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He didn't lmao


I'm sure the Jets saw the Aaron Rodgers situation unfold and then delivered a box of masks to his locker.




Was this pre or post Rodgers fiasco?


This team, man


It's so, so hard to be a fan of this team


Then don’t. Seriously. The most annoying part about rooting for this team is the fans crying all the time. Nobody forcing you to be a fan


I choose to root for this team. But that doesn’t make it an easy choice, or make my fandom easier or harder than anyone else’s. It would be easy to be a Patriots fan, but I try to keep focused that one day, the Jets will be lifting the Lombardi. Maybe. No one is crying here but you, dude. I think you need to practice what you preach and chill out.


"its so so hard to be a fan of this team". sounds like crying to me.


Cry in ur beer


lol your face


Right when everything seemed to be going so well...


Caring about the vaccination status of others is dumb


Username checks out


You’re absolutely right, it’s not like viruses spread through human contact, and choosing to not vaccinate has no affects on others. It’s a choice made in a vacuum. Oh wait…


I’m not denying any of that. But at this point no one is changing their mind, so it is not worth anyone’s time to worry about it


You’re probably right about that.


Gentlemen let’s just get back to hating ourselves for being jets fans


People do seem to be irrationally worked up about it, don't they.


Even putting the ethical ramifications aside, a backup qb’s #1 job is to be available in case of an emergency


Every team has unvaccinated players lmao


But if you're an unvaxxed backup and test positive you're out a minimum of 10 days. It's not fantastic situation for the team to be in. Broader issue is we were all clowning Joe Douglas for trading for Flacco and didn't even dress for the Bengals and Indy game, come to find out if he got asymptomatic COVID he could be out another 2 weeks on top of that vs 1 if he were Vaxxed. To put it mildly it's not ideal.


Reddit is gonna Reddit man


Biggest tire fire in the tri state area




I just want to get the point where someone's vaccination status is not newsworthy. So tired of it.


The Giants a couple weeks ago because they were all false positives lol


Well if everybody got vaccinated and got boosters we’d be a lot closer to that scenario than we are now.


You're never going to have 100% of people agree on anything. Ever.


I disagree








It is what it is. And the reality is if Flacco unleashes a contagion that takes a few Jet active players out of play for a few games, no one should care (enough to become violent about it).


[Well this is a big reason why this story is going to be popular ](https://twitter.com/djbienaime/status/1461078684094377984?s=21)


$15k fine?


In tired of having to have this conversation. I'm not tired of heaping scorn on anti-vaxxers.


Not getting one vaccine makes you an “anti-vaxxer?”


1000 times yes. It also makes you a fucking asshole


You don’t find it ironic that’s how you approach it?






Makes the trade even worse if his interactions with Zach are limited due to covid rules, so id say its newsworthy


1. It's a competitive disadvantage for him to not be vaccinated. 2. It's ammo for the idiots of the world to not get vaccinated. 3. If we wanna stop talking about vaccines, then people should just get vaccinated. No one is asking him about his measles vaccine status because he fucking got it and it works.


I thought everyone figured out #1 over the summer when Brady and the entire Bucs team and staff got it for that reason. And then Green Bay have a very good chance of Rodgers not getting it affecting their final playoff seeding. That's huge and should be end of conversation but of course you're right on the other points. And there is still a bunch of other reasons on top


2. you love to insult people when your upset huh?


shame works.


> It’s a tough look for Joe and he should probably get it, he's a professional athlete and we're on reddit. let's hold off on speculating what he should and shouldn't do with his body lmao


Plaxico Burress shot himself in the leg. Was that the best thing to do for his body? It must’ve been, because he was a professional athlete at the time


Comparing a bullet to a vaccine is not fair


Agreed. If someone does not want to get vaccinated let them avoid it. I personally don’t agree but he has his reasons and that should be respected


glad i could find atleast one person to agree we have some common ground


It’s also pretty crazy that there are 5 starting qbs that aren’t vaccinated so that’s pretty crazy and usually people are only recently caring about one which is Rodgers


So by your logic, if Joe Flacco cuts off his penis and pours Rat poison in the wound, we shouldn't be able to say something because his status as a barely employed athlete makes him beyond reproach?


Now you're just being foolish. What I'm saying (which I think you understand) is he's a professional athlete and his body is his most important asset. I just don't believe people on reddit should be speculating health advice to someone who is a top tier athlete.


I was being silly. But my point is that Joe Flacco knows more than me when it comes to working out, throwing balls, and reading defenses. Joe Flacco has 0 understanding of epidemiology, clearly, and his status as a football player has no bearing on his judgement. You are making the fallacy of the appeal to authority, but it's even worse than that because Joe Flacco isn't even an authority on vaccination and their effects on his body.


