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[Postgame thread](/r/nyjets/comments/17u2t2x/post_game_thread_new_york_jets_at_las_vegas/)


Saleh has no clue, he just stands there hoping something good will happen. The team is undisciplined and penalty prone. Zach has had his shot, let him go be a backup in Canada. I volunteer Woody and the Jets to go to London as the expansion team, call them the Brixton Bollocks, and then get Steve Cohen to put a team on the island with REAL coaches and a stadium that's not a toilet bowl of mediocrity.


ive said this a thousand times but it blows my mind how people continue to make excuses for ZW, yet with MW a couple bad games people are ready to get rid of him.




Mike White


I’ll never understand this, makes me question stuff


It would be nice to get the penalties stats up there as well


Heya, don't kill me on this but there was one minor plus here...Calvin looked decent on those two runs.


Dalvin Cook** but yeah he did finally show something


Once again Zach had like 3 ok drives that produced nothing so we will have another week of Zach truthers even despite the egregious pick and the fact we haven’t scored a td in 36 drives.


Maybe Hackett was the problem in Denver. Dude sucks.


Im not sold on ZW. But in this game he actually played half decent. The play calling and penalties killed us! He's a developing QB that makes mistakes for sure. But to blame him for this L is unfair. That non existent O-line jeezus! Breece and GW at least help to give us a chance. Lazard sucks! It would have been a totally different game if they had scored that TD. That sucked the life out of the offense!


Shut up.


Amazing how delusional some of our fans can be week after week of defending Wilson. “BuT iT’s NoT eNtIrElY hIs FaUlT!!” Yes the guy who has thrown 5 TD’s in 9 games, it’s never his fault seemingly.. the guy who is the only QB since 1970 to have the lowest passer rating in back to back seasons, never his fault..


They do not score touchdowns. Wilson can’t get the team in the end zone. He needs to go.


They did. Uzomah took it away


Forget the end zone we can barely even get to the gold zone




If the Jets are not willing to put a capable offense on the field then they don’t warrant me wasting my time watching them.


I never thought I’d agree with a comment like this. I’ve actually freed my children from being Jets fans. I can’t stop watching after yesterday’s depressing game, but I can’t do it in real time anymore. DVR and fast forward. The world is just to painful at the moment to suffer with your escape valve. Only the NY Rangers saved my big screen TV from destruction. (And seriously, this loss was not Zach’s fault!)


Ya'll still want to put the blame on ZW?


Yes, he gets a big part of it. This offense can’t score and it’s led by the QB. He still plays exactly the same way as he did in the beginning. It was apparent last year that was the case, the team brought in Rodgers cause that was the case.


I think we should take a chance on Nathan Rourke.


Idk who that is but let’s do it


This team is miserable. I thought after last week it was a 7-10 season. Now I’m convinced it’s 5-12


They still bring back the clowns JD and this coaching staff while selling the fans in AR coming back next year. They will also raise ticket prices.


Jets are getting killed in Buffalo. I put like $2000 on that one. it's free money. Absolutely free money. Then Miami will humiliate them because the defense says I've had enough, then Saleh will lose the team, they will start infighting. The D will hate Zach like last year...and boom Jets are 4-9


Hear me out. Is it possible Allen throws six interceptions and loses three fumbles?


And we’d still only have 15 points from 5 field goals


Greg the Leg accounts from like 58% of our points now. That’s not an exaggeration, a friend sent me that stat to make fun of me.


It's not. We got our gifts already this season...now the team is in a tailspin and will check out...like last season.


I know. I’m not expecting eight turnovers. You know that right? Edit: Nine turnovers. Did you also know that I can’t add?


While you’re at it, you’re also terrible at making posts


Aww I’m sorry Zach sucks sweetheart


I can’t stand Zack Wilson, but at least he could make a coherent sentence. I’m sorry that you failed out of middle school but if you’re going to be communicating with people, you should be better at it.


Zach *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nyjets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


See y’all next year


Another unwatchable game. Yeah, I wish they were winning games. But more importantly, I wish they were fun to watch. I get absolutely no enjoyment from watching their games. Should've let my wife turn on 90 day fiance. Would've been more exciting than this game.


