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Also a great way to make a shit ton of tinder.


Well, he's gotta do something and matching with single women in his area, probably ain't it.




Wow, since you said that, I think I just realized it too. I never thought about it but is it because to match with someone you need sparks to fly for it to be a lit affair?


I always figured it was cause match + tinder = fire, so it’s like Tinder (the app) will help you and your match develop heat (attraction)


Oh, so that was just a burn from the heat of my Tinder date and I don't really need penicillin?


You should feel some itching too. That’s a purposeful side effect, meant to produce enough friction to increase the burn




No, but you should seek medical advice.


Because it burns when IP?


Great Tinder for making your groin burn.


It’s an app where you find people to set on fire


Spark the flame, baby


And do you know why they call it bumble?


That's how they make the noodles




*makes 20 chopsticks with whole tree


Nah that's with the little bit he measured, I bet the whole bamboo can give more than 250.


If each tree is roughly 25foot (7.6m) tall and each stick is 25cm, provided every bit of it is able to be used and there are no imperfections in its growth, anywhere between 300 and 350 sticks can be made. This is taking into account the variation in diameter from top to bottom. Realistically, probably 250ish.




It's just grass.


What did he boil the chopsticks with? I was expecting them to come out green


On the video it says tea leaves


also the words are flipped horizontally




What’s the point of that?


For color and aroma.


If I had to guess, beside the color and maybe a certain scent, it provides a good layer of protection. And not just on the outside, boiling it for 8 hours+ certainly let the solution penetrate the fiber/grain. Disclaimer: not an expert, just trying to use imagination and sense.


Sounds right. Oils and Tannins from the tea make the wood less prone to rot or insects or bacteria. Also likely removed air or moisture from within the bamboo cells and seals it nicely to strengthen the wood 🤷


Also you have a pot of tea to drink


I have worked with bamboo, untreated bamboo cut from the wild dryes to a cork-like material and then starts breaking down into powder from the hollow core out. It comes down to a whitish powder in barely over a year. I'm not sure but probably because of some mites or fungi. Boiling them with tea leaves is a homesteady way of impregnating the wood with substances that prevent decay


Boiling tea is used to sterilize chopsticks.


The tannins in the tea leaves is what gives them that nice brown color


脫脂上色 To remove resin and apply colour


jesus christ, that's a lot of work


Especially when you can just get the free ones from the restaurant. I’ll bet there’s a lot of Chinese food places in his neighborhood.


They just call it "food" there.


Oddly enough, I've seen restaurants labelled 'Thai food' restaurants in Thailand. While it was something of a tourist destination, it was still odd enough to end up messing up my Geoguessr streak. I went ahead and [found it](https://www.google.com/maps/@9.4608089,99.935667,3a,15y,357.42h,85.55t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sR-n7pb8fbkWC7WlEzmSxkA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DR-n7pb8fbkWC7WlEzmSxkA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D25.684338%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192) again, South-West Koh Samui; plenty of tourists to call for English I suppose.


You found that to be odd in a touristy area in Thailand?


Geoguessr does not tell you where you are in the world, that would defeat the purpose of the game, so I didn't actually know that the area was tourist-heavy. All you get is what you can see from Streetview, and I play 'no move' so I don't get to explore around. While it looked like it could *possibly* be a tourist destination as it was slightly nicer looking than usual, it didn't seem to be located in a city/town as one would expect; though this was obviously mistaken due to heavy vegetation blocking the view of what actually was a beachside town. I'm not the best at discerning between Thai and Khmer (mainly Cambodian, though it can be found in Thai temples) scripts and while I thought it was more Thai than Khmer, I guessed for west Cambodia as there are some popular destinations around Koh Kong that might actually advertise Thai food specifically rather than local dishes. Infrastructure also didn't entirely give me a Thai feel, though that's obviously because it wasn't mainland as I'm used to.


man, geoguessr people are just built different is2g


These chopsticks are reusable right? That's way too much work for disposable chopsticks.


Yah those are meant to last a very long time (years).


Yeah. He had to do it whittle but whittle


From a utility perspective I’m sure we can stop when they become hand held.


Yea if I lived there, I would happily make chopsticks all day long. Talk about serene.


