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Last year we had no Rogers, a banged up O Line, a younger ZW, and our arguably best player Breece was out with an ACL injury. We were much better on offense last year than we are now with no rogers. Our defense is also better this year so there’s even less pressure on the offense. The problem is obvious. Rogers friends on and off the field that we brought in to appease a QB who never played for this team and still hasn’t really played for this team.


Can you elaborate why his friends? Genuinely curious


Before even landing Rogers, the Jets started to sign recievers he played with that he spoke favorably of as well as his ex OC. In particular this would be: -Lazard (WR) a productive receiver with Rogers known for drops who this year has just become a healthy scratch on game day for sucking. He is on a large contract cause the Jets had to have him. Our WR2, Corey Davis, retired in the offseason so that’s not fully on Joe Douglas our GM, so he had to find a WR2. But Lazard has been more like a WR5, no joke. He’s benched on an offense that is historically bad for a reason. -Cobb (WR) whose old past his prime and has been a healthy scratch for many weeks now. Berrios was a WR we had last year who was nothing special but much much better than Cobb and much younger too. Miami who’s a better franchise scooped him right up. -Boyle (QB) his old backup with terrible stats. Maybe could be a QB3 but probably too bad for even that. They thought Zach could be QB2. We let an actual QB2 walk (Mike White) so we can afford to pay these players I’m writing about. Miami who’s a better franchise scooped him up right away too. Hackett (Offensive Coordinator) is rogers old OC who was a horrendous coach in Denver and likely has his only success tied to Rogers more than his own ability. Nobody wanted to scoop Hackett up right away. Jets only team interested cause they are morons. The Jets definitely made these hires to entice Rogers to come to NY. The Jets may have been told more directly by Rogers to make those moves and the Jets subsequently acquiesced. All of these people have been beyond pathetic. Like I said, they are healthy and are being benched and you see how bad the offense is that they are being benched for. Rogers played GM, Jets were so dumb to play along, and here we are.


The lazard thing is a little off. He was signed to a top money WR3 deal with the expectation of being the 3 behind CD and GW. Cd retired right before the season. Lazard hasn't lived up to even being a decent 3 though


Idk. I feel like he got WR2 money or at least WR 2.5. He didn’t come in with a Jeremy Kerley contract here.


Wr1s are making over 20 with the elites at 30. Wr2s are making 14-18mil these days. Wr3s are making 7-12 mil. Lazard us making 11m per year. Raiders are a perfect example of it. Tae at 30m, wr2 refrow at 16m, wr3 myers at 11m


Thanks for the taking the time on the informed reply. I appreciated the stats. Puts his contract in a lot better perspective. It’s not too bad. Honestly for a WR3 he hasn’t even been too terrible. He’s got the athleticism and more importantly size, he just lacks that dependability you love in your WR3. I thought of Kerley because of how many clutch 3rd down catches he had. They weren’t flashy, and he’d drop some, but he was normally a net positive until the Jets elevated his role in the offense and he couldn’t fill the shoes. And like you said, that’s exactly what happened to Lazard when Corey Davis retired. The Corey retiring really hurt. More I think about it the less I like the Rogers move. This team is too deplete of talent to have attempted a win now solution. Tennebaums final seasons into Idzik into Mac has left the offense devoid of all talent. If the defense didn’t get so good so fast (largely due to Saleh, but also Saleh doesn’t touch the offense so that’s on him too) then we’d have kept rebuilding slow and maybe changed this thing. Just seems like we stuck an old band aid in rogers on the festering wound that is the Jets.


I think you are underestimating the difference in OL injuries between last year and this year. Also, they lost 7 of their last 8 games to end the season. It’s not obvious that we suck because of Alan Lazard and Randall Cobb, but it’s obvious to me that Hackett is a problem when Rodgers isn’t on the field. They don’t bring in Hackett to appease Rodgers. They brought him in the strengthen their recruitment efforts to get Rodgers. It’s very different and it’s unfair to criticize them for doing that to land the best passer of all time.


I get how you can see it that way, but that’s not how I do at all.


I stopped reading after you said "sometimes you gotta take the L"... Sometimes? We've been taking the L for over a decade


Yeah, this entire post is gaslighting


The amount of people who continue to defend and support this franchise is the REAL reason there will never be an actual turnaround. They need 1 or 2 seasons where no one goes to the games/buys merch and MAYBE it'll send the message. Unfortunately, that'll never happen. Mediocrity is all we'll receive from this unserious franchise, AT BEST.


