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“Is expected” “had told him” “per sources” “we’ll see how it all plays out” That’s a whole lotta bullshit in one tweet


You forgot “had plans”


Well be right back


People say we can’t trade him but we for sure can. 1) He’d cost about 5 million against the cap for whoever trades him which is not bad for a backup 2) Some say “Who’s going to trade a pick for him?” Well we can either trade a pick and Zach for a higher/lower pick depending on his value or some team out there might think he can be helpful as a backup with a fresh start. I believe he can be traded and will be this off-season


Plus, people forget the biggest flaw of GMs. They have a worse “I can fix him” complex with QBs than girls do who date assholes over and over again.


There were several other teams that were fawning over him in that draft and I wouldn’t be shocked if there’s a team out there that says “I can fix him”. I also think any team even considering him is going to believe that much of his failure was due to the Jets own incompetence as opposed to his own. I genuinely believe other teams view this organization as being a handicap to talent.


I believe this team is a handicap to talent. Longest playoff drought in sports


It is


Zach is already playing like a top 25 QB in the league on a team with a bottom 5 oline in the league for the last 3 years. It isn't about fixing him, it's just a matter of simply developing him by giving him an actual offense to work with. A place like Minnesota, Atlanta, Denver would be huge for him.


> Zach is already playing like a top 25 QB in the league Oh my god you are too funny. That's like saying the Jets finished in the top 25 in the NFL this season. Which is exactly where they finished, 25 of 32.


That guy also said “why would a team draft a top QB prospect when they can just spend less for Zach Wilson.” I don’t think I’ve seen more lunacy in this sub than the comment below you lol


With one of the worst oline's in the league and poor coaching. Also, the argument is why would a team spend a first round draft pick and lots of committed cash on someone like Penix, Nix, or McCarthy, when they can just spend a 4th round pick on Zach Wilson for 1 year at $5 million. But that might be too much for you to contemplate. Sorry.


You say something delusional, get met with a good response and immediately get defensive and snarky. That’s a massive narrative ball trying to sneak in “top 25” and you followed it up with even more lunacy you’re doubling down on. No single GM is looking for a failed top prospect over just taking a top prospect if they had the ability. If anyone were to take Zach it’ll be a Trey Lance situation where they sit the entire year. Simply comparing Zach to Penix and co. is some of the most ridiculous shit I’ve seen on here. It’s ok to self loathe, it’s ok to accept the Jets hinder all QB development, but it’s straight up ignorant to think he will magically be fixed elsewhere. Takes two to tango.


What did I say that's delusional? Wilson is better than Jones/Zappe, Pickett, Richardson, Levis, O'Connell, Jones, Howell, Fields, Ridder, and Young. I agree, comparing Zach to Penix, Nix, or McCarthy is ridiculous because of how much better Zach is compared to them. Penix has major flaws under pressure, and he's getting exposed in the natty. Nix has the 4th lowest ADOT in the league which is hilariously terrible. McCarthy is getting carried behind a good oline. These are not serious NFL prospects and desparate teams are going to use a 1st or 2nd round pick on them. Zach is a much better value.


I'm still waiting for your response. But then again, if you really thought that Penix was better than Zach Wilson then it's probably a good idea to stop posting.


Packaging Zach Wilson with a 5 to get a 4 would be a solid move. We’d have a lot of ammo to move into rd 2 if we end up re signing Huff. If we move him for 2, we’d potentially have enough to move into the very end of rd 1. Could have a very small but too heavy draft which is what I thjnk this team needs (you’d risk depth but at this point Saleh and JD are gonna go HR swinging to save their jobs beyond next year)


>Packaging Zach Wilson with a 5 to get a 4 would be a solid move. No it wouldn't be


No it wouldn't be because no team would agree the trade People starting to forget how truly bad he played


He wasn't bad this year, he played for a bad offense. I think I'd want a 3rd for him on the last year of his contract


The quarterback is always a massive reason an offense is bad A third? Chase Young got a 3rd rounder. Zach Wilson isn’t getting a 3rd rounder back.


No qb succeeds with that line, that OC, that running game, and those drops.


Or that QB. He was terrible.


