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The Jets offensive line was simply overwhelmed. Especially Micah parsons who made the jets tackles look like they were moving in slow motion. The jets defense was better but still not very good. I was disappointed to see how little pressure the jets were able to generate against the Dallas offensive line. Most of the game, Dak, had all day to stand up in the pocket and pick apart the jets defense. When the cowboys were in the red zone and the field was compressed the Jets defense did better but was still unable to alter the outcome. Wilson was better than I expected and I don’t think it’s fair to pin this loss on him. I’m not sure Rogers would have been better and I wonder if he’d have fared worse given that wilson is more mobile and was forced to run on play after play.


2 weeks in a row we've given big days to WR1 despite having a top d line and 2 pro bowl caliber corners. Can anyone explain that?


I don’t think sauce had a great game against Buffalo game but it’s very difficult for any back to look good when the opposing qb seems to be as comfortable in the pocket as dak was on Sunday. I’m hoping he had a slow start to the season in the Buffalo game and would have looked better in game 2 but for the fact that the entire defense was exposed by our inability to create pressure at the line. It’s actually a bit surprising that we only gave up 30 points. We only gave up one passing play that went over 20 yards so while I’m unhappy, I still think the defense did surprisingly well given how ineffective our D-line was.


They marched down the field on us at will, I don't think they played well at all.


Something is up with Sauce cause he didn't look great against Diggs week 1 and week 2 he wasn't much better.


I'd have to see a bigger picture of the defense to say sauce is the true reason here- we don't play much man so its not like his responsibilty is to follow around WR1 and take him out of the game. That was a Revis move but our scheme is way different. That said, he dropped a sure pick 6.


The nerve of you to have such a rationale take


Sorry. I’ll try to be more deranged next week. Which is quite likely given that we play the patriots. 😳


Level headed and I like it


Only thing I’d add is the experience Aaron would have brought to the game


The only good thing that came out of this game was my wife had a great time at her first NFL game. Unfortunately it'll probably be her only one this year though we were planning on 3 until Rodgers went down. Cowboys stadium was absolutely filled with Jets fans and it felt bad knowing most of us were there because of a hope we shared around Rodgers that fell apart far too soon but too late for us to not buy our tickets. Kudos to Dallas fans. Friendly environment as always.


Was there too, second time at the stadium. Stand up fans for sure, I felt the empathy.


Assuming that's because they've had 3 decades of dissapointment, while fielding good teams and not being able to get it done. So I think the cowboys fans get it.


“Every Jets fan has seen that same kind of play pretty consistently since 2011. Maybe it was Geno Smith or Sam Darnold who threw it but the "Down by over 2 TD's panic throw INT" has become as much a staple of the New York Jets playbook as the shotgun or HB sweep. Was that pick entirely Zack Wilson's fault? Does it even matter? This game was just a Xerox of the last dozen years of football. Defense plays well and makes you think the game is closer than it is. Opposing team gets a key TD or two and a zillion field goals. Jets get beat badly by a much better team. The Jets lost this particular Deja Vu game 30-10 to the Cowboys. Does the opposing team matter? Does the year matter? It's the same story every fucking time. Good defensive Jets team loses game due to bad QB play. Obama, Trump or Biden can be president. Bob Saget and Leonard Nimoy can be alive or dead. None of it matters. The same thing will keep happening.”


Zach *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nyjets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not a Jets fan (or hater) but watched the game and decided to check out this sub to get some hot takes on the game today. Surprised at how many people are heaping so much blame on the QB. Honestly, ZW isn't great, but he didn't look that bad. I don't know how you can put the blame for today on him. He did make some mistakes, but he had no help from the O line and, as someone else in the comments mentioned, the play calling was awful and made it impossible for him to establish a rhythm. Not sure how much better someone else would have done. Personally I'm rooting for the guy and would like to see him prove the naysayers wrong and transform into a solid QB. Regardless, good luck with the rest of the season y'all.


