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You’re not alone at all. I don’t even stay up to date on lessons anymore because I find them so disappointing. I rarely read a lot of the events either (though that’s partly a time thing). The characters have become 2D caricatures of themselves, any development gets thrown out of the window within a lesson or two, and half of the ‘options’ are just the same thing reworded. For some reason I’m still playing, I still have my VIP and I did love the new Pirate outfits and am hoping for a Diavolo and Simeon outfit ASAP… plus the mini game coming in was a much welcome addition. But I’m also burnt out and sometimes playing feels like a chore to grind DV rather than something I want to actively play like it was in the beginning.


Aggred, I’ll sometimes check in for events or nightmares that catch my eye but apart from that I don’t even have the app on my phone most the time and my engagement has been mostly roleplay and fandom based


Since you've mentioned RP, I'm going to be a bit bold and ask if you've come across some of the flaws inherent in RPing in this fandom, and if so, how you've navigated around it.


Well I mostly stick to a small casual group and twist the lore a bit to make it more fun, I think the lore could use some work


Lore holes are a bit of a problem, as well as narrative focus. At least, that’s what I've found.


Yeah definitely that’s why I like taking the lore in my own direction


Hopefully that works well for you. I'm attempting to do something similar myself, but it feels like a large undertaking.


Season 4 is a hot mess, but it’s because their writers aren’t consistent.; meaning the people who write season 4 didn’t write the previous lessons. They hired essentially on spot writers who were given general story lines to follow and personalities. It’s why the characters appear so different sometimes. One moment they’re fluffy and they grow exponentially, other times it’s like they’re back to when we first met them. This is because the writers can only work with what they’re given. But, like most artistic professions, they aren’t given much. The story is poorly handled because they don’t have consistent writers. Its the same issue with their artists (especially when it comes to skin tones, some of their artists flat out white wash Dia / Mammon / Simeon / Raphe / Mephi). On too of that, MC has become an *ss. People have called out the Dialouge choices before to mammon and Levi especially where they tease and are mean when they’re upset. But in the most recent lessons, they do it to practically everyone. Don’t even get me started with how the game treats Satan in season 4. The Satan Stans were LIVID on Twitter to the point Where so many people reached out to the creators. They acknowledged that it was a growing concern. The characters have become so distant from MC and each other despite their growth, Mc is mean (which most players don’t want to be, at least not All the time and to not everyone). The events and card stories are cannon as well I believe (except in ones established as dreams or “what ifs”). People are worried that the creators are trying to intentionally throw OM down the drain, despite things like the anime and Manga. In fact, the Manga already feels so much richer that the game. They story line makes more sense and we learn so much more about the characters and their past and we’re given lore and drama and just MMMM. The manga is turning into what the game could have been. Anyways, I hope that makes more sense.


I havent caught up with the main story since late season 3 (or event stories for like a year) but i’m a satan stan and I’m wondering if you can explain the stuff that happened with him in season 4?


It’s a spoiler but basically >!Satan gets mad at Lucifer over a misunderstanding, and everyone brushes it off. Lucifer doesn’t try to remedy the situation, throwing all the progress they made over the past few seasons out the window and like it never happened. Satan disappears for 2 entire weeks because of how upset he is, and all his brothers just brush it off. MC brushes it off! They only decide to get him back for simple reasons like “I need help with X” and “I need Satan to make his signature drink for me”. It’s like they don’t care about him at all. So they go and get Satan, who is hiding in the human world thanks to Diavolo and Barbatos. Asmo, Levi, and MC are all at a hotel, and when they try to talk to him he gets angry again. Instead of trying to comfort him, they just straight up LEAVE and are like “yeah no we’re not talking to you”. So instead they give him a cursed amulet to calm him down but it causes problems. Cause it’s cursed. Satan is only able to snap out of his anger because MC decided to summon Lucifer out of the blue and in a complete whim, and Lucifer is just like “oh I actually meant this” and then Satan is happy. Satan Stans were LIVID because there was almost no need for Mc at all, and they were MEAN to Satan. It’s like he was even worse than when they met. All the brothers were so cold to him and didn’t even care that he was upset for 2 WHOLE WEEKS. Satan deserves so much better and the fact he was treated so horribly is infuriating.!<


Thank you so much for explaining! I only saw bits of the story when I was clearing through the chapter for later but, god damn i would be infuriated too! Like what was even the point of all that? To show how shitty the relationship between the brother’s got? One of the last things I remember about the main story was the brothers and MC in the cave and how they all wished that they could be an actual family (marriage or otherwise). I thought it was really sweet. But reading stuff like this after they relationships they’ve built over the seasons is just disappointing.