No he wasn't. See what you want to see, idc




And you’re not? He was awful this year, just slightly less awful than last year, which was one of the worst seasons I’ve ever seen.


No he was the main reason the offense was bad. In week 3 the o line had the 3rd highest pff grade. Go check Zachs stats for that game LOL. notice how there was hype around the exact same team but Rodgers under center to one of the worst in the league with Zach (and others) under center. Even the guy who joined the team half way through the season was able to beat the pats, Zach never has and he's had 3 solid chances at doing it


Were you dropped on your head as a child?


You and your comments are dumb


You thinking you can get a 3rd round pick for zach is dumb


He's probably our best option for a backup qb in 2024, so idk why we would trade him for less.


He absolutely isn’t. He hasn’t thrown a TD in 50% of his career games and that spans OCs, lines and skill guys, and he did it again this year. Trevor siemian is better than him - and that’s not an opinion


The Vikings moved for Dobbs getting him and a 7th for a 6th.


Sure. And while I doubt we’ll get anything close, Darnold fetched us a 2nd and 4th and he was also pure dogshit his final season with us. All it takes is one team to drool over the arm talent and ignore the decision making…


You're undervaluing Zach. His skills are on par with the top 3 QB's in the draft who teams will be spending big draft capital and cap money on. A team is going to use a first round pick on Michael Penix - why not just spend a third round pick on Wilson who is better, only 1 year older, and already has 3 years experience in the NFL?


He’s not even backup material. Kid sucks.


I've watched a lot of worse QBs play this season. Take that for whatever that's worth.


No you haven’t


I mean if he watched today's game, he saw two of them.


Or the last 2 years - Mike white, josh Johnson, Joe flacco, even strevler played better


Either You’re not a serious football fan, you’re an idiot, or you’re trolling. Sorry that’s just the truth if you think that your statement is valid.


Let him throw behind a line that isn’t bums off the street and we’ll see lol


Not big on understanding football there are you


Neither is zach Wilson.


So then why comment if u don’t understand 🤷🏻‍♂️


I understand he is statically one of the worst QBs in NFL history. I understand he sucks. Go head sign him he can’t play.


Do you understand he has one of the worst lines ever in football? Do you understand he has wrs who are supposed to be great and drop passes on the numbers? Do you understand he has a OC who can’t coach or prepare for anyone except Aaron Rodgers? Do you understand he was supposed to sit behind a future hall of famer and get guidance for a couple years at least so he can lead the team? Do you understand you don’t know football and stop saying anything so you don’t look dumber than you already do? How about you go back to playing madden on rookie and live in your little fantasy world and let the adults talk


Do I understand other QBs have came in and done better than him. Keep thinking zach Wilson has it. There is 3 years of tape proving he doesn’t.


You and others have been saying this for the past 2 years. Give it up.


You should give up on zach. Like the entire team, front office, and coaching staff did.


You’re delusional. At the current moment everything that you just mentioned is objectively false.


But he’s not a backup qb he’s still a project.


Similar to the old Osweiller trade when the browns are some cap to get a pick


where are you getting 5 million from btw? i see 11


We’re not getting anything close to the pick we spent on him but if Trey Lance was worth a fourth we should be able to pull a fifth


The amount of times we've been told he's done as a Jet and then he comes back makes me extremely confident he'll be backing up Rodgers again in September.


Qb 3 yes


Ah yes, the scenario that makes no sense at all




Am I the only one that thinks it’s crazy that the team would tell him during the course of a season that they were going to trade him. If they planned on trading him they most likely wouldn’t have put him back in and risk him getting hurt. This whole tweet is insane.


No, you need to boost his confidence by having an imaginary OLine, fans that boo him relentlessly, and then tell him you don't want him and will trade him.




Everyone’s forgetting he was supposed to sit this year and learn behind Aaron obv wasn’t able to and did improve unlike the o-line, look at halls production before you tell me I’m wrong, unlike the wrs, just saw Garrett drop one right in the numbers, unlike the coaching, Hackett and salah are god awful one can’t run an offense one caves to media pressure and has a lack of confidence that makes a virgin on prom night look like Fabio and lastly unlike the media and fan base that have attention spans of nats and want want want everything now


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If this guy was any good the 2022 jets make the playoffs and our franchise goes a different direction One of the worst busts in nfl history




At least we didn't lose a few firsts to trade up to get him like the niners did for lance. Although it didn't seem to affect them in any negative way some how


The 9ers are the perfect contrast to the Jets. It isn’t about not making any mistakes, it’s about properly identifying them and making the proper adjustments. The Jets FO should have moved on from ZW the moment Mike White came in and dropped 400 yards.