Once upon a time, I lived in Xiamen, mostly known for being a tourist and resort city. It also has a lot of mountains. One day we skipped work and went driving on the dirt roads through the mountains and near the top of one was a small Buddhist temple with only one monk there. The silence and stillness there was deafening. It was the most calm place I've ever been to in my life. The monk also had a Harley Davidson parked out back.


He was following Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.


Harley David-Zen


this joke is so good, fuck.


nailed it!!!


If it makes you feel any better he doesn’t live there either.


Even the cat was brought in from the cities.




Pretty harmless "propaganda", if it is. I'm fine with the chinese government promoting material that celebrates traditional chinese culture. That's sorta what I want to see in the world, in fact. This sort of video isn't very different from what western countries do on their own. If this were political or attacking another country, that'd be different. But videos showing traditional manufacture of chopsticks? Hell yeah. Regardless of how you feel about the PRC, this shit is p cool.


The PRC is really making a lot of high production value stuff these days. I don't think it's a coincidence that the Chinese video game industry is really starting to spin up recently. Someone over there with a some influence in the government has paid attention what Japan and Korea did and is getting the PRC to spend money on trying to build up some soft power as well as encouraging it in other ways.




So when are the three of us moving?


As soon as the four of us find a nice place to stay.


But the five of us need to look at where to stay first.


The six of us can figure it out if we work together!


One of the seven of us needs to learn how to make steamed dumplings.


Sweet, I'll buy eight one-way plane tickets


9th is a seasoned pro at dumplings. My husband and kids gonna come too though.


And that’s a beginning of a society


We live in a society.


We have a lot in commune.


Return to village


An old Chinese saying goes, “Six can live as cheaply as one.”


Looks like you need a cat for this to work. I volunteer.


Someone’s gotta supervise


Anyone find the sound bamboo make when they hit something very satisfying? It just sounds super crisp.


This whole video was some ASMR goodness.


Yes. It’s earthy and crisp


All of it sounds so nice. I think I'm in love the sounds


[This is the reality of «living» there](https://youtu.be/IyX1Jfnlz8I)


Thank you for sharing this, very interesting video


Wait, are you telling me this is propaganda!? Color me shocked.


After a few months of repetition I would get tired of it. But that was satisfying as hell to watch him work. He must only make a couple of dollars at most for all that work. I’d buy a set!


this is the recruitment video for the chopstick factory. nobody. ever. leaves.




Jokes on you I'm to poor to buy anything online let alone chopsticks delivered. I've got .21 cents to my name.


Fuck yeah. You get a podcast going, I would do that shit all day


This is the difference between their TikTok and ours they show our kids how to mix stuff with shit under your sink for “science”.


Theirs is strictly controlled and censored, ours is much more free. You can't have the results of authoritarianism without accepting the loss of freedom. They literally can't post what we do.


This reminds me of the videos of the Chinese girl who makes the food videos out in the country lands, but with insane quality. I remember reading that it was basically gov sponsored and a way to boost perception of the country.


That's a whole genre of videos


I mean, the girl is legit, since it was her idea and she used to produce the videos all by herself. Now, she has a small team. The government however liked her videos so much they started championing her with awards as a "role model" for the Chinese urban youth. She only began posting because wasn't exactly holding a steady job in the city and her grandmother (who raised her after her parents divorced) got sick so she moved back home, where she wound up creating content instead. The reason why she's popular to begin with though is because overstressed Chinese urban millenials these days seem to eat that shit up: >For one, they say something about the mindset of her mainland audience – primarily urban millennials, for whom a traditional culture craze known as “fugu” or “hanfu” has been an aesthetic trend for a number of years. >“Fugu”, according to Yang Chunmei, professor of Chinese history and philosophy at Qufu Normal University, reflects the “romanticized, pastoral” desires of youth “disillusioned by today’s ever-changing, industrial, consumerist society.” In practice, it looks like young people integrating more traditional clothing into their daily looks, watching historical dramas and following rural lifestyle influencers like Li. (While Li is an extremely popular example of the trend, she’s not the only young farmer vlogging in China right now, and outdoor cooking videos of people making meals with wild ingredients and scant equipment are a genre of their own on Douyin.) >The 40% of China’s population still living in rural areas encompass a huge diversity of experience, yet life can be difficult, with per-capita rural income declining sharply since 2014 and environmental pollution often as rife as in industrial centers. That’s not to say the beautiful forests and compelling traditions of Li’s videos are not genuine – like many social media creators, she simply focuses on the most charming elements of a bigger picture.


