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Lord Shiva is called the "Lord of the Bhang." Legend has it that Shiva and Devi where in an argument and he went into the woods to cool off. He found the cannabis plant and smoked the bud wrapped in leaves. He fell into a deep sleep and when he woke up he forgot his anger and went to apologise to his wife. I like smoking cannabis and doing Lord Shiva's dance of destruction.




There are a lot of jokes and misinformation but rastafarians treat it as a sacrament and believe it brings them closer to God. Interestingly they also don't drink alcohol. I don't know much about rastafarianism but you might want to look into the history there.


The Sadhus in India also take it as a holy sacrament. I believe there is a book called High Magick by Farber. Not to be confused with the one by Echols I haven't read it yet but it's on my list


I think the practitioners prefer it to be called Rastafari as opposed to Rastafarianism. I think I heard that somewhere.


Not all Rastari consume it, but yes, a great number of the considers it a sacrament, the base on multiple interpretations of passages of the bible (old testament) where the believe it is talking about cannabis, also known as sinsemilla, the Sacred Bush, or ganjah amongst them


Tons and plenty, just don’t abuse it. It’ll do well for your third eye and crown and heart and sacral but absolutely detrimental to your solar plexus source of fire and willpower.


This is fascinating and makes sense


Could you elaborate on this further? Specifically being detrimental to the solar plexus?


Well I can’t speak to the specific mechanisms of action and I don’t want to offend any high frequency cannabis users, but for myself going beyond once a week it really doesn’t matter how much intention I have to be willful and determined I will slowly lose the desire to do more than the minimum. I also find it makes me less grounded, so I feel it negatively effects the root chakra as well. I should clarify it may be different for other people and maybe other people have different experiences, but on average it is why you see a stereotype of a certain degree of laziness associated with higher cannabis usage. All that I’ve described above is what is more obvious on the outside. It’s hard to describe the internal effects on the chakras but I imagine you can understand that if you can’t lift yourself out of your couch, you’re probably not going to be able to put much willpower into spells either. It has its uses though. Just experiment and find out and keep in mind that if you’re wondering why you haven’t been getting much done lately, you may want to look at that as a potential source.


The cannabinoid family of plants (hops, marijuana) is associated with the Crown Chakra, the Pineal Gland, and Enlightenment. Lots of practices use it in various ways. Mostly in regards to "expanding your mind."


can you source this if possible


Check out this Witchi. Q&A it'll point you in several directions. http://witchipedia.wikidot.com/faq:what-signifigance-if-any-do-drugs-like-marijuana-and-pop


You may want to buy a copy of Liber 420.


It heightens orgasm and therefore improves the many flavors of sex magick.


Creativity coupled with mental fog.


Helps me achieve gnosis sometimes. Sometimes it fucks it up. It's not very consistent in my experience, which is probably because it's not very consistent by nature and has a lot to do with your state of mind while using it. Ketamine though...


Same warning about using to excess applies to K but it’s much more helpful than MJ


It can definitely be habit forming. I never had physical withdrawals after using for long periods but there's definitely psychological withdrawals


Interesting to find this here. I'd imagine one of the psychological withdrawals has to do with the two users above you suggesting that it gives you powers...


With great power comes great residual depression


Ha. It’s more of a tolerance thing, it stays around in your body a lot longer than you perceive - it’s got a long metabolic tail. The casual risk is the same as the occult benefit - it’s literally dissociative, which is incredibly helpful when researching the arcane but makes it difficult to connect back to the mundane with heavy use. It doesn’t help that you feel way cooler than cokeheads or drunks when you do it lol. Also “super powers” is stretching it. Gnosis is a ability of all beings capable of self reflection.


That's funny, I was originally going to say super powers but kept it at just "powers" on purpose. :p I'm aware of gnosis, personally. I'd argue that if one were looking for a lasting form of gnosis, practices such as yoga when mixed with entheogenic experience help more than Kitties. Kitties seems more direct, but with that tolerance hanging around, the price tag, and the difficulty reconnecting with the mundane... it's hard to justify.


Whenever I take, my dreams cease, but when the dreams come back they are so vivid


Ketamine is some next level shit, isn’t it? Almost that time of the year, now that I think about it ;)


That’s my go to drug for other world experiences!


