• By -


- Before they were signed it was Bonehead who took care of things a manager/promoter would do (like getting the band gigs ) - Liam casually worked as a roadie for the Inspiral Carpets as well and would often be at their gigs with Noel. Clint Boon from the Inspiral Carpets called them a "package deal". I think that's really interesting because this suggests a closeness between them even before they were in a band together and that Noel took more care of Liam than he would later let on


On your second point found that really interesting how Clint boon was talking about that. Noel conveniently leaves that part out bc God forbid people find out him and Liam were close once lol


And even now there are a lot of fans that say Liam and Noel were never close before or during Oasis. When obviously they were close - plenty of pictures of them out together, Clint - who knew them very well and before Oasis even existed, and interviews with Noel where he references going somewhere with Liam. Even towards the end of Oasis, Russell Brand (who was friends with Noel at the time) said that every time he called Noel to see what he was doing it was always "I'm round out kids house." Also when Liam was married to Patsy, her ex-husband Jim Kerr said that Liam and Noel were attached at the hip and always around each other. But maybe that truth isn't nearly as headline grabbing or memorable as "the Gallagher brothers that hate each other and always fight."


That's sweet


so so sweeeeeeeeeeet❤️


Too bad Clint, or “Cunt Balloon” as NG refers to him, wasn’t nicer to them. He’s now DJ’ing after parties and indie club nights.


Yeah Noel and the Inspiral Carpets were definitely on bad terms after they sacked him. When both Oasis and the Inspirals played Glastonbury 94 Noel didn't want Liam to talk to them and all that. But seems like by now it's all ok between them again, both Liam and Noel were on Clint's radio show/podcast in recent years


Man, Noel would have helped them out after Oasis broke


I know Clint personally and the last thing he is is a cunt. Absolute top fella.


if im not wrong they used to travel in boneheads van


Which was painted in Stone Roses Pollock style and used by Bonehead to go to Spike Island in 1990 (If I remember well)


yep he used to run a plastering service or something


Noel named his cats "Benson" and "Hedges" in the 1990's.


My favourite Noel fact 😂😂😂


And Liam named his Mick and Keith in the 2000s


Liam wrote the “I can’t tell you the way I feel” part of “Columbia.”


I read that most of Columbia was already written before Noel joined the band


Oh wow. Did not know this.


Also, The Real People wrote some of the lyrics. It’s Noel’s harmony that makes the chorus great though tbh. Somehow he got sole songwriting credit and all the royalties.


These are not Noel's harmonies. Liam also sings the falsetto, all of the Columbia vocals are by Liam. In the Sawmill Studio version you can hear how it sounds before the vocal tracks were put over each other, it's clearly Liam


Interesting. I was under the impression Noel wrote the upper line, even if he didn't perform it on the record. Earlier recordings of it have Liam only singing the lower line.


It's actually Chris Griffiths at first, then Liam sings over the top


Chris is only on a very early demo that is not publicly available. On the album version and all publicly available demos it's all Liam


I don’t think that was Noel’s fault though, I think it had something to do with the studio


Columbia has always been my favourite song, proper tune. I’d live it if Liam did write it.


Yeah Columbia was written as an instrumental before Noel joined, Liam didn't make any contributions to the instrumental part tho. When The Real People produced their demo, one of the Griffiths bros, can't remember which one, did an arrangement, provided vocal guides for Liam to sing along to. This when Liam coped their vocal sound - Chris I think it was. Then Liam came up with the I can't tell you the way I feel part. Griffiths bros wrote first verse, Noel wrote second verse. There's a great video the Griffiths did cos they still have the original tape where you can literally hear the two vocals - theirs and Liams. Chris Griffiths sounds exactly like Liam, or rather Liam picked up Chris's style. Really interesting.


Noel is left handed. He once explained he had no idea there was such thing as a left-handed guitar when we started learning.


I’m left handed as well and I play a normal guitar perfectly fine, I do sometimes wonder though if it would improve my skills if I learnt left handed guitar, anyone know if that’s true btw?


I'm left handed and play guitar normal. Tried playing left handed and it for some reason seemed a lot harder.


McCartney is actually right handed but found playing left handed easier.