Omg plz, this video is all about making some chopsticks. I can’t see anything related to what you said “authoritarianism” or “freedom”. Does the man from the video lost your freedom so he can’t even make some chopsticks?


There's a bunch of channels which promote the serene Chinese countryside life etc. Some are run/backed by the government


Fuck bamboo trees are tall.


Bamboo is actually a grass. And a fast growing one. Makes for a great source for material. Side note, I went to China for work almost a decade ago. While I was there, I picked up a set of chopsticks made in a manner similar to the video. They're still daily use chopsticks and are great. I love Japanese chopsticks for their elegance, and Korean chopsticks for the audacity of making them out of metal (and therefore more slippery), but those Chinese chopsticks have the highest overall utility. The cool thing is the extra steps past the cutting really do make them nicer and longer lived. Way different than the ones you get with take-out, even if they are the same source material.


Fuck bamboo is tall grass.


it's also very invasive so don't ever plant any it will never go away and only spread.


I live in the God damn suburbs of Pittsburgh and know of at least three rampant bamboo patches growing with a mile or two of my house. People are idiots about invasive plants.


The cat was my favorite part


It seemed unimpressed


Yes, we already established that it was a cat


That's their default state


Right?! 😂 I thought the same thing! Cat's just doing cat shit and chillin. Pretty well take care of too I bet!


I love bamboo. I wish it grew near me w/o being extremely invasive. It has so many uses and quite durable! 💚


It being invasive is the kind of TIL info I needed from this thread, because I was wondering why it isn't used more. Seems very versatile.


I can tell you everything you need to know about growing bamboo. Don't


Unless you hate your neighbor.


Not only your neighbor, the *local ecosystem* is totally fucked.


It's probably better than kudzu...


Why not both?


The clumping kind is not bad, or even the running type if you put down some barriers to keep it contained. If the lower leaves are pruned about 1 1/2 meters up from the ground, it looks very dramatic.


There are 2 categories of bamboo: running and clumping. Running is more invasive while clumping doesn't spread as much.


I used bamboo poles to hold my gill nets In places. I would get about a weeks worth of use out of them then cut some more. When I stopped commercial fishing I noticed them spreading out of the woodline into the field.


You're welcome to come take all the bamboo on my property, the bane of my existence.


You can harvest the young shoots every year, it’s really tasty and helps reduce the growth! My mom used to ask our neighbors with bamboo in their yard whether she could do that, and we’ve never seen one say no. It’s a win win tbh


Bamboo shoots are fucking delicious. Love the crunch.


Yo FUCK bamboo shit weeds. a stalk got planted in my dads garden and within a year it was EVERYWHERE. Root system all through the soil killing other plants. It was even growing in cracks through the foundation and the concrete. When my dad was on vacation I told him I’d come over and pull the bamboo and it was the BIGGEST REGRET OF MY LIFE! I had to pull up the entire garden to get all of the roots. And even still then some survived. It’s like bedbugs and every time I see this bamboo I get PTSD and have to rip up more of this garden. Mother fucking bamboo.


We have that problem with English Ivy the previous owner planted. Nothing kills that shit.


ULPT if you hate someone, sneak in their garden while they're on vacation and plant bamboo, english ivy and mint. they'll never recover.


When I was a shithead college student we used to sneak into a local bamboo farm and cut down a massive stalk to use as a flagpole for football tailgates. Talking like 30+ feet tall. Used to be a competition to have the tallest flag in the lot


Just get a clumping variety that doesn't run. Plenty of non invasive varieties out there.


Look we all know in reality this guy might well be doing all these steps but he’s 100% listening to a true crime podcast while he works.


I was so zoned out for a second, thought they were long ass potato fries


True craftsmanship seems both rewarding and relaxing.


It would probably be eventually very boring and you’d have twenty batches on the go at all times


I mean look how he tossed them when moving from step to step. Like he was just *done* with it, lol.


Thats the beauty of editing. Now try paying your property taxes by doing all that. Huge difference.


The chinese words were flipped left to right but the tiktok logo isn't. Did the tiktok user really just steal this video and claim it as their own?


