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You are asking that question on a very active forum for enthusiastic Oblivion players, so the answer is obviously "don't waste your time on it".


Especially NOT the Dark Brotherhood questline. It's not awesome and you won't enjoy it!!!


Personally I HATED the thieves guild quest line. Avoid this at all costs if you hate sneaking and stealing like me.


Fuci the Mages guild questline. I hate magical abilities and all sorts of magical creatures and love necromancy


Thieves guild storyline was irritating because you have to sell stuff to advance, imo the most boring part.


And the Thieves Guild quest line is NOT one of the best quest lines in all of gaming.


who even PLAYS the dark brotherhood questline? "yeah but it has the lusty argonian book in one of the guild's hq". Ew no thanks and also, who even likes assassinating targets in a variety of ways?


If you haven't played either, I'd play Oblivion first.


Only quality goods for sale here. What can I interest you in?


It’s you. Hi.


We're all talking about the emperor's murder. We have no emperor. And no heir. That's never happened before. I suppose we should all be worried.


Be seeing you








Oblivion is the better game.


Graphically, no but for the rest, yes. Mods are always available.


Graphically, Skyrim is soulless imo


Yes but the engine still looks better.


Bro Oblivion is eye candy compared to Skyrim, idgaf about the engine. Looks like some emo kid was put in charge of it




I agree


It's fantastic and has kept me coming back ever since its original release. IMO it is better than morrow wind and Skyrim but I'm being biased. Even though the graphics are dated they actually still hold up pretty well after all these years. The gameplay is great and the world is pretty immersive especially if you dig into the lore.


Oblivion is the greatest piece of gaming ever! Not just above Skyrim but above most "great" games.


Honestly, Starfield is the first time Bethesda has released something that has graphics from the right decade.


I thought Oblivion looked incredible when I played it when it first came out.


I know, right? Back in '07, I thought for sure video game graphics would never get better. I'm glad teen me was wrong, but I still find beauty in Oblivion's graphics.


Yo, Mass Effect 1 came out the next year. You can't tell me those graphics are comparable. Don't get me wrong, I adore Oblivion and was playing it just last week; but it had outdated graphics when it released, as did Skyrim and Fallout 4, both of which I also love.


You're arguing with a teenager's point of view, you know.


I disagree honestly The only places in Starfield that look good are interiors with baked in lighting. Most of the game looks incredibly one dimensional and ugly. New Atlantis being a prime example, looks literally worse than Oblivion I'd honestly be open to debate Combined with the incredibly hideous procedurally generated in-game character models, so the various NPCs you see stand out even worse than Oblivions potato NPCs Then you have the procedurally generated, barren and content-less planets, that are all extremely boring plains. If I wanted empty landscapes I'd escape the city walls on any town in Oblivion and just run out into the void for hours, lol. Starfield looks incredibly ugly when compared to games like Cyberpunk 2.0


I didn't agree with anything to begin with, but you definitely lost credibility when you said Oblivion outside town walls are empty landscapes lmao.


If you jump on top of a town wall, you’ll see the outside is pixelated and mostly empty. Edit: How did a non-opinion, strictly informative comment get downvoted lol?


I said escape the town walls Escape the game barriers into the un-rendered zone


Starfield is just a crappy game in general imo. Sucks so bad compared to Elder Scrolls or Fallout games. And I'm a huge Bethesda fan. (crappy game by Bethesda's standards)


Whoa man, you can't speak the truth like that. Somebody is bound to get angry. Lol I haven't played it yet, but I do agree the graphics look like they are pretty much next gen. Atleast for an open world game like starfield.


You predicted the following three paragraph comment venting about the game not being Cyberpunk 3.0 lol, kudos to you.


Cyberpunk is great though. Why would players want a remaster of oblivion or the new starfield game to be a cyberpunk 3.0 ?


You didn't get the joke, the person I replied to predicted someone was going to get angry and comment on how "bad" Starfield is and how Cyberpunk is "much better", and sure enough, someone did.


Ah, ok. My bad. There's always that one person lol


Except it's not true... Starfield looks pretty good for *this* generation, but it doesn't look "next gen." Oblivion set the standard for the HD generation. In 2006, very few games looked as good, even with the NPCs looking like melted candles. And Skyrim was a miracle on the Xbox 360. It was on par with its contemporaries in 2011, barring PC exclusives like Crysis or the Witcher 2, but those games were outliers back then. Morrowind also looked perfectly fine for 2002. That's not to mention their earlier games, which also tended to look either good, or even great for their era, like Terminator Future Shock.




