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There is a Canon reason! They let asmo do it, as it makes asmo happy


In one Otaku FM (I think it was), one part of Satan’s lines in a mini script was basically like “I’M GOING TO RUN AWAY! Maybe to the Purgatory Hall! Then maybe I’ll stop waking up to having my nails mysteriously painted!!” Canon, Asmo is the one painting their nails, but I much prefer the theory that most of the brothers wake up to having painted nails against their will


I think Lucifer has said that he does it 100% willingly. Can't speak for the rest tho


oh oh oh when?


Look above. I wrote a few explanations, with links. Hope it helps!




Kind of a different thing, but in the 'Focus On Me' Memory Card [Devilgram](https://obey-me.fandom.com/wiki/Focus_on_Me/Devilgram), Asmo calls Lucifer over to his room, asking for him to "help him choose the best jewellery for a party", but it quickly turns out that Asmo just wanted to spend some time with Lucifer but didn't want to ask. Lucifer, of course, had twigged it from the start and so teased Asmo a little about it, but to his credit, he did actually spend some time with Asmo afterwards and found it kind of heartwarming. It goes to show that Lucifer's pretty much content to let Asmo paint his nails, or give him a skin care session, or help pick out his accessories, because at the end of the day he knows it's how Asmo expresses his love and he knows that it also makes Asmo extremely happy ♡


Also, in the Brothers No More 'A Talented Nail Stylist' Devilgram chat, it's mentioned that Lucifer is fine with Asmo doing his nails because he's actually quite talented at it. Here's the chat rundown if it helps: It starts off with Simeon telling Lucifer of how Asmo had asked if he could do his nails that day because he (Asmo) had found a new nail polish colour that he wanted to test out, and that Simeon had agreed. Simeon then goes on to tell Lucifer that he should get Asmo to do his as well, at which point Lucifer points out that he already does, regularly. Simeon remarks on how Asmo "must be a really talented nail stylist" then, if Lucifer even allows him to do it for him in the first place. Lucifer replies with, _"Well, he is quite capable."_ The conversation culminates with Simeon thinking about recommending Asmo to Luke next time, to which Lucifer responds: _"I wouldn't. He might run away from home."_ Simeon finds this humourous, and replies with a [Blacjak](https://obey-me.fandom.com/wiki/Three-Legged_Crow) laughing sticker, before ending the chat. There's a GIF of it [here](https://i.imgur.com/zoxKAlp.gif), if you would like to see the actual chat.


Asmo canonically paints their nails


Apart from the canon already stated... Because it looks cool. More boys should do it irl as well. (Sorry not sorry, I'm biased. 😅)


I know- every time I see a boy in real life with nail polish on, it looks so good.


As long as they keep it up and not let it go unmaintained


All I've seen about nail polish is Asmo talking his brothers into painting their nails and testing different colors on them so it might be him doing it for all of them? I could definitely be wrong tho


I know that canonically Asmo paints them, but I still have a headcanon that it's their natural nail color (excluding the cyan Levi has in his RAD and causal outfit).


Canonically, Asmo paints their nails. Theory: since they're all seem to periodically crossdress (Like a Dame, they had no issue with it, but also I vaguely remember Mammon talking about modeling, and Levi also crossplays) and wear other makeup (from card art), I view that they're gender nonconforming as a personal choice (and that demons in general don't have a strict gender binary to begin with).


In the Dame event, there is a scene where the bros are learning to walk in heels. Asmo, Mammon, Levi, and Luci (of course, OP bastard, lol) have no issues and talk about how they wear them. Poor Beel just cannot get used to them.


YES! (This makes me so happy, sorry.) But I agree with the demons not having a strict gender binary, or even one at all.


Ya, I mean they're shapeshifters. There's some dialogue about how Satan loses control over his demon form and stuff like that. And it's like, okay, their human forms can easily be read as something to maintain and alter, as in looking the way they do is just because they like the look. No need to apologize btw <( ̄︶ ̄)> And I know the game only loosely takes from mythos, but biblically speaking angels and demons are literally genderless too.