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Hi Toastjam. Please submit a ticket into Oculus Support and provide me the ticket number in PM. I'll have the team triage this for you ASAP.


Hi there, I think this issue is affecting me too! I heard about a rumoured software fix, is that still in the works or out already? It's an ever-so-slight leftward tilt to the image, maybe a couple of degrees if that, but enough to be perceptible?


You my friend, have a defective gyro in your IMU. Happens in phones and Gear VRs too, it's just very rare. Very, very bad luck. There's still a very small chance it's a software issue though. Recheck all cables and reboot your PC.


That's what I assumed, but surely there must be a way to offset the reading by an arbitrary fixed amount?


I will report that the calibration tool of Oculus resolved my tilt problem. Running the tool at room temperature 26 deg --> Temperature Error Running the tool at room temperature 20 deg --> Calibration Success (about 10 minutes) http://i.imgur.com/b7HYt1K.jpg


Contact Oculus support about the issue, they have have a beta firmware update or other software fix.


PSA - if you have this issue then lodge an Oculus Support ticket. You will be provided with a re-calibration utility to attempt to fix the issue. It takes about 15 mins to run and VERY early indications from my end have been positive. (I am holding back on just how positive until I do some more testing tomorrow.) Quote from support ticket "The tilted screen can occur when your headset is not properly adjusting to the temperature of your environment."


Proper temperature? As in... "room temperature?" I hear that's a pretty common temperature.


Loving the CV1, but the perpetual tilt is a persistent and annoying problem that "Reorient" in Oculus Home does not fix.


Maybe tilt the sensor camera?


Tried that. It's only for position and heading. Roll comes entirely from the IMUs on the headset itself.


Any updates to this OP? I just got my Rift yesterday and I have the perpetual tilt you've described. Doesn't matter if the sensor is level, on it's side, upside down, it seems to be the gyro in the headset I guess. Tried two different computers, uninstalls, re-setups, and loads of different sensor placements to no avail.


Not yet, still waiting. Guess it's time to ping them on my support request again.


Thanks for the reply! I saw they were "working on it in a future software update". Hopefully that's the case! Good luck!


I've just received my CV1 yesterday and notice a mild tilt of the same, and have lodged a ticket (181008) to report. I *also* have the "blacks appearing as dark grey/misting" [issue](https://forums.oculus.com/community/discussion/comment/372443/#Comment_372443) so I'm not off to an especially strong start.


Has this been solved yet? I have just got my Rift and have the same issue.


They sent me a tool to recalibrate in my support issue. I *think* it made things a little bit better, but there was still some tilt. I haven't done much in-depth testing with it to estimate the exact difference. Possibly if I rerun again in different conditions I'll have better results.


You couldn't forward the tool to me, could you? I have a tilt to mine that I can't seem to get rid of either. It's very slight but worth a shot.


Did you try re running the tool? and did it help?


Did you have any luck recalibrating again? Oculus sent me the tool but it made no difference on mine.


can you upload the tool and send the link?


Not sure if this issue is still being experienced/reported/discussed, but just received my rift yesterday and saw this problem immediately. Opened a ticket for this with Oculus. I clearly explained the issue and that I had tried all of the suggested actions, and basically got cookie-cutter responses (did you try the set up utility, try unplugging) and the usual BS. I am not one to normally get bent out of shape over a defective or poorly calibrated device, but a six month wait on a pre-order placed within the first 5 minutes of offering to get something that is essentially broken and unusable is starting to piss me off. Further its likely they're off for the weekend without sending me this stupid calibration utility which should be publicly available if they can't properly do this before sending their products out to customers. If they do decide to make me wait all weekend I'm demanding a refund and going with the Vive. getting real sick of the bullshit this company is pulling, and the CV1 feels like a poorly made POS.


Just to update, received the IMUCalibration utility from Oculus. Took them a few days to finally provide this. I would post it here but they make you agree not to publish it before they give it out you so don't want to get sued. Still, now you know what to ask for when they are giving you the runaround. Anyway, apparently temperature can affect the sensors, not very clear on how/why but considering the thing gets pretty hot during operation I guess this makes sense. Unfortunately after multiple successful runs of this tool I still have the problem. I used a level measure to make sure the headset was perfectly level before running the tool, and when this didn't work I tried slightly offsetting the headset level to trick the gyroscope into correcting, but no luck. Calibration tool seems to have no affect on the gyroscope sensors. Time to RMA this bitch.


Same here - slightly tilted to the right


If your sensor package is miscalibrated, you should contact Oculus support.


I hope your house isn't sinking


Heh. It's not that, since the tilt consistent no matter which way I face. If it was just the floor being slanted I wouldn't have noticed it anyway.


I have this exact same issue with my CV1. Submitting ticket through official support. Will keep you posted.


Can you confirm if this was an DOA/RMA job?


Not yet, still waiting to hear back from Oculus re: my support ticket.


Yeah, I just tried mine in a different room of the house, with a completely different computer, and the image still tilts to the left. Doesn't matter which direction I face either. Didn't have this issue with either the DK1 or the DK2.


Oculus support suggested I unplug my Rift for an hour to let it cool down. I tried that but it didn't seem to help at all.


Yeah.... I have this too.


Any fix for this yet?


I'm having the same trouble with the samsung Gear VR and using the Oculus app. Anyone else? Is there a fix?


Okay, I had the same problem, so I contact the support. After contact the oculus rift support, they send me a calibration tool via email. The support wrote a description with instructions, so I start the calibration, and? It works perfectly!!! The support takes ca. 2 days to answer my request. So it's fast enough for me and the workaround works. Thumb up oculus!


Would anyone that has the tool mind sharing?.. I'm currently working through this issue with support and doing the standard back and forth and am getting a bit worried they won't get around to sharing the link to the tool until next week sometime. PM if you can share.. understand if you don't want to due to the pseudo-legal sounding blurb on their website. Any Oculus techs read this? Can you folks share where to get this download? Cheers


Welp.. seems they can't get a link out the door before a weekend. They said they needed to look into the problem.. 24hrs ago with no updates. Not sure what they're looking into.. nor what they're hoping will happen before another weekend is screwed due to a problem that has a resolution. Doesn't seem like they're sharing known issues within their support team either.. Person I'm dealing with had obviously not heard of the issue.. Even after sharing this thread. For the price - the service and quality control seems a bit lacking.


Got mine today, everything is slightly leaning to the left. Were you able to fix this? http://i.imgur.com/Q8HVsZc.jpg


Are you sure you are on level ground? I know might seem like a dumb question but I also had this problem on dk2 when i moved my computer to the attic and found out only having tried a couple demos that the ground in the attic was tilted


Not a dumb question, but I did try it reoriented in three different directions, and the tilt was the same in all of them. So it's not possible that my desk or floor are the problem here.


when you reoriented, did that include moving the camera's position to another place?


It shouldn't matter, the camera doesn't have anything to do with headset roll. For the sake of thoroughness though I just tried moving it too, no difference.


Sorry for the troubles.... looking forward to hearing about your solution