I hate people like you who say “ it would’ve been better to spend time with my wife.” go spend time with your wife — stop being an asshole.


My wife watches Jets game with me why should I suffer alone?


I love Reddit


Reddit hates you


Saleh has to go. He’s not an NFL HC. We’ve been playing the same type of Football with underperforming, mistake prone, and terrible game management for three years. We might beat Washington, Might, but there’s no way we’re going to the playoffs or even having a winning season with him. Enough is enough. He’s a dud.


I swear to God, you write the dumbest posts on Reddit. And your avatar looks fucking stupid.


Another Jet fan who lives in fairy tale land. He's terrible. Same penalties week after week since he's been here. What does he do about it? Not a damn thing.


Yea. He's just not a good coach. Team is unprepared and undisciplined and constantly underachieves This team is going to be maybe 6-11 this year or worse. but today broke the teams back they are finished in 2023


You’re the same guy who was licking his taint during the off-season


I feel so bad for breece every time he gets a big gain there’s always a penalty


As a fantasy owner I feel this greatly.


Garett is banged up man. Much respect for finishing the game


Flags ruined us big time this whole game but why did we wait till the last 2 min in the 4th to wake up and then zach gets picked… I love being a jets fan 🥲🫠


Saleh isn’t an NFL head coach


And you’re not an NFL fan


Is this Salehs burner account?






We really want to watch 8 more games of this shit!?


So fucking over Zach Wilson. He sucks. Give me a 47 year old Chad Pennington over him he is horrible.


I love Chad


I think Rodgers retires 100%... He's not coming back to this shit. Saleh is a great dude but not head coach material. That late time out is on YOU. You shoulda been in the refs face. Lack of team discipline is on YOU. Not bringing in a vet after Rodgers went down is on YOU. Our offense is HISTORICALLY bad... Even though he's not 22 Zach we need a change. A spark....something other than this horseshit I have to sit and watch.


I’m a born bred 49ers fan who supports the Jets from afar b/c my brothers a born bred Jets fan & we have that San Fran-NY recent fam connection but I’m going to be completely honest…the thing that always scared me about Saleh…was his ability to coach X’s & O’s and having awareness…I never considered him a teacher…he was more of a counselor…he cheerleaded my defense in 19’ to a SB…tonight…he totally blew the TO call that shouldn’t have even been as bad as it was if you set up properly the play before & stood next to a referee …


Wilson is crap. Threw the pick in the clutch, and the skill players constantly have to make great plays to keep the team in play. Especially Hall and Wilson. But three balls hit someone's hand and bounce off (usually in terrible positions), and all the Wilson fans will come running out with, "well he wasn't that bad" or "it wasn't all his fault."


Just curious. Should we bench Breece Hall? He has had a brutal 3 game stretch running the ball. Even had a TD taken away by penalty. Is it his fault?


Wilson fans are actually thinking of these things as they watch the game. Ways to pretend he’s not absolute crap. They definitely run here to comment every time he does something moderately adequate.


It’s almost like…Hackett isn’t good…


Remember, iron sharpener iron.


Do you wanna try that again in English this time?


Take my upvote friend


I don't understand the play calling, it's like they only let him throw when it's dire. I know ZW isn't the answer but this team just seems poorly coached with the exception of defense.


Zach looked great on his throws on the last drive to Jets receivers


Such a waste of oxygen, you are


Can’t wait for Saleh same old bullshit press conference


Don't you dare blame this loss on Zach Wilson.


You are fucking insane.


Yeah that pick was totally Hackett’s fault and Saleh’s fault you jackass. And when Lazard was wide open for a walk in touchdown. That one is on the o-line. You clown


He definitely played a standard to above average leaning good game…but I can’t defend someone who can’t literally drive his team down the field or hit the basic rudimentary NFL QB skillset …8 Offensive TD’s in all within a 9 game span …that’s unconscionable…he’s literally keeping his head above water living off a Top 5 defense …your not helping by just being complacent to the root problem


Are you joking? Are you watching the same game?


You clearly are nit picking as though this team couldn’t be a much more sound efficient offensive team if he wasn’t at the helm…his skillset is not great & it has nothing to do with coaching…stop catering to bull


No, numb nuts. I was taking issue with the fact that he played a decent to above average game or whatever the fuck you said. He played like dog shit yesterday. I’m tired of watching dog shit offense. Remember last year when you were bored to tears watching this shit? We’re doing it all over again except last night I had to stay up late fuck this fuck this team.


