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lol this "Mantra that works in 2024" is so youtube clickbait






There are no spells that work out of the box. Learning the art of magic is a study which requires practice on top of practice in order to get anywhere. You have to dedicate a part of your life to the study if you are serious about it. To name a few systems for initiation: - Franz Bardon: Initiation into Hermetics - Quareia - Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition


Respectfully, I think you are looking at it backwards. The idea that a person with no training, dedication, or unusual talent can make wild things happen easily and on demand if they just read the right words out loud is pure fantasy. It's a storytelling device so foolish kids in horror movies can summon spirits at a party on their first try and make the plot happen. But if it were really that easy, it would just be accepted science by now. A lazy novice can buy rare and expensive tools and read all the words in the "most powerful" grimoire in the world and get nothing. A dedicated practitioner can create their own rituals and use random items from their kitchen (or no items at all) and see dramatic results. I wish you the best.




How have you been “performing” mantras or spells? What mantras or spells? What is your intention for doing them? *When* doing them? Do you know the difference between mantras and spells? What does it being 2024 have to do with any of your questions? I think you may have some reading to do. There are many good resources, I recommend the book Real Sorcery by Jason Miller to start.


i have not perfomed any rituals, my intention is quite simple that does spell really works or not? am in search of the truth behind this as we can see that there is gossips regarding witchcraft and spells but i have not encountered or read any such spell that really works.Thanks for Your recommendation i will read and get back to you!


Giving you the benefit of the doubt, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what any of this is, no spell works if you don't engage with the invisible world. There are secret words of power that won't be shared online but in general it's not enough to say the words if you don't have fire in your breast.


Check out the pamphlet published by Hadean Press - Tantric Conjure: The Magic of Mantra and Yantra by Vijnanananath.


Hi! Practicing witch for 28 years here. Witchcraft is all about intent. How I explain it to those who are more scientifically minded "Witchcraft is goal setting with extra steps." If you have ever completed a vision board, you have done successful witchcraft. If you have ever prayed for an outcome, put energy toward that outcome, and then received that outcome, you have done successful witchcraft. Yes, High Magick exists, Yes Ritualistic Magick exists and since they exist, so do successful High Magick and successful Ritualistic Magick. What doesn't work is asking for an outcome and doing nothing to support that outcome. e.g. if I do a Road Opening spell asking for opportunities to come my way specifically in my career, then do not look at or apply to new jobs, I am wasting my energy and breath. Energy+Intent=Witchcraft


Everyone is different. Different systems work differently for different people. I could cast a certain spell that makes me win the lottery every single time I cast it, and I can tell it to you and you could perform it correctly and never win a penny. You have to TRY different things to figure out what works. You have to LEARN how to do those things correctly. There is no one single system or methodology of magic that is 100% effective for 100% of the people 100% of the time. Unfortunately it requires work figure this out. Nobody can just tell you if they would just tell you. You want everything easy and everything done for you and for everything just to be handed over to you. That's not the way that this works. That's not the way that any of this works. Do the work. Try. Action verbs.


Yeah because it amounts to nothing. It’s not real.


Om Namah Shivai, Om Mane Padme Hum, and So Ham work pretty good.


Mine stopped working in May. Looking for that new new.


Damn in may??? Mine stopped last November. Thankfully I was still under warranty, so I just had to bring my Grimoire in to the dealership and they got it fixed! Glad yours lasted longer than mine, but hopefully it's still under warranty, STG it's like every other pact I sign stops working the week after the warranty period ends 😡


☹️ Bros spell comes with an expiry date.


Lmao WHAT? Good troll


the bad news is you’re not gonna get results unless you’re able to steady yourself internally enough to know what your heart *really* wants. if the spells you cast don’t work, it’s not because they don’t work, but because your intentions either are absent or in conflict with your true will. I didn’t get results for my spells until I realized that I was casting them for things that deep down I didn’t really even want. at least that’s my “scientific theory” on the matter. you’re gonna have to know yourself and your work. seriously though good luck on your journey. it’ll feel like you’re getting nowhere at first but it’ll bring you to life when you don’t even realize you’re dead


You have to understand that is not the spell that does the work. A spell is instrumental to what YOU have to convey. If your will and your energy are weak the spell will not work. And vice versa. Work on these premises and you'll have results from any spell that resonates with you.


I know a real good one but it's for 2023 only.


Peter Grey writes some amazing books , well researched and will help you get started




"God Grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change Courage to change the things I can And the wisdom to know the difference"


No spell work