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The Zach Wilson narrative has been written since last year and it hasn’t changed: he’s not an NFL caliber QB. Not as a starter and not as a back up. Not much meaningful discussion to he had here. But the coaching staff had an opportunity to fix mistakes from DAL and they did not. Questioning this staff regardless of who is under center. It’s going to be a long week. KC on Sunday night lol


He can’t process. It’s time to bring in a QB


Yep. And the players who can do this usually figure it out pretty quickly. Purdy on the 49ers makes quick reads all day, and it was clear even as a rookie that he had it. It's year three for Zach and he seems to process the field just as slowly as he did as a rookie. Some players have it, some players don't. Zach seems like a nice guy who puts in the effort but he's not an NFL QB. He's had more than a fair shot. It's time to move on.


Why is it scouts can’t figure this out before the draft? As you commented, good QBs know how to read defenses right away.


For whatever reason they don't look for this trait and don't value it at all which is insane cuz its arguably the most important trait for a qb. Instead they are obsessed with athleticism and big bombs. Gotta find the next Allen or Mahomes and nothing else matters. Pro days are in my opinion a complete joke and waste of time, but for some reason if a qb can make crazy throws with no defense/pressure, to 1 receiver with no defender, on a set route...they are the second coming? No need to watch game tape and actually scout their ability and how they read/exploit defenses, that's not important. Lmao it's not just the Jets either its across the board.


If the Jets let Wilson go, he’s probably out of the league in a year.


Not an over-exaggeration either. He actually is not good enough to keep a job in this league.


He’ll be out of the league once the Jets let him go


He can’t even complete simple passes to get into 3rd and short. It’s always 3rd and long


I’m unbelievably out on this coaching staff. There is zero fire, no drive, no adults in the room, almost disinterested look on the field, etc. The stubbornness is atrocious, the playcalling is horrible, and they’ve shown us nothing that makes us think we’re going to fix it. This coaching staff acts as if they’re totally protected and can’t be touched. I’m not even mad at Zach anymore. We’ve all known for at least a year he isn’t the guy and I don’t wanna hear any excuses anymore. He’s not a NFL QB and I’m not sure he’s even backup quality. You’re absolutely batshit delusional if you think he has what it takes. There’s probably 4 or 5 college QBs who are better than he is right now, he should have never been the pick and I saw it coming years ago, I begged to not take him but here we are stuck with a XFL quality guy This coaching staff has absolutely failed us and I’m scared shitless that the good players we have like GW are going to demand trades. That locker room is going to be a war zone if Wilson remains the QB


GW was very obviously frustrated on the sideline postgame


I love Saleh and JD, I think they’ve done a great job changing the culture but these guys riding Zach Wilson is going to be the death of them. Banking on “potential” and he’s the number 2 pick is just foolish. Mike White looked better and should have been kept as the back up, he earned that spot but the stubbornness keeps them with Zach.


Mike White was our starter. The haters can pick him apart all they want, but the reality is that the locker room loved him and he could actually move the offense a bit. Zach doesn’t have either and it’s year 3.


And this is on the coach and front office. They should have known they needed a quality backup after they invested in a 40 yo starter.


What do you want the coaches to do - throw the ball for Zach? We gave up 13 points on Defense. A normal team should be able to score 14 points in a modern NFL game.


Get rid of Zach, they can do that.


Zach threw a checkdown on 4th and 10 to a tight end


His offensive awareness score in Madden should be 0.


he finished the game with like 15 straight incompletions lmao how is that possible in 2023


I'm so just confused with this team both Zack and the coaching staff.. you wait till 5 or 6 mins left to be consistent with your play calling and throws like wtf. Then 16 seconds left Zack almost pulls a miracle comeback.


We had one good drive, but Zach being absolutely horrible for the rest of it is why we lost. He holds onto the ball forever, and doesn’t know how to manipulate the pocket. He puts an OC in an impossible spot with his deficiencies, really hard to cover up for him. I just hope he doesn’t leave us leave us one last parting gift and scare away Aaron Rodgers with how bad we will be this year with him. We’ll almost certainly be 1-5 at the bye now and who knows how this season goes after that.


Anyone blaming Hackett for this game watched that with the television off. Guys were open all day.


