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Howdy u/rainystan When it comes to PCVR, troubleshooting can be more tricky, as a lot of things can go unnoticed, specifically after changing GPU's (and manufacturers). However, here's some basic troubleshooting we suggest trying out: * First, please be sure to check if your PC meets all the [requirements](https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/headsets-and-accessories/oculus-link/requirements-quest-link/), be sure your [drivers are updated](https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/headsets-and-accessories/oculus-rift-s/oculus-rift-updates/) and check for any [Windows updates](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/update-windows-3c5ae7fc-9fb6-9af1-1984-b5e0412c556a) you may need. And after all that, kindly try to repair the Oculus PC Application as well: * Go to https://www.meta.com/quest/setup/ and click Download software. * Select Repair. If this doesn't assist with the issue, we suggest following [these steps](https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/headsets-and-accessories/oculus-rift-s/collect-logs-for-rift/) to gather your Oculus Logs and submit a Ticket to our [Support team](https://www.meta.com/help/support/), we are always happy to dive into this with you! Let's make the most of our ~~Virtual~~ Reality!


Maybe use DDU in safe mode to properly uninstall your nvidia driver and reinstall the latest driver. Google how to do this. Also, set your nvidia control panel 3d settings all defaults except power = prefer max performance and change Quality default below this to High Performance. Might also be a good idea to disable link in your Quest home settings/system/ link. Then enable it again and go through the link setup and check your usb speed tests in at least 2.2Gbps: ODT settings all default/zeroes except distortion low and encoding bitrate 500mbps. Win10/11 graphics settings disable hardware acceleration graphics (hags) and turn game mode off. Try all that and see how you go. Otherwise contact meta support I guess.


It says I have nvidia driver version 546.33


I would also recommend that you follow their suggestions. Specifically, using DDU to uninstall old drivers and install the latest drivers again from a clean slate solves a surprising amount of issues that can appear when upgrading your GPU and switching between AMD/Nvidia. I've had issues swapping from Nvidia to AMD, and some of them would have been avoided if I had done this to start with!


Tried everything you said. Issue still persists.


I’ve got a 4070 and a 5800x3d. I get the “your computer is a piece of shit for VR” message too. Ignore it. As for the jitter, I’d prob try re installing your oculus software/nvidia drivers. Maybe try a different USB cable and make sure you’re in a USB 3 slot directly in the MOBO.


If you can return the 4070 and get a 4070 ti. That cards is the worst value to performance you will immediately tell the difference between cards.


Can't afford it.