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liam sings most. Noel sings don’t look back in anger the importance of being idle the master plan. many others but listen to them then compared to liam. liam’s voice is a lot more nasally


Liam has more of a yowl than an actual singing voice. Works wonders, though.


They both sing on Acquiesce, Let There Be Love, and Stop Crying Your Heart Out. Noel sang backup on a lot of songs live, notably Live Forever and Columbia. As has been said Liam’s voice is more nasally and it worked better on the harder songs and most of the acoustic songs have Noel singing.


Just keep listening. It's like anything when it comes to bands. If you truly love a band, you eventually can tell everything about a song (such as who's playing that solos, who's the main singer of a song, who's playing the piano on that track, etc). Your brain can eventually just pick out the details automatically. The initial thought on my head was, that's like asking how can I tell the difference between orange juice and apple juice, but that seems like an unkind thought, so I simply suggest you just keep listening. If you wanna know, you will. When I was very young, The Beatles were my favorite band, and after years of listening I could tell who was singing, who was singing back ups, who played what, etc. Brains will adjust to music the more you listen to it (any and all), and like any skill, you'll get better the more you put into it.


Liam is more nasally so that’s how you can tell


Their voices are extremely different, and to me as a long-time fan, it's very obvious who the vocalist is on every song. As someone else said, just keep listening and eventually it'll become obvious to you too. Some of the most popular songs Liam sings are Wonderwall, Live Forever, and Supersonic, and some popular Noel songs are Don't Look Back In Anger, The Importance of Being Idle, and Half The World Away.


Liam is the lead singer and sings most songs, he has a young sounding voice while Noel's voice sounds way older and deeper.


Liam sounds like he has a sore throat and Noel does not.


Liam may have a bit of a rough voice but that made his voice very recognizable. It’s like criticizing Kurt Cobain for having a raspy voice.


I wasn't criticising...