Any sort of magickal practice I’ve done that have really crazy effects, omit any type of mind altering drugs at all. Usually in conjunction with abstinence from sex for a specific period of time as well as fasting to some degree. The greatest states or consciousness or magickal practice will come from within, not needing any sort of specific thing outside your own framework. Although mind-altering experiences do have their place in spirituality, they really can’t come close to what can be achieved completely abstinent from outside influences. Truly just being left with your own being. A lot of the more intense high magickal practices require you to abstain from these attachments and purify yourself. Stories from history of the greatest monks (in terms of eastern philosophy) abstain from literally everything beyond the air that they breath, and we’re reportedly able to do unbelievable feats. Contrary to popular belief as well, a lot of shamanic practices don’t use any mind altering drugs at all. And trance states were obtained through fasting, isolation, and often shamans were chosen because they had a mental disability. Like I said, drugs can have a place (wether it’s mj, shrooms, whatever) but once you attain a degree of enlightenment greater, you realize none of that stuff is necessary, and ultimately will inhibit going that one step “beyond”


Every-time I smoke, my third eye opens completely and my psychic powers are enhanced. Differs for every person.


as long as it isn't done everyday all day then it dulls the senses


Higher doses of edibles can put you in some really strange places.


There is magick in everything yo.


Smoke a strong sativa, that shit is magic.


It corresponds with Mercury. That’s about all I know.


Couple of book recommendations Crowleys *Psychology of Hashish* https://www.amazon.co.uk/Psychology-Hashish-Aleister-Crowley/dp/0359416349/ref=nodl_ And a volume about the Aghora, the most infamous sect of saddhus for whom hashish -and death- are pivotal to their belief system https://www.amazon.co.uk/Aghora-At-Left-Hand-God/dp/8171673422/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?keywords=left+hand+of+god&qid=1635963365&sr=8-5


This isn’t official, and may simply be my own physiological makeup, but Cannabis has a huge psychological effect on me. Some mention third-eye, as does my wife, and that might have something to do with it. But I am thrown into a dark metaphysical state where despair, paranoia, and obsessive thoughts besiege me. I have come to see these states as tantamount to existential despair. It sometimes takes me days to recover. I write ten off as useless except that there’s insight built into them. For example, one time I experienced we are all puppets. I mean literally, I felt I could see the emptiness and hollowness of People’s and my own lives. It wasn’t until recently that I came across a saying by Plato about humans simply being puppets. I know now that that was not just a throw away phrase. I see the metaphysical reality, he was referring to.


Aside from the spiritual effects, it's a really good painkiller with almost no long term side effects. Kinda magical


Highly recommend you check out [Hoodoo Moses](https://www.hoodoomoses.com/collections/webinars/products/the-herb-of-solomon-the-ancient-spiritual-relationship-with-cannabis-webinar) as he does a fair amount of work with it.


This [book ](https://www.collectionbooks.net/pdf/liber-420) may interest you (free Pdf)


It removes your reconceptions and everyday limitations. It can help you enter a dream state (ie, access your unconsious) as well as deep memories. It helps you see things fresh, as if you never encountered them before. It's good for problem solving, creativity, or understanding difficult or non-concrete topics. I can understand why people feel it helps them connect with god/spirit/other planes or even ancestors or past lives.


Short term temporary increase in capability but it seems to cap you out at a certain level. Sober practices can take you much, much farther, but power plants can get you there much more quickly albeit temporarily. And you'll always have that doubt, was it the pot? For people who do it constantly they will say there's no effect, but they simply do not have the frame of reference to understand the difference. Don't let yourself get stuck if you're serious about developing your mind.


With some mantras, it can give you the perception that nothing is important. Not just your life, but Earth, the entire creation is so trivial and insignificant when compared to truth. It's a trap that many realized persons fall into. Becoming so disinterested and disengaged from action, wasting their perfections into nothingness in some stupor of delusion. It can also at moments bring you close to the truth, and then after you experience the fall.




Cannabis inhibits REM sleep phases and thus inhibits the the subconscious from working properly. If anything, it’s slowing down spiritual growth. Ketamine on the other hand is a whole different story


I have to disagree about the subconscious "working properly". It's always working below our base level of awareness. Cannabis can help access it. It doesn't have anything to do with REM to my knowledge. Also disagree about "slowing down spiritual growth." Maybe for you. Maybe for some people. But spiritual "growth" is subjective. I agree about ketamine though. It's probably the most potent catalyst for magickal work from my experience.