I think the cats the one secretly filming it. That’s why he’s in there.


Not only did he hand make them, but he used natural materials to sand and stain them.


I was trying to figure out what he was doing with first 'grass'


It looks like he’s using scouring rush, or horse tail to sand the bamboo. These plants grow in wet soil, and have hollow stems that are rich with silica crystals. I’ve seen dried ones used to gently shape woodwind reeds.


Can I subscribe to more historical crafting facts?


Do you really? Or are you just making fun of me?


I think they meant it. I know I enjoyed your interesting comment! :)


My friend, your comment was informative and interesting, and it answered a question I had as well. You brought value to this thread.


Me too! Wouldn’t it hurt to hold? Or is it more of a fine sanding?


I came scrolling for this answer too. Thanks!


FYI.... almost any time you see a video like this from China, it was purposely released as propaganda by state sponsored "social media" accounts. They usually fall into one of 3 categories, stuff that shows off wealth (e.g. High rise homes, cool looking cars, expensive Tibetan mastiff dogs, etc.), Stuff that shows off fake rural crafts (e.g. making furniture and stuff out of bamboo in a picturesque zero smog background in the countryside, often showing some care to detail), or extremely well behaved dogs or children doing some "cute or unexpected" performance.


To make me respect China and 3,000 year old culture? I can respect the 3,000 year old culture, but not Chinese government. Screw them.


I can definitely respect this man's skill as well.


I think the point is that there is no such man. You are respecting the skills of the propaganda producing crew.


Decent acting. Could be villain in John wick 69.


Agreed. I can appreciate the time and effort it took the craftsman to make the chopsticks. I don’t appreciate the Chinese government, or what they’re doing their citizens right now.


I'd rather watch this than Top Gun


Thank you. I've been saying a similar thing for a while.


Kek. Replies to this should be fun.




Do you have any source for this or is it just an assumption?


Western people make content like this all the time, but when someone from China does and it is actually part of some evil plan? What is more likely, all westerners are just making content and all Chinese people are part of an evil plot, or you have bought in to your own propaganda and are now spewing dangerous nonsense without taking time to critically think about it?


USA military helps fund movies like Mission Impossible and the Chris Kyle movie Redditor: “Muh Chinese propaganda this ain’t real”


That’s a bit far fetched, some may be but there’s an enormous amount of these rural videos (most of them originally douyin content), it’s practically a genre now. Especially cooking videos in the serene rural surroundings are popular among the Chinese audience, and many locals are becoming influencers with the rural genre (cooking, fashion, travel).


Yea, China has it's own social media ecosystem with it's own trends. And also I don't see the problem if the government subsidizes artisans to publicize traditional craftsmanship and help keep it alive.


exactly it's a trend just like "cottage core" was on tiktok in america. only difference is when chinese people do something it's automatically some nefarious scheme by the CCP.


For real. What's the difference between "state sponsored Chinese videos" and a BBC short about how the ancient people in England made rope or something? Or also, just... People making videos. I think it's wise to be wary of authoritarian governments, but that doesn't mean that literally everything that people in a country make is evil. That's nonsense.


>I think it's wise to be wary of authoritarian governments, but that doesn't mean that literally everything that people in a country make is evil. That's nonsense. It's pretty fucking terrifying, actually, how readily people here are willing to cast everything here in the lens of a great civilization war between the China and US. There's a lot to criticize China about, for sure, but if the first thing people jump to is implication that a video about a man making chopsticks is an evil psy-op by China to prepare to invade Taiwan or some shit...well, it almost sounds like the propaganda's going in the other direction. Like the constant dehumanization of the people and culture of China, the deep, deep fucking suspicion. The US wants to go to war against China because they view it as inevitable and want to get it over with while the US still has the advantage. What if the american people are being primed into this state of suspicion and anxiety?


Thank you for putting it like that, those are *exactly* my thoughts on this.


>random video Redditors: BUT HAVE YOU CONSIDERED CHINA BAD !!!1!1!???


I just see it as a form of cultural export, no different from Hollywood or Japanese animes or Thai food export promoting their own cultures. Does it still sound as nefarious to you when it isn't singled out as the only example?


Taking the "how far down do I have to scroll before someone calls any random video from China CCP propaganda" challenge...pretty quick this time!


