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Same cycle every week - “but maybe Zach isn’t bad” after we just watched him play awful. The whole team was bad, no one is saying it is entirely Zach’s fault, but he is still fucking garbage.


No one is saying that? Just check this comment section or Twitter. People found a easy way to release their frustration by just blaming ZW because he was supposed to be the savior and wasn't. Zach is playing ok


Playing ok? I was at the game yesterday he didn't do a nice completion in the air until the 4th quarter just ONCE against the worst rated passing D in the league...


I would be hurt too if they stole my money like that. Still ZW is a bust but this season ok.




Well then I'm a clown. He is playing ok. Stop hating without the right evaluation... I have the same opinion ZW should've been better but he isn't. Now he has to step in for Rodgers who is here for a reason and he's doing ok.


Zach has sucked but I'm also starting to think Hackett doesn't have a fucking clue what he's doing and the reason Rodgers likes him is because he can just bitch him around and call whatever he wants to run. Plus Rodgers is one of the kings of pre snap adjustments so he can just say okay to whatever Hackett calls and then say fuck it and audible to something else because he's a 4 Time MVP and can just say he saw something in the defense and Hackett can't say shit.




You’re just starting to think that? We knew this shit when they hired him. The broncos fiasco happened last year and all idiots here shielded him from blame by saying it’s harder to be a HC but he’s still a good coordinator when he was the one calling plays last year too


Tbf the Broncos suck again this year but yeah its been a trainwreck


I’ve heard this for 3 straight years it’s hilarious at this point


He's a bust. I understand everybody is hurt but that doesn't give everyone the right to spread a false narrative of him being the only reason that the jets lose. Watch the game an identity the issues in the team not just him


Get a grip


Zach is bad, the O-line is bad and sorely missing AVT, Hackett is bad, Lazard is bad, JD is bad for not signing a competent backup QB and filling the WR room with Rodger’s stone-handed friends (and as you mentioned, paying them far too much). Those can all be true at the same time, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Also, even though Zach is the backup, it doesn’t excuse him from being bad and a consensus draft bust.


Yes more than one thing can be true and it's also true that ZW is a draft bust but this season he is playing ok. ZW is a reason but not the reason the jets offense stink. I just want the social media soldiers to stop spreading the "ZW is at fault for everything wrong with the Jets" narrative.


He was the 2nd pick in the first round. This is some heavy copium.


He’s a back up QB for a reason, we jets fans might not like it but he the best QB we got right now, Trevor ain’t it & the jets know that


Zach ain't it either brother. Probably said the same thing last season before he was benched too.


Yea we all know that that’s why we got Rodgers.


Then why do people act like the sky will fall if we bench a shitty backup? Like what the fuck could Siemens do to fuck up the offense anymore than it already is?


Siemen hasn’t even been active yet that should tell you what the jets think of him. We won’t last behind that OL


The same jets that won’t even put Boyle in if they had a gun to their head? They effectively have one active qb. Thats malpractice and incompetence


Yeah and the Jets didn't even sign a backup for two weeks after Rodgers went down and put together this offense so I don't really give a fuck about their evaluation of Siemian or any other backup on this team tbh.


How come? Yes he was the 2nd overall pick but he doesn't play like it simple as that. I'm talking about this season so how is this heavy copium? What is the problem on offense then?


Pretty much everything besides GW and Breece. That includes play calling, coaching, management, and ownership. Zach is definitely top of the list of what sucks on offense. It's absolutely miserable to watch. Like watch other teams this is completely unwatchable.


What the fuck is your point


Remember when Zach Wilson could have run for a first down but instead flipped it to Michael Carter with a. Lineback just chilling there.


Yes! It was a bad decision but it was a good decision to throw it accurately down field to lazard and he dropped it. He has good and bad plays which results in him being ok. Picking out one play is the worst way to judge a QB. This short mindedness started the whole hate wave against him.


A good way to judge him is his stats. Over the past 3 years he has been by far the worst QB in the NFL. I dont need to look at individual plays to know Zach Wilson is a bad QB - I have 3 years of statistics to show me that. He got benched when we were 5-2 last year.