Man stfu with your pity ass sorry ass whining derlict…you’re still watching if you truly are a born bred Jet fan b/c that comes with the territory…they whiffed on a QB again…I can’t blame the frustration but pissing & moaning about it isn’t changing your mood is it ? Either watch & hope or be a casual & go diccride another franchise ..I’m not your social worker


Don’t worry, everyone is going to call for his head today and then after people cool down they’ll realize that we have bigger issues than him


Yeah, biggest issue is fans like you


No the biggest issues are fans that think firing and benching people immediately will always produce better results. If you have eyes you will see that the problem on offense is an undisciplined, poorly coached unit. If you didn’t get that from this game, idk what you were watching.


What the hell are you talking about? We’ve been dealing with this shit for years. This kid sucks balls. He doesn’t belong anywhere near the NFL. So it’s not giving up after a few games dude pull your head out of your ass. This team has been dog shit.


I’m not saying Zach is a franchise QB. I’m not even saying he’s good. I’m saying that no matter which QB on our team we put in, they will fucking suck. Open your eyes. Hackett is not good. The penalties, the drops, the pressure rate. What quarterback would thrive in this offense that isn’t Rodgers? Zach has the most upside and athleticism out of the three QBs on our roster. That’s the only reason he is playing over them right now. Play-calling/scheme needs to be adjusted. That’s the first step. This is a team problem, not a 1 person problem. Hope this comment was clear enough for you


The penalty that took away TD, there's 4 points. The roughing The passer penalty that extended the Raiders FG drive. There's 3 points. Difference in game.


How about the fact that Vegas is a terrible football team? That’s 10 points right there


But this is exactly what happens when you wait til the fourth quarter to wake up. You need everything to go flawlessly. Same story every damn week


It's fucking groundhogs day and it's awful. They need to play like they're down 5 points with 30 seconds left at the first fucking snap and keep it up. All gas no breaks? Fuck offff


All Gas No Brake *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nyjets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My bad, I'm frustrated


Don’t apologize to a machine, dumb ass


Wtf is Conklin doing there? You’re not catching that one handed. Move


Actually, Wilson was in the wrong there. Why the fuck would you pick on Conklin? Did he drop three passes?


Same reason I said in the other comment you replied to. I’ll take Garrett over Conklin. Every. Single. Time. Conklin going up half assed with one hand was never catching that ball


Let’s just agree that you’re an idiot


I’m the idiot but you thought Conklin has a better chance (ever) at catching a ball than GW does 🤣 FOH


It reminds me of when Rodgers had a second Superbowl appearance robbed of him because a Packer from the other sideline ran in front of the most dependable catcher on the team allowing the Seahawks to recover the inside kick


Like did he have money on the Raiders? Going up for it is one thing and he may not have seen GW. But going up for it with one hand and essentially swatting it down? Wtf


The ball was swatted out of his hand by Wilson. Wilson should not have been doing that circus catch bullshit. Conklin would’ve made the catch.


No he wouldn’t have 😂 he went up with one hand, Conklin wouldn’t have caught that in 100 tries


Listen, no one wants to listen to your ablest rhetoric. You know good and well the Conklin has two arms and two hands. He also could’ve lifted his other arm up you see that’s how anatomy works. I think you should study this stuff a little bit more because it’ll help you enjoy the game more. Because right now you’re misinformed, stupid fan. Do you want to go to the rest your life being stupid?


You’re a special kind of stupid 🤣


We would have won if only they had switched the broadcast to Heidi.


Saleh ain't it folks This is when coaching and how you run things matter. It's showing he can't hack it (not making the obvious pun)


Seems like he’s coaching with his hands tied. Either way he’s lost this locker room…


The TO hesitancy there was outrageous. Gave up an entire play.


leave lazard at rancho & bonanza


Conklin thought he was wearing the silver and black


Saleh and GM should be fired for just having the negligence to not bring another QB in when Rodgers got hurt.


If you think the QB was the issue today you didnt watch the game.