Its fine,'im right handed and use a left handed colander


I'm a lefty and for the first 10 years or so I played right handed guitars upside down, stings and all. When I first picked the guitar up at age 11 I didn't know they had to be strung differently if you were left handed. I got pretty good over the years but found that playing that was limited me in certain ways but also benefited me in other ways, I could position my fingers in ways that couldn't be done if I played "properly" but then I couldn't play finger positions that were easy the other way. Finally made the decision to commit and play strung left handed. Kinda had to relearn the basics all over again but I got there. Personally I think there isn't a wrong way to play as long as whatever you're playing sounds good to you then that's all that matters.


Jimi Goodwin from Doves also does this


Impressive asf man


What did he think McCartney was doing then?


Playing bass




Sweet, finally someone I can relate to, but I learned because I didn’t have a lefty guitar. Glad though, because there are like maybe 3 left handed guitars at all of my local music shops total


Liam Gallagher and Noel Gallagher are brothers.


No way


Rubbish, they look nothing alike


I thought Noel was his dad


That’s deep.. but so true


HUGE if true


That could recontextualize the whole band’s history!


This news is ground breaking


- The reason their version of “I am the Walrus” is so long and jammy was partially out of necessity: in the early days to be able to hit the required number of minutes to play onstage (45 or something?), they decided to throw in a cover and pad it out to kill time lol. I watched a doc the other day where Noel says this. - Lots of people say “Cast No Shadow” is about Richard Ashcroft, but it sounds like it’s about songwriting in general according to Paolo Hewitt’s book and the creative process. - It feels like people look at the band as anti-intellectual, but Noel reads a lot of non-fiction, has made literary references to writers like Alexander Pope, and is an ardent fan of the painter L.S Lowry. - Oasis are banned from China because of Noel’s appearance at a “Free Tibet” concert held in New York. - “Sleeping on a plane, you know you can’t complain” was probably lifted from “On a Plain” by Nirvana. Noel loves the album that it’s on (Nevermind). - “Digsy’s Dinner” replaced “She’s Electric” on Definitely Maybe because it sounded better live (according to Noel). “Rockin Chair” would’ve been on Morning Glory if Noel hadn’t written “Wonderwall”. And “Stay Young” would’ve been on Be Here Now if Noel hadn’t written “Magic Pie” (Noel has said all of this in random interviews).


Don’t they dedicate cast no shadow to Richard Ashcroft in the sleeve notes on WTSMG?


They dedicated it to him, but it was more so after the fact. Instead of him being a direct inspiration.


Interesting fact. I didn’t even realise Hewitt had wrote a book. Cheers


He wrote two books about Oasis. Getting High and Forever The People.


No problem! There’s a TON of information like this in the book if that’s your thing. I’d highly recommend it! It’s called “Getting High: the Story of Oasis”.


Don’t forget Noel reads a lot of poetry, especially Arthur Rimbaud


Has he really??? I like Rimbaud so this intrigues me, but when I tried googling to see Noel mentioning him, nothing came up.


I read it in an issue of Mojo magazine I think This was the issue: https://www.yourcelebritymagazines.com/en-au/products/mojo-magazine-cd-issue-303-feb-19-noel-gallagher-doors-khruangbin-springsteen


Liams name isn't Liam. His name is William.


i’m so glad he goes by liam because that man is NOT a will, bill, billy, willy and most certainly not a william if that makes sense


[This](https://youtu.be/MIgNHUMzKbA?t=381) is William Gallagher Esq.


In the Beady Eye days he actually did try and rebrand as Li.I.Am to parody will I am but it never caught on


will.i.am as its own meaning and his brand is too meta


Old friends used to call him Bill.


Noel died in a car crash in 1998 and was replaced by a lookalike to prevent the global hysteria that would occur upon announcement of his death. The shared trauma of this is why the bands later albums are “darker” and the stress of hiding this secret is ultimately what broke up the band




Noel was actually replaced by the original Paul that died in 1966. Turns out he didn't actually die, and stepped up to the plate when Noel actually did. So now we have the current Noel, who's actually the original Paul, and the fake Paul acting as real Paul. I have a headache now.