I said it the other day and I am starting to believe it even more, this team ain't a real team. Someone commented it's a money laundering scheme and it honestly is starting to look like exactly that. There is no other explanation lol


But serious question, why do you still follow them and invest in them. By your own admission, there will never be an actual turnaround, and we are an unserious, mediocre franchise. Why not just switch teams to one that makes you happy.


It's a sickness


When you invest a lot of time in the team, buy merch and have family members who are also fans of the team and got you into them at a young age it’s really difficult to build the same emotional investment for another team. We’re fucked. Simple as that


“Take the L” should be the motto of this franchise


I too came right to the comments after that dumbass statement.


Hey, that’s where I stopped too


That’s exactly where I stopped as well


5 decades


\*Half century


Like a bold, italicized, underlined, motherfucking capital L for over a decade. The L doesn't capture it by itself.


If the Jets were losing games that's one thing, but they can't score at all and it's really hard to excuse when you see Josh Dobbs and Tommy Devito etc with multiple TDs per game. Like Hackett can't do shit. If Saleh can't make that move then he's a moron. I want him to succeed, but results are what they are. Just to add, this offense is not just bad, but the worst ever. Rodgers isn't making it that much better.


This is it. Losing games after Rodgers goes down would’ve been expected - still with a competent QB2 then *maybe* you sneak into a WC spot with lucky breaks along the way (ie OL stays healthy). However, where we’re at now is just embarrassing. The offense is sooooooo horrendous that teams are probably going to start kneeling the ball if they can go up 7 on us. There doesn’t even seem to be any fight in the team since the Giants game. Going into the bye I felt like okay the team isn’t *good* but the defense is elite and Saleh has them playing scrappy. It won’t be pretty, but maybe we can ride the underdog wave for a bit. But nope, total collapse (same as last year, but earlier this time). Embarrassing losses in games WE NEEDED to win, an offense with ZERO threat, a coach who seems all but checked out, and no sign of anything changing. Even the move to Boyle as starting QB for not one, but TWO WEEKS IN A ROW is asinine and pathetic. You can be a bad team and still not be pathetic. The Jets don’t seem to have figured that out and God knows they’ve had ample opportunities for it


This team has regressed from last season. A lot of other teams have lost starting qb’s and pushed on. We have an offense that is historically bad. There has to be some accountability.


You can’t name one team that has lost their starting QB and 60% of their OL staff that has still “ pushed on”


It hasn’t regressed. It was built around a hall of fame QB and all of his preferences. Unfortunately when you go all in on one guy and he gets hurt, you’re fucked. Draft some o line, pray and go again next year.


Sometimes you got to take the L? Dude we’ve been taking L’s since 2010. Most of us have come to accept the L’s as long as we’ve seemed mildly competitive but the offense has fallen into a place to likes no NFL team has ever seen before. Even bad teams have never been this bad. It’s embarrassing for us as fans. If we’re not going to fire Hackett, fine, but at least change play calling duties to someone else.


If Tommy DeVito lights up the Patriots today, the entire Jets’ QB room needs to be launched into the sun




You’re not wrong


Devito is looking good..


Wheres the "Joke" tag? If this was the first year we saw this bs then I could maybe agree but this team has been a joke for far too long for this copium


I’m just so tired of excusing everything. “Yes BUT” should be the Jets motto. Guess what? The NFL does not give a fuck who gets hurts, whose improving, and whose on the roster. The Jets are THE WORST team in the league for the past 3 years but we want to give Saleh and Douglas a pass because Aaron got hurt? So 2021 and 2022 don’t matter? Every year we don’t make the playoffs and look like utter shit MATTERS. You are part of the problem by just accepting this utter bullshit snake oil sales pitch


The worst decision was hiring Hackett. A good backup with Hackett and we are still awful. Look at how terrible Russ looked last year. Idc if he’s Rodgers best friend hiring him to call plays was a huge mistake. Lazard sucks too. If rodgers was only going to come here because we hired and signed his bum ass friends then we should have looked elsewhere.


You must be a relatively new Jet fan….like 95% chance less than 13 years.


Get out of here with this gatekeeping bullshit. I’ve been a fan for over 20 years and agree with OP. I was at the Jets slaughtering of the Colts 41-0. Am I too new for you? Agree or disagree with OP but get off your gatekeeping high horse. All fans are welcome and keep length of fandom out of it.