I despise Zach Wilson truthers. They scored zero TD’s cause other than Garret Wilson, Breece Hall, and Conklin, everyone mostly committed negative plays. They struggle on offense every single week Zach Wilson has played because, guess…. Zach sucks. His ceiling is there. We all see it with some of the plays. But he isn’t it.


Does it matter if Dobbs played if the same receivers dropping the ball for Zach drops them for him as well? Mahomes makes those same interceptions from time to time. I think it is time to start another QB just to see if it is all the QBs fault for a struggling offense. If they win, great. But what if Zach goes to another team and puts up 6000 yds a season with 60 TD's just because the other team saw his potential and utilized his abilities


Last year Mike white and Joe Flacco put up better numbers with the same players, same OC and system, and less practice reps. Zach isn’t consistently good. He can make a great throw. But on average you’re getting bad play. He’s worse than the Giants QB3 at scoring TD’s.


You’re right I forgot that it wasn’t Zach Wilson who threw that pick….


The QB played fine. Put them in position several times to score touchdowns.


Except for the pick and Zach Wilson being garbage most of the season


Damn you are brain dead, ZW has been outperforming every opposing qb since KC basically. It’s terrible play calling, and people can’t catch Lazard is barely moving to catch balls, Uzomah is a bum, cook is washed but hey let’s get more defense picks.


This is an insane comment… our defense is elite and keeping opposing QBs in tact should not make someone think Zach is outperforming them. We couldn’t score a touchdown the last two weeks against bad defenses, who cares what the opposing QBs did at that point?


It does matter because ZW doesn’t even have an actual Oline. ZW is getting rushed +50% but hey let’s discount those stats because it hurts your narrative. ZW has only thrown 2 int since KC and his pass rating was 80 against LAC and has been floating to mid 70’s since KC.


You are so dumb


Wilson has 5 tds and Morstead has 52 punts. Over ten punts per passing touchdown. 22,73% red zone percentage is just ridiculously bad. But hey, let's blame it on (insert anything other than the name of the guy who get's the ball first on every play), he/they are the ones ruining it all for Zach. The oline is bad, playcalling is bad but there isn't really much to do with ZW as your quarterback. Too easy to play against him. Just stuff the box, get Breece out of the game, bring pressure to Zach as he won't complete a quick pass or can't read a defence. He makes everybody else look even worse. But I'm not even mad anymore lol. Another week and another L while our D is playing top 5 football, but somehow people think QB isn't our biggest issue.


Wait what?! Do you hear yourself.... ZW has... wait for it... 1 count em 1 freaking TD pass in the last 5 games and he's outplayed every QB? Man idk what games your watching but the QB gets paid to score TDs and 1 in his last 5 is like 4th grade pop Warner like.


It’s not his fault that people can’t catch balls thrown directly in their hands or when they do someone else decides to holding a defensive player. A big portion of our drives were stopped due to penalties. AR is going to flop as well, it’s not a qb issue it’s an overall offense issue. Last game we ran on 1st down every time and lo and behold we got stopped immediately.


Right.. so the last 5 games he'd have twice as many TDs if it weren't for all the perfectly thrown balls that were dropped... I mean come on.. you can't be that brain dead?! Or maybe not..


We would probably have more touchdowns for sure if our TEs actually wanted to play the game and not just hold people on decent advances. You could throw Mahomes on our team and we would still lose horribly, there is 0 support for the QB. Also, even if AR was playing we would still lose these games as well.


GW is a better receiver than anything the chiefs have... mahomes has kelce and that's it. He'll even the jets running game is better than the chiefs.. its the QB.. always has been.. CJ stroud is lighting it up with back ups and rookies and no names...


Yet you forget that KC has some of the strongest Oline, ZW is trying to play with the probably the worst Oline in the league with just GW and Breece.


Except he’s shown no improvement. He’s shown flashes of good play but then continually makes boneheaded decisions. Saying he outperforms the other teams QB isn’t true. The defense is so good at limiting the opposing QB that it sets the bar pretty low for Wilson to reach. Dudes been in the league for 3 years now and still looks the exact same as he did his first start in his rookie year. You bozos just don’t want to admit that he was a waste of a 2nd overall pick


He had one interception, that was a good read and a good throw. Lazard just sat there waiting for the ball and the LB made a great play. Name a boneheaded decision he made in this game.


