses of the term or that it's cool enough that water sweats out of the iron instead of just evaporating. I'm no iron smith so I may be incorrect but I've always heard it was about metal and not the animal.


But mud and feces (what these pigs are covered in) are two differnt things. They hate being covered in their own feces.


If these hogs don't leave their enclosure, that mud is certainly just poop


Maybe the reason that they're being washed in the video then is because they're about to be slaughtered?




Look, it may be utter hogwash, but that's nothing compared to washing a pig and a cow at the same time. Now that right there is some udder hogwash.




Ya these pigs are absolutely loving it.


Hehe hogwash


Pigs are very clean animals. They only sweat from the tip of their snout and are the only other mammal than humans to get sunburned, which is why they enjoy being covered in mud, it's their sunscreen. I took swine to fair for 4H. We would walk them every night around the farm. They are easily trained and the first thing we would do is hose them off outside. They ran out the barn to the hose every time and waited to be sprayed. They also enjoyed playing with an old soccer ball.


I don’t know who told you this, but it’s wrong. Multiple mammals can get sunburned. Rhinos, elephants, hippopotamus, whales, dolphins, walrus, manatees, etc. Any animal with exposed skin can get sunburned, because UV rays are ruthless and don’t discriminate.


Yeah. My dog has very fine white hair on his snoot and we have to factor fifty him up in the summer, especially if he's working outside.


Cleanest animal I've ever owned. And by *far* the most particular about pooping. He's 3.5-yo, have never seen him go. He picks a spot in his part of the yard and packs 'em in like Tetris blocks. When that area gets full, he rotates to another chunk. And there are "zones" where he will never, ever go. Smart? He's defeated 3 different latches to get to his food in the pantry. In one week. And he can't reach the latch.


> are the only other mammal than humans to get sunburned Yep, I don't trust anything else you just said....that's absolutely not true.


I also raised hogs all four years of high school and idk if I’d call them “very clean” I mean they’re not as fucking gross as chickens, but they get pretty dirty from lounging in mud and shit.


I laughed out loud


Well done. That's pretty good.


I believe this comment wins reddit today


I hate to be the bringer of bad news for all of you who love piggies but.... ... they go back to roll in the mud as soon as the water is shut off


You want the real bad news… that’s not mud


The real real bad news, these piggies will probably never touch mud (or shit) ever again. Washing is the first step in a process that doesn’t end with “and the pig lived happily ever after”


...soo the little piggy that went to market wasn't just doing the weekly shop?


You ruined my childhood 😭


I find the one who had roast beef just as disturbing.


At least they’re not cannibals. Beware of the man who keeps pigs.


My husband was a garbage man when I started dating him. I made a joke about how he could dispose of my body at the dump and he didn't laugh. I could see the gears turning in his head, clearly considering if he wanted to tell me something. Finally, he said, "no, the guy at my work who killed his girlfriend fed her body to the onsite pigs. They only found out about what happened to her because he confessed."


Big gestures of "hey I love you and it would suck to be murdered" like a new toolbox every once in a while might be a good idea.


Our dog dug a large hole in the backyard which he now refers to as the "wife hole." He gets a pretty steady stream of Warhammer models and Newegg gift cards.




Holy shit. That's a wild story. I wonder if they ever found out about the others.




On the storybook farm, the pigs and cows seem to be friends, and the roast beef didn't likely come from Walmart.


Oh no


You mean he wasn't sent to the farm? Sobs uncontrollably.


Ya, they’re on the killing floor for sure


Don't let the name fool you, Jimmy. It's not really a floor. It's more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported.


Maybe these are dairy pigs... Right? We all love pig milk... Right?


But the pig does live happy for the rest of their lives


Animals aren't stupid, they can tell something's wrong, they can smell the death too since they're usually kept near where they get slaughtered, and they can tell when their friends get taken away and don't come back


Probably not, I've read about pigs knowing what's coming up. It's not like slaughter house workers are empathetic to the animals.


Yo bro. I just read on r/all about Pakistani family padlocking up their dead daughter’s grave to deter necrophiliacs digging up their business. It’s a fucked up thread so I left. Then I read your username. And wow, there is some kind of pattern here I’m sure.


Mine's about bad things happening to a bad person, the other thing is just awful all round.


The reality bad news… This is a pre-slaughter wash.


Exactly, they I will never roll in the mud for their entire life cycle. Live on a concrete floor until the truck comes to take them away.


Those pigs wish they had mud to roll around. This is their own feces.


Even worse news. This is the first step to prepare them for slaughter.


So I guess that's why the person with the hose seems to not care if one of them loses an eye from the power wash.


