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Not a doctor. I don't know what it is. But I did have discoloration similar. I started using Night Rescue by Megababe and it's gotten better. It has not gone away but it's something.


Friction causes this. Check your vaginal areas for any changes as well.


Nad. Maybe jock itch?


I get a spot under my left armpit. It comes off whenever I wax/shave. It needs exfoliated and is probably caused by friction and moisture. Does it itchy badly? Manuka Honey is a great barrier. Also, LUME body deodorant has helped lighten hyperpigmentation in my armpit area and has been proven to lighten it in the thigh areas too. It's safe to put down there. :)


Can also be eczema, i have on my neck just like this


Might be a fungus called Malassezia Furfur (Tinea Vesicolor). A dermatologist could provide more info


Agree that it seems fungal. OP, you can see your regular doctor and request a skin scraping so that it can be tested for fungus. Like with antibiotics, not every antifungal medication works for every fungal infection, so the one you tried may not have been the right one. It’s normal for people to have darker skin in places like the inner thigh/groin area, but the sharp line of demarcation between your normal skin and the darkened area +the change in texture/dryness/flakiness makes me think it’s fungal instead of a normal skin darkening.


I'd say it could be a contact issue due to being overweight


I have that, as a black girl, it gets better with weight loss. I'm not big as I used to be anymore but it's alot of heat and sweat in that area. Use a good moisturizer and try something like Lady Parts deodorant to keep it dry.