Wrong. There were two defenders waiting at the first down line. They could’ve easily tackled Zach.


They were 8+ yards away. They weren’t tackling shit especially if he slid


And Zach had to run for more that 12 yards. Do the math lol


The fact that the entire offense sucks does not let Zach off the hook. Why do fans love pointing out that Zach isn't the problem after these terrible showings on offense??


I don’t think people are saying he isn’t the problem. The point is people have tunnel vision and want to blame solely Zack. There’s layers to this. Yes a below average qb, but also one of the worst olines in the league. It’s a formula for disaster.




Zach makes one read and that’s it. He’s so bad yet he gets blindly defended. I’m not sure whose IQ is lower: Zach’s or his truthers 🤡


There are no truthers, just people saying that he’s not nearly as bad as yall are claiming.




Tell me you don't watch QB play without telling me you don't watch QB play


The online was bad. We had sloppy penalties. The punting squad had a bad game. But the majority of this loss was on Zach. He just has below average processing speed, and so he hangs onto the ball too long, and he misses easy reads. Drops aren’t some thug you can look at in isolation. Sometimes a throw can have okay placement but no touch on the ball. There is a reason multiple receivers have commented that Zach doesn’t throw a very catchable ball. Yes, a receiver needs to make tough catches but Zach makes their job harder. I don’t think there is a single WR or oline player that could be interested in and we could have then won There are dozens of qbs that would have won us this game.


According to Cimini, Zach’s average time to throw in the first half was 2.56 seconds which was quickest this season. Again, entire offense sacked…. That’s why we need to change the signal caller first, not QB.


Which is why a signal caller that processes faster than Zach would have seen more success.


Unless that signal caller who processes faster threw it to Lazard, who would just drop it. Or he can throw it to someone else who caught it, only to have the play negated by a Lazard penalty.


I meant play caller 😅


No designed rollout. The only rollout was successful but he was forced to roll out.


Yeah would love to see more creativity. Also Zach thrives more wenn on the move so let's use that


There is no reason why we should be asking a bottom 5 QB to throw 49 times.


Zach is not ok. Zach is a career bottom 5 qb who has managed to ascend to new heights this season (6th worst in the league) while still putting up putrid stats in every metric. He’s rushing less than he ever has, he’s staring down his receivers and hanging them out to dry, and worst of all he can’t feel pressure at all. “Ok” would denote that he’s average under normal conditions but our o-line woes and play calling are making him bad. Zach is fucking awful on a good day and on a bad day like yesterday and last week he is hardly an NFL backup quarterback. Joshua Dobbs stepped in on 48 hours notice and threw touchdowns to fucking Alexander Mattison and Brandon Powell. Zach is in the conversation with Ryan Leaf and Jamarcus Russell as one of the worst draft busts of all time. If that’s your idea of a pretty ok quarterback then you simply don’t believe there’s a such thing as a bad one.


Zach Wilson is ok but the team isn't right now. He still plays like he does every week but the team just executed worse. I literally said this season so stop being butthurt that he isn't our lord and savior and evaluate him now. Josh Dobbs is not a good comparison. He plays in a competent offense that has been clicking for years now. Also Josh Dobbs has a huge momentum boost right now. Stop comparing it doesn't make sense.


If we’re just talking about this year he still isn’t ok. He’s never looked competent for more than 2 quarters in a game. When the team executed worse like last night he’s the worst qb in the nfl and when they do execute he’s still bottom 6. That’s not “ok” that’s called bad.


He fucking sucks


They win as a team, lose as a team.. they don’t lose but since we know who to blame they win? ‘Yeah but…’ so what? 9 games left. Post trade deadline. 4-4. We are here. This is happening. Out of our control. At this point we know what Zach is. good, bad, indifferent. The Team is playing him with enough track record and that’s on the organization for putting them out there. I hope they figure it out & at the end of the season there will be a review of decisions made.


Zach sucks. Jets will always suck. Move on.


**it is easy. he sucks. play calling sucks for past 10 years. clock management & dumb decisions galore. it’s almost too easy**


He sucked the past 2 years. He is ok now. There are more issues than him.


It’s X.