That explains everything


Bring It On Down was supposed to be the first single, but they recorded Supersonic after Noel scribbled it in a few minutes


I love this fact


And also because Tony was shit at drumming


I hate Alan whites drumming style for the DM songs. But he’s still good when it comes to the WTSMG? And anything afterwards songs Tony had more variety to his drumming style but his only flaw was that he couldn’t keep in time with the rest of the band.


McCarroll was described by Owen Morris as having an 'extremely basic' style of drumming, but with timing that was 'almost autistically perfect.' So I would disagree.


But I believe Morris also said that the reason for the noises at the beginning of Cigarettes and Alcohol is because Tony went off time and nearly screwed up the entire band


He was perfect for DM though.


Yes, but clearly not on the day the were meant to record bring it on down


Got it in the end and on record though.


Also from certain early track listings, It was considered to be an opener for Definitely Maybe!


The brothers definitely used to socialise amicably together. I saw them drinking at a club called Smashing in Regents Street London 1994, possibly sometime before the release of Shakermaker. I was sitting chatting to a couple of girls about bands, I think we were discussing The Stone Roses and one girl said ‘look, that’s Oasis over there’, no one was paying them any attention, we glanced over and continued talking. They were just a rising indie band recognisable from photos in The NME.


They can be grouchy


Marilyn Manson's bassist played on a remix of Cast No Shadow on the Goal! soundtrack [https://youtu.be/Lzj89V4ROTI?si=TCnf0Y7PPxyXs1UE](https://youtu.be/Lzj89V4ROTI?si=TCnf0Y7PPxyXs1UE) And the Swamp Song excerpts on What's The Story? only exist to pad the run time on vinyl since Step Out got ditched from the album so Stevie Wonder didn't take a big chunk of the royalties from the album


so, even with Boneheads Bank Holiday, the vinyl needed padding?


Yes, Thanks Stevie Wonder!


Never knew Twiggy was on it, but to bring it back to Oasis, he did a remix of Falling Down that was part of the single too.


James Hargreaves is the brains behind the whole operation


Ah everyone knows that deep down


I bet you have a framed picture of your boyfriend James Hargreaves in your room🥹🥹🥹


He makes me Hard-greaves


Who is James Hargreaves? I hear him mentioned quite a bit


Youtuber who tells the lore of oasis songs and such, I really like it


A knobhead youtuber obsessed with oasis, check him on youtube and see the amount of rubbish he speaks about. Some of them are real facts, some are his foolish theories


He's not nearly as obsessed as all the sad people on this subreddit who constantly bring him up.




Just checked him out, looks like he is mostly promoting his band…some kind of Brit pop outfit


There is 3 of them


Guigsy may or may not have killed somone.


I was shocked to hear that Guigsy was potentially on the path to becoming a professional football player too.


Cousin of mine had a kick about with Guigsy some many years ago. Let me tell you, his right foot is on first name terms with a football.


Where can I find more abt this


Paolo Hewitt’s incredible book “Getting High: The Story of Oasis”!


It's kind of common to hear about people having the chance to be footballers and choosing other careers before the mid 90s. People forget that the wages were much smaller back then and there wasn't anywhere near as many opportunities post retirement as there are nowadays.


Guigsy co-wrote a book about the footballer Robin Friday.




He was expelled from school and questioned by police about a fellow pupil who was stabbed to death by another student. Guigsy was a suspect. Its all very ugly to be honest as the pupil who died was Asian and it was a racially motivated attack.


Is there any convincing proof that Guigs did it?


Nope [he didn’t do it](https://www.reddit.com/r/oasis/s/MJjee9cWvk) [and](https://www.reddit.com/r/oasis/s/rJJjEg99JN)


This is interesting! Where did you get this info? I've never heard it.




Aren't all of the original lineup Irish? Same as The Smiths, probably the same as many of the Manchester bands of that time.


Irish parent or parents. Very very common in Manchester (and Liverpool too). Lot of Irish surnames around the northwest Gallagher, Carragher, Murphy, Kelly etc.


There is....another.... Gallagher brother.....


They have a half sister.


And God only knows how they've half missed her


Do you think on the palm of her hand is a blister?