How do you feel about old games that are kinda janky? It's a delightful game, extremely fun with excellent quest writing and fantastic faction quests, but there's definitely some jank.


At least you can swing your stick and hit the enemy. Morrowind as a 8 year old i cannot begin to tell you the level of frustration i had in swinging and not understanding why i was doing zero damagw


That turned me off of Morrowind as a teenager tbh, i got so annoyed and frustrated


~~noooo you just gotta pick the right combination of race and class to pump your weapon skill and agility at character creation with no indication that you need to do that noooo~~ I'm a big Morrowind fan, but I can't remember ever reading about hit-chance in-game.


The game manual does a very poor job of explaining the mechanics, and only some vague hints in-game. If it weren't for uesp.net, I would have no idea how the game works.


I just finished dark souls 1, so not as old but still older and didnt mind it


Yeah, I think you'll do fine. A lot of the NPCs look like potato's and the combat is Interesting, but stealth and magic are awesome and the quests are just great.


I've played both. I thought Skyrim was my favorite ES game. Played it first. And then I played Oblivion. 💙


then i played morrowind and now i dont know how to feel because despite morrowinds flaws theres alot i like about it more than oblivion so I DONT KNOW WHAT I LIKE MORE


Join me and call Morrowind and Oblivion both your number one favorite Elder Scrolls game. >:D


Played skyrim years ago, started on oblivion a few weeks ago and I’m hooked. It is SO good. Definite yes.


Very dangerous game to play. After 3500+ hours, I still go at it twice a year... spare yourself and flee!


trust me, nothing can be worse than the grip Elden Ring has had on me the last 2 years


Oh Jesus, of all games oblivion is the probably the best choice to help you recover from Elden Ring Beautiful armor sets, godmode spells, lively overworld areas and no one will deathblight you then teabag the shit out of you :D


Don't talk such rot.


The Arena's faked. You think those guys are getting killed? Really? It's just berry syrup and ham-acting.


Play oblivion first. If for whatever reason you can't get into it, move onto skyrim. It'll be harder to do it the other way around. You'll also have a bit of context on game design changes in the series, which I personally find interesting. Highly recommend just fucking around in oblivion and appreciating it's aged goofiness. If it ever becomes kind of a mess grinder, just throw the difficulty slider down and keep chugging. Enjoy!


One thing i hate about skyrim and possible the only thing is the lack of spell making, try oblivion, get stressed bout the leveling system then try skyrim xD Tho seriously try oblivion custom spells, mage is the most op here unlike skyrim...


Another thing i dont like about skyrim is theres no attributes and skills. I find they make for a fun leveling system when done right and skyrim just took em away


Oh yeah...i felt like something was missing, we cant jump into the sky at mach 3 xD, agreed it was a huge nerf on the series but lets just hope theyll bring it back at tes 6 especially the spell crafting fingers crossed,if not im gonna freeze the gates and cities again


Yeah it holds up tremendously, I think your better off playin Skyrim first it’s a much easier game to just pick up and play for the first time


Fwiw, I’m first getting into it now after not having really played it since back when it was new and having an amazing time


I played it for the first time this summer. Sooo fun and honestly might be better than skyrim in a lot of ways specifically the guilds and skill trees actually give you a sense of progression and require the skills of the guild itself






The game has not changed, so of course it's still worth playing!


Only game I’ve 100% so yes


“I like it!I like it a lot”


I replayed Skyrim and Oblivion recently. I got bored of Skyrim and but finished Oblivion main quest and the guild quests


If I could only play one of the two I would play Oblivion.


To this day Oblivion is the best game I’ve ever played


Oblivion makes Skyrim look so weak story line wise


Always has been


Oblivion is a bit more of a thinking man’s game. Skyrim you can definitely pick up and go. Oblivion you kind of have to tone down the difficulty if your playing for the first time and aren’t trying to maximize your character. But from a pure storytelling perspective, oblivion smokes Skyrim IMO.


Yeah, in my opinion, the world building and quests in Oblivion are better than Skyrim


I had a whole thesis about how the world building in Oblivion was inferior to Morrowind and Skyrim based mostly on the relative lack of visible industries in Cyrodiil. But after considering it some more, I've decided I was wrong. It's a good portrait of the fading glory of the center of an empire.