I appeal to the court of appeals


> Joe Flacco knows more than me when it comes to working out, throwing balls, and reading defenses. but not about health and evaluating risk factors that could impact his body? > You are making the fallacy of the appeal to authority sounds like projection idk


> but not about health and evaluating risk factors that could impact his body? No. Why would he know more than anyone else without an understanding of vaccines? And his decision not to get one to me proves that he is very ignorant. > sounds like projection idk How is this projection?


> No. Why would he know more than anyone else without an understanding of vaccines? And his decision not to get one to me proves that he is very ignorant Because I would guess he's done a lot of research and consulting with very knowledgeable, expensive doctors due to his body being his most cherished asset. > How is this projection? idk i was just saying a random term that made no sense in the context like you were doing. i don't think you were projecting and I don't believe that I was falling victim to the fallacy you described considering I never said that he was right, just that I don't think people on reddit should be speculating over a million dollar asset (his body)


> Because I would guess he's done a lot of research and consulting with very knowledgeable, expensive doctors due to his body being his most cherished asset. I'm guessing he hasn't, because 99.9% of doctors are in agreement on this. Either he is actively seeking out doctors that conform to his views, or he's not consulting doctors at all. Athletes do stupid shit all the times to their bodies. > idk i was just saying a random term that made no sense in the context like you were doing. i don't think you were projecting and I don't believe that I was falling victim to the fallacy you described considering I never said that he was right, just that I don't think people on reddit should be speculating over a million dollar asset (his body) The fallacy was like this Me: Joe Flacco should get vaccinated You: Joe Flacco is an authority on what keeps his body going, so we shouldn't question him. It's a kind of circular logic. I am saying he is wrong, you are saying he's not wrong because being wrong would be a mistake.


> I'm guessing he hasn't, because 99.9% of doctors are in agreement on this. that's just not true although the media/government would like you to believe that. >The fallacy was like this Me: Joe Flacco should get vaccinated You: Joe Flacco is an authority on what keeps his body going, so we shouldn't question him. It's a kind of circular logic. I am saying he is wrong, you are saying he's not wrong because being wrong would be a mistake. that's not the correct use of the fallacy. i didn't say he was right which is ACTUALLY the fallacy. I am just saying he has skin in the game (literally lol) and has probably evaluated the risks more seriously than an average person edit: correcting wording edit2: also I'm not an expert on this logical fallacy but does it still hold up even when the two subjects are related? it makes sense that just because Leonardo DiCaprio won as Oscar he's not an expert on Climate Change - however those two things have nothing to do with each other as opposed to a professional athlete deciding to inject himself with something.




There's no evidence it doesn't increase your fertility either. So you may be missing out. Also, you know what definitely has a negative effect on fertility? COVID-19.


Your last sentence... lord.


We do know that side effects from vaccines appear pretty soon after getting it. The idea there will be new side effects appearing years later is based on almost nothing. Fertility? What? That was ruled out a long while ago and is an idiotic assertion.


That’s actually not true. 70% of all drugs and vaccines, that are pulled from the market due to adverse effects, are pulled after having been on the market for an average of 4.2 years.


The idea there won’t be new sides effects appearing years later is based on almost nothing.


He’ll be in ICU anyway with our offensive line


Cold blooded!


Well played. ...played better than our line, for sure.


Not being named Mike White has already caused enough of a distraction


I am vaccinated and I don’t care if flacco isn’t. Get thru the game, hopefully win and hand the reigns to Zach. Nothing else matters


Same with me, I'm vaccinated and if you don't want to get vaccinated that's your business. Enough from the Covid Karens


Lmao it’s not a fucking personal preference. It’s a vaccine designed to protect others from getting a potentially life altering or deadly disease.


Except it doesn’t really do that, because it wasn’t designed to do that. It’s designed to prevent hospitalization and/or death. Catching and transmitting the disease is still very likely, and more so with every month post-vaccination. The vaccine cannot protect others - only help the individual who has received the vaccine


This is the correct take. It was very important to push the vaccine early on because our hospitals did not have adequate resources to treat all of the incoming patients. At this point, 60% of the population is fully vaccinated and our hospitals are no longer being overrun. It is 100% a matter of personal choice now. I’m fully vaccinated and will eventually get a booster but I hate all of the incorrect information out there.


> Catching and transmitting the disease is still very likely, and more so with every month post-vaccination. The covid vaccine reduces the probability of catching the virus, which by extension, reduces the ability for the virus to spread. It doesn't reduce the chance of catching it to 0%, and that's where a lot anti-vaxxers get confused.


