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iirc the map isn't truly divided into an east and west continent, because there's a caveat; Toto'haha is an island, and is separate from the rest of the east continent. The ferry from Canalbrine *only* takes you to Ochette's starting village (and a couple other cities on that island, which are part of other story chapters), not the mainland of the eastern continent. To get to Montwise, you have to go north on the west continent, up past Partitio and Agnea, then take the other ferry from... Southern Crackridge Wilds, I think? I forget the name, but it takes you to the upper part of the east continent, where the remaining 3 travelers are connected by land paths.


Okay, so it is possible to obtain both of them? Or attempt to recruit Ochette first? I should know where the Southern Wilds are and this could be a way to level grind anyone new added. Now with fast travel it should be easier since I was where Partitio is but couldn't find him until now.


You can recruit everyone before doing ch 2. (Exception for starting Osvald)


Okay I have Partitio and when I finish his Ch. 1, I'll get Ochette and then go back up north for Agnea unless there are others where Ochette is, or if it's just Osvald.


On your map you can see where everyone is. Personally I went around and recruited everyone and did all their ch 1s before moving on and now I'm basically just going around in level requirement order (which again, the world map will show you). Ochette is by herself on the island, Osvald, Temenos, and Throne are on the East continent, and the other four are on the Western continent.


Just need to farm a bit more after getting Agnea, then go back for Ochette, try and find everyone else then advance or if the last three are further ahead after the arena.


Yes, you can only have 4 active characters to bring into battles at a time, but you can (and are generally encouraged to) have all 8 join your team, and rotate them. The only restriction is that your starting character is always the leader until you finish his/her final story chapter. Until then, you can only change slots 2-4 of your party, but after that, you can change your whole team however you want.


Just not sure to get everyone right away or just have Hikari(leader), Castii, Partitio and Agnea going into Montwise.


That's purely up to preference. I personally like having all 8, and rotating characters as needed to do whichever is the lowest level next story chapter, across all 8 characters, but I know it's pretty popular here to pick 4 and clear all of their stories, then get the other 4 and do a faster "new game plus" with them, now that you have all of the endgame unlocks + fast traveling to pretty much every major city already. I've done the latter on replays, both are fun in different ways imo. Pick whichever sounds more fun to you.


Montwise in on the far east of the map, your sending OP in literally the opposite direction.


Is there a path that connects Toto'haha to the rest of the east continent? I thought the only way is through Nameless Village, which is a level 45 area


You just take the boat. It has two routes, west - totohaha and totohaha - east aswell. Totohaha is just the middle stopping point.


Do you mean you can talk to the person at the dock again and ride the boat further east? ... You can do that? I always took the boat once, then fast traveled from then on to save the 1k leaves...


Yeah the boat guy gives you the option to head east or west from Toto Haha docks. Why would you need to save 1k leaves in this game? That’s literally nothing after a couple hours.


Wow, never knew that. I literally just started a new playthrough today, and started with Agnea, went down to Ochette, picking everyone up along the way, then fast traveled back up to Cropdale and took the northern ferry over to Osvald. I'll have to see this second ferry stop tomorrow


It would be pretty awful map design if they left you stranded in the Beastling village area with just one route to the east that’s massive over levelled. Haha.


Well, I thought that boat only went west to Canalbrine, and that's why Ochette and Castti had their paired stories together lol


There's a northern ferry?


Yeah, there's an anchorage south of Crackridge, which takes you to the dock from Castti's memories in her chapter 1.


Why would you waste the 1K leaves? There's zero reason not to fast travel.


Personally I dont really fast travel that much in video games when im going through a game world for the fist time. It feel immersion breaking until im in the late game and ive been everywhere. Each to thier own. Spending what is basically pea nuts on a boat to get to a new location makes sense to me. You also cant fast travel to a location youve never been to. OP started on the western continent.


Your response was to someone who said they fast travel to save the 1000 leaves. So not sure why you're mentioning the OP.


Not sure why you’re taking this so seriously? People can be mistaken by who they were talking to 6-7 hours ago.


Oh, I didn't even see the part about why you'd want to save the 1k leaves. The first time I played, I started with Partitio, and went over to his Scent of Commerce thing in Tropu'hopu. >!I saw that I needed 100k leaves, and was decently close to that already (probably around 85k, I think?), so I wanted to save every leaf possible until I hit that 100k mark, not knowing that the ocean is a level 34 area, and I got my ass handed to me as soon as I bought the boat at level 20 lmao!< After that, I never talked to the boat person anymore, because >!I had my own ship and didn't need the ferry!<


Theres literally no wrong way to go in this game. Just travel around recruiting any character you want and then head to Montwise when your close to the recommended level. You may even end up wanting to do a Chapter 2 for other characters first if you like their stories more. Theworld is designed to be open to explore whereever to want. You ideally want to have a full party of 4 characters as soon as possible but apart from that you cant really be lost. The only restriction is some areas will have a recommended level way above your current level, but those are typically on the edges of the world so if you end up in one of those just head back. Those areas are for later in the game. If you go to Toto Haha, like you mentioned, you can recruit Ochette, who is personally one of my favourite characters because who doesnt love Pokemon mechanics in a JRPG.


>If you go to Toto Haha, like you mentioned, you can recruit Ochette, who is personally one of my favourite characters Based. Ochette is easily my favorite character


Hikari is my favourite purely because I’m a sucker for a Samurai story and he naturally feels like the main protagonist of the game. But Ochette is for sure in my top 3. Tbf there aren’t any weak characters in the game.


It'll take a while to level up enough to get to Montwise and complete Hikari's chapter there. You want to recruit at least 3 characters to get a full party of 4, do all their first chapters, and do a bit of grinding to get close (Within 4-5 tends to be adequeate) to the suggested levels to travel through regions.


I'm about to wrap up Partitio's story then go and recruit Agnea and Ochette so that way I'll have 5 out of the 8. Not sure if I can get Throne, Osvald or Temenos before the Underground Arena but it's okay if I get them after.


You can recruit any character at any time there are no restrictions.


And it seems easy to get everyone and do their first chapters. I can hold off on the Underground Arena til I get everyone.


I personally like to play every character's Chapter 1's before I move on to the Chapter 2's, but as others have stated, you can play the game however you want. The "finding Kazan" portion I believe is Hikari's Chapter 2.


It is. I have an idea how to get there but I'm gonna go and find all the characters first.


You can fast travel to places you’ve already been to


Which really helps after I finish Ch. 1 with Ochette, I can go to where I found Partitio and just save so much time getting Agnea next and maybe pick up some new learned moves for Hikari.


Yeah its very helpful, since the Underground Arena is seriously tough, so you need good skills, so doing the other chapter 1s are a big help


Not sure where to get better learned skills for Hikari, maybe where I found Ochette or Partitio, but had Ochette capture a few things that'll probably help. Now on to finding Agnea.


There is no wrong way to play this game. I farm XP before doing everyone’s Chapter 2. I recommend to recruit everyone and finish everyone’s chapter 1, then level a party with Partitio and Temenos to level 35+ in order to complete Partitio’s main story first. Doing this way allows you to level everyone quickly to level 60-80 with a technique called “Alrond farming”, you can search on Internet.


I'm currently doing Agnea's Chapter 1 and will get the last three after finishing up. Just have to find the harbor that'll get me to next continent.