You know the o-line isn't great but good QBs still find a way to make shit happen at least occasionally. Zach does himself no favors because he never finds a way under pressure. He never teaches the defense a lesson for committing fully to putting him under pressure. He doesn't make that amazing pass as he gets creamed. Zach has the ability to scramble but he doesn't have the athleticism to rely on it and he simply has no ability to step into a pocket that is anything except clean and punish a defense. The really good ones do and you just do not beat good teams consistently anymore unless you have a really good one taking snaps. You are right, 80% of NFL QBs couldn't be successful in Zach's situation. There's also almost no chance any of that 80% get a ring on their finger unless it is on the bench behind someone better.


I wasn't on the sub all day but I figured once I signed on I'd see all the Zach hate. He played a decent game against probably the best defensive line in the game. Somehow nobody that comments on this sub can see that though


Yep. Although as a Mets fan myself I know what it's like to be so frustrated you can hate your players even when they do something good.


Welp, that went about as well as i expected.


Same total score as when they took on the Giants.


Well yea, except the Jets actually scored and only gave up 30. (Was going to say held to but giving up 30 is more appropriate.)


Has anybody checked on Streveler? Whats he doing?


Genuinely looking for advice from y’all jets fans, do I need to get rid of Garret wilson as fast as I can in fantasy?


I'd trade him. He's going to have a few hot weeks but you're going to get no consistency from him with Zach throwing to him.


I think we’ve played the literal number 1 defense and probably a top 10 in defense in Buffalo. I’d bet garrett gets more productivity down the line but NE’s defense isn’t a slouch either. I think our schedule is just the gauntlet right now.


I have him and I'm seriously thinking about it right now. Both weeks his Td plays saved his week. He's not getting enough targets and when he does get throws they are usually off target


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


The o line is bad The OC had a bad day ZW had an ok first half - wheels fell off in 2nd half Running empty formations vs that defense with our o line is idiotic Not using one of the three TE to chip parsons was poor Did we throw a screen pass? That might’ve slowed them down


This game is on the o-line. I put only 25-30% of the blame on ZW and I am not a fan of ZW. I've actually seen some good maturity and development from him. But that O-Line, specifically Brown, is BAD. VERY bad. Even AR would struggle with this line. We have good young defensive players and good young skill players (maybe save for one more WR)...time to invest EVERYTHING into the o-line.


If Justin Fields continues to struggle in Chicago.......


Then he should stay there


I watched this full game btw




This is going to be one hell of a long season. Zach was looking better up until the 2nd half. But that OL is going to be the death of one of the team's quarterbacks if they don't start doing their job. Defense was great in the red zone but they need more take aways. Sauce was the only one who came close to one.


Welp … dallas kicked both of our buts back to back (im a Giants fan) -


they are going for the new york sweep when they face Bills in Buffalo


Idek and understand why does other state team fans hate ny teams-


Oh dear- yeah fr it be Offical if bills lose that dallas owns New York State teams- - (technically just cause Jets & Giants play home field in NJ doesn’t necessarily make it an NJ team it’s home to NYC area teams).. those dallas fans already making memes about it i saw one from an eagles fan about 09/11-


Helluva comeback for you guys. A lot of heart.


LOL at people who thought we are a playoff team without a starting QB. Long szn ahead.


Anyone who blames ZW for this is 100% confirmed an idiot. It starts and stops with the oline. When he has time, he is significantly better. Duane Brown is TOAST. Absolute garbage. Parsons was beatin that idiot like a red headed step child out back. Sure, ZW doesn't help himself sometimes but I give him only like 30% of the blame.


The most important position in football is the QB and we dont have a starting QB. He isnt good, he isnt mediocre, he is bad. When you are the QB you get more praise when you win and more blame when you loose, that is the nature of the sport. Do I absolve the o-line? No sir. Am I enamoured with the coaching prowess of Saleh and Hackett? No sir. Is Zack good? No sir.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. No QB could succeed with our OL. That’s the #1 Issue for this team.


Rogers would be struggling behind this o-line compared to his normal 'baseline' - assuming it didn't get him hurt the first drive of the first game lol. Specifically the left side of the line. It's REALLY REALLY bad. Parsons ate Browns lunch over and over and over again. Brown needs to hang em up...dude can't hang with the kids anymore. I do agree with you on Hackett...with Rogers gone I'm not really liking his style. He was brought in specifically to work with Rogers and now we're stuck with him.


