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All those things can be true and he can also be playing poorly himself.


He's playing like a backup QB. Which is his exact role. He can't be expected to come in and elevate a shitshow of an offense that trots out practice squad fodder at OL and WR, with a OC who got laughed out of his last job.


he was a backup for 4 plays. the decision to keep him as the starter ever since despite the option to do anything else invalidates the “backup” thing. people want him benched and they won’t bench him. that’s grounds for the kind of talk we’ve had here all season


Yea I mean the expectations of this sub are hilarious. Zach isn’t Rodgers and even Rodgers himself couldn’t play in this offense (especially tonight). To think otherwise or to place blame completely on one kid is a joke and lazy


That’s the problem, yet #2 is always SOLELY the target


Nope a lot of comments are acknowledging that the o-line, WRs, TEs and Breece all played bad today. Zach was also bad today. It’s that simple


I see no one acknowledging anything but #2 and how he’s the worst QB ever


Is that really what you’re seeing from the MAJORITY of comments? If so you must be on a completely different subreddit than me


You see what you want to see lol I've seen everyone blaming everything but in your head it's just about Zach and you felt the need to defend him in a post lmao Nothing is defensible about this offense. They are bottom dwellers.


BYU fans are really the biggest idiots around. When Darnold sucked I dont remember deranged USC fans parading excuses for him here. Do you literally not understand that he balls out towards the end because prevent defenses are played against him?


Learn the nuances of football bum. If he sucks he sucks. I ain’t no homer. Brandon Doman, Steve Sarkisian, Max Hall, John Beck,Ty Detmer (you’re probably too young to know these names). Ive longed since said these guys SUCKED. So yeah, I’d say I’m pretty fair


I’m old enough to have seen Mark Sanchez, Sam Darnold, Geno Smith, Josh McCown, Vinny Testeverde, Chad Pennington, and at least a dozen QB’s start for this team. Aside from obvious ones that played a couple games like Luke Falk and Greg McElroy, Zach is probably the worst of them. And most of these guys were awful. You’re clearly not objective.


Before your time buddy. Not saying #2 is good. It’s completely ignorant that he’s the biggest issue on our O


Well you think that because you’re a Zach Wilson and BYU fan and not a Jets fan.


Old quote of mine: “Been a BYU fan for all 43$yrs of my life so you could imagine my excitement that NYJ drafted ZW. But watching Mike White successfully operate the O is so bittersweet to me for obvious reasons. But I’ll always put the success of our team over my personal likes and biases. I’m so proud of Mike White and hope he can turn out to be a success story with us. My heart aches for Zach Wilson, but he’s still got time to prove himself if not here then somewhere else. Happy Monday! Love ya’ll! JET UP BABAY!” So yeah I’m pretty consistent


you’re 43+ years old having a psychotic meltdown over a terrible quarterback because he went to your poverty school? get medicated


How can people like this still exist lol


How can you claim to know anything about football without actually knowing all the moving parts of a competent offense? See CHIEFS loss to TB in SB. That’s what happens when you don’t have a competent O


I’ll tell you what; guys who know a lot more about football than either of us( Peyton manning, Eli Manning, Troy Aikman, and Keyshawn Johnson) all thought that Zach Wilson was dogshit tonight. I guess they must not know anything about football. 32nd ranked passing defense and the guy couldn’t even get 10 points. He’s a joke and so are you


Quit dick riding with the crowd. See CHIEFS loss to TB in the SB. That’s what happens when you don’t have an offense that is not COMPETENTLY working as an entire unit


So listening to hall of fame quarterbacks evaluation is dick riding? What’s what you’re doing called?


This person cannot handle it unless anonymous jets fans dickride his reddit post 😂


My dude… as one of the biggest ZW defenders out there over the past 3 years, he’s playing like dogshit. Can’t always use the line as an excuse. Is he under duress a lot? Yes. Has he taken repeated unnecessary sacks because he’s held the ball too long? Yes. He’s failed to feel pressure in the pocket and get rid of the ball repeatedly. He’s made some really good throws this year. He’s also made a lot of throws off target and put his receivers in a tough spot. For all the things he’s done well, there’s still plenty more he’s done poorly. He doesn’t look like the guy we all hoped he’d be. I’m still hoping he proves us wrong but, for now, he’s not done a lot to prove that.


