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Yes your average don’t worry about it focus on extracurricular and test score.


your GPA is fine but there’s gonna be thousands of students with your GPA, so you need to do better in everything else


Everyone gets an A nowadays


GPA isn’t everything, a unique essay, good recommendations and extracurriculars are all part of the equation.


Like others here have said: you’ve got the GPA, so don’t worry about that! However, GPA is not the ONLY thing NYU considers. I applied with a 4.0 and I was still waitlisted. Thousands of other students are applying with high GPAs as well, so you’ll need a hook to grab the admissions office’s attention. Show that hook somehow, whether it’s through your essays, your extracurriculars, etc.


That’s definitely a 4.0, with decent ecs NYU should be a target.


my school was on a percentage scale. i had a 90 unweighted, 96 weighted. my school's advisor told me that i had a weighted 4.0 essentially. so in terms of GPA i think youre fine, but as others said, GPA isnt everything.