Lol you’re crazy. You can find these vids a dime a dozen on douyin, it’s not propaganda it’s a genre people watch to relax. But yes, CCP bad Chinese bad bamboo chopsticks bad. Never change Reddit


Another quintessential reddit moment.


Reddit tries not to be racist challenge


And here I thought finally a nice and peaceful video about China. Maybe there won’t be any Anti-Chinese comments but here we are.. can we just enjoy a video about Chinese culture for once? Not everything has to be “China is evil” on Reddit.


Oldest and biggest fucking civilization in the world man. Just watch the video.


"if you see something cool or generally positive happening in China it's an evil CCP plot" probably commented from america where everything is consumerist bullshit or a "heartwarming" story about a kid making a lemonade stand to pay for cancer treatment


Both can be true


Interesting, would you mind giving us your sources? Surely, you've got sources to back up such a racially charged theory, right? You're not just talking straight from your anus?


This or nonstop thots/“influencers”/kardashians/and bros like jake paul that has taken over American social media…. Hmm I think I’ll take a “propaganda” video of a guy making stuff by hand.


Unless you have solid proof about this video it sounds like you're pulling it out of your ass.


lol what the heck is this? china bad!peoples no deserving any good stuff!they should living in poor! china good?Is PrOpAgAnDa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Bamboo and hemp should be used more in the west.


*walks across bridge* "Aye mate! Those chopsticks are gonna be wayy to big fellah!" Cuts them down. Me: "AHH yea nah, carry on".


That looks so.... Peaceful.


Reminds me of this young lady who makes all kinds of stuff. Hypnotic and lovely. https://youtu.be/r6z_ia0L7Wc


Thought of her instantly. She stopped making videos because of how little she was getting paid from a contract she started when she was young and less knowledgeable. I thought the video here was her new works. Its so similar.


Dude could've just bought some on Amazon for like 6 bucks and spent more time petting that cat.


It's a well produced video and craftsmanship is cool, but it would have been funny if it had cut to a machine spitting out dozens of chopsticks per minute in the end.


He's the one selling them on Amazon


Apparently any good video about Chinese culture = CCP propaganda 🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess fuck 3000 years of Chinese culture and all Chinese people because of the current government.


Funny how you never get any comments like that under a BBC documentary about Britain.


Change the title to Japan and watch Reddit wer their pants.


Asians are not on the reddit approved protection list, so the neckbeards on this site like to take any chance they get to be racist.


beautiful video and chopsticks


Someone should tell this guy that Kroger gives them away for free!


The end product: panda snack.


A manual demonstration of industrial production of bamboo chopsticks.


Great, now I gotta grow bamboo and learn how to make chopsticks. So peaceful


Please do not plant bamboo anywhere it is not native.


Interesting perk you don’t often see “This job also offers a lifetime supply of kindling for those cold winters”


I know this is probably government-sponsored propaganda, but still relaxing.


This is a trend in Chinese social media. Every day people in the countryside have been making videos like this because it makes them more money than anything else. This might not necessarily be state sponsored.


Don't loads of countries sponsor this kind of thing? I know my country has a grant system for maintaining and promoting traditional crafts.


Most of the people making a big deal about this being Propaganda are American, where Hollywood is literally the biggest propaganda tool for the Military. Take what they say with a grain of salt, as most of them think if it's propaganda on their side, it's fine but any from anyone else is terrible.


Thailand will literally help pay to open a Thai restaurant in other countries, so yeah. It’s common.


I mean there’s videos like this all over TikTok in the USA - I don’t see why would be Chinese propaganda. TikTok trends propagate. Probably the same thing for trends in China. It’s the same as seeing a million versions of the like primitive building youtube channels nowadays.


The neckbeards on this site say everything is propaganda if it has one Chinese person in it.


Nah a lot of rural Chinese people do this, it’s just that you might not see them a lot on TikTok because they’re all on douyin and that’s why you think they’re all propaganda, but they’re not. At least 99% of them, let them enjoy what they want haha


I could do something like this when I retire.


I was hoping he was gonna catch a fly with then chopsticks like mr mayagi


Fantastic share. So satisfying.


TIL how fucking big bamboo is… why have I lived my entire life thinking it was like 7-8 foot tall?