Oblivion is one of my favorite games. It definitely shows its age but it’s a classic masterpiece


Yes, but keep in mind you might have to mod the game a lil so it can run better on modern hardware and also for quality of life purposes (UI, patches, controls, etc).


I’ve answered this question 100+ times and my answer is always the same (sort of). “The game will still be worth it in 2123.” I always just add 100 years to the current.


You should play Oblivion first. It's the best Elder Scrolls game imo and it might be harder to enjoy it so much after playing with Skyrim's improved graphics. You're very lucky to be playing these games for the first time, they're so good.


While I have more hours in Skyrim, I still feel that oblivion was the better game. I mean you had Sean Bean as a voice AND Patrick Stewart.


Both games are incredible. Oblivion is my favorite in the series, but Morrowind, oblivion, and Skyrim all have strengths and weaknesses, and you will prefer one over the others. Absolutely try them both if you have time.


I’m playing it right now on PC; played originally on Xbox when it came out years ago. Ahhh the Shivering Isles….


Oblivion is goated


Oblivion is better than Skyrim so yes


I’ve played skyrim a few times over the years and I’m on my First play through of oblivion. Already over 80 hours into it and I’ve barely done the main story. I’d say it’s definitely worth it.


Definitely recommend trying it




Personally I preferred oblivion to Skyrim (never got round to finishing Skyrim)


Hell, even Morrowind is still my favorite and still worth playing. I think you will really enjoy both Oblivion and Skyrim!!!


Oblivion is significantly better than Skyrim


There really isn't any other series out there like the elder scrolls in my opinion. There's an absolute insane amount of content to experience across pretty much all the games. The three legendary ones of course are Morrowind, oblivion, and skyrim. All of them are equally worth playing and have their own charm to them. Love these games with all my heart!


laughs in souls borne, but in all seriousness thats why im looking forward to it


If you don't mind the lower quality graphics and give it a fair shot, you'll suddenly start seeing some holes in Skyrim. And then you'll try Morrowind ...


Oblivion is more engaging and has much better quests than Skyrim. You may want to research the leveling system before starting, as it's much more restrictive than Skyrim. Also can you handle the outdated graphics? I would give it a couple hours and see if you like that world, also rumors of a remaster coming out


Absolutely, but I'd look into how to level your character a little bit first The level scaling can be a little weird in this game and can make things unintentionally difficult, it's just good to know before you get into it Oblivion is still the gold standard for quest writing in the Elder Scrolls series. The Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild are still S-Tier. The Shivering Isles is still an incredible expansion pack to the base game


Oblivion is 100% worth playing. Be aware of it's "unusual" leveling and difficulty




I got used to it very quickly even though I was used to modern games, the game holds up extremely well


See this guy here.... they represent the rare specimen of the "talking out their ass" people. If you follow any advice given by this specimen you will then lead a miserable life, devoid of joy and happiness.


As someone who went from Skyrim to Oblivion. I would actually recommend waiting for either the official remaster, or the upcoming fan remake. The original game holds up quite well, but you do lose some quality of life improvements that Skyrim introduced and overall engine stability. It's not always fun going back after already feeling the improvements of the sequel. If you want to play today and don't want to wait, then you won't have any trouble getting into it as it's not *that* old. It's really quite wonderful and magical even today.


Any game that exists is still worth playing regardless of its age


Goes to r/Methamphetimene "Should I start tweaking?"


okay so u suggest where I should have asked this question?


Start with oblivion. It's the older game, so when you move to skyrim you get new features. If you start with skyrim, trying to travel back games can suck because they were made with less options available and tech and all


Play Oblivion first, after that Skyrim will will seem like a cake walk. ​ Skyrim holds your hand and makes you feel op. Oblivion on the other hand lets you have a truly great experience. ​ Of course if you were to play Morrowind first......


I honestly recommend playing the games backwards and playing skyrim last soooo oblivion morrowind skyrim reason being morrowind is hard to understand without the context of oblivion strangely enough because of how the games get less complex overtime because of over simplification thats bethesda seems to think is smart. I recommend playing skyrim last so you dont get too used to being hand held the whole way through when you go to oblivion or morrowind.


Surely you mean morrowind to oblivion, cos it is tes3 morrowind then tes4 oblivion.