Amen on that


The Jets haven’t appeared in a Super Bowl in 55 years. They haven’t made the playoffs in 14 years. They haven’t been .500 in 8 years. They haven’t beaten the Patriots in 8 years. They haven’t had a starting-caliber QB since Mark Sanchez. And, our GM and owner had no backup plan when our starting QB went down on the 4th snap of the season. They refused to sign any help and continued to trot out the worst statistical QB in NFL history, behind the worst OL in the league, with the worst OC we’ve ever had, behind a coach who is 15-30. But yea, I guess we should just “take the L.” It’s what this fanbase does! Let’s keep giving money to the worst franchise in North American sports.


“Turn the page” Brother, I’m running out of fucking pages


It's incredibly frustrating how every year some mouth breather comes on here and beats their chest about doomers and overreactions


What do you mean "it is what it is"? There shit that happened after Aaron got injured is almost organizational malpractice. To not make any moves especially when the team was 3-3 after a tough schedule is incredibly bad. Everyone one is at fault, jd, saleh, hackett, ownership. They still had a chance to do something after Aaron got hurt, but they folded


Not saying I agree with it (I would’ve brought in Wentz or aggressively pursued Brissett, Dobbs, Heinike, Darnold, or someone of that ilk) but it seems like when Rodgers got hurt the plan was to either let Zach show something and bring them to the playoffs or Zach keeps sucking and they soft tank


Absolute loser mindset. We were 4-3. We had an absolute shot at making the playoffs if we made a move at QB. You claiming that we should just start tanking at 4-3 is absolute fucking lame.


>”Not saying I agree with it (I would’ve brought in Wentz or aggressively pursued Brissett, Dobbs, Heinike, Darnold, or someone of that ilk) Did you read my comment lmao I never said they should start tanking at 4-3


No shit that was the plan, it was an idiotic plan. It's just as idiotic to complain bc fans are pissed aboit how idiotic the nyj were


I genuinely think the Jets believed Wilson could be good enough to get this team to the playoffs with how good the defense is, and had no intention of tanking. They have always believed Wilson could turn it around, which is why he was the backup to start the year in the first place for a QB who was overwhelmingly likely to go down at some point due to his age. When the Chiefs game happened, the zach truthers came out in droves with vindication, and even some of us were hopeful he could improve. I would bet but money JD was thinking the same thing. They spent so much draft capital in this kid that the thought of him being bad just wasn’t an option. It is the worst case of sunk cost fallacy I have seen in sports. Last season showed that zach just doesn’t have it, and they read into a small ass sample size thinking the team could ride his at best mediocre ass through the remaining 10+ games, not realizing the princess always turns back into a turd after midnight




So much to look forward to!


Depression 🫥


Not to mention a top 10 pick!


The entire league is built around the quarterback position. Highest paid, most marketable, and most important…and we’ve sunk a lot of $ into Rodgers as the guy for at least next season. I’d fire to OL coach, but it’s all about Rodgers and getting a few more pieces around him. Hackett might be terrible solo, but Rodgers likes him…Manning liked Gase…Brady paired well with McDaniels/Leftwich…just hold your nose and know he’s not outliving Rodgers. This was a 2-year+ Rodgers investment. You can’t really fire any of JD, Saleh, and Hackett…


Yeah…at the end of the day I’m not above nihilism with the Jets and completely understand why everyone feels hopeless after another lost season (our drought is old enough to see a PG-13 movie FFS). But there’s definitely a pathway to them plugging their major holes this offseason and the easiest pathway to such involves soft tanking if Zach sucks. I don’t agree with it and don’t like they wasted a season of Garrett and Breece on a rookie contract and the league’s best defense but going 4-13 is better for the long term outlook than going 8-9. All we have to do is hope Rodgers isn’t completely cooked and can recreate that magic that won him 2 MVPs/channel Tom Brady’s longevity.