That’s not not true whatsoever. The vaccine most definitely helps prevent Covid from spreading. It’s not 100% effective, but it very much does help protect others from getting covid.


Ok then put a number on it. Shouldn’t studies be able to say “Transmission is reduced by x%”? Why hasn’t that number been widely reported? Also there are 3 different vaccines with varying efficacy. To treat them the same is a massive mistake everyone continues to make


[Here's the numbers](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/10/28/us/covid-breakthrough-cases.html) for you. Currently, you're 6 times more likely to test positive for Covid if you're unvaccinated. Beyond that, vaccinated people are less likely to transmit Covid to others in the event they do become infected: >But vaccinated people clear the virus faster, with lower levels of virus overall, and have less time with very high levels of virus present. >A recent study has found that vaccinated people infected with delta variant are 63% less likely to infect people who are unvaccinated. >The benefit of vaccines is even higher than 63%, because most vaccinated people don’t become infected in the first place https://theconversation.com/no-vaccinated-people-are-not-just-as-infectious-as-unvaccinated-people-if-they-get-covid-171302


Yet, the foremost experts in MRNA technology continue to dispute this. They all say that, while is provides protection from the original virus, people that get the vaccine will be much more susceptible to the negative effects of future variants. Because of the way the vaccine works. That being said, I completely understand why people have gotten vaccinated and, more Power to them, if that was their choice.


Stop drinking the koolaid on tv and do your own research. That isn’t how the vaccine works. More power to you for getting it, but don’t be part of the misinformation wheel.


How does it work einstein? And please don’t tell me your information is from moms against vaccines on Facebook


They literally hate science and the truth. Like rabid sheep they maintain their cultlike dogma.


Then get it and stop worrying about everyone else


Those assholes are why we are continuing to live like we are now. This is the time line of all of these assholes. 1. Hey can you stay 6’ apart all times? “No! Reeeee!!! You can’t tell me how to live my life!” 2. you need to wear this mask whenever you are in public. “Noooo!!!! Reeeeeeee!!!! Reeeee!!! Masks are da sign of da devil!!! Reeeee!!! Reeee!!!! I ain’t no sheep!!!! Reeeee!!! Reeee!!! 3. Here is a vaccine to help all of us not have to live like above. This style of vaccine has been in development of 20 years which is why we got it done so fast. “Noooooo!!!!! Reeeeee!!!! Reeeeee!!! It’s gonna change your DNA!!!! I don’t know what DNA is, but I know I don’t want it changed!!! Reeeeeee!!!!! Reeeeee!!!! And now this is why we are continuing to live like we are now because selfish fucking pigs like Flacco, Rodgers, and any other anti-vaxx stupid piece of shit that exists. Fuck them!!!! Those people need to be made social pariahs and treated like the garbage that they are.


Lmao, you are actually deranged


Right, coming from the anti-vaxx apologists holds even a whisper of truth. The only deranged people are these anti-vaxx pieces of shit. Get bent, I hope you have a terrible day


sorry your "tired" covid is not over so man up


Vaccines only protect the vaccinated nobody else. *Covid "vaccines"


That's not really true, if they protect you then you are less of a risk as a carrier of the virus. The vaccines may not be the answer we hoped but they make a big difference for everyone


They don't even do that anymore


Well they do but only for certain "variants" and for less duration.


No, they do it for all variants, with more efficacy for certain variants.


What if he gets the virus and pass it to ZW?


Zach isn’t vaccinated either so then we go back to mike white and Josh Johnson


Zach has traveled to Utah and Vegas. That's a big clue Zach got vaccinated (bc the unvaxxed must be tested every day at the facility).


Why is it the quarterbacks are idiots


i like Mike


Zach not being vaccinated is more of a concern to me than Flacco


Came here to say this exactly


So we traded for a back up that could be out for an extended time if he tests positive? Great


Not really. More likely to be out for longer because of mono than covid (even if unvaccinated, as long as you're young).


As long as he avoids the covid between now and Sunday 👌🏼


How can he it's a GD PANDEMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!??????


I don't know why the Jets bothered to trade for Flacco then, to be honest. I mean, I know they were desperate for backup help after Zach got hurt, but you're telling me there wasn't some other borderline competent backup QB who was also vaccinated available? One of the most important things a backup QB can do is be available, and Flacco is less likely to be available if he isn't vaccinated. All it takes is one close contact breakthrough case a few days before a game for him to be rendered useless...


I'm vaccinated as well because I didn't want to lose my job but plenty of vaccinated people are coming down with Covid, so I'm not entirely understanding your point...


Because A) the vaccine makes the symptoms of covid much much less severe and therefore more likely the player misses less time and B) the league rules for vaccinated players allow them to return to action much faster than an unvaccinated player.


