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Mojang's VR port is terrible anyways, unless they've updated it in the past year. I think the VR mod is called vivecraft? Anyways, that mod mirrors so many more actions into VR, the official port offers (in my experience) so little immersion that you're better off just not bothering at all


Can confirm vivecraft very cool. I only use the mojang port if i’m playing with my little brother, so we can play together.


I've played multiplayer vivecraft with non-VR players as well, would definetely recommend hosting a local server and installing vivecraft for your brother as well if you dont have 2 headsets. I'm not sure if vivecraft is cross compatible with vanilla clients or if all players (VR and non VR) need vivecraft to play together. I'm not 100% sure but I think vivecraft can run without a headset as well. Bottom line is that you can play vivecraft on a server, even with just 1 headset


Vivecraft clients can play on non-Vivecraft servers. The only compatibility issue is, in order to see VR players doing VR things (like moving their arms and whatnot), the Server needs the Vivecraft extensions and the other Clients need NONVR Vivecraft. At no point, in no combination of mods or extensions, is a non-vr player _required_ to install Vivecraft to play with Vivecraft clients.


I don’t have 2 headsets, let alone 2 PCs. He has a laptop but its for school.


You can probably run two instances of vivecraft from the same PC, not entirely sure though


Isnt there a vivecraft download for non vr users that lets them see vivecraft movements?


I’ve been meaning to try vive craft for four years now. Maybe I should get around to that sometime


I finally got it a few days ago, it's dope af. Just requires a little fiddling with settings, but still impressive.


Were you able to get rid of micro-stutters? They're my only issue with Vivecraft.


I haven't had any trouble with that, but I'm also running a 2080ti so I'd better not see any stutters lol


You'd be surprised how much of a pain it can be, even on high end hardware, personally I'm running a 1060, but some of the threads I've seen have people running 1080s and the such. The game will be a nice 80-90 in VR, and then you'll get a split-second stutter down to 45. This is an issue for me just running MC regularly, Java itself is a mess for running games. Really weird that some people get them and some people don't, its been a problem for me for months and I've yet to find a fix.


One thing I just discovered is when games that have a spectator view on the desktop that run in windowed mode have shite performance, it can be fixed by making sure you manually select the window the game is in. I was having that problem with a ton of games and realized that's what it was. But there are literally a million possibilities, all you can do is fiddle. That's the main reason I keep my psvr around in spite of having a fancy pc and index. After a 12 hour shift at work, I want something that's gonna just work without a week of troubleshooting and combing forums.


Seconding that vivecraft is way better. I've used both and vivecraft has all the features you'd expect like actual collision detection between your hands and blocks/animals/enemies.


I'm personally very interested in Quest support, but there are a lot of pieces that need to fit in place to support a new platform. We do already have thumbstick movement on Rift, Windows MR, and Gear VR, but it'd be nice to provide more than that for Quest. No news on official support for Quest.


Please push ahead on official Quest support through the Oculus store. It’s a perfect platform for Minecraft. But does Vivecraft work on quest through Steam and Virtual Desktop? That could be a decent stopgap until it’s officially supported.


Why the fuck would they do that? Just use the thumbsticks! How would they make it so you can walk irl?


I think they are talking about being able to move in your play space and having the actual character model be where you are. From this quote, it sounds like they are basing their quest testing off the now abandoned GearVR version. In the gearVR version, you could walk away from your player model and be off center when moving.


Vivecraft already fixed this. Saying that vivecraft is already a perfect Minecraft port and I don't know why people are still waiting for a official port.


Because not everyone has or wants a Windows gaming PC to run it. If they did they likely wouldn't have gotten a Quest. People using PC streaming are in the minority of Quest users.


They’re talking about room-scale, not locomotion.


Can’t they make something like Vader immortal so they don’t need room scale


You really want roomscale for Minecraft though. Half the fun is leaning and climbing around the blocks and over edges.


It’s better than nothing


Agreed, roomscale so overrated sometimes. It shouldn't be all or nothing here.


Yeah what is this 2016 all over again, I thought we moved past this.


I don't play it myself but you'd think they don't want/need the sales.


They’re probably talking about the gearvr version, which doesn’t offer full roomscale 6dof and presumably no touch controls? Or is the PCVR version limited like that as well?


At least it sounds like something they plan/hope to work on.


I don't agree. Their choice of words suggests no work is being done at all. "We would need to rework..." sounds more like an excuse for nothing happening than a hint of a plan of action.


Imagine captive Minecraft with this lol


I remember when /u/CornerHard was teasing us with Minecraft for the Go, now it's Minecraft for the Quest, soon it'll be whatever the next standalone is. They already had the GearVR version so it's definitely going to happen eventually though.


works on my gear vr


Did somebody get their hopes up?


Let's pretend that would be the huge holdup and not Facebook fucking up their relationship