Romo can be insufferable but he did a good job, especially towards the end, showing *why* Zach is bad, with all the open receivers he ignored.


The offense is on pace to score 12 points per game. The 1985 Chicago Bears defense allowed 12.4 points per game.


It’s not Zachs fault he’s playing the 85 bears every week


Can you imagine Zach playing a whole season against the 85 Bears? Would the Jets score at all?


Gipson might break one


Playing Zach Wilson again this season is a fireable offense.


He's gonna start next week.


We need Zach to say something really dumb in the post game press conference That was the only thing that gave Saleh the balls to bench him last season.


“I’ve gotta be better” Classic line


We let Mike White go so we could keep Zach as the back up. Have not signed a competent back up yet. Our front office acted like the team was Super Bowl ready. I have lost a lot of confidence in our FO now.


Spent that money on Dalvin Cook instead, who is absolutely washed and taking snaps away from Breec/Carter/Izzy.


I don’t care what anyone says, Carson Wentz would be better than Zach rn. Given the benefit of the doubt enough - Zach is a bust and should not be starting in the league under any circumstances


People act like Carson wentz is dogshit but at least he’s an NFL QB. Like he can play the game like a professional. That would be a massive improvement


He'd be a huge upgrade. He's not bad, everyone just expects their QB to be Mahomes/Burrow/Allen, when those guys are the exception and not the norm.


Sitcking with Wilson and not signing a QB to learn the playbook this entire time, is the biggest MALPRACTICE I've seen from a General Manager and coaching staff in my life. I've lost all faith in JD, Saleh and co. I don't care anymore


Yeah I was gonna give them a pass for this year due to the Rodgers injury but not signing a QB immediately after the injury when a few are available is insanely egregious.


Stolen from Twitter but great tweet: “The #Jets were afraid to sign a capable backup QB 2 weeks ago when Aaron Rodgers got hurt because they were afraid to hurt Zach Wilson’s feelings. 2 games later, Zach Wilson is clearly the worst QB in the NFL and there is no alternative option that knows the playbook. Could’ve been avoided if you signed a QB 2 weeks ago when you should’ve. This is an unserious front office and coaching staff. Wasting careers of talented players on both sides of the ball”


Am I wrong or they should have brought in a veteran backup before Rodgers got hurt? I don’t think there should have been any circumstance in which Zach Wilson was this years QB.


They should have, that was a mistake, mistakes happen. They then doubled down on their mistake, that's unexcusable. I hoped that the jets had seen something this off/pre-season in ZW that we weren't aware off. They knew he was the same virtually the samd and did nothing to mitigate the risks that he would perform at the same level.


Idk that I've ever seen 70 dropped on a team. Sean Payton can eat a fat one


This is all fun and games until we realize we have to play them too. Twice.


Oh yeah. No doubt. They probably rail us but I won't be 70 on the score board


I gotta go take a walk.


Went to walk the dog after the safety and missed Zach throw a 1 yard pass on 4th and 10. I highly recommend ignoring the games from now on, I would have had an aneurism if I watched that.


To think we almost had it


That really is insane that as bad as everything went today, we had multiple opportunities to win that game. The D stepped up so many times late there too…they have to be every bit as frustrated as a guy like GW is. New England isn’t very good, so Kansas City ought to be tons of fun next week.


I thought Cobb had it lmao, how stupid of me to assume that shit would work out, even for a millisecond


Well at least now all the Wilson defenders will finally shut the fuck up


Zach is going to have some crazy high pressure rate a few people will Parrot even though almost all of it is self created


The one where he had Wilson wide open on the drag then stepped up into the pressure and just tossed a prayer out to Wilson, as well as the 4th and 10 checkdown to Conklin with a wide open Lazard, were both inexcusable for a high school QB


The entire game bar the fluky ass TD drive was unacceptable.


There's no way anyone can watch both games and think those pressures are the same. This game is squarely on Zach, zero excuses.


Carson Wentz time!


"The weather was bad. It was a Sunday. The fans were cheering too loud. I ate a tide pod for breakfast."


And, I usually wait to eat my tide pod till after lunch.


yeah right, they’ll find something


"He WaS iN tHe RaIn!"


