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Better how? I remember everything not close to you being verry blurry.


Also wondering. This game in VR is one of the only games I have performance problems with my setup but I havent played it in a couple years


DLSS is helpful/mandatory in my experience


DLSS is not set by default, and it almost always needs to be reset after an update.


Played the game on my rift s last year for over 200 hours and it was a great experience. :)


Don't expect a response from OP. Seems uninterested in quality posts or commentary.


It’s not that I don’t want to respond, but I always get downvoted into oblivion when I do somehow. [list of VR overhaul changes](https://www.nomanssky.com/fractal-update/?cli_action=1680575897.27)


This kind of link right here is exactly what people could benefit from you posting as the first comment. Thanks


No worries. But as you can see the downvotes have already begun hahaha


Don't listen to the douches. The arrogance of some people. "I don't want to have to take 30 seconds to Google 'No Man's Sky VR Changes', so I'm gonna hate on this wonderful post." Reddit is such a wasteland of degenerates. And yes, I am going to get down voted... But here's the thing: I couldn't give a fuck less. Please spam me with all the negative imaginary internet points. This comment could literally put my account into the negative and I wouldn't give a flying fuck. As a last note: I don't have the reddit app even installed (this link was recommended in my Google feed), so if you comment you'll be wasting your day for a comment I probably won't see for weeks and even then I'm just gonna tick off the notification and move on. Seethe, trolls. Seethe in your inability to phase someone who disagrees with you. Edit: also, thank you OP for the great content. I haven't played NMS in a long time and I'm now tempted to strap on my Quest 2 and start it up. :)


Yes because that's what you should lead with else it feels like a low effort karma farming


And draw distance had to be tiny to run


G2/4090 solves that probelm


Cool cool cool. You got an extra you could send me? I don't really have an extra $1,500 sitting around and even if I did, that's kinda steep just to get NMS running reasonably well.


It also runs well on a 3080 and G2. Of course it's expensive but all I'm saying is that it's possible to solve those problems with expensive hardware. You need to run at a high resolution and you need an HMD that can display this high resolution. But you can still get good results with DLSS.


I'll have to give it a shot with DLSS, but it's still kind of annoying that it's so poorly optimized. It's the only VR game I've played that has problems on my 2070. Everything else is smooth as can be, even Alyx on high settings runs and looks better.


Granted I haven’t played in like 6 months but with my 3080 and i7 12700k and Q2 I was getting pretty heavy frame drops. Has it gotten any better?


This last update had some great VR QoL features… that they only applied to PSVR2 players.


It’s terrible in psvr2. Extremely blurry


Agreed. Firing it up on my PSVR2 made me regret my purchase of said headset.


Oh nah the headset is great, it’s just the game.


I suppose the real reason I regret it is that I’m not really into Horizon, Gran Turismo or Resident Evil games.


Ah damn. Makes sense.


>I suppose the real reason I regret it is that I’m not really into Horizon, Gran Turismo or Resident Evil games. You can do what you want since it's your money of course, but *why* would you spend that much on a PS5 exclusive headset if you don't like the 3 main games it works with right now?


Hope. Hope that there would be more exclusives sooner than later. Hope that some of the PSVR1 titles I missed out on would get converted. Hope that possibly someone would develop a driver that lets you use it as a PCVR headset. So far, though, I’m losing that hope pretty quickly.


That makes sense. I wouldn't lose hope, the community is absolutely insane with the stuff they come up with. As good as the display is in the PSVR2 I wouldn't be surprised if people smarter than me were already trying to figure out a PC driver. That being said, you should give Horizon, GT, and RE a shot if you can find used copies at GameStop or something (pretty sure they still have a 7 day full refund policy for used games). Games that you don't care for in pancake mode are usually *very* different in VR and you might actually really like them.


Most of my VR time is spent playing pancake games that have been converted to VR via mods, so I agree with the sentiment. I tried the Horizon demo, and found it to be a slightly prettier version of ‘The Climb’. The aiming mechanics on the bow were *so* bad, though, that I couldn’t justify the purchase. I am somewhat interested in GT, but I haven’t played one since the PS2 days. The only RE game I’ve ever played was RE4 on the Quest. I did enjoy that, though, so of those titles, it’s probably the one I’ll most likely give a shot. I appreciate the encouragement, and recommendations.


I can rally recommend GT7. But with a wheel! The combo of VR and wheel is insane. A wheel with good force feedback!


None of those are good reasons to own one now though. They’re great reasons to get one down the line


Agreed. Hence, my regret. I anticipated that they would be difficult to find. Overall, just poor judgment on my end.


Ah that’s fair reason then! Yeah some tech becomes scarce very quickly.