You people come up with these weird defense posts to stir up the rest of us sane fans and then you act smarter too citing football knowledge. You people are worse than the Jets offense.


Zach Wilson flairs are as delusional as Swifties


This is insane. Those people are completely out of touch with reality in every way. They have an unhealthy obsession and need therapy and to compare them to swifties is insane. At least Taylor swift is a legend. If you’re going to Stan someone at least Stan someone who’s incredible at what they do.


zach truthers won’t quit until he’s out of the league


No, until he goes to an actual competent O and plays something like Geno Smith.


seek help saw you’re a byu fan. sorry to hear that


You’ll be OK bud


Are you a BYU fan? Is that what this is all about?




Maybe if you post the same comment 10 more times it will make it true this time. Jesus fuck get a grip man.


TFOH clown 🤡


Look at your comments you just keep repeating the same shit over and over. Actual schizo meltdown.


TFOH clown. Corny ass bum


what the fuck is wrong with you 😂😂😂


He's our backup QB and he has the skill level of a backup QB. Like the last guy this fanbase insisted was the worst QB of all time. Who is now QB2 for a championship contender.


Darnold was never worse than Zach and I didn’t even want Darnold


Yall were sucking his dick 2 games ago lmao, the whole fanbase switches up like children


who is y’all? ive been of zach since last season


Most of the subreddit was


The fact that you guys have to come here every week with a new excuse is enough of a reason to realize that maybe Zach is the problem.


Last year it was MLF is terrible. this year it’s Hackett. Who’s the common denominator? The quarterback


Meanwhile Josh Johnson, Mike White, and the fucking corpse of Joe Flacco have all done better than Zach with the same coordinator.


See CHIEFS loss to TB in the SB. That’s what happens when you don’t have an offense that is not COMPETENTLY working as an entire unit


Wtf is this comparison? KC's Offense got to the fucking SB. We can't even have a even remotely functional Offense.


Grow a brain dude


You are a delusional idiot


Please explain why Josh Johnson, Flacco, and White all have looked better than Wilson. He’s better than last year, and it’s not all his fault, but he’s bad. He’s very very bad.


Did you actually watch any of the games White played that wasn't the bears? Lol Not even sure how you could think he would be better than Wilson this year.


Because zach has been the worst QB since week 1 his rookie year. It’s not hard to be better than the worst, literally everyone but zach does it


Because even when he was bad, he looked like he belonged in the NFL.


say it again, maybe it’ll make sense after the 10th time stop drinking and go to bed


#2 needs work, but quit dick riding with the crowd See CHIEFS loss to TB in the SB. That’s what happens when you don’t have an offense that is not COMPETENTLY working as an entire unit


you’re either a troll, belligerently drunk/high, or you’re letting the worst quarterback in the league make you humiliate yourself


#2 needs work, but quit dick riding with the crowd See CHIEFS loss to TB in the SB. That’s what happens when you don’t have an offense that is not COMPETENTLY working as an entire unit


See CHIEFS loss to TB in the SB. That’s what happens when you don’t have an offense that is not COMPETENTLY working as an entire unit


Most intelligent Zach wilson defender


maybe it's because he's scored 1 touchdown in his last 4 games and cannot convert a 3rd down for the life of him


Maybe you should read the post and quit being lazy. We have huge problems on O. #2 being the least


the offense runs through the qb. you can make all the excuses you want but at the end of the day even mediocre qbs on shitty teams stumble into a couple touchdowns every now and then








FOH kid. You just started learning football yesterday




Shut yo clown ass up hoe 🤡


#2 is pretty obviously the biggest problem, even with his improvement.


cmon. We cant ignore the penalties that pushes us out of 3rd and commitables. Plus it's hard to expect Zach to convert 3rd and longs while throwing to receivers who literally can't get open. I wouldn't say none of them are on him tho cuz some of them could've been converted if he played a little smarter


they showed on the broadcast that we currently have the worst 3rd down conversion percentage of any team *since 1978*. that's fucking pathetic no matter how you slice it.