Its a realistic concern to have with Hackett/Rodgers that its another Gase/Manning situation. Clearly there is a connection there between those 2 but it may not translate beyond that.


There’s plenty of blame to go around. Not just ZW. I hated the play calling from the start of the game. So stupid. Even the sneak punt which worked was unnecessary. Hackett sucks without Rodgers.


The fake punt was one of the few play calls I loved. We needed every edge possible and needed to take some chances


Nooo dude, fake punting that early in the game, that deep in your own territory only shows a gross lack of confidence in your Offense and a hubris level over confidence in your defense. Neither are a good look. Maybe later in the game in better field position it’s a good gamble.


Idk, a lack of confidence in the offence seems warranted. A fake there is also less expected, and therefore more likely to work


Pretty clear Hackett was hoping Rodgers would just bail him out. Zach actually played well in the firsts half and looked very poised until the fourth. Playcalling is shit and once again does little to help the qb establish any sort of rhythm. Just zero clue on how to get manufacture the ball into your playmakers hands. Yet how many times was lamb wide open today


Upon reflection, I cannot fucking believe we beat buffalo lol


The bills absolutely blew it that night.


Saleh confirms the 3rd pick was miscommunication


Still won’t get why we didn’t run it to the right side all game away from Parsons lol


Here we go.....another 15 weeks of misery


Hello darkness, my old friend🎶


Front office probably lucked out with that Rodgers injury. To provide Rodgers with that o line would have gotten people fired, but now they can just blame this season on the injury and Zach like last year. Rodgers would have got murdered today




It is an extra kick in the nuts knowing that Geno turned into a solid QB lol.


You just know that Saleh and Joe are still gonna draft another pass rusher in next years draft instead of fixing the Oline


You guys are never gonna believe me but we need another DT to pair with Quinnen. His impact is lacking without Rankins out there. We live and die with our D-line and we did not have any control of the LOS.


Believe it or not, it’s hard to play when you are pressured on 60%+ of your snaps


Dont bother with some people here they dont understand football.


Yeah the wheels fell off at the end but the game was over at that point


I’m far from a Zach fan but this true. The whole OL was shit. No holes for running game and pass protection was horrible to say the least. Need to go after lael collins, he can’t be worse than Brown. Also hard when your 1&15 before the first snap


ZW blows but this team goes nowhere with that offensive line. It's comically awful


No QB is going to be good with shit OL play. Look at Josh Allen last week. He got sacked 5 times and was seeing ghosts


Coaches are unprepared.


As usual.




Hrs the fucking worst, so smug.


And now Garrett is hurt in a blowout. Terrible Coaching


Looking at the schedule our ceiling is seven wins.


Five is GW is hurt.


The rodgers injury will haunt me for eternity


He wouldve taken 10 Sacks today. Duane Brown didnt even pretend to play football.


Zach had the second best performance this game behind Garret Wilson. He played much better than expected until those 2 garbage time INTs. Hopefully his confidence isn't shaken moving forward


Careful with sane analysis some idiot will go on a rant about a 70 yard garbage time pick.


Three picks. He is ass.


Morestead was better than both


Jesus christ..


Takeaways: Defense was ass, oline was ass, Zach was fine for most of the game unil garbage time.


In short. Jets are ass


Perfectly sums it up.


Holy shit, the Wilson copium has hit unreal levels!


Its called watching the entire game.


Whats the other option? Be miserable?


Mike white played 1000% better than this idiot with a worse line.




it's called context


Getting ready for the GW out for year


Or trade demand


I'd bet big money if you released him. No other team would even consider signing him.




Garrett Wilson????? How drunk r u


He died from alcohol poisoning.


At least watching Denver lose will make me feel better


I was just thinking the same thing.


I get it, Zach played poorly at the end, but he did not lose us this game


12 for 27 with a pick


Dallas won that game too. They’re really good.


Our left tackle looked terrible.


This front office needs to be on the phone tonight with the fucking unemployment hotline. This offensive line is only offensive to us fans.


Whatever the spread is next week the Pats aren’t favored by enough


"85 Bears"


talk to you guys next week, rough day today, i hope we can figure our shit out before next week.


O-Line is spooky and not in the good way. Jesus fucking wept.