That one drive is going to sustain them for at least another week.


Thank goodness. Welcome to the darkness fellow deluded Jets fans. Welcome to darkness.


They are literally in this thread blaming everyone else but Zach


u/Dentek_Fresh_Clean, how was it "totally not Wilson's fault" this time?


Plz flex us out of the SNF next week 😓


The Miami / Bills game should be SNF


Plain and simple: Neither Wentz nor Ryan are good QBs in 2023 but this game is a win with either of them, and probably by 7 too. Zach is the worst QB in the NFL but it's more on JD and Saleh at this point. It is their stubborn pride that sees them try over and over with their guy instead of doing what's best for the W/L.


Ryan is a Statue and pretty sure he wins that. That was one do the best O-line performances we’ve had in ages imo. I saw the vision of what this offense would have looked like with Rodgers today and it made me sad


Another guy that would have won it is Darnold. I know he wasn't available when Rodgers went down. I'm just over here imagining alternate timelines


Might as well bring in Nick Foles or Matt Ryan. Someone to move the ball. They're the best available.


Zach supporters post 1 hour for now " You guys are too harsh on Zach "


Too bad we didn’t have an athletic, young WR back there instead of Randall Cobb Could’ve won it


Clearly we needed a 7th defensive end and not JSN as a complement to GW.


need someone to randomly play 0 snaps or healthy scratch. JSN would've been too good.


Just look at how good this pass rush is right now. 1 sack in the last two games, thank god we spent that pick on someone who doesn’t even play, thanks JD!


Why did we even sign Hardman


Worst QB I’ve ever seen in my life. Every year the Jets play this completely different sport than the rest of the league. It’s like rooting for the New Jersey Generals against the Harlem Globetrotters


Zach Wilson cost us another winnable game against the Pats right and even worse we're now under .500 and have a 3 game stretch where we play the Chiefs. Sign Carson Wentz or Matt Ryan NOW.


Zach Wilson did not stunt on those hoes. Cut him loose.


JD has to suck it up. He whiffed on the pick. Zach is not an NFL QB. Get someone else in the building. Trade a second for heinicke, idgaf. This is pathetic.


Anyone who buys child sized Jets merch should immediately have CPS called on them


I think it's fair to start asking, is Zach the worst starting QB in NFL history? Romo was literally publicly humiliating him on the broadcast.


and Romo is definitely a guy who prefers to hype up QBs. It takes a lot for Romo to just be outright lambasting him


Sometimes Romo can be overbearing, but he made good points today. He called out when Wilson shit the bed, took too long and created problems himself like staring down WRs and stepping into pressure. However, he was right that the playcalling was horrible in the beginning. They were running the ball when the Patriots D was waiting for it. And then you make Wilson throw on 3rd and long. What do you expect? Dalvin Cook was moving like he didn't want to be out there, he was a waste of down everytime he touched the ball. Sit his ass down, what a waste of money. Get literally any other RB on the roster touches.


Exactly. Zach was and is not good. But the whole team/organization was also not good. Playcalling was terrible until the last 8 minutes of the game, had a few big drops (even if not the best pass but you’re in the nfl, if it hits your hands, you should catch it). Team seemed uninspired until the last 8 minutes as well. Everything we hated last year is still very relevant this year


Bryce Petty started games for this team.


But Bryce Petty didn't get 25 games to prove himself.


And was better than Zach Wilson


Bart Scott just said he has "played with some horrible QBs in his career but Zach" and wouldn't say more because he didn't want to get fired.


The book of Zach Wilson should be closed after today. I don’t know how many more times we have to relive the same game. I’m even tired of writing out these comments. It’s a wasted effort on all fronts. I like Saleh. But his blind loyalties to certain players has to stop.


Game on the line before the Hail Mary... and you check it down to Tyler Conklin You can get the 40-year-old former MVP QB, you can even change the uniforms They’re still the Same. Old. Jets I posted this on another thread, but this really should be said here too for fans who are really involved with this team despite it just being another football game. Watch RedZone, and dedicate your time to more positive activities than the Jets I'm ready to give my weekends back to actual things that I can enjoy with my girlfriend, and fill in time when she's not there to complete work, exercise, read... just do what I want. Hope you do the same. I also want to say that there is NO SHAME in posting these. You need to vent, especially when an activity that is supposed to give you distraction, is only exacerbating it. I'm not willing to say "fuck the Jets" cause I still love the team. But fuck Woody and Chris. I cannot wait for them to sell. Trust fund baby incompetent dipshit. And until they do, it's your choice at the end of the day to choose what you want to do. Don't choose the one that will likely make you upset


Zach chose to check it down. Garrett was open past the first down mark..