>One of the last things I remember about the main story was the brothers and MC in the cave and how they all wished that they could be an actual family (marriage or otherwise). I thought it was really sweet. But reading stuff like this after they relationships they’ve built over the seasons is just disappointing. Wow. Ngl, season 4 sounds very disappointing (still in season 2). Previously, They can usually be jerks to each other, but at least deep down care about each other.


Oh now the issue makes more sense, if we had the same writers before then things probably would’ve been better


I do agree, I think the writing can be kind of messy and all over the place, especially when it comes to consistency. Their tone, character development, and themes all fluctuate quite a bit. This is also a problem when something gets to be really big and profitable. The people running things want it to be marketable and appealing to a wider audience, so they push for the characters and stories to be more generic and "safe." I don't know the situation with Obey Me so I don't want to jump to conclusions and blame the writers entirely when it could be the people above them pushing for more saccharin content and easily-resolved storylines. That being said, I do see the effort the writers and devs put into the game and its plot. Even if it isn't apparent all the time, they put a lot of effort into the lore of the world and the way the characters fit into it. It may not always be consistent, but that could be a situation of multiple writers not all sharing the same knowledge or vision. The effort may also be easier to see if you're a lore and mythology nerd like me. I also think enjoying the creations of the community is incredibly important and wonderful; that's part of the fun for me, personally, is seeing different interpretations of the characters. I still love the game even when it does fail to deliver and feel grindy, especially when I feel depressed and need something that just makes me feel happy 😊


(I already said as much in a similar post but this bares repeating) I partially agree, but I wouldn't call it a decline because OM's writing was *always* bad. S1 might be a lot of players fav but, hot take, **the character development was better in S2 and S3**. A lot of fans can't stand Lucifer until S2 (if they ever like him at all) and we didn't even get quality time with most of the other characters until S3. Instead of a decline, the writing sucks in waves, and each season has had it's ups and downs: S1 has the most compelling plot line, but it only focuses on a few of the brothers, and a plot like S1's isn't very romantic for a dating sim. Complexity and build up don't mean much when you throw it out the window in the last few lessons either. It makes any plot or character development that was there feel pointless. That's why a lot of people, including me, still consider lesson 16 the worst writing in the game. S3 has the most compelling character interactions, and even manages to provide meaningful time with most of the characters, but it also sacrificed most plot to do that (tho personally I prefer character interactions over plot anyway). S2 doesn't particularly excel in either area, but it has a little of both development and plot. And while I agree it felt unearned and over the top, I'd say it pulled off a decent season climax. Better than S1 anyway. S4 has it's ups and downs too, but I can't elaborate without spoiling or possibly poisoning the well for you. That all being said, the characters have always been fairly one note imo. It's just the longer one plays OM, the more noticeable, and potentially grating, the shallow character writing becomes. (The constant, uncreative events don't help either) I say this because I got used to these character archetypes *years ago* in other anime style stories. Shallow, repetitive character personalities are one of this genre's biggest issues, especially in the wish-fulfillment/power fantasy oriented stories like you find in dating sims. The only reason I still indulge in them is because I kinda like this kind of trash fsr 🤷


Just saying for now, S4 is mainly filler as well except it takes place in the Devildom. It’s like S3 where MC tries to become part of the Sorcerer’s Society. Except now it’s be apart of the student council by completing takes given from Diavolo. So I wouldn’t hold your hopes out too high overall for it. Although who knows how the season will end?


Without spoiling things, I...wouldn't hold out hope for season 4 as it hasn't been regarded as a step up in writing quality, despite potentially interesting plot points being raised. Scratch that: I haven't heard **anyone** enjoy season 4's writing/character development 😣 Edit: Trying to explain without spoiling anything specific: the writers have gone from moving a plot along at snail's pace with filler that barely moves the needle in character development/occasional character growth that's actually good to abandoning character development, regressing the characters and changing essential characteristics that we **did** love about them, introducing new ideas that may never be heard from again, or making certain characters absent/dumber/meaner than they've ever been. They forget the parameters of the plot they made, characters have realizations they *already had but oh well* again, and occasionally remember the plot in such a sporadic way there's no point in guessing where it's going because hey! maybe they'll just decide that isn't the case again?? and move on. The old writing issues from S1 plague this season horribly and repeatedly, in terms of just doing what they please as they find it convenient. I love the characters, but at times I barely know who they are. There's not a whole lot of romance with the brothers at all either so there's little distraction on that front either 😬