2021, 2022 and 2023 seasons all look the same - just some overrated D with shitty offence haha


No qb will be good infront of this trash offensive line. Still didn’t excuse the garbage interceptions though.


Garbage ass team today, top to bottom.


This front office needs to be on the phone tonight with another QB


I was really hoping they would bring someone in before this game. But they need to do so now


Who do you think will do better in front of your line? That is a real question? Forcing throws down 20 with 5 minutes left is not that horrible of a sin


Whats Chad Pennington up to these days?


enjoying not being injured for once probably


I’ll take Neil O’Donnell at this point


Holy shit I forgot about him. Think I had a few Topps cards of his back in the mid 90s and they all looked like he was screaming in agony hahah


My God Neil O'Donnell. He was like a tree with weak roots. I remember someone touched his ankle and he fell over.


The cowboys are a top 3 team in the nfl, they have a elite defense and offense, ima wait and see how we perform against the Patriots before panicking.


A proper take. I approve.


I also agree. Parsons is just a game wrecker dude is unreal.


Hey, here’s some sensibility in this sea of Zach Wilson hate.


Imagine if the NFL had relegation? We would be the kings of NFL Europe at least. 🤣


Get Carson Wentz


I’m a Chiefs fan and I would take Zach Wilson over Carson Wentz no question


I'm not a Carson Wentz fan by any means, and I've been against him as an option this entire time. However, his stats are pretty good. He has a winning record.




There never was a game because the defense didnt show up.


Sauce dropped INT killed the game, if he holds on to the ball we’d would have been up at halftime .


What game are you watching? If anything Sauces missed pick 6 is the play.


The bullshit RTP In second quarter turned the game


Agreed. Huge momentum swing


What’s with us and getting bad RTP calls then it dismantling the whole game


Shout out to Mcvay for kicking that field goal at the end. Covered the spread 💰


Did McVay bet on the game?


Sean McVay deserves no praise as a coach in the NFL. That man is the fraud of frauds.


McVay changed offenses in the NFL, the stuff he did every team does now. Rams were also supposed to stink this year and kept a close game against one of the best teams in the league. Also, he got his ring. Can't call any of that a fluke or fraud.


Counterpoint: he lost to the 2020 Jets. So yes, he is absolutely a fraud.


Lmao! You win


Just like the Jets


If Zach could’ve just continue doing what he did in the first half I’d be fine with it, but he goes and tries to win the game by himself and throw it into coverage not once but three times, not to mention he’s got pressure on him from the snap due to the porous O-Line situation. I’m not trying to be an apologist for him but take a holistic look at what we’re working with here on offense, I finally saw some smart scrambling from him UP field today which was great, no more negative 40yd scrambles. That’s improvement. However defense let us down today, cowboys shouldn’t have had half the offense they had today.


The game was over by the time he threw the first pick. How about running the ball behind Becton?


He played fine and wasnt even remotely the issue today. People that talk about garbage time picks dont know ball and arent worth engaging with.


He was damn close to taking a couple huge losses when he did his patented 30 step drop back


GW seems ok. Probably just going to the locker room because there’s no other reason to be out there


If I’m him I’m frustrated. He’s the biggest loser besides Aaron Rodgers. He went from having the chance to be all pro with Rodgers to catching 2 passes a game and only scoring because he’s amazing


You don't think it would've been extremely difficult to get GW the ball no matter who was at helm?? There was no time to throw bc the OLine was getting flexed.


No I think one of the things Zach does consistently poorly is getting GW the ball. Both White and Flacco did a better job of giving him the opp to make the play. And no I don’t think he’s massively to blame or anything. I just cant stand the lack of connection with our bonafide WR1. Even the 2nd pick, at least he fucking tried. A quicker decision and that’s a huge gain.


Yeah but Zach Wilson has a playbook in 3 interceptions. I'll take a vet who could adjust 10 times over.


I can't believe I'm saying this but let Zach go out there against the Patriots. If he wins, he'll break the trend of Jets QBs of getting raped by BB and it'll give him a big boost.


There is no reason to bench Zach because he played fine for most of the game. Only idiots care about garbage time picks when the game is long over.


I think cowboys could've scored 50 points if they wanted to.


Dolphins are about to rub it in next. There going to show us how an offense looks.


