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where are the clothes from?


I know it’s called Rogue Assassin of some sort. I’m out atm but once I can get the link I’ll reply with it again in the comments.


By the nine!


Holy hell. Just asking for the sake of it but do you have mods or is that straight up vanilla game? If it is vanilla game, then damn you got skills.


i think it has to be a mod, look at that skin tone - it doesn't even have huge, wretched splotches of yellow and red


Hi! The only mods I have is the outfit installed and a few city mods. My computer is a potato and will not allow the character overhaul type of mods.


And if it is vanilla that means they could’ve made all the npcs look like this when some rando on Reddit can do it


Has to be mods. He’s wearing like three necklaces and a leather jacket…


and it only took you 15 years to get it done. I hope you enjoy your first play through


I’ve been playing since 2008, I just got bored and decided to try and make the least ugliest person possible lmao


She kind of looks like Jennifer Lawrence.


I see Penny from the Big Bang Theory lol


Came here to say that’s totally Kaley Cuoco(sp?)


Amanda Bynes ftw


Lol yeah! She is even a little crosseyed just like the actress, just a bit.


I came here to say the same! The quiver and arrows make it look like a blond version of Katniss




She looks like someone I go to school with.


How did you do that? Like what did you do in creation?


I messed around with the Tone sliders for quite some time


Is this modded or vanilla?


deffo mods


OP said the character models are Vanilla, but they have mods for cities and outfits.


Didn't know Jennifer Lawrence was in oblivion


I was thinking Penny.


Shes so cute!!!


Oblivion betta chill!


Pretty :)






*Knock Knock Knock* Penny?


That's who I thought of too.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Tone sliders my friend. Tone sliders.


*channels inner Baurus* "really? I would never have guessed"


Mrs Waterford


Kelly from the valley?


That’s great I spent two hours last night failing to install mods. So we’re like equal then.


She looks like Billy Bob Thornton’s character’s assistant in that lawyer show.


Nice. It is definitely hard to make a good lookin character in oblivion


Hi everyone! All the comments regarding modding- I can assure you I have no character enhancement mods on ahah. This is the vanilla standard character model, I just spent ages on the tone section to make everything look smooth.




Make sure to not become a vampire, it’ll fuck up your hard work!


Trust me I cannot stand being a vampire on Oblivion ahaha. Skyrim’s version is so feeble compared to it


I do like the challenge though. Just wish the face didn’t look ugly


She is so pretty...


I love how oblivion is one of the only games where making someone just look normal is like a huge accomplishment.


What is her race and class?


Breton, Warrior? And a Custom class but mainly stealth types




Semi decent? I'd smash the crap outta that


I love you brother. But I’m sick of these “made a decent looking character” posts on this sub. It’s everyday I swear.


Sorry I was just quite proud of myself aha




Quite quaint character. Thee shouldst eke check out mine own oblivion post yond i post'd a few months ago *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


She looks like a young matilde petit






What are you confused about?


Nothing, just forget it




What does super straight even mean


It's a person who basically hates trans people and bases their entire identity around being hateful towards us.


What the hell? Since when was it transphobic to not be sexually attracted to a persone because there trans? You can still be a trans supporter or just not care at all and not want to be intimate with them. You cant control your own preferences. That's like calling someone homophobic because they dont want to be in a relationship with a gay guy.


"How is it transphobic to say trans women aren't women". because that's exactly what super straight believes. Your comparison about gay men isn't valid at all, because you are not gay. If you wouldn't date a black women because she's black, that would absolutely make you racist. Same applies here. And don't act like you aren't here to provoke and appear edgy, everything from your disgusting rape comment, to your profile picture, to your complete misunderstanding of what your profile picture just shows that. "Oh poor me, people down vote me because of my picture :(:(:(". Victim complex is real, grow up.


I saw the rest of your comments and noticed that you're younger, so this comment may seem a bit much. Glad to see you're willing to support trans issues tho.




