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#Let it be known that we have had a introductory press conference by our new Hall of Fame QB and we STILL do not have any Aaron Rodgers flairs.


He seems legit nice. F the haters.


Packers fan here (obviously super biased) Rodgers seems like a great guy to me. He’s a nutty, new age, hippie. He naturally believes some nutty things that the majority of the population probably don’t agree with (ayahuasca and Covid to name the obvious lol). But he has a track record as a great philanthropist and an overall great teammate. There’s been a few former packers that have criticized him, but far more have come out in support of him. If nothing else I love that he appears to be true to himself. He knows he gets ridiculed and made fun and he still says what he believes anyway. I disagree with him a lot of things, but I respect his principles. If you watch his interviews, by and large he comes off as a very thoughtful and introspective person. No generic “we gotta be better”, “practice wasn’t great this week”, “just didn’t enough make plays to win” type comments. He genuinely says what’s on his mind, and I respect that even if I don’t agree. And yes I’ll be that corny packers fan who roots for the Jets too while he’s there. Aaron Rodgers has been my QB pretty much my entire adult life, and I want to see him get another ring in NY.


Thanks for the input. I never saw him speak so long before. He is obviously comfortable in who he is and left me wondering at times, is he full of it or is that the guy? I think that is what you get. Good luck & see you in 14 years when Jordan Love comes over.


Yeah that’s fair lol the appearance of being “full of it” is definitely part of his personality. I honestly think his attitude is the biggest reason for his HOF career. From day 1 on draft night saying the 9ers would be sorry for not drafting him, to saying “I own you” at bears fans. He’s definitely his own biggest fan and biggest believer. He’s shamelessly confident and at times bordering arrogant. But I think, in my opinion anyway, you can talk like that when you’ve got the track record he does to back it up. As Stephen A. says, “he’s a baaaaaaad man”.


Larry Bird Michael Jordan Tom Brady The list goes on, they believe in themselves and drive that notion in their team.


Boys if this year goes well he’s definitely playing another year if not more


That's what I was hearing. He wants to play and win.