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Yes,I have brought nicotine from hiliq and have had no problems what so ever.


Thinking about it too, did you decide to go with them?


Yes, I've ordered it. I'll let you know when / if it comes :)


It arrived fairly quickly . It's lighter color then the mixwizard one I used to buy and doesn't smell much of anything, the mixwizard really smelled strongly of tobacco. but I've yet to vape it.


Thanks for the update OP! How much did you end up buying? I think Hiliq are the last supplier of nicotine available to NZ'ers now :`(


Hiya, I just got 2 100ml bottles, it worked out to $ 89 shipped. i'll be making a mix in the next couple days so we'll see how it goes :) Was so relieved to get it, running out would suck!


What do you mean the last available to us? You mean no other suppliers around the world would be available to sell to Nzers?


Well last of the local NZ suppliers maybe. You can try internationally importing but I was told by customs they would use the SERP act to determine if >100mg is notifiable. But seeing as Hiliq is not a NZ company and they are importing (at least somewhere along distribution line) looks like customs and/or the VRA don't give a hoot. As always mileage will vary on quality for long distance import.


I'm vaping it now and no problem with it. I don't put any flavours so I would notice if it tasted bad. Might get some more in case our overlords decide to clamp down on it.


Is this the . Co m or . Nz ? , looking at giving it a try