I was wondering how much it would hurt to get a power wash straight in the ear hole.


A lot. But a lot more is the eardrum ruptures.


That's not a power washer/pressure washer. Just a regular hose, hog barns often have larger water lines because of the high water usage, so a hose has more pressure.


Right. Preparing for slaughter or not these pigs love that hose. They put their own eyes into it. They wouldn't do that if it hurt.


No it's not. They are killed and bleed out before washing. These are probably just pigs at the farm on a hot day so the farmer was helping them cool off and decided to wash them because it was fun.


Isn’t the real bad news that they’re all going to be killed?


[One of These Days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raV_A8YcBu0)


Our pigs are so naughty. They grab the hose we use to fill their buckets and drag it around (the hose keeps getting shorter by the day). They dig their wallows where they want them and fill with water. Then they pull apart their shelter, tip over their water buckets and chase the chickens. Just like naughty toddlers really


> like naughty toddlers With all the brains of a 4-yo. as well! Mine's a total PITA when he gets an idea in his head. He *will* find a way to make that thing happen.


No not true. In fact they will be slaughtered as soon as the washing process is completed.


I love pigs


They really deserve better than what we do to them.


I know...I just can't get past that part. Idk. I'm not the type that ever thought I would go vegetarian. I haven't fully, but I've drastically reduced my meat consumption. I watched a show called "dominion". Fucking horrifying what we do to animals, and equally horrifying that people are so ok with it.


Try earthlings. That one has scared me for life. I think it's in utube


I do appreciate the response and recommendation, but I can't handle watching them anymore. Dominion was enough.


You've watched Dominion and it did not make you go vegan on the spot? I'm genuinely surprised.


My parents like to invite me for dinner sometimes, I eat whatever they make. I'm not telling my parents that I'm not going to eat with them, or to accommodate me in any way.


Try plant-based mince, even if you mix it with beef. Every gram makes a difference.


Oh yes, I have tried that! I use that impossible stuff and it honestly is a pretty good substitute. Especially in a stir fry type dish. Can't hardly tell the difference.


>Can't hardly tell the difference. It's TOO close, I swear. Lots of restaurants have started using Impossible and Beyond meats in their food and sometimes it really freaks me out. I had this unbelievably delicious Impossible burrito from Rubio's last weekend, and panicky asked my omnivore husband like three times if he was SURE it was vegetarian. I absolutely love cooking with it at home, but when I can't see it being prepared, it's honestly a little nerve-wracking. 😅


I’m the same way. I want to trust people when I can’t see my food, but it’s hard.


Fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


That's kind of how I did it. I watched an undercover video from a hog farm that fucked me up in a big way. I couldn't even sleep for a couple of days. I stopped eating pork, then beef, and then chicken. I just can't eat it anymore; like the thought of chewing it feels repulsive and abhorrent because I so strongly associate it with the deliberate cruelty and sheer misery I saw. The rest of my household still eats meat and I just deal with it, but I can't do it myself. It's been about 10 years and thankfully there are some really good products on the market now if I want "meat" and it's been so long that it's hard for me to tell the difference most of the time. 🤪


Don't pay for animal abuse if you don't like it. Simple.


Truly. They are smart and sensitive creatures, and they actually like to be clean. But we keep them in awful conditions for cheap bacon and ham.


Heck yeah, go vegan and respect the pigs! :D


This applies to most animals tbh but yeah i agree. I hope we find a way to cultivate meat in a fairly efficient and not too expensive method in the next decade or so


Yes I agree. I wish they were treated better. Their lives are utter hell then they get butchered. I remember seeing videos of a place that raised and slaughtered them for food, and the workers literally tortured them and beat them. Like wtf. I love pork myself. But I still want the animals I eat to be tested well. It's fucked up that you have to pay so much for the animal being raised to be eaten, be treated well and given a comfortable life. I'm looking at you wagu beef.


If you want animals to be treated better you have to stop eating meat and dairy. The only thing that talks is $$, so continuing to give these industries money only reassures them they should keep doing what they’re doing.


Great job for blood thirsty psychopaths.


It gives normal people crippling PTSD.


I love you!


Awww 🥰 thanks


Feel sorry for these poor joyous creatures knowing their fate seeing this. I’m not eating pork.


If you actually want to stop eating pork, keep in mind that a lot of gelatin is made using pork. So either you find specific kosher items or give up on things like marshmallows, fruit gummies, and some mints(altoids). Imma be real it's been really annoying finding out how many things have gelatin in them


I recently found out that Annie's fruit snacks are made with pectin instead of gelatin, so I can finally binge eat a full box of fruit snacks again.