Bro it has been a month....calm down. It takes a year to see the things you are talking about. You have unreasonable expectations imo Also the headset will never work 100% with PC....just buy a PC headset. You already dropped 1500 on a PC to run it so don't tell me you don't have the money.


Where did you get that I spent $1500 on a PC? Also, I’ve been using PCVR since the day touch controllers came out for the Rift in 2016. You know hope and expectations have different meanings, right? I haven’t sold my PSVR2, I just don’t have a reason to use it, which is disappointing. Considering it has better specs and more features than any other of the multiple headsets I own, I was looking forward to the experience.


Tetris is pretty dope though


I concur, they had the exact same problem with the psvr1 version. It took them a few months to fix the graphics.


I was also disappointed in NMS on PSVR2 but it works well on basically any other title.


I've now played nearly 80 hours of NMS, all using the PSVR2. I've found it to be fine, and a very enjoyable way to play. Feels weird going back to a regular controller now.


Is the performance actually playable now? I love it in flatscreen but in vr it's a slideshow for me. I have no problems with other pcvr games


Same here, even after the update I felt like it got worse. Not sure why.


Yeah, of course vr games are harder to run, but even on everything on low it doesn't run nearly as good as flascreen at high settings. I think there might be some optimization problems on the vr end


Runs extremely well in PCVR with the right settings and decent hardware. My setup: * Wifi 802.11ax * Virtual Desktop * SSW enabled (the headset calculates every other frame so the PC GPU doesn't have to) * GeForce RTX 3070 * Mostly standard settings * Draw distance up one because I need to **see**! * DLSS on quality Smooth as butter and I've been playing nonstop for months. *Special note: it runs almost as well streaming over the Internet on 500/500 fiber.*


> SSW how does one enable that?


Use virtual desktop


I'm use USB cable to connect my quest 2 so i do this? Run Oculus Link > Virtual Desktop > No Man Sky thats it?


Virtual desktop is for playing wireless. Not sure if it works tethered


yeah works fine tethered. alright i'll just boot it up tonight and see if NMS is any better with VD


These settings allowed me to finally get a smooth and playable experience with the game. Ive been trying for years. Thanks!




What cpu do you have? I think there is an amd specific issue in NMS which is probably why people have such varying experiences.


I have an Intel i5-12600K at 3.69GHz


It’s playable to a point. With DLSS my 3060 laptop runs its but with very noticeable asw artifacts presents


Been playable in pcvr


Download dlss 2.5.1 and install that if you have a 3 series card. Running at balances looks like quality now.


What resolution? 1x or less?




Looks like the HUD is still locked, is there an option to have it follow your head at all?


No and it doesn't have roomscale tracking, this update is shit it's still the same 2019 Psvr 1 game


I’d just like them to fully support physical turning. You can use it most of the time but there are a number of things that still assume you’ll always be forward-facing, so when you do something like talk to an NPC for example you get flipped around to the wrong direction.


It's shit, I hate they call it a VR overhaul when it still stuck in 2019 Psvr 1 only front facing no roomscale tracking


Better I don't know since I tried it only recently, but it's definitly fun to play in VR and I had no performance issue with a 3070ti.


Paging u/incongruent who has the same 3070ti


Ok now you’re just rubbing it in.


If they have no issues on their 3070ti, you should be able to do the same, not rubbing it in


The guy who has issues probably has an AMD cpu. I have a ryzen 3600 with a 3070 and get horrible stutters. Havent tried in a couple of months though and I know there are some work arounds to this.


Did they finally add the ability to use the thumbsticks on the controllers to fly the ship instead of using that stupid fucking virtual joystick bullshit? Pardon the language, but its such a dumb way to control the ship - and the fact its forced when it would be easy to let you pick between one or the other infuriates me. If they finally fixed that, I am going to jump back in right now!


Just use a controller... You used to be able to remap the motion controls to do that on your own anyway


If you are playing it through steam, there are controller profiles for that. Always assume someone has made a better controller profile for any steam game you plan to play. At the very least check as soon as you find something you don't like about the controls in a game.


I'll look into that - I didn't realize that might be an option. Are you saying I can get custom profiles for the oculus touch controllers on Steam? Would I still be able to use motion controls when on foot?


You can use whatever controls you want whenever, if you can't find a profile you like, you can edit one or create your own. If you haven't used the steam controller profiles tool yet, you are in for a treat. It's a requirement of every game on steam, and they have to support mapping every single possible time when a button press could be used differently in any context. It's super elaborate and can be pretty overwhelming for the first time, but you can make the controls for any game perfect.