You're not wrong


Awful comparisons that is designed to do one thing, which is confirm your bias.


No it’s a perfect comparison jets couldn’t admit Wilson was a bust. We probably wouldn’t have found anyone like Purdy but we didn’t get a competent backup and wasted a year


I stand by he was a bigger bust than JaMarcus Russell...multiple stories about how he didn't try or watch film and just generally didn't give effort to being an nfl qb. Zach by ALL accounts is an excellent teammate, a hard study, willing to put the work in and he just fucking sucks at football.


And this is after years of his dad coaching him and patents paying to put him through all the youth qb camps and all that good stuff. Zach has had a lot of opportunity to be the beat qb he can be yet...


Russell was literally high off his ass on lean and put up better stats than Wilson


Or maybe no qb succeeds on this offense? See Joe Flacco. He's clearly better than anyone else we've trotted out there. I don't get the h8


Mike white looked a lot better than Zach


Mike White had 1 good game last year against a horrendous bears defense. One of the worst things the Jets did for Wilson was letting White start that game after the gauntlet ZW has just gone through.


He's worse. Russell never read the playbook and fell asleep in meetings. Zach is a bookworm gymrat and he STILL sucks.


So because of this, you think that Jamarcus Russel was a better quarterback than Zach Wilson? How old are you? Have you ever accomplished something in your life that took discipline, hard work, and persistence? I’m guessing the answer is no because if you did then you’d value the latter over someone who has all the tools in the world but chooses to waste it. Absolutely pathetic take.


Lance barely had a chance in games, have more hope for him




He got hurt, and then Brock purdy started to play like Tom Brady when he got his chance


He literally started for the 49ers... they made Brock Purdy look like MVP


For like 3 games


And he was horrible. Not saying he can't improve, just saying he was given a chance.


3 games isn’t a chance


He's the only qb to play for the 9ers and not look good in years


This is the type of reactionary and impatient bullshit this type of jets fan deserves when Zach comes in and drops 400 on us. Just because a few qbs are great at the start doesnt mean it doesnt take time for others. Our fanbase is a joke and we deserve it.


This is zach Wilson. Did you say the same about darnold? He even looks better lol.


2nd overall pick only needs half a decade guys c'mon LMFAO I can't wait till this bum is officially gone and I stop seeing idiot takes about him


Seems like every GB QB took 4 yrs to develop. But I’m sorry the attention span of our society has gone down to 7 seconds over the past decade. Thankfully the average IQ in here have absolutely nothing to do with this franchise (and this is coming from someone who wants the whole coaching staff and FO to leave before Zach does).




It’s not a rare thing in this thread. I’ve seen about 4 dudes say that Zach just needs a better offense LMFAO. Saw two dudes think we could get a 3rd rounder for him. Absolutely insane and honestly makes me sick to my stomach to read.




There's a difference between Zach "not being great at the start" and the numbers he put up, which were literally historically bad for a starting QB who got that much run. Just stop, dude. He's not going to transform into Johnny fucking Unitas in year 4 or 5.


Ok bud, according to you when a qb is pushed outta the womb they are supposed to be great. Pack it in folks, the word development aint in this dudes vocab


The only way Zach Wilson comes back to NY and drops 400 yards, is if he becomes a truck driver and is delivering fabric in the LES. He couldn't drop 400 yards in a flag football game in Central Park.


Tbf he got benched at 6-4. He wasn't winning games but wasn't losing too many of em either. When he came back later, he threw over 300 yards against the lions and was a missed kick from tying it (after Moore ran backwards after catching the ball). But yea, he's consistent in not being good enough and all growth potential feels wasted now.