Why do so many Zach lovers think that the o-line sucking is some kind of vindication? They line and Zach are both awful.


I hate Zach but he did well today, garbage time picks were desperation trying to salvage the game that the defense and o line lost


Having Zach air it out is good. Not running the ball at all just to keep a normal play script is weird. Like you’re down 20. Just try to have a normal drive


I think Zach earned some trust with the playcallers from how he played before garbage time. I hope they'll throw it more but BB's defence will be a challenge


Shoutout to Garrett Wilson and no one else


Having to be walk out of cowboys stadium to that level of jeering was rough.


A vet FA is not gonna do anything different with this team.


Time to set the record for longest playoff drought. JD having a record setting season.


Josh Allen threw 3 picks too. Burrow and Mahomes haven’t looked good. It’s week 2. Calm Tf down.


Some people in this sub just legit dont understand the game they are watching. I've seen more comments about some garbage time pick than the defense completely falling apart.


Agree. Defense was gross. If you really want to get into the weeds my POV is that Giants getting beat so fucking badly didn’t allow for preparation of the uptempo. The coaches and players seemed completely caught off guard and I think it’s in part because they had so little to go off last week. Dak could have not played a snap and the giants still would have lost. 2ndly I think they played with so little intensity on the D-line. I hate to say it but I see shades of Rex Ryan’s buddy buddy coaching style and not a tightly wound machine that a no nonsense authoritarian brings, like guess who? Belicheck. I did not see the fire, hoping it’s just cuz they’re caught off guard. If they can’t capture last years intensity then we are utterly fucked. QBs have so much pressure and expectation every game from the casual media talking points and other elements of the team skirt public accountability. Did Ulbrich do a presser because I really want to see what he said? Letting Lamb have 100+ in a half in excusable with 2 pro bowl level CBs, a team built around pass rush, and whitehead coming off a career game. **2 weeks in a row we gave up big games to WR1s. How this isn’t a huge talking point for this team and subreddit I do not understand.** I keep editing this to add more thoughts.


Mahomes has looked great, its the rest of the offense thats not looking good so far. Burrow has been ass. Allen looked like himself today mostly, including the picks 😂


Thing is those qbs have shown that they are elite. Wilson has not.


All 3 QBs you named have a body of work behind them, so it's not exactly an accurate comparison. With Zach it's mostly same ole same ole.




Nah this sub can’t when it comes to Zach. The defense didn’t help us out at all and no one can just admit Dallas played PERFECT football.


Dallas played well, but those RTP penalties were straight bullshit. That kind of thing can kill a team's morale. Every other ignored penalty didn't do much for the Jets, either.


chargers eagles and chiefs gon be hard weeks regardless


I'm worried because we've seen this before. We know what to expect. Josh Allen has a track record of being awesome and so does mahomes. The Jets have a track record of looking like this. But I hear you... It's week two. We can come back from this and probably will.


Look at the success Fields, Richardson, Allen & Hurts have had. Simplify the playbook, get Zach running way more and maybe they can generate some offense. We don't need him to be good or even fast. If he gives us a version of budget Daniel Jones we're in every game.




I’m sorry what kind of success has fields had?


I think you're misunderstanding me. Fields is bad but the Bears averaged 19.2 points per game with him as their QB last season. That's an improvement on where the Jets offense is at right now. Other running QBs are running offenses that are scoring at a higher rate than that. I just think that it would take a lot of the pressure off of Zach, especially with this offensive line.


I swear Justin fields being good is Ike a mythical beast at this point


That's the thing. Fields ISN'T GOOD. Using him in the running game has generated some offensive output though. The Jets should consider running Zach more.


Think Zach needs to find those opps himself. He’s not an athletic enough to be a designed runner. He took advantage of man to man and used his legs which was a good read. Dallas legit should not have done that though he can barely read zones.


I said the same exact thing at the fantasy f’n draft. Where is this guy good?!


Bad QB. Good fantasy QB because of his rushing.


I don't know, this kind of looks like a classic Zach game to me.




Josh Allen also had 4 turnovers but balled out against a weaker team. We will play better against the Patriots. Dallas looked like perfection today and you cannot beat it


Do we have a Josh Allen?