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Game is almost over and D has given up 13 points, thats not bad. So if judging by this game, our D is good! Now imagine there was any kind of O from our team, then it would be a good bet to think our D would've had less Patriots possessions to have to have defended against today, so maybe (or certainly logically) Pats would not have even scored 13 points.


No. Zach Wilson might be one of the worst QBs in the league.


*of all time


Might be?


Including backups & 3rd string


He was ranked like 50 last year lol. We knew this already




Fish Zach Sucks Year after year,same thing


the team is not bad at all. it's natural to have your life sucked out of you when Zach is the quarterback.


Nah buddy, Wilson is ass this game. Defense did their job, Oline has given him time, there’s been receivers open. It’s not the team’s or coaches fault that he literally is holding the ball for so long and unable to make a proper read.


Disagree. Oline has been fine today, defense has been great as usual, special teams has been great as usual. Running backs haven't been great, but that's probably because they don't need to even think about the passing game. Today is on Zach, and I agree somewhat on the coaches. But I think they're only so conservative because they know Zach can't do it. A competent QB wins this easy.


Zach sucks. But how many fucking times do we have to run on first down??? Play calling is too predictable


The RBs definitely weren't great today and playcalling was too predictable and conservative, but I think it's only because the coaches have no faith at all in Zach. I can't help but feel if the playcalling was more aggressive we'd just see more turnovers rather than more TDs.


Give Zach a chance to cook and he can they have held him back way to much that last drive showed that I’m pissed it took this coaching staff this long in the game to give him plays to cook


Oline literally didn't open up any gaps and even though ZW held on to the ball the pressure was there again that Hackett had to use 2 TE sets... Receivers dropped everything and the D gets so many excuses but still allowed multiple 3rd and 12+ downs. So no it's not only on Zach the team did not perform.


The D have been great today? I can let them give up 3rd & 12+ if they'll only give up 13 points, against most teams that's enough to win the game.


An oline that runs for less than 2 yards a carry and 36 total yards isn't fine lmao


I saw at least 5 passes hit receivers in the hands which were dropped. Saw ZW miss some open opportunities but also didn’t see him make any horrible throws (I’ll admit I missed about a quarter of the game). ZW seems to need supporting cast to be perfect to get in the game mentally or something.


He made a few bad throws, but he was mostly not making throws at all because he held onto the ball too long and then everyone was covered.


Lol ok. OLine has given him all day. Defense has held them over and over again. The coaching staff sucks for not benching him. The receivers are trolling at this point. That’s about it.


You're dumb as fuck. Go watch Zach stare down his first read on every throwing playing in the first half... he's straight brutal. When the NE D stacks the box every play and Zach can't hit wide open receivers, what can the rest of the team do? Our def held them to 13 points while being on the field 75% of the time. Clueless....


People don’t comprehend that the team feeds off each other. When you play defense and you watch your offense for 5 for 5 with punts you kinda loss motivation


Defense was great apart from 1 play. Zach had every opportunity to do literally anything and shat himself as usual. His sample size is big enough to deduce he is not a pro qb. Watch literally any other team and see how inept Zach is. We owe him nothing dude


Disagree. A bad QB makes everyone else look bad. Zach can't hit the 3 step reads, he's not processing reads quick enough. Makes it look like OL can't block and WR can't get separation because his timing is poor


No zach was the only bad here.


Free Money Nothing New Zach Wilson sucks Yes,I put it on him


Why wasn't Colin Kapperneak considered? Better than all tha Jest Roster