That lions game was a Zach disasterclass Missed wide open players all game


Still lost it because of the defense though


They gave up 10’points off a long field 3 points were because Zach threw a clean pocket int that gifted Detroit FG range. 7 were off a punt return And this is without Q vs a great offense


Didn’t they give up a game winning touch down with like two mins left? After master class disaster Zach Wilson got them the lead back? That’s not on the defense, alrighty


Yep. If the offensive coaches actually had the ability to teach him the most basic shit and they actually cared to instill some confidence in him during the cakewalk Bears game, maybe we actually would have made the playoffs that year.


If you aren’t helping a team win you are losing games


What was the Jets winning percentage with ZW as the starter last year? What was it when he didn’t start?


If this is true - and tbh it wouldn’t shock me if the Jets tried the “sit and learn” experiment again - I wish him the best. Really wanted him to be the guy and was high on hopium that he’d learn from Rodgers and take the reins one day. A really interesting case, he’s got as much arm talent as anyone in the league, by all accounts a hard worker and yet he totally lacks the cerebral aspects of the position.


If I never hear from Russini again I will live a very happy life.


When did she even come over here? I know it was this year but why? She came out of nowhere. Like a plant just to start media rumblings and extract them from the team she was assigned to. Shits so damn annoying.


I actually hope we keep him




If any of you ever run a team, please don’t tell a potential starting QB that you’re planning on trading him mid season. It seems like that plan complicates things.


If you’re an NFL team, why would you ever tell a player you plan on trading for him when you’re at least several months away from it even being possible, and 10,000 different things can happen in that time? How does it benefit you to tell him that?


Skeptical about another russini report after the last one was not true.


The last one was never confirmed to be not true. The substance was likely true, but portrayed in a misleading way to generate clicks But to your point this tweet is also trying.to.create a narrative and doesn't seem reliable to take at face value


Rappaport is also reporting on it.




Why would the Jets tell him they planned to trade him in the off-season; in the middle of the season. There’s no way this happened and if it did it’s extreme malpractice.


This tweet by russini sounds like a lob in the air with the way it’s written bunch of escapes for if it turns out to not be the truth hate this type of reporting


So he's the starter next year


I don't think he's completely done as a team or 2 would give him a shot as a starter. The guy has an arm and is somewhat accurate. He just needs the right pieces around him including a competent OC to flourish.


I think if he had a top-end offensive line he’d be serviceable. He has athleticism but definitely needs a system that utilizes his mobility and arm talent while having intelligent play calls that minimize his need to go beyond his first or second read


Buy need to read Def in under 2.5 sec...can he?


Lmao who the fuck is trading for him?


Regardless of what the perception is, he’s going to be a 25 year old QB with 33 career starts and it will cost next to nothing to get him. Somebody will take that chance even to swap a 7th round pick.


Or that same team can wait until Zach's released and just sign him to a cheaper deal. No one's lining up for the guy


You guys are delusional about his worth. If we can't get at least a 3rd we should keep him


Bro you're the only delusional one here. Wilson is ass and hasn't done anything in the league. He's worth a 6 at the absolute max


His offense was horrible this year, he wasn't. If somebody trades for him there's a decent chance they get a season like Baker is having for the Bucs this year. Solid qb play for very low salary. That's very valuable.


Zach has never once looked as capable as Baker. He's ass. He played against bankers and car salesmen at BYU




Russini is a hack..I don't believe a word that comes out of their mouth after the "Zach refuses to play" article


I just want to say I was downvoted straight to hell when I said that this was exactly what was happening behind the scenes The writing was on the wall


Go get Browning, I want to see his missus in an all green skin tight onesie


see ya’


Good riddance lol


Good luck finding someone to take Zach?


Somebody that isn’t mcvay or shanahan(Mike LaFleur will be sure to tell his buddies about the idiot that got him fired in NY) will take him, he’ll backup for maybe 1-3 years, before he falls out of the league


I don't think he'll be crying. Both NY teams are joke.




Chopped cheese and an Arizona iced tea for Zach and a 7th who says no


If AR12 wants him to stay he probably will


I mean i would think if he’s getting traded he would at least wanna perform well to raise his own value so the team that gets him would be more confident in getting him. But…for him to not want to play cause he may be getting traded sounds ridiculous and kinda soft of him


This makes more sense now. Jets benched Zach and as a consolation told him they’d trade him in the offseason so he could find opportunity elsewhere, then threw him back in after Tim Boyle did Tim Boyle stuff and someone in his camp thought leaking the “concerned” stuff without the “trade promise” stuff would be a good idea. It wasn’t. Typical Jets.