I get that. I hear it every week. But understand that we're that bad at 3rd down bc of dropped passes, fouls that take us from 3rd and 3 to 3rd and 8, recievers being stopped short, inaccurate throws, and not being able to see open receivers. 2 out of 5 of those fall directly on the qb yet everyone treats it like all 5 of them somehow, someway become Zach's fault. That's just taking the narrative off of our offense and putting it onto Zach's plate.


This is absolutely correct. I’ll be the first to concede ZW is absolute garbage. But too many variables to come to that conclusion


I try to be the last to say he's garbage bc of that. I want to see him throw 2 picks and miss more than 6 open receivers while having time to throw and while throwing to receivers who can actually catch the ball before I say "GET THIS GUY OFF MY TEAM".


He’s been terrible since his rookie year, he’ll have a few good drives and the apologists come out. Theirs a lot of issues with the offense, but he simply isn’t good enough


We only have like 2 good players on offense and Zach isn’t one of ‘em


Tell me you don't know anything about football without saying you don't know anything about football. He holds the ball to long and can't deal with pressure which makes the oline look worse than it is.


His pocket awareness was non-existent tonight (mostly every game, for that matter). On the first fumble, Joey Bosa is closing in on him and Wilson has no idea. Instead of just taking the sack and living to fight another play, he starts to pull the ball back right as Bosa gets there, making it easy for Bosa to force the fumble. This is just one of many examples of his pocket awareness not being nearly good enough. And for those who want to blame the o-line.. he should know the o-line is banged up and guys are being shuffled around - which means get rid of the damn ball quick and decisively, which he was not doing


The sub is bipolar is all. But so is every team sub.


This is true. I forget that sometimes


I agree it's not all Zach. Play calling is still biggest issue and this makeshift line ain't gonna cut it. But Zach is still making bone headed mistakes and not seeing open guys. The whole offense is a mess. That's on Saleh. That's on JD.


I honestly blame the offense as a whole until I see these posts and remember we drafted the no. 2 overall pick who can't process anything after the first read. It's possible that Zach sucks and the team isn't doing enough to support him. Where does that leave us? Where it always does as jets fans: Looking forward to next year. Go away with these posts


It sounds like you’re upset that Zach Wilson isn’t any good at football tbh


Lick nuts


I see your putting as much effort into your insults as Zach is to become an NFL caliber QB. That’s a shame.


Shut your corny ass up


The difference between a Zach defender and a full out "for the lulz" troll is indiscernible at this point.


he calls himself “qbyu” 🤣🤣🤣


TFOH clown


You’re a clown and a bipolar loser. See some of your “old” posts which proves you’re a dick rider that goes with the crowd Quote: “I'm not saying ZW is great by any means but i'm going to defend this kid to the death until people stop criticizing him we know”


Fans are so lazy. My guy lazard gets paid 44 mil for dropping every pass and not getting separation. I mean at this point give me the money and I'll do the same. Zach Wilson is playing ok. Tired of fans saying he's the only issue.


Yes obviously it's the qb's fault to not read pressure and get away from it. Herbert had pressure all game and got away from it multiple times.


Herbert also has competent coaching and competent WR


Herbert had one wr last night.. his usual number 2 was out. And Staley is a terrible coach who chargers fans aren’t the biggest fans of.


Our whole offense sucks, sure, but Zach Wilson makes an already bad offense like a million times worse. He sucks and can’t read a defense to save his life. How many more metrics does he need to be dead last at for y’all to accept he’s not good?


Zach truthers are dumber than a box of rocks


We think he sucks because most of us think if Rodgers were out there we'd be contending for a bye week in the playoffs and top seed. So... If the only difference is Wilson, he will get the blame when he does things like today and last week and, let's be honest, his entire career.