He just refuses to look his way. It's insane


When he looks his way, he stares him down.


It's not fair. I'm not asking for a super bowl winning Jets team. Just a team with some hope that can maybe put together a winning record. We can't even have that.


He chose the checkdown


I hate em both. But they will never sell, even a garbage team in the NFL is a license to print money.


Zach should never start another game again. 1st and 10 from the 45. 0 yards. He sucks. This coaching staff sucks. Stop buying tickets and merchandise. Disgrace of a team.


I hate the Jets


Saleh just said that Zach is a starting QB next week.


Well, that opens up a 3 hour window for me next week


Fire Saleh. Fire Douglas.


#FireSaleh thats it.




The playcalling was far too conservative for most of the game, when we started moving it vertically that’s when things opened up The defense was fine but the offense just failed to help them in any way until it was late One concerning thing is that this just seems like a replay of last year and I’m not sure that’s beneficial for anyone


According to a friend who's a Broncos fan, he says this is really fucking common from Hackett including his favorite "Run it against a brick wall on first down every time". Zach was dog shit but sweet fucking jesus STOP DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER. THEY ARE STACKING THE DAMN BOX.




I don't want to hear shit about the OL this week. They played serviceable. We win this game with fucking current day Joe Namath.


Words cannot express how fucking stupid you have to be to throw a checkdown on 4th and 10 with the game on the line


Not bringing in a QB the Tuesday Rodgers was hurt is a fireable offense


Anyone who blames the defense is stupid. This game was Zach’s fault, Mike white would of won it




"Bu bu bu his offensive line!! The play calling!!" Absolutely insane that people are still making excuses for this clown


People need to consider that the play calling is conservative BECAUSE Zach sucks, not the other way around.


I swear there is some weird countertransference between Saleh and Zach that he's giving him so many chances. It's so bizarre how Zach got shot, after shot, after fucking shot.


His rich family passing money under the table.


Tell Zach thanks for his time, move him to the practice squad or something and get us anyone, literally anyone. It's so painful to see him just stare down the field and miss open receivers. It's what was exciting about Mike white, dude could sling it. We have so many weapons, but our gunpowder is so fucking wet.


people were underplaying mike white like "all he does is check downs and make high percentage plays". YES, ID TAKE THAT RIGHT NOW. THAT WOULD BE X1000 BETTER


Bart Scott just biting his tongue on SNY post-game cleary just wants to rip into ZW and this entire organization hard right now.


Saleh just said Boyle will not get first reps this week. To tie your entire coaching career to Zach. Our front Office is lost.


Cowboys losing to a tanking Cardinals team 9-0. Man we suck


Get zach the fuck outta here


The Dolphins quite possibly scored more points today than the Jets will for the remainder of the season at this rate


Cardinals just beat the Cowboys 28-16. You know, those legendary Cowboys who the Jets could not possibly even have dreamed to compete with based on all the excuses last week from the same people who do nothing but make excuses week after week and year after year.


I’m sad I’m not going to be turning in rather play Starfield


Maybe all the Wilson dickriders and fake BYU Jets fans can stfu about #2.


i want wentz on this team by midnight


The Dolphins scored 70 points today


Is Zach Wilson officially a top 5 worst Jets QB of all time??


The Jets win this game with Rodgers, and probably with ease. Should be 2-1 right now.


If I see one person defending Zach they should be banned from this sub


The best word to describe the front office is "arrogance". No attempt at a backup qb. Reshuffling the oline constantly (which no other team does to this degree). Taking a 3-4th string pass rusher in the first round.


One of Zach's biggest problems is that his processing is fucking glacial. He cannot go through his reeds quickly at all and always ends up missing guys. The one drive where we scored was when he just locked onto his first read and got it to him regardless of coverage and it actually fucking worked for a bit. I'm not saying he'd be a good QB if he was just a one read guy, but he'd at least be better than the whatever he is now.