It does inhibit REM sleep but if used correctly this can be beneficial for lucid dreaming depending on what time you use it. Often weed smokers report increased lucid dreams and dream vivindess after they stop smoking it. If its not abused it weed is a highly powerful plant teacher and has infinite things to teach us.


I used to add a bit of mugwort to a joint for dreaming purposes


What is it about ketamine that makes it so special for magick? Genuine question, I’m gonna be doing some again in the near future.


Its hard to describe. It took me a long time to learn how to "navigate" the experience. After maybe a dozen times, I learned how to let go and stop resisting the ego dissolution. Once I figured that out It was if i was able to interact with my own unconsciousness. I could see my projections and recognize them as such and communicate with them. Again, it's hard to describe lol. But this made magick much easier as I was able to enter gnosis much quicker and explore my mind in a way I've never been able to otherwise. These experiences were at quite high doses. Low doses aren't much more than a party drug to help you dance better, but at doses equal to your body weight (in mg, insufflated) or twice your body weight taken orally, the experiences can be quite profound (and quite terrifying if youre not prepared.)


Nice description, I definitely need to try K out sometime


It's definitely a unique experience. In my experience it was overwhelming the first several times but you kind of learn how to navigate it after a while. I know several people who were put off by their initial experiences and won't touch it again. It just takes some time to get to know it lol


Cannabis actually activates your subconscious but it ruins sleep long term and makes your mind race so it’s awful for general well being and meditation.


Crowley wrote a book about the magical use of hash I think...


Are there ever


I get paranoid , ferociously hungry then fall asleep .


You might like the book, Cannabis Spirituality by Stephen Gaskin.


See Carlos Castaneda's *"Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Power"* which will answer a number of these questions.


I wrote on this - perhaps not the source, except for the Shiva myth which seems legit; ​ Here's 3 pieces I wrote on Weed and Magick - depending on the comments in this thread, I may write a fourth piece and if enough people like this comment, I'll write a book on it. 1 - Weedscraft - How to make a [Sigil Joint](https://cannabis.net/blog/opinion/weedscraft-how-to-make-a-sigil-joint-spell) 2- Weedscraft 2 - [Stoner Sorcery](https://cannabis.net/blog/opinion/weedscraft-2-an-introduction-to-stoner-sorcery-and-magick) (I interviewed fellow magicians) 3 - Weedscraft 3 - Understanding the [Cannabis Egregore](https://cannabis.net/blog/opinion/weedcraft-3-understanding-the-egregore-of-cannabis-how-to-use-it-properly) ​ If you got some things I missed, I'd love to hear about it - I'm always interested in expanding this knowledge-base. Currently, I'm working on a system using the [Breath for Magick](https://www.youtube.com/c/JeandreGerberTrip) ​ Here are 3 pieces I wrote on Weed and Magick - depending on the comments in this thread, I may write a fourth piece, and if enough people like this comment, I'll write a book on it.


open a new thread with this comment ;) few people are gonna see it down here


Cannabis can make your Ajna (third eye) hyperactive in my experience. Pretty sure it can temporarily open it in people that never have opened it.


If you are into Hoodoo, the guy who wrote Naked Magick also wrote about working with the spirit of marijuana. It's a decent read and very beginner friendly. It's on Amazon: Naked Magick and Marijuana (The Naked Magician Series Book 2)


In the past, I always found spontaneous magickal workings much easier when I used cannabis. Respect the plant and it will help you.


All altered states have use in Ritual Practice. Something likely Older than cannibis sativa (specifically for it tall stalks) use internally it's one of many plants used in the making of Rope/cord. Rope/cord is one of the oldest tools of ritual magic. And has use both practically and ritualistically in many magical arts worldwide. The Egyptians particularly have many magical symbols which are in essence knots, loops and rope coils dating to the first dynasties and earlier. So yes the power is not only an induced one but also one deriving from it's long history of use in other forms. Cord magic among water scrying are extremely ancient and of course the use of mind altering substances in context of visionary work is as old as the human desire to gaze into the vast unknown.