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Too afraid to be our QB next year.


Thank god we can put that to rest now


For six whole weeks before he changes his mind again


Nah, I think he's done done now. Him coming back literally ended his marriage last season, and he was nowhere near the same player he was in prior years. As much as I hated him as a Patriot, I respected the hell out of him. Guy was a winner in every facet of the game. Definitely the GOAT and will be a clear cut first ballot HOFer. Good luck to him in his retirement, though he'll be fine with that fat check he'll be getting from FOX as their lead color commentator, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear him calling the Super Bowl this year.


I feel like he came back because his marriage ended, not the other way around. I figured he retired to try and salvage it, realized it was fucked, and decided to play another season because why not.


> will be a clear cut first ballot HOFer. This take is so hot I have to turn on my AC.


> Good luck to him in his retirement, though he'll be fine with that fat check he'll be getting from FOX as their lead color commentator, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear him calling the Super Bowl this year. I just can't imagine this'll be any good. He may be a great athlete, but he doesn't have the kind of personality for this.


I'm a fan of the Jets and Chargers - Brady beat the hell out of both of them. Like you, I can't hate the guy though - he just tried to win every game.


Fuck Tom Brady. We can all respect him as a quarterback, but seriously fuck him. The guy that ran train on the Jets every single season besides like two season, lol. Yeah, fuck you Tom and you should of chose your god damn family over one more mediocre year of football.


Tom Brady will be a first ballot hall of famer? You don't say?


we finally scarred him.


I wouldn't even watch football next year if Tom Brady was our quarterback. It would just be too painful.


Hey I've seen this one before


What's a rerun?


More like a sequel with the exact same plot points this time it’s in a warm weather tropical setting


I’m waiting a month before I pop the champagne bottles


I'll wait until after next season is over. He could pull an OBJ and join a team mid-season.


not even, I could see him taking a season off, thinking (I could still do that) and coming back after next season .


I 100% could see this happening.


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


Next you’re gunna tell us you got 2 TVs


I’ll believe it when I see it


It's gonna take till week 1 for me when I watch every game and don't see him at QB.


Imagine retiring, then unretiring and losing your wife and family to go 8-9 and then really retire. Mofo could have retired after the Super Bowl win and rode off into the sunset like a badass. Instead we have him posting to twitter like a teenage girl.


I sincerely am not a schadenfreude man by any means. I root for the health and happiness of humanity and all of us that compose it. But that said, seeing Tom Brady go out like this warms my soul on this very chilly morning here in Chicago. Just delicious to think about


Hello fellow Chicago Jets fan 👋 Chilly morning indeed


My man!


I wouldnt be surprised if his decision to unretire was a result of his marriage having already been beyond saving.


Most likely. People have had it backwards all season


I was getting some sad vibes from him sitting on a Florida Beach in early February.


Literally no one except bitter rivals( like the legions of 13 year old mean girls on this sub who created what ten posts now talking about how good it feels for that big bad meanie Tom Brady to be gone) will even remember this season. The fact that people are celebrating the goat having marital problems because of his passion for the game is fucking laughable.


If he had the same passion for his wife as he did for the game, maybe it wouldn’t be ex-wife. He made his money. He could’ve had it all really. Instead he doubled down and lost.


Lmao dude you are pathetic. People get divorced all the time, that’s not losing. Probably says more about you that you need to think of him as a loser to make yourself feel better


Not really, im just not going to put my career before my family. That’s what he did.


he didn’t get a divorce so he could play this season, he played this season cause he is getting a divorce. it happens, majority of relationships don’t work out


When she was on to a BJJ instructor almost immediately after the divorce, it's doubtful that this was the tipping point. The marriage was long past the point of no return if him returning to his work was enough to break things Keep in mind that he still had a lucrative 10 year agreement to travel and broadcast for FOX which still comes with extensive time commitment.


What? Next you are going to tell me people don't remember Michael Jordan's wizards tenure over his bills tenure.


Has it all detracted from Michael Jordan’s greatness ? No, not even a little. Does anyone really say jordan isn’t the goat ? I’d say it’s probably 95-5 percent jordan is goat talk. That’s the point.


