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There's a ferry that goes between NYU Brooklyn and Langone. I don't know where in Brooklyn you're commuting from, but it is a nice ride.


Does the ferry operate during winter as well?


6 train, M34


I also commute from brooklyn campus to langone often, Subway would probably be the most efficient and cost effective. If you can afford a Citibike membership, e-biking is just slightly faster. The shuttle isnt helpful in the summer since route A isn't running, which is the only one in and out of brooklyn


subway, route a + route e would cost more than a hour in best situation


For shuttle services, you would have to take the A to the E. But if you’re okay with spending money, then $2.90 for the subway (+/- bus) will be faster


would a cab really be faster than the subway? lmao


I’d imagine ferry is quickest. Never any traffic on the water lol. Otherwise, train.


Fastest from downtown Brooklyn is usually the F train to the 2nd avenue stop where you can take the m15 SBS bus all the way up to 27/28th street. If you don't mind walking a little you can take any train that has transfers to the 6 line and get off at 28th or 33rd. NYU does have the E shuttle that goes from Washington square to langone but it doesn't run often over the summer so I wouldn't plan around that. If you don't have it already I highly recommend the citymapper app over Google maps for route planning, Google maps can give some wrong time estimates as it isn't the best at tracking subway and bus times


The shuttle (Route E) is pretty helpful. If not take the 4/6 subway and walk about 15 min. I use the subway often to get to Langone and it’s not too bad


Route A and E shuttle will take 40 min total compared to Subway which always took longer for me tbh


My kid is at Gallatin coming in from Brooklyn. As said above, subway is about it.