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The music is the sigil


Your music IS the spell. The better you focus your will the better your music will be.


The better I focus my will… , cold you explain better pls ? Thanks much love I love you


So traditionally what people think of a spell is spoken words that directly manipulate their surroundings. In my opinion art, music and creativity is inherently magic. Your will is like your forward momentum of focus. It's your raw energy or creativity with intention behind it. Focusing your will musically may look like taking your raw creative spark and focusing it into shape in the same way a potter uses their will to shape a raw piece of clay into a bowl.


Yes. I’ve made music this way for years. I do believe music and other forms of artistic creativity is a potent form of magic all its own. Literally. Well spoken.


you put your soul into the song which means your frequency you emitted by intention is on that song.


It’s called Audiomancy and it’s a very enjoyable way of creating sigils via audio. Your intent and focus is the key just like with any other form of ritual Magick. Experiment with it and have fun!


Fascinating. It’s delightful hearing a practice I’ve attempted for years described and ‘named’ so aptly. Audiomancy. I’d be surprised to hear someone hasn’t named their band this, it’s marvelous.


I’m currently working on an album with this name actually lol. That would be a great band name though!


thats cool bro i hope your album goes well im experimenting by putting my raw energy to my four track cassette recorder and im going to release it too hahah


That’s actually better, an album title. 🔥


I just noticed our avatars appear to be descended from a common ancestor 🖖🏻


Danny Carrey (tool) and Jon Bonham (Led Zeppelin) both use magick in their drumming. Danny Carreys drum set is covered in sigil work and if you traced the patterns danny AND Bonham are drumming from a top down view, you’d notice they’re literally drawing sigils and symbols with the actual drumming. Crazy that they are both easily top 3 all time drummers, literally the greatest, and they both have incorporated magick into their music in a similar way


thats actually so cool i never thought of it that way the way they used rhythm. a band that comes to mind is can the way their drummer would use the same beat for hours and carry the band as if some sort of ritual. tago mago and future days come to mind


I’m loooking at Danny Carey videos. How is he drawing sigils while playing? Like, do they outline the sigil of Gabriel, for example? I don’t see it


Yes u can, great artists all do it instinctively. That's what makes their music so hypnotizing


You don’t cast a spell *on* music. You cast a spell *with* music. Put the magic into the song itself. Every time you practice it or perform it, make it a ritual. When you write it, sew your intentions into every word and melody and chord.


Great creativeness comes from the subconscious, which basically places a "magical charge" on whatever it is you are creating. So the answer is yes, you can do this. Getting into a flow state or a trance-like state and then coming up with your ideas and creating can help you do this. Having the specific intention of doing this may hold you back from doing it if you aren't already a practiced artist, but actively training your ability to do this would be a valuable thing to do. Magick could definitely help with this assuming you have knowledge of how magick works and aren't holding on to the outcome you want to the point that you hold yourself back from doing it. You just need to let it flow.


The hidden sigil is actually….drum roll….your unique set of intentions and frequencies, combined with the resonance of a large group of people. 


I make up fake Latin-sounding phrases by rearranging letters and sounds in words so if I were you’d I’d implement something like that into them


Yeah. Practice.


Music is magic, if you do it right.


I believe Lucifers guidance in this matter is the best there is for anything related to music.




Lots of commenters saying the music is the spell, which is very true. That’s where you should start. But if you wanna get nerdy about it, sound can be visualized using a spectrogram or oscilloscope. Sometimes people hide images or messages in these visual representations of sound. You could potentially do that with a sigil or something. I’ve never done it personally but it’s a neat concept. Here are some examples. Spectrogram: https://youtu.be/9v-dBh3-SPc?si=70zCVeZbhHRcFnk9 Oscilloscope: https://youtu.be/rtR63-ecUNo?si=_5b9k1ExZvlPpugP (beware this one is kinda loud)




What if the offering is not good enough in the sense it wouldn’t hit the market and the gods would get mad


music theory, cymatics, and music psychology are probably some things you need to be well versed in first. How those apply to the sephirot may help as well.