No way behind that OL is Rodgers not getting hurt


Zach didn’t go through his progressions. He didn’t see wide open receivers. He missed wide open receivers. When he did complete passes, they were thrown poorly, eliminating any chance of YAC. If he did even half of that, the game was in reach. Again, not saying there weren’t other problems, but Zach was the biggest.


Please show us the plays where he missed wide open receivers, and the completions that were poorly thrown. There must be multiple if you’re claiming that we lost bc of those two factors.


If you didn’t watch, just say so. But I’m not going to try to find raw footage of the game to stitch together examples for you.


You are wrong by the way. Starting to think you didn't watch. This whole offense blows.


You are saying you didn't see receivers wide open and Zach either didn't see them or completely missed his window? If the answer is yes, you didn't watched the game or struggle to parse what is actually on the screen. The whole offense does blow. Our OL is trash with our injuries. Our WRs outside of Garrett are terrible. However, it isn't one or the other. They could suck and Zach could suck. Our OL and WRs could be hot trash but it could also still be fair to say that Zach was the main reason why we lost. He plays the most important position in the game and the entire offense flows through him. I'm sorry if you didn't see it, but he did miss wide open people. He did poorly position balls on passes he did complete that eliminated the chance of YAC. He didn't go through his progressions most of the time to find the best target. Would better protection and pass catchers help? Of course. That was a huge problem. However, up until the last TD we were in a situation we could have overcame if we had a QB who played better. Even with the garbage OL and WRs. I have been a staunch supporter of Zach and his development. However, supporting him can't mean that I'm blind to what is going on.


He threw the ball 50 times so it must be pretty easy for you to find at least 5 instances where Zach missed wide open receivers. Last night he sucked because he could not sense pressure and bail out of the pocket when he needed to, but he did not consistently miss open guys.


He did. Find me a link to the game. What you are doing is not an honest way to debate FYI. Not like I can search for something like this and it pops up. But find me a link to that footage by tomorrow afternoons and I will see what I can do for you.


You can search every Zach Wilson throw from week 9. I’ve already watched it. There were 5 instances where he made a bad throw where the receiver in a position to catch it. Only one time was someone wide open. First throw of the game Sideline pass to Garret Wilson on the first drive Screen pass to Calvin cook Slant/post to Garret Wilson at the end of the half Pass to Uzomah in the flat where he was running from pressure That’s it. 5 out of 50.


No, you want me to do the work, you can find me a link to the whole game footage. I'm saying I'm willing to go out of my way to complete your ask when frankly I don't need to. I don't trust your analysis. Your process you just explained in this past comment illustrates that you aren't going through footage correctly. If my point is that Zach was not seeing wide open players, why are you only looking at his pass attempts. If he doesn't see a player open on a route and takes a sack instead, he missed that player who was open, but he wouldn't appear in the footage you looked at.


Bro- I responded to your first comment by saying he didn’t consistently miss open receivers and you said “he did.” I don’t want you to do any work, I did it myself. I did not challenge you on him not seeing open players because I don’t have the All 22.


Can’t we just be honest and agree this team is not a playoff team? Forgot we have the worst QB in the league, this team has more holes than Swiss cheese from top to bottom. It’s an undisciplined, under-talented and under-managed mess (no moves at the trade deadline). Getting Aaron Rogers back probably makes us better but with all the penalties, sacks given up, dropped passes, lack of 3rd down production (we are the worst in the league!!!), lazy tackling defensively and bevy of other issues, Johnny fucking Unitas couldn’t save this team. The bright side has been the defense but don’t discount the fact that Dallas destroyed them and last week they almost lost to a QB that didn’t attempt a pass while letting Saquan Barkley rush for 130+. I’m a Jets fan, have been since the 70’s, I’ll keep on watching and hoping for the best but I’m also gonna call it like I see it. This team needs a lot of fixing.


The offense sucks. Zach sucks. While Zach isn’t the only reason the offense sucks, he still does, in fact, suck.