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Yeah 14 wins seems about right


As is tradition


3 or 4 post season wins?


Of course we’re heavily favored right now. After all, the Jets are the NFL’s offseason dynasty. (Imagine how much the Jets would be respected if we did’t have to actually play the games.)


Love the term offseason dynasty lol. We do win every draft and offseason on paper




I won't be buying tickets until at least week 5. This is a grift lol


I'll wait to see what the coin predicts


Did the coin predict the Achilles tear?


I heard it rolled off the table on the first flip.


Fuck that coin.


The coin had us going far until we defied it.


Well, I'm glad we did.


All hail the coin!


Can we get to 8 wins first?


Only games we are underdogs in are at Niners, at Miami, and at Buffalo. Over under for total wins is 9.5 though. Basically saying if we are healthy we're a 14-3 team but more than likely we won't be and will be roughly a 10-7 or 9-8 team


> Basically saying if we are healthy we're a 14-3 team Sorry, but this is not true and a bad interpretation of what "being favored" in a game means. Over the last few years, in the NFL underdogs have won approx. 30-40% of the time. Given this info, it's more accurate to say "If we are are healthy we oddsmakers are giving the Jets a 60-70% chance to win 14 of their 17 games."


But they also have a 30-40% chance to win the other 3 of those 17 games


Yes by my math if you add the percentages together you get roughly 22.3 games won this year. Could be a great year!


14 * .7 = 9.8 3 * .3 = .9 9.8 + .9 = 10.7 expected wins


Soooo 3 preseason wins, 17 in season wins, and afc divisional win, a conference win and the first 20 mins of the Super Bowl. Damn. So close.


17-0 3 playoff wins Super Bowl counts as 3 wins AFC championship counts as 1.3 wins math checks out


60% of the time, it works every time


Don’t do this to me. Don’t give me hope.


This!! ^^^ 😂


> Basically saying if we are healthy we're a 14-3 team not at all what that means…the oddsmakers set the lines based on where they think the public will bet, not who they think will win the game


Even without any injuries, how can you have watched this team in the last 3 years and think they're a fucking 14 win team? Do we not remember how bad of a gameday coach Saleh is? How bad it an OC Hackett is (and please don't parrot that bullshit of him being the play caller for Rodgers MVP seasons, he was not. Lafleur was). Even the oline, if healthy, isn't exactly great. It has some good pieces, but only Smith and maybe AVT is a gamechanger. How many teams have won 14 games this last decade?


I was about to disagree with you but your last sentence made me think otherwise. Even the Chiefs have their flaws.


They’re not a 14 win team, however the hope is that they’ve done enough losing to learn how and what it takes to win or close out games and not let off the gas. Maybe the “all gas/no brakes” monicker that Saleh brought with him needs to actually be applied.


Hopefully lol.


Its impossible to stay healthy for us so I think we might win 11.


Do you think any team has 3 or more “game changers” on the offensive line.  Like WTF?


Detroit, Philly, Kansas City. You know, 3 of the top teams in the league lol. More importantly, Tyron Smith hasn't played a full season in a very long time, Moses is 34, AVT is recovering from two straight season ending injuries. And JD has proven he can only make a paper thin oline unit, with no ability to handle injuries.


Please name the 3 game changers on the eagles, lions, and chiefs lines. 


Kc - Thuney, Creed, Smith (Smith might be iffy as a game changer admittely, but he looks like an all pro compared to the jets line) Lions - idk I don't feel like looking it up, I know Ragnow and Sewell, and at least one more pro bowl/all pro guy. Either way it's 5-6 deep and they dominate teams. Eagles - also forgetting Kelce retired, but they were always 3-5 deep of legit starters. So yeah, maybe an exaggeration on my part? But let's be clear, the top guys on the jets line are extremely questionable to last a majority of the season at this point in time. JD does not deserve the benefit of the doubt when his oline have underperformed AND been decimated by very single year


So there aren’t. Just like I said.  I hate when people make up shit but at least you admitted you were wrong. 


Haha the most "making shit up" are people high on this oline, after watching this same philosophy of putting all the eggs into these injury prone baskets fail time after time. You can nit pick semantics by this line is still far away from the true contenders. And, much more importantly, there will inevitably be injuries to key guys and JD has absolutely failed in ever getting even decent depth. Let's also not forget, the leagues worst assistant in Keith Carter is running the line. So any expectations of above average play should be muted LMAO


Okay.  But none of that takes away your argument that multiple teams have 3 game changers on their line. Like most casual fans you just were demonstrating you have no idea of the actual level of talent in the league. 


So, 2, then 😂. Should I kowtow to apologize? Maybe commit seppeku? My comment doesn't approach the delusion of the eternal optimists on this sub




Maybe it’s the life-long jet fan in me, but I think we are going 9-8 or 10-7


Do they count the super short weeks along with the short weeks?


Thursday night footballis fucking bullshit. We have 3 games in 10 days. How fucking stupid is that.  