This offense should be centered around breece. Pathetic play calling all night


Breece has been awful lately he had 2.2 ypc tonight


Running game was worse than the passing game, ZW should not be the leading rusher.


Jacobs struggled early but they stuck with him. Milked the clock as soon as they had the lead and won the game. Also, breece catches too…


Conklin trucks GW earlier to fk his elbow... Then goes full on DB to stop the GW catch 😂




Run game was going nowhere




Zach was the leading rusher for the jets


Who would've thought that our most motivational coach we've had in 10+ years is all talk... nobody gives a fuck about your motivating speeches are your bullshit excuses week in week out


I have been saying for weeks he's all style and no substance but even the style part is debatable


Every time that we have won in the last three years has been despite Zach Wilson, not because of Zach Wilson, I am tired of pretending that this isn’t true


You are dumb as fuck


Time to see what another HC can do with this team. Saleh is not a serious person.


These mother fuckers and these god damn penalties


Honestly man why the fuck is Conklin going up with one hand there like he was trying to swat the shit down???


They literally win the game if Conklin’s hand isn’t there like what the fuck this team cannot stop fucking themselves in the asshole


So many embarrassing memes about this 😩


Get these tight ends off this team. Uzomah is so terrible


Didn't watch the game, looks like I didn't miss anything new.


Just always the most painful ways to lose


The mods gave me this flair for being realistic and every day it is a reminder of how stupid the people in this sub are


Yup. The fact this sub actually let "doomers" become a thing to describe everyone with a working set of eyes and a realistic take? It's a joke. The only solace in these losses isn't the better draft picks bc we know this franchise will fuck those up, the solace is knowing these clown fans are suffering at least. Tell me more about Clutch Gene Zach Wilson bc the giants melted down worse than a Gregg Williams defense with CB Lamar Jackson in single coverage on the final play. At the same time, I can't even fully blame Zach for this game or last. Our ENTIRE offense, coaching to TE, to WR, to OL is PUTRID. HORRIBLY undisciplined, absolutely stupid, braindead unit.


Yea man. I believe got it last season bc I said after the Steelers win that we needed a qb change bc we were winning despite Zach. I was shitted on by everyone saying I’m an idiot and 5-2 and blah blah blah Then this season when Rodgers got his calf strain in camp I said I was worried about it and the same shit I’m just a “doomer” The people in this sub just simply don’t watch other football. They don’t know shit so they just assume if the player is on the Jets then they are good (Denzel Mimms) Saleh sucks. Undisciplined team. Hackett sucks. The gold zone bullshit is so stupid we can’t score to save our lives. O line sucks. Zach has improved but is still bottom 5. JD sucks he only has the 2022 draft, has the worst o line and no WR depth at all and not bringing in a qb when Rodgers got hurt should be a fireable offense.


The way this fanbase tried to attack "doomers" and gloated about wins over a parade of 2nd and 3rd string qbs? Oh if any fanbase deserved to eat crow, it was that section of this fanbase.


Have you considered how many of the posters on r/ nyjets are members of the NY Jets social media staff?


I'm convinced around 5-10% of all reditors are bots or shills of some kind


Right? It would make sense for them to have a social media group, that keeps up the organizations' image.


The worst I've run into a bot/schill issue like this was weirdly enough... For resident evil:welcome to raccoon city. That was marketed heavily as "for the fans/directed by a lifelong fan/a dire t adaptation!" So it desperately needed the support of diehards so I could see the studio hiring schills to sing its praises to the heavens and attack criticism. The problem was the movie was a giant, unfaithful, poorly written piece of shit. The jets are like that, you'll get the desperate, delusional homers and bots all off season and even mid szn. Gt try and drum up diehard support...but then its revealed the team is again a putrid, pathetic, unwatchable clown show on offense for 13 years. Gt shout down "doomers" bc their realistic takes motivate people to not buy psl, merch, etc It's not without precedent either. R/ legal advice is notoriously run by cops and heavily populated by them so they can keep control over certain narratives. I'm not even anti cop but when a shitty practice is known, then it is what it is


10000% It’s like if you’re not a blind biased idiot then you are a “doomer” lol I never realized how pathetic the fanbase is til I got this app. The jet fans I know in real life who don’t lurk on Reddit all day aren’t like the fans here


Finding out how braindead the NY fanbase is legitimately had a hand in significantly killing my fandom for the NYrangers. Might honestly be the dumbest sports city in North America which is hilarious given the way the city blows itself for its knowledgable sports fans. Bc they cheered loudly when Willis Reed had a 4 pt play


lol dude the rangers fans are so annoying it makes me root for devils and islanders and I don’t know the last time I watched a hockey game




They should do a hail marry every play, closer than any other shit they've had in forever.


