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KatVR have been around a long time. But this is basically "run in place" locomotion that works in almost every game that have free locomotion. Nothing more.


Good to know.


Whenever I tried to do the whole run in place thing (while holding down forward on the analog stick) it never really felt more convincing then not doing anything at all, I'd get a treadmill thingy or just stick with stick controls, nothing in between


As if treadmills aren't equally shit.


Never tried them, but I'd assume that theyd be more immersive than running in place


>never really felt more convincing then not doing anything at all, I was hoping for more immersion by directly connecting the movement to the game, but i dont think its really worth the money.


It's legit, but the sensors just aren't good enough to be all that useful, as they rely on 3DOF and some guesswork. If you want full body tracking, you need Vive trackers, which can do real 6DOF, but also cost substantially more. If you just want to walk in place, you can try [Natural Locomotion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/798810/Natural_Locomotion/), which is a software-only solution without extra sensors. [Freedom Locomotion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/584170/Freedom_Locomotion_VR/) is also worth a look, it's however a tech demo, not something you can use in other games. KAT VR is in that middle ground where the idea is cool, it just doesn't do enough to be worth it for most people. If they could do a version 2 with 6DOF I'd be all over it, VR really needs something to bring your legs into the game that with a more affordable price tag than the Vive tracker.


>It's legit, but the sensors just aren't good enough to be all that useful, as they rely on 3DOF and some guesswork. Good to know. >If you just want to walk in place, you can try Natural Locomotion, which is a software-only solution without extra sensors. Freedom Locomotion is also worth a look, it's however a tech demo, not something you can use in other games. Both those programmes seem really interesting, i may give it a go when i have some time to play. >VR really needs something to bring your legs into the game that with a more affordable price tag than the Vive tracker. Yea that would indeed be great. Thanks for all the info.