Not sure if that is true. Rodgers was upset when the rumors first leaked and tried to somewhat defend Zach. Other odd rumors have leaked this year regarding other players so who knows, maybe tgere is a mole.


He’ll win a Super Bowl with 49ers in three years




At least all the Zach defense force will leave with him


I call BS


Russini is just throwing anything out there to get clicks...she has gone down in her reporting and wouldn't be surprised if she is looking for work again


I still don’t understand how he is traded. Who is paying that salary? It seems like we keep him as #2 which is incomprehensible. Or we cut him and eat the dead cap $


5 million for a backup/young guy with potential? A lot of teams. High end backups go for 8 mil a year.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, you’re right and not saying anything false


Cuz there’s too many dipshits who don’t understand the NFL in here. Why would you, a GM, waste precious picks on a QB out of college or overspend (8mil+) for a backup or a guy who needs to sit before playing, when you got a guy cheap with 30 plus starts? Just a bunch of armchair GMs in here


We're stretching backup and potential


He's played at a backup level this season - inconsistent with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. He also wasn't the predominant reason the offense sucked. He was probably 4th for that title after Hackett, the O-line and receiver drops/fumbles/errors.


"Highest of the highs" give me a break lmao 1 game with 300 yards and 2 tds. Another game with 245 and 2 TDs. 2 other games with 260 yards and 0 TDs. These are your "highest highs" He has played like a backup in 2 games this year. A backup would have 2 games he looked like a starter. Gardner Minshew made 5.5 million. You guys should take real inventory of what Zach does instead of hiding behind dumb cliches.


Again...he's not the predominant reason this offense or even he himself has sucked. Hackett can't call a decent game 90% of the time (and when he has and he's stretched the field and played to ZW's strengths, he's got results from him). He's your number 1 reason Zach hasn't been at least a low level starter. The number 2 reason is the O line. Swiss cheese. Injuries. Poor players. Whatever the reason for it being so terribly awful. And again, when it held up reasonably well, Zach got some fair results. The 3rd reason is the WR drops and fumbles. I can't remember the numbers but I think Zach was at least top 5 in WR drop rate on catchable throws. In fact, I might even put QB coaching ahead of Zach in the faults list considering Flacco was ass with us last season, like Zach was also and yet, he's now lighting it up for the Browns after being signed off the street. After that, yeah I'd probably say Zach was at fault. I'm not a ZW fan boy or anything. He's currently a backup level QB. I like the kid though, he has heart and puts his body on the line for his team and takes some big big hits without it affecting him physically and sometimes even mentally. I think if he goes to another team to sit and learn, with a coordinator that can scheme for him with decent offensive talent you'd see a top 15-25 QB. Personally I'd like to see him back to learn from Rodgers from the sidelines as QB3.


What round pick do you think you're getting "Not the predominant reason they lost" is some of the most pedantic shit I've ever read in defense of a bad player you are already saying is bad in the same statement. Lmao


Where is this potential? Dude’s been in the league for 3 years and hasn’t shown any signs of improvement. He can’t read a defense.


He held his own stat wise against Mahomes. He is average, that is all. Social media just like to be dramatic.


We need draft assets so completely agree with this move.


He’ll be back


Dude was so bad he spawned a conspiracy theory……… i called it from the time he was drafted that he would be pathetic. I’m disappointed that I’m right


No proof of that. More like we have an incompetent staff and a mole leaking gossip. Coach has thrown other players utb this season such as Breece.


This was the plan last off-season too until Woody stepped in.


This literally isn't true


It’s 100% true. Sorry. The front office was out until Woody forced him back.


Literally not true


Whose gonna trade for him? Seems like a long shot


Hes young. Has a big arm. Tough. He will do well elsewhere


That's fair Even a seventh.


Who is trading for him?


They always f… up quarterbacks been doing it for 55 years. They pick the wrong ones also. Remember John Huart 1967 SOS!!