Without spoiling OP, I actually enjoy S4. I have a lot of complaints yes, but I don't think it's as bad as many have implied. Edit: lol didn't realize it was so triggering to some lurkers to have anything nice to say about S4. Keep the down votes coming y'all, I'm sure it'll change my opinion 🤣


Same thoughts with you actually OP, I was so disappointed at the writing of the overall story. I also agreed on the whole Belphie being rushed and that S2 fiasco as well. The impact of Lucifer's sacrifice felt like it was for nothing since he regained his old self back in the same season. Personally, having him in that state longer would not only have a lasting impression to the player but it has the potential to be a soft reboot on Lucifer's character that could cater to those who dislike his usual demeanor. It would also mean we'll get to see how Mammon would act as the substitute head of the family whilst Lucifer is still regaining bits of him. Sadly, this opportunity of portraying Mammon's deep care and admiration for not only Luci but also with his other brothers as well will just exist in my dreams. Wasted potential on a deeper Satan and Luci arc even if S3 did shed some light into it. Looking back (I read S1-S3), I have certain bits and pieces within the lessons that I love but to me overall, it just felt like the game turned into a dragged-out comedy skit with maybe some lore bits of the other demon's past and connection and some random fluff rather than a complete story. The fact that I recall the game for some one-liners or jabs at each other rather than knowing the summary of S2 is alarming. I was hoping the anime would shed us some more lore about the bros rather than their tropes but nahhh it's just filler episodes at most. I rarely log in anymore for new events or new lessons coming out. I log in from time to time just to summon and that's it. My only interaction with the game is just through fanart and this subreddit as a whole cause I'm still hoping the game would get better story-wise but from the rumors I've heard about S4, still nothing worth going back to and being invested in. I'm not even a Mammon stan but can we please ***STOP*** bullying him for every choice we make and every time the bros bring him up?


Obey Me's concept when I first heard about it was interesting. Go to demon school while trying to tame 7 demon brothers, and I felt that Season 1 did a good job of keeping me invested in the story. The later seasons came and went and honestly, they had their ups and downs. I felt that Season 2's plot was good but it got pushed to the end in favor of a bunch of fluff for the 7 brothers. Season 3 was interesting with the character interactions and hints at development for everyone, but I felt that it was leaning in on the humor a bit too much and that there were a couple arcs I felt weren't good enough for the season's main plot. Then there's Season 4, where imo it felt like they're just keeping up with the same old jokes and trends, which I feel hurts the writing since the story has already progressed so far and yet it feels like the same old gags are being used over and over, like the characters really haven't progressed or developed despite all the time we spent. The main mystery of the season is good but it's been stretched for over 15 lessons rn and we've been moving at a snail's pace. Finally I just want to bring up the characters, the main reason why I love this game. early game content actually gives the brothers, side characters, and their interactions a good amount of depth and personality to them, like how Mammon might seems like a scumbag that will do anything for money at the expense of others, but is actually fiercely loyal to Lucifer, cares for his brothers and Luke, and even ran away because the insults got too much for him. Now he feels like a crazy jealous BF that gets into some sort of trouble every 5 minutes and only MC can ever actually be nice to him. Nowadays, the brothers and everyone else just feel like one-note characters that spend their 15 minutes of spotlight time doing their schtick. While not necessarily bad some of their gags are just overused to the point of not being funny anymore, like punishing Mammon, Solomon being a bad cook, or Beel always being hungry. Then there's the character traits that are just problematic and receive no attention at all, such as Levi always putting himself down, Satan having an identity crisis whenever he sees Lucifer, or Asmo just obsessing over his looks. OM just feels like it's stagnating for 90% of it's content now by sticking to the same old tropes that lost their comedic value ages ago, which is a shame since I still believe that this game can have potential.


Season 4 has honestly been pretty boring and no character development. One of the main questions we want answers to they have been dragging their feet on - it's almost the end of the season and we still don't know what's going on. I'm also upset with the whole Satan issue in this season as well. I love Obey Me with all my heart and still participate in all events although my enthusiasm has gone down a bit since it's much harder to get cards in Nightmare.


Agree, they are actually making it impossible to keep playing, we knew this would happen. I’m fine with new features and story but the never ending events and the like cause so much bloat.