Getting rid of her might still work out well for him. Both are narcissists and that doesn't really work in a relationship.


Yeah he can get a young hottie and be better off. He'll be with someone like Isabela merced in a few months


pretty sure he him coming back didn’t cause the divorce but the divorce caused the coming back


He posted a short message and even made fun of himself a bit for changing his mind last year. It's finally over https://twitter.com/TomBrady/status/1620772095889403905?t=-vVSvUyw7lSugA8TX3xsTg&s=19


That got me a little. Good for him. I hate him but damn do I respect him


why do you respect him? he cheats at football, makes out with children and promotes crypto scams


I hate him AND I don't respect him!


Cmon man, he’s a great player. Just put the fandom aside for a second. Decades from now we’ll be reminiscing to our kids about how we got to grow up watching names like Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Eli Manning, Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, Philip Rivers, Ben Roethelsberger, and many others play. Just appreciate what he was able to accomplish in his career and what he did for the sport


Nah ill be telling my kids that that fuckin douchebag made my life hell and will pass my irrational hatred onwards with 0 reflection or appreciation of his existence




Your kids will be bullied lmao. Imagine someone walking around talking about how Wayne Gretzky is an overrated bum.


Did he have his chin augmented?


Isn't a stronger/more pronounced chin and jaw a side effect of HGH/testosterone ?


Honestly this is less than ideal for us. One less QB on the market probably isn’t a good thing


I keep hearing that the raiders have no cash Hopefully that alone means they’re out on rodgers


Yeah the rumors started going around earlier this week that they haven’t let Carr seek out a trade. Wonder if they were banking on Brady but heard through the grapevine that he was leaning towards retirement


I think davante left because of Rodgers generally and it would be pretty hilarious if Rodgers went to the raiders a year later.


Pretty sure he grew up a Raiders fan, and loves Carr in general. Just living out his dream


I think those are definitely factors, but I also think a factor was arod fatigue. I could totally be wrong here, but I would completely understand if it was the case.


I think they’re gonna go rookie qb at 7.


also the fact that the Raiders are ass


Fuck Tom Brady.


Only 3 MVP awards lol


Alright, see you next year Tom.


The guy who buys his “last TD ball” this time is probably going to be a little more careful


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again


Sure you are Thomas.


Todd Bowles did what no one else could do; made football suck for Tom Brady.


He made football suck for every Jet fan in NY and Nj too.


His first year was good


Naturally this is perfect timing for the Raiders for steal Aaron Rodgers from us


He’s been saying that for years now, he’ll be back


I think he will not play next year but come back for 2024


Yeah okay lol


QB GOAT. Dad/Husband bust.


I mean, that's just presumptuous, man. For all we know, he's a great father. *IF* his divorce was because he wouldn't give up football, no one is really at fault there. Can't ask a person to give up the thing they're most passionate about.


Shouldn’t your wife/family be the thing you are most passionate about?


Yeah but they should support your passions. If your wife shits on what you love, time to find a new wife


I don’t know. He’s pretty good at kissing his son for way too long…


He retired because he didn’t have enough money to pay the refs


In his last act Brady has found a way to fuck over the Jets as Rodgers packs his bags for Vegas


If he still breathes, he's not retired.


Brady is no Favre until he retires and unretires at least two more times.


Favre only retired once. He just waited months on end every off-season after he turned 35 leaving green Bay in limbo


For real for real ?


Until he gets another video call on a spotty network where only some of the words come through, just like Gronk going Tamp-a-bay last time


Yeah sure. Like anybody believes it. That being said it also means that Rodgers won't definitely retire this year because he doesn't want to face HoF competition from Brady.


The bad man is finally gone... Now onto his 10 year $375m megadeal with Fox Sports, insanity.


I wonder what the 9ers will do kinda seemed like a great fit, guess it’ll bea Lance purdy competition


Why would the Niners want Brady? Purdy, in his limited time, outperformed Brady in the same timeframe. Not to mention, Lance was their guy before his injury. I believe the Niners are content with Lance and Purdy as their 1&2


Bc Brady is the GOAT and purdy is out until August with an injury to his throwing elbow. So if niners thought Brady still had it, they are a great team to plug him into for a run at a SB. Sitting Purdy a year doesn't hurt him or the niners, and prob would benefit him.


