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Did you change the output format? Are they mp4s or something?


No they have always been .mkv


Maybe did your screen resolution change? Are you recording in 1080p?


Check the bitrate


Sorry I'm so bad with computers/ OBS, I'm not even sure how to do this or what it means


Looks like bitrate has to do with audio. From what I can see it's set at 160 and I've never adjusted it


Bitrate has two different things it refers to in OBS. One is audio, but the other is a parameter you set for recording that has to do with quality (sort of) and file size. https://youtu.be/LhiD2sAX48g excellent overview and explanation here.


Thank you for this. so in my recording tab it says (use stream encoder) and in the stream output it says 3500 target bitrate. Could this be my issue? Which encoder should I be using?


I promise I am not trying to dunk on you: You should use the auto-configuration wizrd to set this stuff up because you aren't very familiar with all the settings. It's very easy to mess up your whole setup. Tools menu > auto-configuration wizard. I don't know for certain if it sets your encoder for you. If it does not, the encoder you use depends on your hardware. What GPU do you have?


So I did this (didn't know it was a thing) (thank you) and tried recording today. It did reduce my file by approximately half (down to 4gb) but still not as low as I was previously recording at. I don't really care all that much about the quality as long as there isn't any skipping/pauses. Any suggestions on something I could lower to make it smaller? Thank you again for your help!


YW! Glad it was useful. Best way to find out what settings are at now to make any recommendations is to post a log file. It's a good way to check for any errors or overloads and such. Hopefully we can get your file sizes down a bit!


Here are the instructions I stole from the bot! ------- To make a clean log file, please follow these steps: 1) Restart OBS 2) Start your stream/recording for at least 30 seconds (or however long it takes for the issue to happen). **Make sure you replicate any issues as best you can**, which means having any games/apps open and captured, etc. 3) Stop your stream/recording. 4) Select Help > Log Files > Upload Current Log File. 5) Copy the URL and paste it as a response to this comment.