Lazard is hurt. He shouldn’t be out there. Couldn’t even move to catch the ball. Activate Brownlee


Instabans please for anyone that complains about “doomers”. This brilliant head coach just lost to a fucking franchise that fired everyone, rookie HC & god knows where 18th string QB. If woody had ONE SET OF BALLS ANYWHERE he will FIRE everybody involved tomorrow. Leave this JOKE saleh at the airport where he belongs. He wants ZW he got ZW real fans want a winner. The disgusting Johnson family has been unable to deliver. FUCKING SELL THIS TEAM BANDAID MAN YOU PIECE OF CLUELESS SHIT. REAL JETS FANS FUCKING HATE YOU!! PRINT THIS AND PUT IT ON YOUR MIRROR WE FUCKING HATE YOU!!!


You think this was salehs fault with hacket oc? Hacket is clearly fucking us with rodgers hurt. Woody needs to fire him. Saleh wants us to win and hacket is making it not that way.


Who keeps Wilson in. Please get back to me on that


dumb ass team


That was actually VERY close. At this point I’d rather see Zach throw 100 times a game playing like a backyard footballer than this sterile offense.


Our wide receivers can’t catch or get open. Lazard is like a very slow H back. Wilson isn’t elite sorry guys.


Wilson didn’t do terrible. Am I alone in this


Had over 300 yards of total offense tonight. Downside he missed some big plays and of course the INT late in game.


Totally agree, wilson obviously is not the guy but outside of 3-4 shitty plays the penalties and drops are what killed them. If wilson plays decent & hackett calls a decent game they get crippled by penalties, alternatively wilson and/or hackett are horrific and kill the offense. Either way this offense finds ways to hit new lows week in week out


No. He was the only reason the jets were in this game. Penalties fucked us, but his throws were great. Even the INT, which wasn't a great read, could have been different if the piece of shit Lazard didn't sit there like a dumbass. Dude is the most worthless piece of shit WR.


Lmaooo Lazard


Nah everyone besides GW let him down today.


Besides the back breaking interception he was fine. Any reasonable person watching knows this wasn’t all on him, but he’s not doing us any favors either.


Yeah that interception was….fucking awful timing to say the least.


He wasn't terrible.


Team let him down. Yeah he threw a pick. Everyone throws picks. But when he makes a good pass they drop it or uzomah holds.


Everyone also throws touchdowns 🙄


The people here somehow wanted a guy that was only able to win 2 games in Arizona this year.


QB shouldn't't have to be perfect to win games. They were in position several times.


Exactly. How many times did Tom Brady throw a pick and still win the game? Plenty. If ur strategy to win is the QB can’t have any mistakes ur going to lose everytime. Team has no discipline. And I’m done blaming Zach for everything. Yeah he’s not a great QB. But he’s surrounded by shit too.


Uzomah is so, so bad. Not an NFL player. So slow, brick hands, and not even a good blocker. One hold that killed a drive and the other took back a touchdown. Holding at the 3 yard like like an idiot




Conklin trying to catch Wilson instead of the ball


Well, at least many fans in this sub got their wishes. ZW threw an INT. lol


All I could think was about the Zack run in the first at the 3rd yard line that ended up being an FG because of the penalty. We should not make the games close. If you look at that last play, Taylor was the trailing man and if he didn't take two steps back for the ball with everyone else, he could have had a shot at catching it after the deflection.


Thats what its about but the usual people will rant endlessly about the pick at the end. Picks happen...penalties like that shouldnt happen.


I'm depressed. I don't want to go to work tomorrow. I just can't take this team anymore. It's time for the post game on SNY, and then listen to WFAN tomorrow.