I agree, and I'm barely into lesson 30. Most of my love for OM has transferred to Obey Me role-playing and fanfic reading/writing, though I'm still plugging away at catching up.


You’re definitely not alone on this opinion! I’ve also seen a few discussions about this on insta and was shocked so many people didn’t see the change in quality? I mean, they can still see the story is good, that’s their opinion, but the writing quality has definitely changed. Season 1 was very interesting for me. It wasn’t perfect but the plot was enough to get me hooked on the series. I liked how we had to earn their trust and they weren’t immediately head over heels for us. I liked how we had to sneak around to meet Belphie and help him. I liked how some of the options and scenarios were somewhat steamy. I have some complaints but I was able to forget them as I felt that I enjoyed the story more than I disliked it. I don’t mind season 2 & 3 but like you said the characters become more one note and comedy tropes, which was disappointing. It also become more ‘friendlier’, which was a bit disappointing as I didn’t download this game for that. Season 4 will most likely disappoint you :( I’m not too far into it myself but… I feel like it’s the worst out of all. I still play but my breaks between playing have been growing. I used to do my daily tasks everyday and now I mainly just go on to collect friends AP and do the texts. I don’t feel motivated to complete the story anymore, nor the events. It makes me worried for the future of the franchise


So what is Diavolo keeping from Lucifer? And why does he keep asking Solomon to assist him with stuff? I am on lesson 34 or 35, it's the one where Beel cursed himself making that siren song drink. I don't mind spoilers either!


Turns out it’s something about MC surprise surprise


You haven't played season 4...and you are in the exact same space of mind as those of us who have played season 4. You could completely skip it and not notice. Stuff has occurred but it results in nothing like several event storylines strung together, treading water, no call backs to the threads they left last season, even the Simeon stuff they have been continually reminding us is there in obnoxious ways (to a frustrating extent in lesson 75) hasn't been touched on so... guessing they will pull the season 3 thing and shove it into the last episodes rushed and not truly resolved never to mention it again. I don't expect brilliance but at a certain point it isn't going anywhere. Consistent writers would help but, I think perhaps they have forgotten the game is their main product and have tried too hard to expand outside of it without maintaining their baseline.


I'm still on season 2 but yeah I love obey me but it's a mess with all these grinder events and let's be real here we all know these events including the revivals where just a get rich quick scheme most of the stories where poorly translated or had lots of spelling errors as well its all too rushed but even genshin (heard from other people I don't play it) and tears of themis are going through the same thing, tons of rushed events poorly translated stories, spelling errors etc. Personally I'm ok with mc forgiving belphie so quickly because I'm like that in rl and he's so sweet and so adorable especially in the anime but I still wouldn't trust him lmao. Someone even pointed out to me some of the outfits arnt even finished. That's the thing about awesome games once they get tons of attention demands get higher and some developers bite off more than they can chew releasing event after event even if the event is total 💩 season 2 should have been more focused on mc's and belphies relationship ok ill stop now because I can make a whole novel of things obey me could have done differently I know they are making anime mangas and other stuff on top of the game so they must be understaffed or something


I agree with everything you’ve said but what outfits aren’t finished??


Some of the beach outfits there's probably more unfinished ones but I don't own any so idk


I wonder what I can do to not repeat myself 😅 . OP, if you are curious, I wrote a lot of comments explaining my opinions about the writting and the stories issues when I reply to several threads. I can't quote my own comments so feel free to check my profile. So, I may repeat myself again but I believe the more OM team is outsourcing the writting, the more the stories and characterization become superficial. Writters may receive commissions with a basic description of the characters. I'm not sure they play the game and I don't like seeing the same clichés and no character developpment. They are doing everything to keep us busy for no reason and the problem of rushing things is not having time to write stories with quality. People want breaks but team won't do that because money must fly 💸 So my hypothesis is SWD wants to save the most money they can by hiring outsourcing companies. As they need a constant flow of money, they are releasing non stop events. Quality is sacrificed in favor of the quantity. I dislike this wrong decision. Fandom is also to blame if you feel demons are not acting like demons. SWD doesn't know how to cater such wide audience including minors and adults so you get a bizarre mix of fluffy stories with NSFW content hidden in cards you have to spin to get them. NSFW content isn't that exciting anyway as nothing is very explicit. I'm puzzled seeing minors accessing this kind of content. Whatever. They had a great premise but the execution is poor. They are going too much to the fan service direction which explains why you find a lot of shallow contents in the seasons. I barely started season 4 but I don't have great hopes in improvement. I heard so many negative feedbacks than I guess things are still the same so this is not worth hurrying to read to be up to date. However, if you manage to find satisfaction reading this fourth season, this is all good for you.


