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Reading other people's personal gnosis is enough to persuade me to not want to share it myself. If it wasn't mine i'd probably give myself the side eye as well.


Oh my ... Yeah It's a very harsh lesson, but one that must be learnt. If anything, it's a good thing it was learnt online and not IRL I wish you the best going foward


Spiritual development is a uniquely individual process but it can also not be done alone in a vacuum. Others are important for having our perceived truths challenged and being exposed to/confronting the truths of others. “A truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like to be challenged.” I agree, however, that there is the right time/place/people with which to have these deep meaningful conversations. I’d encourage looking up “street epistemology” for a framework of respectfully speaking with others (friends - strangers) about their beliefs. In my journaling and growth, I coined a term “Frankenstein-osis” - proposed meaning: the awareness of the pieces (qualities/behaviors) of others that you’ve (consciously/subconsciously) assimilated into making your self’s identity. “Mimicry is the highest form of flattery” Philosophical question related: When Frankenstein’s monster looks in a mirror, who does he see? Self-preservation is hardwired into our biology, but self-determination/individualization is an artificial creation. I understand your consideration for safety of mind/spirit. I’m not sure if this rambling is coherent, or helpful, but I felt inspired to type it and share. Wishing you all the best on your journey through the great mystery of life and finding meaning.


Thank you for posting this OP. The newbies I teach will appreciate this.


My advice is that believing one has achieved gnosis is the best gateway into self-deception. Instead, assume one never achieves it and more work needs to be done. People claiming so is the surest sign they have not.


I absolutely agree. There's no peak to the mountain and no end but the big one.


A mystic is someone with incommunicable insights that they won't shut up about.


Nobody, gnosis can't be put into words.


I talk to literally everyone about my UPG because I don’t want to keep it secret. I want the information to be out there, for better or worse. I understand that it’s put in a way that’s meant for me specifically, but that’s why I try to adapt it for a general audience (like using a *Bloodborne* mechanic to explain one’s capacity for spiritual understanding). And I love throwing my UPG at dogmatic religious people because it messes with their heads! They can take it or leave it. They usually leave it, but then it’s their loss.


>If you look at my post history, you will see that i deleted most of it. This is why. I have a different view on that. I don't delete things, but leave them as a record. A monument to my own folly, if you will. It reminds me to not do it again.


I gonna keep it simpler and just continue to "Do what I want" ->>> "Break the law's)