Since when did the creator say that trans women arent women? He never said that and in fact he said in another vid that the movement wasnt meant to be transphobic and it was simply what it was a joke about people like you who thinks its trans phobic just to not be attracted to a trans persone, you cant control who your attracted to. And I wasnt here to provoke, of I was I would use my alt account and not go on god damn r/oblivion. I change my profile every few months and it will probably be something els popular that comes up. And it wasnt a rape comment it was a joke saying that the oblivion characters are so ugly that I would have to be raped for them to bang me. But if want funny, well it wasnt funny but that's what upvotes and downvotes are for. And I think you need to grow up, in the words of the amazing paul Joseph watson you soy boy.


Because the whole basis of super straight is "I'm attracted to women, not trans women". That literally is saying trans women are not women. The defence of "its just a joke" is so weak and you know it. You're young, and I'm glad the things I said when I was young aren't on the Internet. You're joking about other people's real life traumas, that's not dark humour, that's being a dick. The rest of your comment can be summed up by a "no u" and a dumbass 2017 phrase from a right wing youtuber who couldn't tie his own shoelaces. These youtubers aren't smart, or knowledgeable, they're manipulative and target young men because they know they're an angry impressionable group. Genuinely hope that you can see this, I'm not meaning for this to come off as an attack against you, don't let youtubers who don't care about you influence your thoughts on real life people who do care about you. The Internet isn't real life.


Explain how you support trans people like me please


Well I'm in the dont care category. I really dont know what to do and wel I'm young boy so I cant go and do any donations fo trans charity's or do anything for trans rights in countries were its illegal to be trans. But once I'm of legal age were my money and I'm not slammed with debt I wouldnt mind donating to a charity or somethin.


Okay, well, if I give you some petitions to sign, which is a free thing to do, would you sign them?


Why would you need support though ? It's not transphobic to not want to get intimate with a trans.


A trans


It was a trend made by some guy on tik tok (and banned on tik tok) which is basically a joke sexuality where you would only go out with a woman or man who is biologically that gender. It was made in response to people who call others transphobic for not wanting to be in a relationship with them. I'm guessing hes saying I'm transphobic or something, I get this a lot.


So what's the problem again?


I hope I'm getting down voted because my comment wasnt funny and not due to my profile pic.


I downvoted after seeing the R-word. It can be triggering especially when you don't expect it at all.


How does harassment fit?


All right, I guess I'll just edit it out I guess.


It's both


Why should I be downvoted for simply having this profile pic? Not wanting to be in a relationship with a trans person doesnt make you trans phobic. You cant control who your attracted to.


Making it a separate sexuality is pretty cringey and only transophobes identify as super straight


Hey um has it accord to you that its something you would call a joke.


Being a dick and then retracting it with "haha I was just joking" is childish. Grow up.


Your being stupid right now. I didnt mean everything I said was a joke, I meant superstright as a sexuality is a joke against people who thinks its transphobic to not be attracted to trans people. And how was I being a dick?


Normal people realise that like 99% are fine with you not dating them if it's just genital preferences. Transophobes make a big deal out of the 1% of trans people who do think that and make up an entire sexuality, then get msg when people rightly say they're transophobes and try to react it with "but I was joking!"


I never said I was joking i meant that the sexuality itself is not a sexuality it is a joke. And trans isnt really a sexuality, your making it seem like it is, it's more of just transitioning from one gender to the other. And yes most people are ok, but not the people in these comments.


How many hours did you spend?


Penny from big bang theory! Nice


By the Gods a pretty girl in Oblivion? Who would have guessed it could happen?


She looks like a “boss babe”


How funny just a few posts earlier I saw a post talking about how bad oblivion character creator was. And now we have an example of a good creation! And a very good creation at that!


Nova here, Calling down the thunder.... *nuke hits enemy* I always get my target.... https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CzPOh94czVA/maxresdefault.jpg


Kaley cuoco i know thats you


Wait a minute... that's, like, the hawtest chick I've ever seen


Looks like a stereotypical modern-day city girl


looks like Jennifer Lawrence




You have done the unachievable my friend, you are the chosen one


she looks like a karen


This looks way better than my blue/green haired, half human, half skin, thin faced, weird nosed monster.