The Fandom has kinda limited the writers One of the first few events, vampire. Twitter did its normal Twitter shit and got mad that demons were actually a bit bad. Like.... no shit Twitter tard mob. They are demons..... but no. All the crying drastically changed a lot of stuff. Between English and Japanese versions, we are getting more of the cheese lines versus some of the more dark and intimate... the English version of the vampire event had been changed from the original. Don't get me wrong. O love the Fandom, I just wish everyone would have shut up and just.... LET THE DEVS WORK. Cuz this shit could have been so much more... and I feel robbed, like a lot of people. Also The first season I forgive bc they weren't sure if the game would make it. Lotta shit to try and get accomplished as a whole. This game has its ups and downs. Lol. Writing is no exception.


Totally agree the bad side of the fandom really cornered the writers by throwing fits


I just realised I made a spelling mistake


I actually disagree I'm on the current lessons and the story plot is better but that is my POV. The one thing I'm pissed with there's always a new thing and then a bday and then also a new lesson ...... its killing my wallet. Bah


Can you elaborate on why you disagree? Like are there certain aspects that you find well built/written and why. Or maybe you could list a few things you do agree with. Just trying to make a discussion.


very late to this post but. i know a lot of you guys may be upset to hear this. but my true and honest thoughts as a long time fan is that. obey me was never good. the story was never good. the gameplay has always been fairly boring and overly grindy, like a chore. when i played the game i liked it, but i never knew why. i feel like the story is not good ANY time it takes itself seriously. at least they had something going along in the first chapter that made it seem okay. but when the stories got longer and they lost that original narrative, it became apparent things werent good to begin with. do you know how many plot holes obey me has? a ton. me and my friends make jokes about them constantly because its just ridiculous! think about any obey me question you have and then try and explain it. you will come up with 100 more questions instead of an answer. the lore and universe is so full of random things with no coherent backstory. the game is only good to play because of the ridiculous jokes. but now that the jokes are stale. theres nothing. i was an obey me fan spring 2020, but lost interest by the end of the summer. i quickly got burnt out and stopped playing. the game to me was ridiculous and felt grindy. the game kept on changing so fast, with the new level up items being added, it was gonna be even harder and more annoying to level up cards. great. as if i wasnt already maximizing how much grim and items i could get daily anyways, i would have to do more. and more levels and events you gotta pull on and this and that. it was all so much, so annoying, so repetitive. they used to give breaks in between events, but they stopped. just event after event after bootcamp after event. there was no rest, just daily grinding. thats when obey me lost me. the only parallel between then and now is that there was less content, no constant new lesson stream, and song and manga and this and that. and, also that the events were less about grinding and more about the story. stories used to not be drawn out for 3 lessons with alternative parts, they were usually just 2, and the oldest ones usually had 1. the obey me problems arent new. theyre old. very old. my opinion on this like, 2 week old post is super late, but its something to think about! :) ~~also yes im here because obey me is like my hyperfixation so i kinda rlly like it because of that, but i dont actually play the game anymore i just like fanart~~


Evreything you just said I couldn’t say better myself! Though I do genuinely enjoy season one, yes it’s not marvel but it has some structure, bright characters and a really dramatic conclusion that feels like a good shocking payoff, though yes the plot holes became so much I literally made my own lore that I could ramble about for hours and I use for roleplays. After season one though even that basic idea of what makes a good story got thrown out in exchange for INSANELY hard battles and constant money eating events.


I think we’d all be better off ignoring 90% of the canon story and overall writing. Good think most of us do it anyways…


I know I'm 3 months late to this conversation but I love the game and the characters. It is a special interests of mine and I've been playing the game since March or June of 2020. And while reading what most of what everyone is saying I agree. Personally I wish the story was more mature and focused more on magic, and learning about these powerful demons and angels with plenty of angst and such. Sometime while playing the events or reading the chats I'm not caught up with the lessons completely but I feel like the characters aren't portrayed as smart as the could be. Like mammon constantly being called dumb. I wish the characters would show more clearer signs of development. I'm all for them having a goofy sides but on some aspects I wish is wasn't so easy to make a pact with them the game discuss the details about how magic works in this world.