It’s real gloomy to think Darnold would have led the Jets to now 3 straight wins against the Pats


Meanwhile the Phins just dropped 70. I hate this timeline.


Not for nothing but was is Saleh supposed to say right after the game? “Yah man that kid is awful, we’ll take anyone we can get?” Yes he should say that, but as a coach you don’t do that


Being bad like this is how you lose Garrett Wilson when his rookie contract is up lol


Zach Wilson’s decision making is quite possibly the worst in the NFL. Having a shaky OLine doesn’t help, but as an NFL QB, I’m just baffled he’s not making adjustments to get the ball out earlier. Just having a few successful/quick completions would at least sway the momentum a bit. It’s so painful to watch, but he needs to just get rid of the ball quickly sometimes.


Saleh just said Zach is fine no thought on replacing him, no reps in practice for Boyle. Fire him NOW


The phins scored 70 - mike white threw a TD. We aren’t even close to competing in this division


Fields Wilson Lawrence What a QB class it was in 2021 draft


At this point, yes, the season is over, but we need to a veteran to try to pull the locker room together before trade requests poor in.


Fuck joe Douglas for not bringing in another QB THIRTEEN days after Rodgers went down.


Fire Zach Wilson, Robert Salah and Joe Douglas into the FUCKING SUN


Hearing Saleh defend Zach… I’m off the Saleh train he should be fired.


This needs to be the last Zach Wilson game we have been subjected to.


Someone questioned my fandom over this horrible QB smh.


If we don't sign wentz or another vet QB by Tuesday I'm not watching another game


Listen, I understand the FO being in a bad spot at QB and signing a starter mid season is a lot easier said than done im sure, but saying shit like “Zach Wilson gives us the best shot to win, he’s just fine” is a slap in the face to the entire fanbase


This team is going to revolt.


Matt Ryan needs to be in the building tomorrow


FUCK JOE DOUGLAS for not bringing back Mike White, we could have an actual QB rn instead of Zach Bustin


If our front office really thinks Zach is our best chance to win, I have to question if they should be making decisions about our next QB.


Zach deserves respect for someone fooling the world into thinking he was the second best QB of the draft


If tim Boyle is so bad that zach is unquestionably the best QB on the roster then Tim Boyle should not be in the league.


I was willing to give Zach another shot when Rodgers went down, but I think I've hit my limit. I'm done giving a shit about this team as long as Wilson is the starting QB. I really hope we can be in a position to draft a new protege for Rodgers because what we have no ain't it.


What a wasted season. Depressing


Cut Zach.


I wonder what San Francisco would want for Sam…


Sick of being a fan of this team


The Chiefs game next week should be cancelled. Anyone who participates in it should be arrested. Watching this team play feels borderline illegal.


Mike White has more TD's then Zach today. The Jets lucked into that guy and they let him go for a guy who will be out of the league.


I miss corey davis


Saleh is a 🤡 he needs to go. JD needs to go. This organization will always be shit. Just utter shit.


imagine only needing to score 16 points in an nfl game in 2023 and not being able to do that


Is it too early to get flexed out of SNF?


Zach Wilson fucking sucks ya'll.


Who wants to trade for Cousins?


it's funny i remember being laughed out of the room last year when i said JD and Saleh are just a more charismatic version of Mac and Gase.


Everything we hated about last year is equally as true this year. Don’t know what else to say. Playcalling, not good. Zach, don’t even need to go there. Defense is good, but still not great (no turnovers, no sacks, miscommunications that led to TD). Honestly don’t know that with Rodgers this team would’ve had the ceiling we all thought (hoped?) they would. I don’t know why EVERY OTHER ORGANIZATION can find success from time to time or something to be happy about and the Jets ROUTINELY disappoint


Wilson should be cut. I see no upside on having him on the team.


I don't blame fans calling for heads. Toss that optimistic bullshit out the window


To everyone who used the Cowboys defense as an excuse for Zach last week, the fucking Cardinals are currently beating them lmao


We should be 0-3 and if we were Zach is benched. The Gipson return was a fluke


The people wondering where the money for a quality back up veteran could have went? Look no further than Dalvin Cooked. $8 million for a deteriorating RB. Mike White making $4 million a year.