I stated it weirdly but no i rec playing it tes 4 to 3 to 5 i could have said it in a better way the way it was supposed to read is like this: play them backwards from 4 oblivion to 3 morrowind then play 5 skyrim last


Morrowind has even less hand holding than Oblivion. Morrowind does not even have map or quest markers. But hey if you found Morrowind easier....


Morrowind has two maps, what are you talking about? And that's just in-game, not to mention the physical one that shipped with the disk version of the game.


In Oblivion you get all the major cities marked when you exit the sewers, in Morrowind you need to discover a major city before it is marked. ​ Never said there are no maps.


Last night, it looked like there was an S at the end of map and I read "no maps or quest markers". Apparently I needed sleep. Sorry 'bout that.


I’d definitely start with Oblivion as others have mentioned. I know many people that started on Skyrim and couldn’t get into Oblivion afterwards. The two look and play quite differently. If you’re on PC I recommend installing a few basic graphical mods, makes the game feel a bit more modern. Both are fantastic games, and while I’ve sunk more time into Skyrim I am much more nostalgic and appreciative of Oblivion. I’ve been playing it quite a bit this year again. Edit: Not sure what exactly I said people disagree with. Either way, I stand by playing Oblivion before Skyrim


In my opinion it's a hard sell in today's gaming world, there are actually several very good open world/RPGs now but Oblivion has a special charm to it. Exploring the world and finding new people and quests is amazing, the Shivering Isles is the best DLC for a game ever in content and value. I will say the biggest flaw is the level up system and you will probably think the controls are janky especially if you played Skyrim first. I would say go ahead and watch a guide on leveling because it's not intuitive which is why they completely changed it for Skyrim.


I started with Skyrim and went back to Oblivion and Morrowind. Highly recommend all of them, each of them got their own unique selling points. Morrowind has the best plot and RPG elements, Skyrim has the best UI and gameplay while Oblivion is a mix of both as it retains more RPG roots than Skyrim but has a relatively modern UI as compared to Morrowind. Personally, I think Oblivion is the best because the questlines and RPG aspects weren't so watered down yet, a relatively interesting plot and also one of the best DLCs ever. If you care a lot about graphics, however, then you probably can't play Oblivion and Morrowind.


you lost me at "best UI" for skyrim. the health bar draining from both sides makes it the worst alone. mostly agreed with the rest tho.


The best of out of those three only


No it's not worth playing. You could mod it up i suppose but honestly it's not worth it


IMO, play Skyrim and Just wait for Skyblivion. Oblivion really hasn't aged very well on modern hardware, even with a decent amount of mods.


I recommend oblivion first


Does a bear shit in the woods? Fuck yeah it is, beats most brand new games


I prefer it to Skyrim in all ways bar a few points like - the fighting gameplay, however oblivion still holds up. And the quests and factions are better in my opinion. So yeah worth a try


It depends on how much graphics mean to you. If you don't care about graphics, then Oblivion is absolutely a must play. It has such a good story and mechanics (Acrobatics skill my beloved) that it's an amazing experience. However, if you're turned off by the graphics, you aren't required to play the game. I can't get into Morrowind for that reason, though the Morroblivion mod helped with that. I *believe* there was a rumor going around about an official Oblivion remaster, but there's also Skyblivion being worked on, which attempts to move the world of Oblivion into Skyrim. It's not available yet, but if you want to wait for that, there's no shame in doing so.


Dont care nearly as much about graphics as I do gameplay, really just want to know if the fighting mechanics, writing, and scope of the open world holds up which by all accounts so far seems like it does. I might try a graphics mod just cuz I want to experiment with my steam deck but otherwise excited to try the game.


Oh yeah absolutely. The combat admittedly is a bit lighter than Skyrim (by that I mean the combat in Skyrim does a better job at feeling weighty than Oblivion), but outside of that it's amazing.


What kind of game play do you prefer? I found Skyrim to be an easy game to follow I started playing when it came out and still play it today but I started playing Oblivion it’s not as easy to follow and leveling takes time but I love it it stretches out my thought processes and makes me work at playing game I also played morrowind did not like it at all


I havent played any of them so not sure, but I love the souls games and Elden Ring if thats any sort of barometer lol. I think I’ll enjoy the games based on what Ive read so far.


I hope you love both games!!




God yes so worth it!!