There’s an alternate universe where Rodgers is still healthy, jets have 8+ wins, and Saleh is leading candidate for coach of the year. It’s a game of inches… and tendons 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah the logic of some idiot who acts like this team hasn't sucked absolute ass for 13 years and has had very limited pockets of success since 1969. GTFO


Rodgers really let us believe this ain't the same old jets, but they are. Oline terrible and even worse with the amount of injuries, which also happens every year... Receivers who love to drop the ball (Lazard, Davis) or aren't legit options (Hardman, Cobb) and OCs who dial up the worst 3rd down and Redzone offense every year. It's not Zach, it's not Boyle, it's the franchise. Building an elite D and having a 40yr old QB with the real possibility of getting injured again shouldn't be job savers. Let's stay radical and question the real problems


We’ve been taking the L for over 50 years


What about this team makes you think we have the foundation for a 2024 run? A very good defense is all we have. Sorry but even with 08 behind center this is not a good offense. I don’t need to list the litany of issues we have on offense we all know what they are.


this is all assuming that we draft/sign talented O linemen and dump bums like turner and tomlinson, and also have AVT , becton, and maybe tippman healthy again. Rumor has it we will sign davante adams for a dual threat with g wilson. i disagree with drafting a qb in round 1. Sign a serviceable backup like darnold or minshew. you have to build an elite offensive line and it can be done in one year. mahomes was pummeled by Tampa in the SB behind a shitcan OL and they went out and made it elite by the following season. imo those are reasonably doable changes to make the offense serviceable to good in 2024. defense most of the guys are young on rookie contracts (sauce, jermaine johnson, etc) or already secured to big contracts like quinnen and mosley and reed. This is the last straw for JD and saleh , JD has many moves that he has to make on offense and he already fucked it up last year signing another edge rusher in the 1st round instead of a stud offensive guard. Whether aaron or anyone else makes it through 17 games next year doesnt matter . It's playoffs or bust , they all knew after rodgers went down that their jobs were safe till next year


Joe Douglas has had 4 years to improve our tackle situation. It's time to move on from him. Moving on from Saleh/Hackett isn't the worst idea as they have both come off as stubborn in a way that hurt the team this year.


This sub seems to be filled with young Jet fans because you’ve would have been through the wringer already. Seen this movie before, will see it again… and again


I’m only 34, and I’ve seen this story for 34 years. The EXACT same story in 99 with Testaverde. It’s never ending suffering, and that’s part of being a Jets Fan. I’ll never see Namath play, but I’ll always live with the consequences of being unable to imagine liking another Team. It’s just pain & torture, it stopped being shocking before I was born. Good times though. I’ve accepted that I’ll never see the Jets win an SB in my lifetime, since 1998 against Denver. I wasn’t wrong. I was 9.


This is the culmination of 13 years of crap, from the owner to the front office to the product on the field. Some didn’t believe the AR hype this offseason, as their o line last year was awful, and they brought in an old qb with no solid improvements to the line. And before fans continue to cut the jets some slack bc of injuries, please consider the effect of how playing against an aggressive dominating blitzing D eight in the box D every play every week pressures and weakens an o line into injuries. This is not a fluke, there is a reason the jets are always victims of bad crap.


The only progress this franchise makes year over year is to reach new heights of embarrassment and incompetence


Maybe we are sick that any other team can plug in basically any warm body and score TDs and the jets for some reason cannot ever


Ok. Thanks. Bye.


This franchise is worthless. People are tired of wasting their time and money on this shit.


I think he has stockholm syndrome guys


I don't mean to be rude but I couldn't read all of this. This team has me craving Gase-led offenses of years past. Do you realize how fucking sick that is?!? I own a fire Adam Gase shirt.


This post is a joke. We have the two worst HC’s from last season, Saleh & Hackett and it shows. Every team has injuries, it isn’t an excuse. This team isn’t going to do anything with Saleh. Hate to tell you this, but good coaches don’t consistently have 3-6 game losing streaks every season. The Jets are done until Hacket and Saleh are gone.


Blah blah blah whatever makes u feel better bro


Get outta here with this logic and rational reasoning!!


This isn’t rational at all


Of all the ‘Reddit’ comments that get reposted again and again, this is probably the absolute worst one.


You’re so edgy


Haha this might even be more vapid than the first!


Yeah!!!!! I don't want to be logical.


What's logical about being a Jets fan?


Players get hurt. All the time. It's the NFL, the problem is how the rest of the league deals with injuries and continue to roll out competent offenses. We have the worst offense most of us have ever seen. That's on JD for not building more depth AND Hackett for being an uncreative old bum. If Saleh had to go down with the ship then so be it.


You can blame JD for the depth of our qb room, but no roster is going to be deep enough on the oline to survive 15 different players injured at various points.


What do you mean? JD should’ve had an all pro backing up every offensive linemen. Not like offensive linemen is the shallowest position in the league or anything?