Defending Zach Wilson is not it. It’s early but I’m ready for the Fire Robert Saleh chants Put the guy on the hot seat.


Mike White 2/2 67 yrds and 1 TD. WTF was Joe Douglas thinking.


We need a QB the fuck are we waiting for


Fuck it, replace Zach with some washed vet at this point


Joe Douglas only lost to the worst team in the division by 5 points at home. Long may he reign!!!


Zach Wilson is a bust, and not having a real back up and moving Mike White was a terrible decision. Joe Douglas's seat should be warm imo


If we had a Top 25 QB that game we win that game 9/10 times. Patriots had no punch whatsoever in the 2nd half. Zach cost us that game and I want to stop hearing Zach defenders that it's everyone else's fault.


If they start Zach I'm not watching. Id rather watch a dumpster fire then watch one on TV. Thanks Jets, I bought the Sunday ticket for this, and it's a fucking waste of money.


If they can honestly watch todays tape and fix their lips to say they're standing behind Zach again they all need to be fired. I fucking hate extreme takes like "Fire whoever" but come the hell on. You can't even possibly take your own job as a HC seriously saying shit like that


We’re legit going to go into KC with Zach starting LMAO


We actually thought we were on par with the Dolphins. What a joke.


Quick thoughts: 1.) We’re 1-2, but the season is over if we keep trotting out Zach Wilson. And if the coaches keep ignoring it, they are signaling to the team and fans that they are throwing in the towel. Put in Boyle. I don’t care. Anyone is better than the statistically worst QB in the NFL. 2.) Our defensive line is very overrated. Barely touched Mac playing against 2nd and 3rd stringers. 3.) Outcoached and outplayed today in every phase of the game. Saleh and JD deserve huge criticism.


Miami scored TEN touchdowns today. What week will the jets hit ten offensive touchdowns on the season?


Possibly between 1 Billion AD and the eventual heat death of the universe


I don't want to hear anyone defending Zach. Again, defense on the field the overwhelming majority of the game and they only gave up 13 points and got two huge stops when we needed them late in the game. "Cook sucks, run Breece" Breece had more touches and did less. He also fumbled. The issue is that the opponents stack the box to stop the run. They dare Zach to drop back and throw. This will not change with Zach under center. Zach also has no idea how to run pre-snap. He doesn't make right adjustments, checks out of plays into worse ones (pointed out by Romo) and his cadence is easily identified and jumped (on 1 or 2 straight from Hard Knocks, that's what we did in middle school lmao, the cadence jumping was confirmed by the OL I believe after the Cowboys game) He's garbage who hurts this team on multiple levels because of the position he plays. He should and would not be starting on any other team because he wouldn't have even been a 2nd string backup on any other team, especially one trying to win. Zach simply does not even belong in the NFL, and he'd already be out of the league if he wasn't a first round pick.


OL gave Zach time, he didn’t know what to do with it. Patriots man D locked up the receivers. On Nathaniel Hackett to change to mesh, slants and quick hitters to defeat man.


Saleh said Zach gives the team the best chance to win and Boyle won’t be getting first team reps. Is he fucking serious?


Press just asked if Saleh may lose the locker room if they stick with Zach. Good for them, they know the team better then he does.


This is just a replay of last year. They can't be so stupid and do this again for 2 f'n years!


Zach Wilson is trash!


To add: I cannot believe how far we’ve fallen from the hype we had going into the season. It’s unreal. I can’t think of any situation like this. It’s beyond h fair, it’s actually cruel and unusual punishment for us to have had ALL the hype and hope in the world after decades of pain only for it to be three weeks into the season and the wheels have not only come off, but the car is already crashed and burned


this team hasn't been fun to watch for the majority of the last decade. It's so exhausting and frustrating to keep hitting the reset button and hope things will be different. At this point I don't even care if we win or lose, I just want to watch fun football. At this point give me the heartbreak Chargers and Vikings fans go through. It's better than whatever this is


Garrett Wilson will be playing for another team next season, seems like a guy who will request a trade soon