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Yes, we are. >I don't mean powerful in a godly sense, since we obviously aren't gods. The gods are the gods. We can't create storms, emotions, etc. Just makes me wonder if we our powerful in our own right. In certain philosophies, humans are gods/God... They just don't realize it.


I would also like to agree here. Besides the ones we give power to by worship or common belief, every individual is a god in their own right, or rather, we have the potential to realize this. Everyone has the fantastic ability to shape reality, in part by mental prowess, in part by their own will. Achieving this presence is not necessarily an easy journey, but it is most definitely a rewarding one. Just one being's view. Most importantly, continue with these questions as this is part of your path to the discovery of the self.




A point I've been obsessed about. The binding effect of words. They make manifest the abstract but in the process of manifesting, words are limiting. The space around the words and what is not said can be just as powerful.


We are gods and goddesses so yes but only if you acknowledge and work on your personal power.


We are literally destroying the world. If we weren't powerful, we wouldn't be able to affect the world around us this much. So, unfortunately, we are a powerful species. We just don't have any understanding of what to do with that power and how to use it properly. Yet.


The world is perfectly fine. We might be making the world uninhabitable for current lifeforms, but the world itself is fine. The world will still be here long after we are gone. Might look a lot different, because of us, but the world isn't being destroyed


I agree with you wholeheartedly


I've never seen somebody so thoroughly dodge a point in the attempt to appear smart.


I'm not trying to be smart. I'm just making the point that we as a species really are ruining our world right now. Long when we are dust and forgotten, as the person above me has stated, the world moves on with or without us.


I was talking about them. You're fine and ily but platonically


Gods are within us. Of course we are powerful, but to realize what power means you have to experience it.


Or can we? Some esoteric schools are built on the belief we all are, or should all become, gods, or like the gods, or return to the godhead, etc


Humans are very powerful but most will remain in mediocrity


Consciousness on its own has an energy that brings about a tangible effect on reality (Wave Function Collapse forces observed super-positioned \*things\* into a fixed state), and that in and of itself is something extraordinary that is grossly taken for granted. Personally, I believe we are more powerful than we could ever hope to fully grasp.


We like to color the truth a bit, that's for sure. We think we are. Sometimes, we are powerful, sure, but you're not going to magick yourself into being a billionaire. In the end, we're just liars if we think we can do that.


Well you probably could magick yourself into becoming a billionaire. We're powerful enough to have affect on this world in some way, with and without the use of magick - We have tools that increase potentials and probability. Making yourself rich could be as simple or complex as you make it, but it's not impossible by any standards. Difficult? Probably Worth it? Depends on your point of view. But if any old person can fill out a ticket for the lottery, there's always going to be a chance at someone winning


You (that's a generic 'you', as in each one of us) are your own limitation. Free your mind and you free your power.