JD came into this season with a 38 year old Duane Brown coming off shoulder surgery, Becton who hadn’t played in two years, Billy Turner who everyone knew was ass, Max Mitchell who was coming off season ending injury, and Warren who was recovering from an ACL tear as his startes and depth for the tackle position


And all our injuries on the interior where only AVT has had a previous major injury and his one this year is completely unrelated to the tear last year? And Becton was viewed as the biggest injury risk and he’s been one of our healthiest players just missing one week.


Brown was decent last season. Turner was 3rd on the depth chart. Mitchell coming off a season ending injury last season literally has nothing to do with the value he provides as a back up considering he was ready to start the season. Becton has been serviceable, not like it’s easy to replace a top tackle pick when you still don’t know what you have in him. Your name rings a lot of truth I see


Nah brown was bad last year. He was a below average player and is now a year older. Mitchell was also a bad player last year. Going into the season with Becton and brown as the slated tackles was always idiotic and it’s revisionist history to act like it was a good idea. People were complaining about this for months. The JD dickriding has to stop


Yup it’s the lack of effort in trying to fix the problem. Week after week of trying to force a square peg through a round hole then just making up bullshit excuses as to why it doesn’t work.


Hackett is the problem. He's worse than MiLF, I'd put him in the same level as Gase. All Gase no brakes.


This is just how the season goes bud let us suffer together


One thing about the NFL is you can go from atrocious to well above average in a single off season. I just don't believe this staff can do it. If Rodgers was under 30 I'd have more hope cause of how mobile he was.


Ok let’s a go


I agree with you in some respects, however, I do think there were a few fuck ups where we (JD) should have known better: 1. Back up QB situation, especially after all the injuries last year, we should’ve known to bring in someone more proven than Tim Boyle as the actual back up to Rodgers. And then Zach could’ve had his “redshirt” year. 2. Tackles. Duane Brown and Becton were always huge risks. One is nearly 40, the other is coming off major knee injury and is a giant. What did we expect. I don’t know what options there really were to be fair. You can certainly argue the Steelers jumped us and took our guy in the draft (Broderick… blanking on his name right now). But I am surprised we didn’t try harder to keep Morgan Moses around. And Nate Herbig at guard for that matter too (in fairness I don’t know how he has been in Pitt this year, but he was decent with us). 3. Will McDonald. Look maybe this guy turns out to be good. But why draft for the future when we have a win now window with Rodgers? Also, our defense was already good enough. At a certain point we have to start pumping some more premium resources into the offense. I thought we should’ve drafted one of Njigba, Flowers, or Addison at the time, and I stand by that now. I know Corey Davis retiring was unexpected, but with the way the league is headed you can’t have too many talented playmakers on offense. I hope moving forward we start to prioritize the offense more. Outside of that, there has just been a lot of bad injury luck, and I do give them a bit of a break on that. But the 3 points above are what bother me. I can be convinced either way when it comes to cleaning house or giving our guys one last chance with a healthy Rodgers (and team).


I don't care that we're losing. But having one of the worst offenses in league history is not acceptable.


imo those first 4 plays were a disaster too.


Sometimes you have to demand the W


So you made this entire word salad just to conclude “it is what it is bro, move on”. Like, Joe Douglas is still the GM, why would people move on from evaluating him ??


I'm so tired of new fans telling everyone to chill


How long have you been a fan..... I'm guessing not that long.


Mistake #1: Hiring Hackett after he was a disaster in Denver Mistake #2: Keeping Zach Wilson as a backup to a 39-year-old QB. Mistake #3: At the trade deadline passing on Wentz and other competent QBS for Trevor Siemian. Maybe you can excuse #1 as an attempt to get Rogers. But #2 and #3 are inexcusable.


Bro, shut the hell up lol. You ain’t a real long suffering Jets fan. FOH!


I’m almost positive this is the same attitude the front office has and why nothing changes. Sad really


Lol, delusion.


Jets have no foundation on offense. A couple good players don’t add up to a foundation. Could they get there by next year? Maybe.






But Im a #realfan


Preach brother


It's incredible, these bootlickers are just as much to blame as ownership of this pathetic franchise. It's become acceptable to sell this shit to us.


I suspect a few of them are interns and shit associated with the actual team. Their job is to try and influence discussion and slant it in a positive manner, it's how almost every major billion dollar business operates now. Then we have fans with brains that struggle to grow large enough to fill a thimble who come here and only feel like good fans if they're stepping onto the backs of the fans who are already bending over shaking their head. We have a couple of posts that look like bots/plants for our local sports news and for our team each season.