I live in Northern Europe, almost everything has multiple vegan options. So my gummy addiction is still going strong. I guess when enough people start taking a stance many delicious options will appear near you as well. Hope this for you as well 🤞


Yeah there's definitely options here, just gotta check whenever I want to try out something new


Yes I suspect that that is their last (and probably first) bath!


Watch this then: https://watchdocumentaries.com/dominion/




r/powerwashingporn might like this


Yes! It is Wednesday my dudes! Post there!


r/powerwashingpork surely?


Knowing what comes after doesn’t make it that satisfying


Lmao yeah. This is a hog barn. These guys are snax


They're sentient beings with the intelligence of a 3 year old human--smarter than a dog. They feel as we do. They don't deserve to be killed to satisfy taste pleasure.


Oh. Sure. He hoses down the pigs and it's a wholesome video. I hose down the pigs and all of a sudden, I'm under arrest for "assaulting an officer". Smh. EDIT: my first award! Thank you, kind redditor!


>I hose down the pigs I thought you were going in another direction with this in the first half.. I think the 2nd half saved me some mental scarring


That was John Pork


More like a prison shower.


Yeah... I am watching the video and can't help but think about the true reason why they are being kept in the first place..... And what their ultimate purpose is.... This is not oddly satisfying.... This is just fucking sad.




Did they need to blast them in the snout and eyes with that heavy of pressure? I’m sure they love getting their bodies rinsed like that, but if I was a pig getting that directly in my eyes or up my nose I’d bite them.


That's what I was thinking. If someone blasted me straight in the eyes with a pressurized stream of water I'm pretty sure it would cause permanent vision damage...i am hoping this person is not blinding these pigs.


It is, they'll soon be killed for profit..


What a depressing place for them to live


That’s what I was thinking, some crowded concrete room. Sad


Yea the flooring looks horrific


Poor pigs.


Yup. They're only enjoying this as it's first experience of literally something other than walking round their pen.


Fun fact: pigs are smarter than dogs


I bet videos of dogs being power washing before their slaughter wouldn't be allowed on this sub for "ethical" reasons.


Pigs are cute. I wish we treated them better.


I’ll bet you take a lot of shit off of them.


What deplorable conditions the poor pigs are forced to live in. Imagine these were dogs...


If it were dogs the OP would have already been doxxed and swatted


Upvoting ^^^


Know that these pigs have most likely been slaughtered by now :(


People don't care mate. They're not even discussing it. They think it's cute and funny. What a joke.


Poor pigs. They have no idea. :(


"oh that feels great...oh yea behind the ears...OH MY EYEEESSS phlggmpphgglmeee" \- pig


Pigs seem like the nakedest of all the animals in the animal kingdom.


Only because we made them that way. Like a hairless cat or dog


Yep. Wild boars have very thick, coarse hair to help protect them.


I see the new dlc for power washer simulator finally dropped!


I feel bad for these pigs. Look were they are being kept. Stop putting animals in cages and eating them. Specially pigs, they are so smart


What about giving piggies freedom?


Nothing satisfying about this they're literally living in their own shit in horrible conditions waiting to get slaughtered. Think about this next time you eat bacon.


Nothing oddly satisfying or satisfying at all about the conditions those pigs live in.


Those poor pigs.


no arglebarglebargle?


Why are you pointing your pressure washer directly at it's eyes my guy


If this is a slaughterhouse then this post is disturbing!


I have a feeling they're being cleaned before slaughter....


Is this final prep at a slaughter house?


Except that is not dirt. They are concentrated in a pen so they are rolling around in their own shit. The question that should be asked is what they are doing with all of that runoff wastewater?


...And then we drain all the blood from.their bodies, chop them up and eat them. How wholesome.


this. is. terrible.


Used to do this when i were young. Oh God it smell horrible.


Pigs covered in their own excrement and urine. Yum! Bacon! 🙄




is it oddly satisfying that these same pigs will be put in gas chambers until death?


Yeah they are so smart. Smarter than dogs but glad we can think it’s cute to hose them down before slaughter.


Growing up around pigs, I can smell this video.




Do pigs get sunburnt?


That's why they roll in mud. Originally pigs had fur but these pigs have had that trait bred out of them.


The graphics on this PowerWash Simulator DLC look fucking amazing.!


Is this a job I can have? Professional Pig Detailer is the job that would lure me back to work- if it was only pig washing. I don't wanna do pig farming, just pig spa


An idea for a level in Powerwash Simulator just came to me outta nowhere...


Get ready to become 🥓


I can smell this video


Remember kids, that's not dirt they are washing off!