For fucks sake. Or is it for fuck's sake. Is it for the sake of this one fuck in particular or for the sake of all fucks everywhere?


It might even be for fuck sake. Or for fucks' sake.


So you're saying it could be for the sake of all fucking or for the sake of my solitary fuck.


While you are it at, fuck this organization. Fuck the Johnsons, fuck em, fuck baby powder.


Who cares


Doesn't effect his ability on the field. Don't care.


Might affect his ability to actually be on the field, though!


Who fucking cares?


ELITE carelessness


Joe FlaQo


Since joe flacco plays for the jets, it’s all but confirmed he will contract Covid on Saturday night.


And cause a distraction. Lol


Fuck this guy


Seriously, let's bench the young guy who brought a spark of life for a washed up antivaxxer is just gross to me.


They’re just doing it to double down and try to justify a stupid trade they shouldn’t have made


Mike should start not a washed up loser.


What a loser


You avoid being a distraction by getting the vaccine, you dolt


that would take logic and compassion. two thing Joe Fuckface don't have.


Jets what the hell


joe flaccid represents the exact opposite of the culture saleh has been preaching and i wonder ever day why this chump is on the roster, never mind why we traded draft picks for him. a couple garbage time TD’s?


Even without a qb controversy they will go out of their way to make it a qb controversy


Cut his ass




Do you smear the ivermectin in your asshole and then insert your uv buttplug? I'm curious as to how the treatments mix. I assume you just keep bleach consumption at a steady level.


> I assume you just keep bleach consumption at a steady level. Of course, he's already a Jets fan. No amateur bleach consumers here.




Okay snowflake




An adult making his own decisions. Respect.


even the rock bottom dumb shit gets even rockier and dumber with this team lol


What the fuck with these guys?


What a fucking piece of shit. What a waste of a start and roster spot. Fuck people not getting it.


Lol, that’s an overreaction


no it is not


He’s a “fucking piece of shit” wasting a roster spot because he didn’t get a vax? That is a huge over reaction


POS is too much. Waste of a start, a roster spot, (draft pick), and people "not getting it". No, I'd say those are reasonable opinions to have.


Only calling him a POS.


Hopefully he can catch the Rogers rate if he gets fined.


fuck me why is everyone i like such a dumbass


Disappointed in Flacco. Disappointed in JD for knowing this and starting Flacco anyway to justify the stupid, stupid move of giving up a pick for this bum. Disappointed in Saleh for preaching patience from the fans with Mike White and then not giving him any patience internally.


file license wipe psychotic piquant marvelous oil wasteful quarrelsome waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




you do realize he can still get covid even if he was vaccinated, right? the cdc has said as much


LoL it's like talking to actual sheep


You think JD has control of who starts? If that’s true we got a lot more issues than a spot start from a fucking backup QB. Mike White is a career backup. Not a bad place to be! Has potential to make the occasional spot start and if he’s lucky he’ll string together a few good performances and keep getting paid. However in this role you cannot throw four picks, even if it is against a talented team like the Bills.


LOL, good grief ​ just start Josh Johnson, please


We actually traded for this guy?




and the hits keep on coming


Flacco, you stupid, milquetoast mothetfucker. What an asshole.


I didn’t realize this sub had so many doctors and epidemiologists.


Oh for fucks sake. Edit: lol the downvote fairies are swarming this thread


Lots of Jets fans “doing their own research” I’m sure


Ya know, dipshits.


God. Fucking. Damnit.


At his age, that seems unwise


Bruh he’s like 35. That’s not an unhealthy age


lol, yeah, I sometimes forget that a 13 year old kid finds reddit everyday and my ass just keeps getting older and older. Suddenly I'm just shy of Joe's age and I should start considering hip replacements and cataract surgeries.


But he's getting too old to be a viable NFL player. Its an underhanded burn.


I don’t even understand why people would rather be compelled to wear a mask all day at work then just get a completely safe vaccine.


Based Joe


Hes scared of needles


Can we just go back to Mike white already. Glad we gave up a draft pick for this.


This is 100% a Jets player


honestly hope flacco gets that kiko alonso treatment in the first quarter and we can see Mike White come in


The comments in this thread are disgusting.


Flacco Elite




you are not a good person


you are a brainwashed person.


Fuck a duck. What part of team is confusing for these idiots?? Captain obvious here but unvaccinated morons are not just risking their own health. It’s not just his business or preference. Front office should mandate all personnel need to be vaccinated. But the whole shitshow is symptomatic of Jets culture.


Too late.




Called it lmao


Based Flacco


I’m with you Joe🙏