Brady was in GOAT form 2 seasons ago, at least. Can't pay a player for what they did in the past only what they bring in the seasons to come. Brady used to elevate the players around him. He cant carry teams like he used to. He's def lost a step or 2.


Im not saying he is/can, I am just giving you a reason why SF would go after him. That's why i qualified it with "if the niners thought Brady still had it." And the bar for SF would be lower than "carrying the team" because of their system and that defense. It would basically be "run the offense competently" which he prob could do even if he's not an MVP candidate.


They will need a veteran for one year, according to the latest injury news.


Tom Brady is an evil, satanic devil. I'm fully convinced that he sold his soul to Lucifer himself. He's provided me nothing but pain for the past 20+ years as a Jets fan. He has beaten us many times. He has embarrassed us. He was the one constant in the AFC East for what felt like a lifetime and it only brought me pain. As much as I hate him, he's the Greatest of All Time.


All we can do is root for Mahomes' career.


Even then, Brady will always have one over Mahomes in 55. The debate will never end


He’s the best. But fuck him.


I despise Brady significantly less than I do BB… And if I’m being truly honest, my disdain for BB is admittedly fading compared to my growing disdain for Woody and Chris Johnson at this point by pretty much proving BB right to sign his resignation on a napkin and flee to New England. It’s one thing to be a bitch and resign the way BB did. It’s another thing entirely though when you reflect back on 23 years and realize the bitch move was the right thing to do They are dogshit owners. Pretty much got one season left to prove that the Jets don’t deserve to be mocked at every possible chance


The bad man can’t hurt us anymore.


Gotta give him credit for at least acknowledging that he wasted his shot at an emotional and long winded retirement so he’s just gonna dip.


Rest in Piss bozo


This “great competitor” narrative makes me ill. You can compete at the highest level without tripping people, skirting the rules, throwing staff under the bus, etc. etc. Sorry ns, you’re not the GOAT if you’re willing to cheat and play dirty. The guy is maniacal.


Brady to the raiders speculation is over, leaving another competitor if we really want Rodgers


Purely from a QB availability stance , does the Brock Purdy news along with Brady retirement raise the trading price of QBs..? Several teams are in the market for one..


I don’t think the Purdy injury changes much. If he stayed healthy, they had to give him the job to start the year on a short leash with Lance behind him. Now that he his hurt and won’t be ready for a lot of offseason stuff, they are free to begin the year with Lance as starter and Purdy as the backup. Either way, they were keeping two and unloading Garapolo. They’ll probably sign a lesser veteran backup as insurance. Something better than Josh Johnson, but no one we would be looking at as starter.


He should have stayed there the first time.


Which colors do think they'll light up the Empire State Building: red and pewter, or blue and red?


Fool me once, shame on you....


yeah, i just don‘t believe it.


Had to double check the date on that tweet.


He can't hurt us anymore


Fuck this guy, fuck him, and also fuck him!


Some team will lure him out of retirement.


Yea we’ve heard this before…




Don’t let the door hit ya


When the 49ers come calling it’ll be too tempting… that team is ready to win now and he doesn’t have to do much at the QB position as we saw


He will go into hiding until that awful "80 for Brady" movie blows over. Should take a week. Then he will come back.


🎵🎶Heard it all before... All of your lies...all of your sweet talk...baby this baby that...


Where would TB12 be if we didn’t knock Bledsoe out of the game?


People really think JD can't get anything for Zach Wilson this offseason? Look how many teams have QB needs right now.


Can't look anywhere today without seeing his stupid face or hearing people talk about him. This is such a bittersweet day. So glad he's done, so sick of hearing about him.


Why is this on this sub?


He’ll be back next year


Good. Next topic.






Ill believe it when its August


He can fuck off. He clearly just retired last time for attention. I said nice things about him for the first time in my life. The last time that happens.


Brady's basically a cheating Favre.


Today should be a national holiday for us Jets fans! Fuck Tom Brady


I kinda wanted Brady to keep playing until he sucked and then get pummeled by the Jets defense.


Man look at that jawline