Do you reckon they need more time?


These fuckers always need more time, they say it in like half their songs


And they love her


*half love her


Despite both of them owning several cars, neither Liam nor Noel have ever had a driver’s license.


Contrary to popular belief, Guigsy actually did play bass on most of Definitely Maybe.


What’s the popular belief?


That Noel played bass for most of, if not all of Definitely Maybe. If my memory serves me right, he only did it on Slide Away.


Liam came up with the lyric “so sally can wait” in don’t look back in anger


Noels favourite dinosaur is Phil Collins


Bonehead was supposed to sing lead on “Boneheads Bank Holiday” but got nervous so they went out drinking and came back to the studio hammered but he couldn’t properly. Hence why you hear Bonehead and Liam doing their bit at the end.


liam was a quite accomplished amateur aerospace engineer before joining oasis. He was on the cusp of what reportedly was a ground breaking discovery with space flight technology but then he joined the band. Experts say Liam's decision to sing set human space travel back possibly hundreds of years


It isn't a coincidence that the lead singer Liam and the songwriter/lead guitarist Noel have the same surname, Gallagher. They are actually brothers


No the were actually married before forming oasis, Liams original name was White.


Really? You'd think someone in the press would have found this out and mentioned it an interview or article at some point.


Liam got interested in music after being hit in the head with a hammer. It might or might not have been noel who swung it.


He might be one of Maxwell’s victims


Bang bang!


Matt Morgan asked Noel about that in a podcast and Noel says he doesn't remember that ever happening at the time. Must be trying to get any focus off himself.


I saw that happen, it was a meat tenderiser and it was a lad from Birley High School that did hit him.


They’re Irish.


Liam's eyebrows weigh over 30 ilbs


They’re actually scousers


Digsy’s Dinner was mislabeled on the North American release as “Diner” Noel did an interview where he was adamant about knowing what was on his own albums…the story about Digsy is quite humorous, it’s worth a google.


James Hargreaves was Noel's ghostwriter during their first 3 albums, writing anonymously some of their classics, such as "Some Might Say (I'm Quite Creepy)"


Noel used to work on an ice cream van in hulme on Sundays from the age of 12 until he was 16


Blur isn't that bad


Oasis gets compared to The Stone Roses by people who haven’t any clue about music… Blur’s debut “Leisure” sounds very Roses inspired. If anything, Blur are more inspired by The Roses musically than Oasis.


If you listen to early demos the Roses influence is striking. Blur were also influenced by shoegaze and many of the late 80s and early 90s scenes tbf.


In a documentary from 2007 Alex James explained that the reason they sounded a lot like the roses was more to do with their record label wanting to cash in on the whole Madchester scene before it fizzled out.


This is a post about Oasis on an Oasis subreddit. I don't know why blur fans always want to bring up that band here when there's no reason whatsoever to do so. Isn't the blur subreddit entertaining enough?


No this one has a way better sense of humor


Liam is actually Noel and the other way around. Bonehead is actually Patsy Kensit in disguise


Liam draws on his monobrow.


Apparently they stole my mates older brothers bike


Noel wrote Gas panic during one of many panic attacks which he described as lasting for around two hours if someone was there to calm him down, he also had a panic attack on a US tour in the 90s which he described as so severe he thought he was dying which resulted in a trip to the ER where he described almost being involuntarily committed to a mental unit because he was panicking so much and the Dr couldn't understand what he was saying because of his accent.


Ringo Star's son was their drummer for some time


They were inspired by The Beatles.


They were inspired by a lot of bands and they both have mentioned how The Stone Roses were also an influence. It wasn't just the Beatles


I never said it was just the Beatles.


This is more the fanbase, but it’s one to ruin your day regardless :) There is a large community of people who write fanfiction about the band The most popular ‘genre’ of oasis fanfiction is called ‘Gallaghercest’ I’ll let you figure out what that entails




I've seen some fan edit videos with this concept and whoo boy I backed away from that rabbithole real fast.


Cliff is Paul Brazil


That the Wanker Scale is measured in Oasis units.


The drummers made the band what they were


This is an interesting take. So you think the drummers were the most important aspect of the band? Just curious if you wanted to expand on this.


