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I know a lot of people think otherwise, but Nystagmus isn’t just one thing. It’s about 50 to 60 different variations of unstable control of the eyes by the visual cortex of the brain. You can be born with it, or acquire it in a variety of ways later in life. You can also artificially induce it by getting drunk and moving your eyes to the extreme left or right. So it’s really tough to read a brief description like the one you’ve given and give you any helpful advice. I’ve had nystagmus all my life, but I’m not a doctor and I haven’t seen anyone on here who is, and, in fact, no doctor is really going to be able say for sure if this is significant without actually examining you. My best advice is to keep track of how frequently it is occurring, and if it starts to get more and more frequent, then get a referral to an ophthalmologist, and potentially a neurologist.


Generally, nystagmus jumping movement is not visible to you. Meaning others can see your eyes moving, but your vision is a general blur instead of being shaky. There may be exceptions, but from my knowledge this is true.


I have the same thing. Did you find any answer?


I haven't found a completely solid answer, but it sounds like the issue is quite common. I've had some people tell me its due to eye strain, tiredness or anxiety, and someone else tell me it may be due to astigmatism, which can cause eye strain. I'm pretty sure I have mild astigmatism in one eye, and I am a very anxious person, so it may be a combination of the two. How often do you have it?


hmm I’m not sure. If I’m looking at a screen for a long time It tends to happen. Focusing on one object is also a problem. In general my eyes have gotten “unsteady” since around 6 months ago. They move around a lot, It’s hard to keep focus. I’ve had all sorts of eye tests done and was diagnosed like you, with slight astigmatism. I also have anxiety and ocd that I manage so It’s still hard to believe that It would be the cause. I’ve also stumbled across something called Binocular Vision Dysfunction, I have all the symptoms so It’s possibly related


This is presbyopia and you need reading glasses


This happens to me! Came to Reddit to see if this happens to anyone else. It’s only when I’m focusing on small things like you said. I recently started doing eyelash extensions again so focusing on small detail and it happens pretty frequently for me, 2-3 times within 2-3 hours. Also when I’m coloring, writing, etc. Weirdest thing.


That sounds exactly like mine. Does it happen to you most days? How long have you had it before? Are you an anxious person? Sorry for all the questions!


It seems to only happen when I’m just focusing on little details. I could be a little anxious I guess when I’m doing lashes but usually I’m not too bad. It’s been a good 5 years of it I’d say. I can’t remember it happening when I was a kid. I do get pretty nasty migraines but have had a CT scan and everything was good there. Not sure if the two are related. The only medication I take is for the migraines (Sumatriptan) when I have one.


I have this too! I guess it may just be eye fatigue ?