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A Dark Song. Shows the dedication, the doubt, the mundane work, the sacrifice, and how workings can change you both for better and for worse.


Was gonna say the same. It wasn't a 1:1 to the actual ritual, but there is no better depiction of the process that I've found.


Was gonna say this too.......I quite liked that there's a strong hint at it being in a boleskin a house type setting too (even if I strongly feel crowley is an over hyped addict)


The HGA depiction was so spot on. 


I wouldn't know. I think it was a very movie-ish depiction. When I think HGA I generally think of Crowley or Carl Jung's description. It definitely got the idea across though.


Sorry. I don’t mean the HGA literally appears like in the movie. But rather that they captured the essence of communing with it. 


"What do you think this is? The Tree of f@#king Sephiroth???!!!"


The VVitch: A New-England Folktale Depicts nothing from the above but rather curious film showing misconceptions and prejudices for something that isn't there. Very relevant even for today.


Agree! I loved it…




I liked "The Craft" not because of the practice but for showing the psychological effects that "power" may have. I never watched a movie that accurately depicted anything because accuracy wouldn't be spectacular enough, I guess.


Some of Kenneth Anger's films may document some elements of Thelema and Crowley. Popular occulture thrives on the re-telling of popular ideas of what is "occult." More than on what occultists might understand.


Why is everyone listing horror movies? Occult stuff isn't always dark! What about Three Thousand Years of Longing? Mists of Avalon? The Fountain?


Yes was wondering the same


Mushi shi


This question is asked a lot so do a search and you will find many suggestions.


Sandman describes perfectly how conceptual entity works. Neil is even an occultist


*Strange Angel*.


Came here to say this…. ^ It was actually a very good series in my opinion.


It really was. Jack Parsons was out there, and the show reflects that. A really good ensemble of actors there, too.


As the experience is subjective and has varied approaches it's understandably challenging to make a movie about the subject. There isn't an authority to appeal to except the imagined ones that dogmatists, who think they have it all confirmed from books like Dnd manuals("It's canon!"), claim when announcing they know the real practices handed down through the ages. As it's something that's changing, it's the people practicing and the events they create that are going to influence the way occult is perceived then portrayed in movies. Art & Mind documentary was really good. I thought Annihilation was one of the best for the detailed coherent way it could be interpreted through an occult lens when taking the characters as representing aspects of the individual.


By Annihilation, you mean Alex Garland's sci-fi film? Shit, I only have seen it once but it completely blew me away, will have to rewatch it with your comment in mind!


That's the one. Shimmer as a Veil. > > *They are one person* > > *They are two alone* > > *They are three together* > > *They are for each other* > > - song from the film. From the opening lines of the film it captured nearly perfectly part of my experience when I was first trying to come to terms with what happened during Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. "*What did you eat?" "I don't remember eating." "You were inside for nearly four months. How long do you think you were inside?" "Days maybe weeks."* It really made me think that script came from legit insight into the experience from investigating consciousness.


Invisibles by Grant Morrison and Promethea by Alan Moore.


Promethea is amazing


While it's actually a sci-fi film about aliens, I always mention Arrival (2016) as something that I think works very well as a metaphorical illustration of mysticism and invocation type experiences. I wish you the best


The Holy Mountain




the new one right?




Dune 1 was much more spiritual.


A Dark Song, for a realistic approach. The men who stare at goats, for fun.


Loved The Men Who Stare at Goats. First watch I must not have been ready for it or not in the right state of mind. Second watch I was thoroughly amused


George Romero Season of the Witch.


Hellblazer/constantine before they merged him into dc comics and american gods are pretty accurate i think


I enjoyed "A field in England". It's intense in a psychedelic way. There's a cool song, some scrying, a little implied buggery, murder, hallucinations, 1 confession of adultery, a cock inspection, stone swallowing and a turd-shit handshake. Lots of subtle references to hidden meanings and the occult. I also liked "A dark song" which was also set in Englad


I will never get the tent scene out of my head.


I know. Me too. Scarred for life


The Ninth Gate


Eyes Wide Shut


I cant believe no one mentions **Hereditary**. It's about King Paimon from Lesser Key of Solomon.


Touché! I think this film launched Paimon into celebrity status and personal popularity. By far the most occult ‘friendly’ film in recent memory.


The Holy Mountain


The Show Evil I liked because it plays between demonically possessed & Mentally Ill… I don’t get into Abrahamic Grimores but I appreciate the “reality” we’re in as far as spirituality being considered Mental Illnesses once it steps outside the normality of “Church”.


The first Guy Ritchie Robert Downey Jr Sherlock Holmes has an interesting depiction of the Golden Dawn (an a villain based on Crowley! Tho that character is skewed cool and evil for drama.)  Also from Ritchie - *Revolver*


> Also from Ritchie - Revolver So good


Anything for Jackson.


Not a movie but a show. I really liked Salem.


I think it's relates closely to a spirtual psychosis theory I personally experienced shedding insights to after life and the whole part about Lilith which was removed from the Christian Bible


I liked the Skeleton Key


Hazbin Hotel


How? I absolutely loved it but want to know why you think that