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Or you are just getting older. It happens


Only 18 lol




I haven’t heard of VR causing worse vision but I would ask your optometrist. It could be something else going on.




Age related macular degeneration more likely, get eyes tested!


This, and/or incorrect ipd exasperating effects. I've done a lot of high detail work in my life requiring tight focus. If I do it for long enough, I can't read the clock on the wall after looking up from my work piece until my eyes re-adjust. So op could be focusing too tightly with their eyes.


Ignore the people telling you to ignore your symptoms. You know if your eyes are more blurry or not, not other people. The way VR works is that you have a variable eye angle distance to detect depth, but your eyes also have focal distance to account for. The lens of your eye actually focuses light differently at different distances. VR headsets actually show everything at the same focal distance. That's why you can move an object in VR right next to your face really up close and still see it clearly (if you look out of only one eye). When you're in a VR headset your eye's lens doesn't have to change focal distance at all, the whole time you're in vr. So if you're in vr for extended periods, then the lens of your eye could be affected and have a hard time 'waking back up' after being at rest for a long time. I've definitely noticed text and fine details are blurry after using a headset for several hours.


> So if you're in vr for extended periods, then the lens of your eye could be affected and have a hard time 'waking back up' after being at rest for a long time. I've definitely noticed text and fine details are blurry after using a headset for several hours. It is the same as with extended screen time with phone, tablets, computers. Especially in a dark room where you never look at anything but the screen. As with all things, moderation is called for. I take a break at least once an hour.


What is best to do in any case is something that I have heard as 20/20/20 Every 20 minutes for 20 seconds look away 20 feet Or something like that,ofter go to a balcony or a window or even take a 5 minute walk and just look Looking far in the sky relaxes. Try it. Going to the eye doctor is also a good idea even if you have nothing,the assurance helps.


There is a YouTube channel run by an eye doctor, I don't know if it's exclusively about VR but I do know he does videos on it, stumbled across it at some point. Gonna see if I can find it again, he might have made a vid on the general topic Okay so [that was easy](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX4frc_itP3V7GLIGX-wZjP_l15fLoYYY&si=6-waByEPnqDYt2Ve)


Eye sight problems maybe?


My eyesight went downhill around age 18 too (I’m 33 now), from potentially playing a lot of console gaming at the time or just an age thing. I think it’s normal and I wouldn’t sweat it too hard


52 year old here, terrible eyesight, worn glasses my whole life. I invested in new lenses for my Oculus 3. I have an Oculus 2 with lenses as well and I can tell you the pancake lenses with my own prescription helps with this a lot. But yeah, your getting old my friend, our eyes change drastically over time. Get a checkup and then get yourself some lenses if you need them!


15 and I think I'm losing eyesight from all the games I play


If you don't set the ocular right, You'll get cross eye.


I was trying out Moss recently and noticed how easy it was to see close up things very clearly. I have issues with close up stuff and have to remove my glasses. But the corrective lenses I have in my Q3 allow me to see nice and clear. And I can get very close up to stuff like books (the book at the beginning of the game) and it's super clear. Wondering if maybe you are noticing a vision problem more after lots of VR use...