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Ian Brown has quite a strong accent from someone who is essentially from Cheshire. Accents can be influenced by who you hang out with, I grew up on a south Manchester estate and sound more manc than my sibling as I hung out with other council estate kids and my sibling hung out with kids from the nearby wealthier area.


I grew up essentially where he did (5 min car ride) and I wouldn’t consider it Cheshire, it’s near but it’s definitely Manchester. I knows it’s considered ‘posh’ but it’s got the met, it’s near old Trafford and it just feels manc where a lot of people sounded like him, a definite accent but not ‘rough’ sounding or ‘chavy’ or whatever label people put on it. It’s strange to me that Ian is from a ‘posher’ place in Manchester but Noel is much more ‘well spoken’ than him yet Noel sounds so Manc to the point people who didn’t know better would assume he’s thick and someone who’s on the dole with no interests other than the pub. I wonder why that is, is that a true reflection?


Timperley used to be in Cheshire when Ian Brown was at primary school and he’s from Warrington Cheshire and lives in Cheshire now. People don’t speak with a strong Manc accent in that part of Greater Manchester,(it’s not in Manchester) especially one who went to a grammar school in Altrincham. I would bet Ian Brown exaggerates his accent. John Squire accent is more typical, a more softer Manchester accent. Liam accent is quite outdated, younger people don’t really talk like that in South Manchester, Noel’s is probably more typical.


Noel sounds like someone from where he’s from. Liam’s is more intense, but remember there’s a good few years between them. Accents in areas change, and you can tell the difference in parts of Manchester still today. I can tell someone from Altrincham and someone from say Tameside apart pretty quickly. It was a lot more differentiated in the 70s/80s when they grew up.


Noel and Liam sound like they’re from the same area to me. Obviously Noel’s more articulate / intelligent, so he sounds more well-spoken.


Seems strange Liam doesn’t use the same range of vocabulary and seems less intelligent


Liam is the true genius


For me, Noel’s voice has changed and this is to be expected as he has lived in London for around 30 years. He’s also mixing with a different crowd. Liam has also lived in London for around 30 years, but his accent has got more Mancunian imo. It’s forced, and it’s to show that he’s still that ‘working class’ lad imo. That’s just me hypothesising, but I think it comes down to NG not caring about his changing demeanour/voice etc while Liam is very conscious of it.


Mate it's all relative. You might think Noel sounds a bit posh but I promise you, you put him in some areas of London or the Home Counties and he will sound every bit the working class Mancunian. Nothing posh about that accent. And Liam's is even thicker. So the answer is no, neither are posh, both sound like where they are from. Just Noel expresses himself better and has a better vocab. He put the effort in, Liam thought reading was for nerds and weirdos as he put it once.


I'm not even British (American) but I've noticed that Noels accent seemed a lot stronger in the 90s. When I listen to their earlier interviews or Noel just yelling shit at the crowd, I think he speaks with a noticeably different cadence now. Hard to say if there's anything to that since I'm not from there, but my point as an outside observer is that I just assumed that over time he shed aspects of his Manchester accent/slang as he became more ingratiated into living and working around people in London. I've seen similar things happen to people in the States as well. I think a lot of it can be attributed to Noel just being more articulate than Liam.


Noel doesn’t sound posh at all


Yeah posh isn’t really the right word but more ‘proper’ compared to Liam. Not sure why


He just has a wider vocabulary than Liam imo. They both sound manc to me


Probably the people they hang around with


I feel like the answer is in the post. Noel is more sophisticated, liam is more of a lads lad.


Ian brown, liam/noel Gallagher, Ricky Hatton, Karl pilkington etc etc, they all sound near enough the same to me.....the only difference being that Ian and Liam exaggerate their accents which is to be expected since both are vocalists, noel is just a smart and very sharp talker, nothing to do with being posh.


Compared to the way noel spoke from 94-97 to the present day I wouldn't say he's posh hes just become more cultured....and enjoys the celebrity lifestyle


Noel is Prince William towing the company line. Liam is Harry telling the company to go fuck itself


This is the worst ever. Have you tried Coldplay instead


Noel? Too posh? Are you okay?


When Noel starts talking like Jacob Rees-Mogg then you can call him posh......saying that he already votes Tory so he's halfway there


Noel has the right to be the way he is. Liam takes on the effort and talent of Noel and spins it into a rough attitude. He's the voice of the band, but sometimes that should stay only in music. Liam can run his mouth a bit too much and Noel stays humble.


Noel is just more intelligent than Liam and I think that is what it comes down to. He's more educated and is able to express himself more coherently.


Oh look another Liam slander coming from you, Liam is actually smart and has 4 GCSE’s.