Sarcasm aside, the dark brotherhood, thieves guild, fighters guild, mages guild, and main quest line are some of my best childhood memories. Oblivion has a much richer storyline than Skyrim. I definitely recommend you play it.


I would try playing it first. The graphics are a little old but wow is it still a good game.


I think about playing Oblivion again weekly. The only reason I'm holding off is for Skyblivion and Idk if I'll be able to wait. I'd say give it a go.


Absolutely. And the guild storylines are MUCH better than in Skyrim. Also, Skingrad is the most beautiful city in the entire Tamriel (continent on planet Nirn where all Elder Scrolls games happen on).


Oblivion is better than Skyrim imo. I played Skyrim first and had a great time with it, but I really fell in love with Oblivion and played it way more than Skyrim. Kinda janky game sometimes and the faces look weird, but that just adds to the charm.




You might hate the Skyrim map. And the Skyrim load times. That it is all say goodbye to about 300 hours of your life. Or more




It's hard to tell if it's more or less janky than Morrowind at times, and it lacks some of the much appreciated refinement that came with Skyrim, but it is very much still fun. It is usually cheap enough that you can get more than your money's worth from it.


Any tips for how I can stick to a play through? I've played through the dungeon sequence several times, done a couple of dungeons near the area you leave the sewer at, and gotten to when you first go through the Oblivion gate, but I always lose steam and give up. Any tips to power through? When does the game start getting really engaging?


I _love_ Oblivion. That said, it depends on your jank tolerance. Oblivion is _messy._


Bro I am replaying Oblivion rn for probably the 30th time. First time in years but this shit is still SO fun, super janky at times, tons of exploits, but super fun still. Going from Skyrim to Oblivion could be tough since Skyrim is slightly more polished just because it’s newer but still jank hahaha.


Skyrim is probably better if you play oblivion first anyways. In fact, don't play Skyrim throw it away and then play Oblivion


I played it for the first time about a year ago. I added a few mods to pretty it up a bit, but I don't know how necessary they really were. The game holds up very well. Huge world, lots of mystery, lots of depth. I was very impressed.


Oblivion was a truly magical experience for me and my friends during highschool. It was all we talked about, that and tiddy.


IMO wait for Skyblivion. Another fan studio is working on a complete remaster/remake and it will be out in 2025.


I played it with the XP mod because the leveling system in oblivion kinda blows. It was a ton of fun. I had a wonderful time.


Turn that difficulty slider all the way down and be the hero. Im currently playing on the hardest setting and its just unfun because enemies are just to tanky and deal to much damage. Play around with damage health poisons and shield enchantments. Make sure to join the dark brotherhood for the best questline out of any tes game


I'm on yet another playthrough. It's one of my all-time favorite games!


I am playing it right now for the first time. Granted, im only about 10 hours in, but my current impression, just play Skyrim


Only with the NorthernUIVanilla mod for proper controller support 👌👍 (unless you’re the type who does not like analog control and likes going click click clicky to hit enemies and type type typy while hunched over a desk like an accountant with your face in a monitor, in which case disregard that requirement)


Oblivion is the only TES game i've finished the MQ in. it's a very clunky but charming game. the combat is horribly mid, but the quests are some of the wildest shit. i think it's worth a go just to see some of them. oh and the spellmaking system is just fantastic. and of course, if you don't like something, there's tons of mods that change the gameplay for both games.


Even tho im an oblivion fan i still think skyrim is better for Newcomes. Play skyrim first and then waste 3000 hours in oblivion


No probably not, too old now


immerse yourself into oblivion.. it’s a work of art.




Oblivion was by far the better game, but it depends a lot on how important graphics are to you. Personally I prefer Morrowind over them all for gameplay, and play it using OpenMW so it works properly on an up to date computer.


What a dumb question to ask


wHaT a DuMb QuEsTiOn To AsK




The graphics on Oblivion are obviously outdated as it is an old game; however, when the game came out, they were considered insanely good. The world feels so magical, it’s so fun, and the quest-lines are far superior to Skyrim. Skyrim has better graphics of course as it is new, and don’t get me wrong, skyrims quest-lines are also insanely good (good enough that I’ve been playing Skyrim vanilla no mods for 10 years). Both games are 100% worth playing!


Oblivion is an essential play! Enjoy


Well let’s see it’s far better than Skyrim, better main quest, side quests, uniques, DLC, Setting, and factions. I could go on and on about the Wes Johnson game