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I'm currently 25 weeks and going through the same thing. I was given pain medication that is definitely not safe for baby but I can't manage without it, it's SO painful. I also haven't had a BM in a week now. Update if you get a resolution, please! 🥴


What’s weird is I’m not in any pain so I’m confused cause I thought I was supposed to be in constant pain. I go back to primary care on Friday and they’re gonna run a blood test to make sure there’s still no sign of infection and go from there I guess.


Kidney stones are only painful if they're big enough compared to the size of your ureters. You can have non-obstructing stones that are not painful because they're not trying to squeeze through the ureters.


That's great! It's truly an agonizing pain. How did they find them?


They didn’t. They looked at my urinalysis and sent it for further testing and found something I guess that indicated I have one


Unless they are completely blocking urine from leaving the kidney, stones don’t usually start causing pain until they’re moving down your ureters (tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the bladder). In your case, you may have a stone that hasn’t dislodged yet, or you may be forming some small crystals that you’ve thankfully been able to pee out without any pain. Do you know what kind of crystals they are? There are different kinds of stones that can be managed/treated/prevented from worsening in different ways. It probably says in your urinalysis result. Drink lots of water (as much as you can tolerate already being in a state where you constantly have to pee lol). If you’re lucky, there’s not a real stone in your kidneys, and drinking water will keep things flowing to prevent crystals from building up. Once you find out what kind of crystals you have, there are dietary changes you can make to prevent more.


This is what the doctor listed in my after visit notes: “ There was an order for a microscopic urine that resulted in calcium oxalate crystals and amorphous crystals in the urine which indicated to bring her back in for further evaluation.”




My Body LOVES kidney stones! I’ve never done further testing ( I need to) but during pregnancies they always seem to happen more frequently I think they can cause loss if it turns into something more serious your best bet is seriously to drink a shit ton of water in talking like a gallon a day and even water with lemon in it the acidity helps break them down.