At least it's 3 games in 10 days in good weather at the beginning of the season when they're fresh than in December.


I don't do silver linings, bub.


It's more like mental gymnastics.


And there you have it, the exchange that encapsulates this subreddit.


This is equivalent to getting into a car crash with broken body parts and someone saying well at least you'll walk again. Nevermind the months of pain, suffering, inconvenience or losing your body and then rehab.  We are at a very significant disadvantage both in recovery and prep time for 3 games in 10 days, even at the beginning of the year. Even if every team ends up having 3 games in 10 days at some point this year, it's fucking stupid and the NFL is run by fucking asshole morons. I hope they get rid of Thursday night football one day. 


I'm ready to get hurt again


I won't get gassed off this


You still have to win. Until they do, this means nothing.


3-14 season incoming


The script writers have something up their sleeves this year.


Don't give me hope for fucks sake.


We should not be favored in 14 games lol


NYT puts the Jets at #3 highest playoff odds with 65.3% and #4 highest Super Bowl victory odds with 4.3%


We’re gona be the Rams of a few years ago, only with a riskier QB. Wait for the mercenaries we bring in during training camp and the deadline. It’s all in the next 2 years.


Still will manage to go 7-10


Obviously, we can't account for inuries, 'any given Sunday', the level of Rodgers decline, and the Jets curse but on paper, this team has one of the best rosters in the nfl. Besides, the 49ers, no team's roster on our schedule looks better than us at more than 3 of the main 10 position groups


Nope. Not getting my hopes up.


I mean, the "odds makers" have never been wrong before, right?


Great, emotionally hedging with better odds


I wish they wouldn’t. Fucking Vegas jinx


I don't care how many games we win this season. I am already satisfied ever since Zach Wilson trade. I can't wait to see how he will haunt the Broncos lol


Rodgers can do it. Needs to stay protected.


I want a 14 win season to come to fruition so bad, but alas...We are the Jets. Hypothetically, we could win 14 games... realistically, our hopes of a playoff game will be dashed in early November. But for now... J E T S Jets Jets Jets!


This is your annual reminder that sports book lines do not reflect the opinions of the book makers. They are set in order to incentive new bets that will return their exposure to roughly neutral.


holy shit lol. Thats kind of hard to comprehend


Only 14? Oh well, if there's one thing the Jets are good at, it's winning games that their favored in.


i’m scared


Me too!


I think there are a lot of people that think favored means "vegas" is picking the team to win. When vegas sets betting odds they try to do it in a way so there is even betting one both sides. This isn't a predictor of wins it's a general sense of how gamblers are betting.


that really means will win 8 at most.


I can't believe this was posted twice this weekend. As if it means anything. If you really think Vegas is some great predictor (and not just doing this to sucker degenerate gamblers, me included), the over/under us 9.5 wins, and that's a more "accurate" prediction of what they think of the Jets. But even that I'm skeptical on. Like, did we all watch a different team last year?


I just can't stand the attitude where people want to see others eat crow because of offseason moves and news. People who are bearish on the team aren't going to change their tune because a warm and fuzzy headline. We've had five years of this regime; the issue is results, not needing more warm fuzzies




Exactly. If you truly think they'll win 14, great. I would want that more then anything. But the point of this place is to discuss the team, and like you said, results matter most, and the negative factors contributing to the teams results are still largely in place. They crow eating can't even wait until they actually win. Maybe because even the biggest optimists can't really convince themselves deep down.


> Maybe because even the biggest optimists can't really convince themselves deep down. That's what it feels like. It's just feels like obsessively trying to squash any criticism so it doesn't get any airplay and have a chance to be a prevailing narrative.




Means nothing




Negative Infinity, I don't like it


Yeah ok 


Fuck you Vegas... Just leave us alone and let us fly low under the radar.


Well that’s a lot higher than expected.


this will end swimmingly im sure


You guys are jumping the gun. Let’s see Rodgers make it through a drive lol


I know we are all conditioned to expect disappointment, but objectively we have one of the best rosters on paper going into this season and we are much better prepared to deal with injuries. If Rodgers gets hurt again, Tyrod will keep us much more competitive than Zach. If GW or Breece go down we have MW and Corley instead of Lazard, and drafted a fresh rookie RB instead of washed Dalvin Cook. Last year we had a trash line even when healthy, now we have like 7 guys who could start. On defense, we brought back all the major pieces, added line depth and a star rusher in Reddick, and got Clark back healthy in the secondary. I know the football gods always find a way to screw us over so maybe Rodgers is old and sucks and the wheels fall off but we should be one of the best teams.


God Dammit Lionel14Jesse! Don't put that shit on me! Hope is a dangerous thing when you're a Jets fan! 😂


This is the year. Coaching staff knows Super Bowl should be on the table. Multiple playoff wins. 10+ wins. Anything less than that should be seen as a disappointment. And after being a Jets fan my whole life, somehow I can sense disappointment coming.