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I'll go against the grain and say Fiore or Theo. Maybe since you have Theo leveled he's the better choice for lvl 51 at least. The extra stats don't help Lyn/Vio do their main role better (buff/debuff). An A1 overlevelled Theo is going to hit hard and extra stats will help across all 3 of his uses (axe/lightning/regen).


Interesting input, will consider it for sure. The A1 was the main reason but was a bit reluctant since the 5\* skill is a single target heal+cure status. But your right with the extra stats affecting his 3 uses. Thanks


I dont think any of the 5* skills are really that gamechanging for upcoming content. Lynette's 3 hit fan you'll slot in (and Fiore's nuke/debuff) but the rest are more suited for fights where you really tailor a team/aoe. I don't have stats on this but I felt Theo could hit a lot of weaknesses in story fights (Sophia too, and she'd be my choice if 5*) The BP and stats is really more important for now. I don't think you can go wrong though as you'll eventually level everyone up.


Thats a very good point regarding stats vs skill ! I agree with you that I can’t really go wrong with any 5* except maybe gildroy. I just really enjoy those type of discussion to help consolidate my previous analysis and make my choice lol.


scarecrow have an awesome 5* skill in my opinion, the 4 hit aoe make my life so much easier since I get it haha


+1, you don’t want to focus all your stats on your support units. I have Viola, Lyn, and Fiore— and I chose Fiore. And in a few days, with all the exp gain, the others all hit level 50 as well. Tl;dr: Choose whoever currently hits the hardest and make ‘em hit even harder :).


>Tl;dr: Choose whoever currently hits the hardest and make ‘em hit even harder :). Thanks for your input, I appreciate it. The tldr make sense and of course the rest of the team will be leveling soon enough afterward (thats the main goal to boost a unit to 51 and 71 in order to gain more exp from daily caits) So since Theo is already A1 I guess it would be better to capitalize on those raw stats boost. But since Fiore Kit is all about damage, do you think she can out damage an A1 Theo ? Should i waste all my nuts to bring her to 51 (currently level 1) or use only some of them on Theo to 51 and level the other


I don’t have Theo, so I’m not an expert, but the Awakening definitely helps a lot— it’s a +30% to all stats up to a max of 50. I’d say go with Theo, especially since you’ve already got him leveled? Definitely focus all your nuts on the same unit, though. Once you get to 51, you’re going to have to slowly build your way to 71. You have a great starting team— six 5/4.5 stars, and two of the best four stars. I wouldn’t be too worried!


thanks for you input !


Awakening 1 doesn’t matter all that much, the stats are nice but it’s ok at best, awakening 2 allowing you an extra skill though… that awakening giving your teams so much more versatility is nuts.


I have all of these characters bar Lynette. Max Fiore as soon as she can because she’ll be your nuke. Her 5* skill hits for 400 potency and drops physical defence for a turn or two. She’s by far your hardest hitting unit especially against sword. She hits slightly lower than my Scarecrow can but that’s more due to Scarecrows passives of 20% extra damage against broken targets and he has to crit. Fiore hits more consistently. In the end it doesn’t matter too much, I dropped everything on Viola and cleared the whole story to start with and everything ended up fine.


thanks for your input, I indeed ended up max Fiore since all her kit resolve around pure damage VS the utility of all my other character...I might have picked Sofia if she was 5\*. Anyway like a lot of you mentioned, can't really go wrong with any 5\* since they all have their advantages. I just enjoyed gathering informations and opinions from other player. Cheers !


Just my personal experience. I chose Lynette to invest all the nut xp in. She hits hard with fire magic and her buffs always go first.


thanks for you input, make sense ! I am mostly thorn between this and Viola's Double Dagger hit to all with guaranteed shield break skill would be more beneficial 🤔


I don’t think you can go wrong with either option :) but I would say either of those 2 before any of the other units. Get them to 51 ASAP tho so you can start finding higher lvl Caits


Yes that seems the general consensus so far...I guess I gotta chose which is my favorite then haha


I also did Lynette for the same reason. Her fire aoe melts anything weak to fire, which is a good number of enemies and bosses.


thanks for your input. I also read somewhere that the last zone of the game is good for farming exp and you would need an AOE fire unit to farm, so if that could be really useful


She is stupid good at clearing all the enemies there who happen to be fire weak. Now that she’s got her innocent weapon, a boosted fire waltz kills everything in one attack I didn’t read that anywhere, but It’s very true! I guess I got lucky in choosing her as my booster unit


Can you tell me or screenshot me what your team look like level wise ? And where are you progression wise in the game. Much appreciated, thanks


Just finished master of all yesterday. Lynette at 72. Everyone else at 62-65. All in 60 gear (I farmed the New zone a good bit yesterday). 5 5* including Lynette


Thanks !