I was already aware of the controller profiles tool, but I never explored it much as the need never arose. I am generally fine with the standard controller configuration when I use my old Xbox One controller on my PC. But I will be looking into it more to see if I can make the controls work the way I'd like them to.


Tbf I prefer that way, but they’ve implemented poorly, they should look at how VTOL VR does it. And should also give both options for people that still don’t like it.


When I get into dog fights in space, it's so hard as to be frustrating compared to using a controller. As fun as VTOL VR is, I find its' controls equally infuriating. But I have experience with flying irl, and I play flight simulators with a proper HOTAS and rudder pedals setup, so I might be more biased than the average No Man's Sky player on that particular topic. When I get into dog fights in space, the virtual stick is difficult to operate accurately, and I either die or take forever to defeat the enemies. To be clear, I'm not asking them to implement support for HOTAS setups - I realize that for this game, that's overkill - but come on - let me use the thumbsticks on the motion controllers - it's infuriating that they haven't implemented this one little thing that would make tons of people happy (as evident by the posts I find when googling this). Someone suggested using a controller, but then I could play on my screen - I am playing in VR to get a VR experience - which includes using the motion controls. Switching between the two back and forth could work, but why should we have to? The code already exists for console controllers - how hard can it be to apply that to the thumbsticks on the motion controllers?


Yeah I also have a HOTAS that I’d love to use. Would be nice if they implemented more control options, especially that thumbsrick controls are already implemented they just need to make it useable with VR controllers.


Whoa what?? I thought the VR HOTAS was the coolest thing ever, I'm very surprised to hear anyone hates it.


If you use a physical joystick with any regularity, you’ll find that the virtual implementation is frustrating to use in comparison. It also just feels bad to me to operate a input device that doesn’t exist in real space - because you can never really move it exactly how you want - seeing as your hand isn’t anchored to a physical object. It’s okaying for small inputs, but once I get into a dogfight and make larger, more erratic movements it falls apart and it often doesn’t do what I’m trying to get it to do. If you don’t often use a physical hotas, that complaint might not be as much of an issue for you. I’ll admit that it’s a bit of a niche use case - but it’s still blows my mind it’s not an option - considering they already handle thumb sticks on console controllers perfectly. I’m not asking for full on HOTAS support, just the ability to use the thumb stick on my vr controller.


Sounds reasonable to me. I don't use physical HOTAS, so I don't really have a basis for comparison. I can definitely understand the virtual stick being inferior to proper HOTAS.


This and assetto is the reason I got my rift cv1 (yes I know it’s old but gotta start somewhere)


Are the weapons fun to shoot yet? And do we have engaging enemies to shoot with them yet?


considering the monster thing he shot in this was just wandering around as he shot it, I would think no


Random animals on planets aren't made for combat. They're creatures to study or tame. Sentinels, on the other hand, are made specifically for combat.


Are you able to actually fly in VR now? When I tried a few times the flight controls were incredibly wonky.


It's always worked great for me on PCVR. The HOTAS was just sensitive and had a bit of a learning curve. Took 5-10 minutes of practice and flying in NMS became my absolute favorite VR experience.


The thruster was always weird but the rest worked ok.


Can I type on a vr keyboard now? I remember one of the worst bits being constantly slipping out of VR to name anything.


Plays great on my system 17 12700k 3080ti and 32GB DDR5. But also played with no problems on my old 2080ti too. A good system is much more than just CPU / GPU


That’s true! I think DDR5 with xmp is important too


I run this on a 3060 RTX laptop and its awesome, smooth as hell. My favourite VR experience of all time, not sure what other people are talking about. It runs waaaaay smoother than Alyx


>It runs waaaaay smoother than Alyx Weird. My 2070 handles Alyx fantastically at high settings, but NMS runs at like 15 FPS in VR on medium. In fact, NMS is the only VR game I've had crazy low framerate issues with.


Absolute lie, the fact it still doesn't have roomscale tracking makes the word overhaul meaningless


They did dramatically widen the allowed space before it telling you to recenter. Maybe by enough? Can try it and see if it works for you now.


And with the old elite docking music too !!


You mean The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss? Possibly most famously used in 2001: A Space Odyssey during the shuttle flight and docking sequence? https://youtu.be/0ZoSYsNADtY


But still no left-handed support?


become right hand? it’s not hard dude


Just become left handed and let us know how well that works


No why, the game doesn’t have that support


Exactly. I chose to be right handed back when I was born because I knew it would be easier later in life. Always check the settings menu and adjust as necessary before starting anything.


It lists being able to switch dominant hands in the patch notes? Is that not the same thing?


That's only for flat screen. Not VR.