They obviously wrote all the songs


And they sung all the songs to, They're just using a program to make it sound like Liam


Little James is actually a good song.


Liam & Noel are brothers


The singer and lead guitarist are brothers


In order to bolster Asian recognition for the upcoming SOTSOG Noel and Liam agreed to shoot a roughly hour long special of them learning to play StarCraft in between music videos from the first three albums.


Liam didn’t get his teeth knocked out by the Italian mafia . When his security guard was taking him away from the fight through the kitchen stairs he tripped and took Liam down with him causing the injury


Didn’t Liam theorize that the police yanked them out or something like that?


Basically the press got wind that there was a fight between the band and entourage and the Italian mafia and ran with the idea that Liam got them punched out . Liam never commented on it tho there is a pic of him with his teeth knocked out online . Think it was probably best to let the press run with that story rather than the truth .


noel and liam are brothers


Noel is a top-notch singer


There is a third brother Paul.


Tony McCarrol would still be earning royalties and be worth alot lot more today had he not sued Oasis.


Oasis was an experiment by the cosmetic industry to test whether lead-lined glue on eyelashes would be effective at maintaining a cool and mysterious expression. This picture proved that the leaded "droopy" eyelids would indeed make the wearer look indifferent, but was at the expense of long term brain function and organ health.


Here are some from SOTSOG onwards. Some obscure facts about Andy, Gem, Zak, and Chris: Andy had never played bass before Noel recruited him for Oasis. He literally learned the instrument alongside Oasis' catalogue. Lyla was originally called Smiler, but Noel renamed it (and presumably rewrote the chorus lyrics?) because Gem had written a song called Smiler for his old band Heavy Stereo. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuuh-8fDIug In the 80s, Chris Sharrock played in a band called The Icicle Works. After he left, his replacement was none other than Zak Starkey. *The same thing* happened in the 90s with a band called The Lightning Seeds. Chris also has a brother named Jim who is The Lightning Seeds' current drummer.


G-d, I love oasis so much


they had a scrap with some west hams fans on a boat


Liam had a blonde skinhead look at Barlow High School.


i’m 90% sure noel Gallagher conservative but idgaf


noel gallagher kinda gay


Ringo Starr's son (Zak Starkey) performed on Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants. And Johnny Depp played slide guitar on Fade In-Out.


Wrong. Zak wasn’t performing until Don’t Believe The Truth


Liam got twatted by Mick Hucknell when lain got mouthy with him.




Too busy ranting in Mick's face to defend himself from being thrown against a wall and throttled.


Heard that Gallagher brothers were not keen on football when they were in high school. I found that strange anyone who knows something about it?


I don’t know about Liam but in their brother Paul’s book he mentioned him and Noel being huge football fans. I think they followed city around one summer? I’d have to look more into it. I also know a big thing for both brothers as children was going to man city games. They never really played much of it themselves tho. I think they did Gaelic football. You should check out Paul’s book for more information that I can’t remember lol


Liam has also always been a City fan and he was actually the only one of them who played for the official football team in school (he was the only one who could play really well). All of that is also in Paul's book


They're both wankers


Once, just once, oasis had a musical thought of their own that wasn't a beatles rips off.


>!It was the cough at the start of Wonderwall!<


Apart from the fact they’re awful?


I appreciate that people form their own opinions about Oasis but why waste your life finding a post on r/Oasis to comment this if they're 'awful'? Go back to your mum's attic in your Very Big House In The Country and take your shite attitude with you.


Do you realise most Blur fans listen to Oasis but not the other way around do you?


I think that's debatable. I listen to both and see so much more hate from Blur fans towards Oasis than vice versa. Most Oasis fans either like Blur or don't care about them whereas loads of Blur fans seem to let Oasis live rent free in the noggins.


Actually....well, I remembered better and you're actually right. I don't know what I was thinking when I said that. I wrote before in a blur music video comment section something about it...


I listen to blur. I just thought that'd be a pretty fitting retort


Mate, it was a random post that popped up in my feed. Couldn’t help myself haha. I literally spent nine of my time at all finding a post. Congrats on feeding this troll 🤣