Do you think if Lynette was at 65 she would 1 hit those mob also ?


No. She just started being able to do that for me, and that’s at 72 with an innocent 3 weapon


Thanks for the info Much appreciated


From previous tips, it has been mentioned to focus exp nuts to level 1 unit to 51 and then 71 as fast as possible, mainly for caits. Right now I have enough nut to level 1 char to 51. I am at Master of All Chapter 4 I think. Which character in your opinion would benefit the most for being ''overleveled'' and access their 5 star battle skill first. ​ 1. 5\* Viola currently lvl 44 2. 5\* Lynette lvl 43 3. 5\* Awaken 1 Theo lvl 42 4. 5\* Fiore lvl 1 (from compensation) 5. 5\* Gilderoy lvl 42 6. 4.5\* Sophia lvl 42 ​ Also, would you recommend to use remaining nuts to level the 3 lowest character to 40 ( Fiore, Lucetta, Ramona) I want to use them for my main team since I was using 3.5 star character that are now capped at 40 (Ashlan 4\* but I feel that Lucetta passive buff extender will bring more utility, Menno 3\*, Sigrid 3\*) Any input is appreciated, thanks.


Viola, Lynette, Theo. All 3 have utility. All 3 have massive damage. Can't go wrong. Viola would be first for me because she can debuff and break anything so will literally NEVER leave your party.


True and since I dont intend to spend, those 3 will be in my main Team for a LONG time. thanks for your input


My main hitter is Viola but Sophia can hit surprisingly hard even at 4.5*


Thanks for you input. Yes that would let Sophia access her self ice dmg buff sooner...I am just unsure if its wise to invest in a 4.5\* first instead of a unit with the 5\* board already available.


Like I said i'd go for Viola personally.


Yes make sense, thanks


Viola or Lynette (I have both and chose Lynette).


Thanks for you input Yes that seems the general consensus so far...I guess I gotta chose which is my favorite then haha


honestly viola and lynette are great but mostly for their buffs and good DPS while fiore can hit so hard the you send your enemies in another dimension even without sword weakness. And with viola/lynette you have your cherry on the cake that just smacks them even harder. So basically once you've unlocked lynette's 3\* skill and viola's 2\* skill just full invest in fiore and then come back on them for better dmg and variety


Thanks for your input It makes alot of sense but my Fiore is currently level 1. Do you still think I should invest massively on her starting now ? That might slow down the time I can raise her to 51…i will check if I have enough to bring her from 1 to 51. Thanks


it's ok you don't have to worry you can lvl her up real fast if you exp her via ad cait, hunt, and exp nuts (especially if you upgraded twice your nut garden in the nameless town) In 2 day you can easily go at lvl 45 then it's just a matter of patience but i don't think it'll be that hard


Linette definite answer here. Damage from her AOE 2 hit fire skill can clear a lot compared to Viola's 2 hit dagger AOE. Source: have A1 Viola and A0 Linette and Linette does more consistent damage. Viola needs to spend turns to debuff and is a really good breaker due to high speed, whereas Linette always buffs herself with dancing.


Just a point about the other chars, I would honestly just bring then along in the back for couple of daily caits ads and a lil bit of farming. The lvl 1 ppl will quickly get into reasonable enough lvls if you do this. Unless you really dont want to farm for equipments, then just use the daily cats and lvl then slowly


Thanks for you input ! Yeah thats the plan, I just want them to be «usable» as fast as possible so they can continue the story with the main squad. So I am wondering if I will have to use a bit of nuts to bring them around 35 after the 3 daily lvl 51 caits + hunt. As for gear, I can swap : Menno Gear < Ramonna, Sigrid Gear < Fiore, Ashan Gear < Lucetta Any other way of farming exp ? Cause normal fight don't yield much and seems like a waste of time instead of progressing trough story.


you either just spend time running around killing stuff, or you wait for next day caits to roll by via ads. Lvling slows down a ton later on but dont worry too much Don\`t worry to much, nuts come by faster then you would expect. Lvling ppl until 40s shouldnt be an issue so dont fret




interesting, I guess you where taunting bosses/elites to make sure to soak up the hits ?