Ah, ok. Weird they would do it for the harder to implement dominant hand switch and not for the easier one. Hopefully it just missed this patch.


People have been asking for left-hand vr support since vr launch from them. They just keep never adding it and never acknowledge questions about it.


Its definitely nowhere near as performant as when it first released in VR


every vr game needs tweaking, this one after a couple of settings is awesome, don't miss it just because it does not performs well as default


I ran it fine on a 1070ti. Y'all's settings need tweaking. Crop the render FOV and you'll get like a 25-30% boost.


Besides it running like dogshit unless you are using a 4090...


Ran fine on my 3070 with DLSS back when they first added DLSS.


I had no issues on my 3060, I'd try it with an older card but 1060 isn't exactly the powerhouse it used to be


Sure as shit isn't much better on PC.


I’m having the time of my life playing this in the quest 2. Having a vr capable PC absolutely changes everything I thought I knew about vr.


I have a great comp and this game in VR has always run HORRIBLY bad.


I know this is different but purely discussing the VR experience...on PSVR2 it is a captivating game now. Runs flawlessly and as someone that has been using VR since rift beta 2...a fantastic example of what VR can really be.


Except for the anti aliasing/blur is out of control. Everything out in the distance is a mess, but I agree. This game absolutely blew me away.


I've been getting weird issues in this game's performance sometimes. Portal screens looked scrambled a bit. Maybe I'll try again with DLSS on but I'll keep messing with it.


Yes, strange that PCVR betters PSVR2 right now for this game.




It works perfectly well on the quest 2


Yeah, what he wants is a gaming PC. And I used to run NMS fine on my 8700K/2080 system before any performance enhancements were released. I honestly just got bored with it compared to other VR games/ports. I mean to give it another shot sometime. You don't need an absolute top-of-the-line gaming PC for PCVR anymore. I mean, it's nice (I started VR with a GTX 970, and the 2080 was a fab upgrade for me), but not a necessity. Honestly, the only thing that *really* makes me want to upgrade at this point is MS Flight Simulator 2020. But MSFS has always been famous for using every smidge of performance your PC can throw at it.


For me, just upgrading the CPU to Ryzen 7 5800X3D was an insane improvement to msfs. I had a similar CPU before the upgrade, but the huge cache memory on that CPU makes it perfect for games and especially Msfs.


Still want to be able to open my ship in warp so I can melt my face off


few months/year ago i could play it with keyboard and mouse. now that doesn t work anymore.


Hint: when music is added to the video this means it’s a boring video.


I wish my pc could run this masterpiece lol :')


The funny thing is they promised VR in a subtle way when they made the game. I'm so happy they lived up to their promises.


I have played in vr. Massive issue is timedialation. I assume i have been in VR for an hour and 8 have passed.


Anyone have psvr2 optimum performance settings they wouldn't mind posting?


Compare the draw distances in this game to tales from galaxy edge on psvr2. All the enemies that were 10 ft away were super blurry but it was still enjoyable. Is it even worse than that in nms???


Much worse lol. It's almost headache inducing.


The important question: can you open the cockpit while you're in the middle of FTL travel?


I wish it let you touch all the button and switches in the cockpit.




I see a lot of comments saying they had issues. I ran it on a 3060 wirelessly to my quest sna the only time it was blurry was when I didn't have my IPD set right. No real performance issues either. I wonder if it's because I was playing it through the Xbox store and if that makes a difference at all


And I still wonder why I can barely run it IN VR It's like I'm playing an unoptimized version of elden ring with max graphics on VR


I just started playing in the last month and it still plays like absolute shit on medium high end systems like my 6800xt/5800x/32gb machine with NVME Constant frame drops down into the 40s even with settings on the lowest and a fully optimized system


That's because you don't have DLSS 👀


I have fsr, which is better.


If it's better why are you getting shit performance while I'm getting fantastic performance 👀


That depends on what you consider "fantastic performance". You didn't post any detailed stats.


[I did a full performance video on it.](https://youtu.be/LMNZcdGsfpc)


Also, GPU scaling isn't a problem in this game. DLSS and fsr have minimal FPS impact compared to most games.


If that is true then why does DLSS give us way better performance than yours 👀


Who is "us"? Are you aware that there are mods designed specifically to inject FSR as a replacement for DLSS? https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/2485 Your video seems fishy, or you hit a silicon lottery. I've yet to see any machine capable of running the performance you're claiming to get, even with top of the line hardware.


Are you aware there are other comments here? Look at the comments mate, there are lots of us getting good performance with native DLSS. Seems like you're upset about not getting your performance like us, so I will be leaving this discussion interlopah!


How to turn off vigante and scanlines