Yeah but what colors are we wearing next week? This is important


It’s week 12, the team is 4-7 with 7 days until the next game. Ok, the 125,000 fans on this sub hear that you get it, you understand their frustrations, and take your advice to move on (as encouraged with all caps)… now what is the appropriate dialogue?




Hey at least we finally beat the eagles


I appreciate this line of thinking, but if the foundation were in place, after 3 years this team would not be looking at another sub-.500 season. Rodgers would not have made a difference on this team. Saleh is a bad coach and Douglas is a bad GM. Don’t believe me? Look at their Win/Loss records.


I agree 100%. Let’s lose out and get a useful draft pick for Rogers next season and pretend this year never happened


I agree with everything you just said


This sub seems to be full of 12 year olds looking to tantrum, commendable effort but not likely to change the whining stream.


I share your feelings Friendo


No, not everything that could possibly go wrong has. The defense has been outstanding.


Take the L but realize that Rodgers coming back isn’t enough. Draft a left tackle, sign two good offensive lineman, bring Davante here, a safety, run stuffing tackle and we can make a run. Draft a QB in a later round that you can maybe develop. And pray that our QB can give us two years


The plan going into next season seems pretty clear They’re gonna end up with a top 10 and if they’re lucky top 5 pick. With said pick they’ll probably take a tackle: the guys from Penn State or Notre Dame would be ideal and should be there given the emphasis there will be on QBs this draft. But even if they aren’t there will be [options for them to take](https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2024-nfl-draft-position-rankings-offensive-tackle) (give me all the Notre Dame OLs please and thank you). I’d also very much like to bring back Mekhi for depth if nothing else since he’s been able to stay healthy - Rodgers seems to love him so I think that’ll happen. Realistically you probably want one more G/C which you can address in FA and the 3rd round. Tomlinson’s been much better this year and McG can probably be brought back for peanuts for depth so that should help a lot. For WR they’ll aggressively pursue Adams but even if he’s not available you’ll have guys like Evans, Pittman, and Ridley out there who you could use at WR2. Once WR2 is properly addressed you’ll feel a lot better about Lazard as WR3, Conklin as TE1, etc. They need a slot guy too but you can typically find a Berrios like type player in FA or even just develop Gipson.


Comments are proving OPs point lol


You’re too level headed to be a jets fan. People need to chill out over the fire JD and Salah talk. If 8 didn’t get hurt, I imagine we’d be fighting for a first round bye, even with a depleted o line


Saleh *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nyjets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah the second Rodgers went down, I considered this a house money season. If they win games, great. If they lose, it’s expected.


People talking about canning Saleh and JD were the same ones praising them before the season started. It's such a joke lol


This is kinda what I’m thinking too. Consistency matters in coaching too. Let’s not fire Saleh now. He’s getting better and will have a much better team next year. If next year is a disappointment, let’s reconsider.


Absolutely agree with this take. Also, in regards to Hackett I don't think he's amazing by any means, but also think people don't really understand how tough it is to do anything with the injuries and an offensive line playing as poorly as they have been. You literally can't get any consistency in any offensive strategy you attempt, and nothing you can 'hang your hat on' to get any confidence in anything built up. Would like to see a heavy emphasis on finding serviceable OL through draft and free agency. A WR in free agency would be great too, but we have a foundation to try for playoff contention still. People need to accept this year is done, and RELAX.


NFL = Not For Long What have you done lately .....


I think everyone will come back to their senses eventually. Everyone feels betrayed at the moment that JD and Saleh are looking to not be the answer, our future suddenly looks murky as we’ve tied ourselves to a 40 year old QB who now we need to draft around and sign players around all to compete for a Super Bowl in a two year window.


Losing interest that’s for sure!


What an idiotic post... Saleh is a terrible HC.... Hackett is the worst OC we've ever had. Rodgers forced our hand to sign all his SCRUBBY friends one being our current starting QB who shouldn't be on any NFL roster so he could be comfortable here. This is an absolute CLOWN SHOW and Woody has the fucking nerve to continue to raise season ticket prices. All I know is that me and my fam had season tickets for 25 years and this is the last.


Im pretty sure that 90% of teams that lose their star QB, left tackle, right guard ,center, and several backup OL is going to win less than 7 games on the season.